The BirdCage Girl, Trapped

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I was on cloud nine.

An outing with my friends.

Obviously, I couldn’t stop my excitement.

At my old school, everyone thought of me as an honor student who’s done nothing but study.

But now that my image as an honor student is gone, I’ve made this many friends.

I’m looking forward to shopping for swimsuits and visiting the pool with them.

Honestly, I’m so excited that I couldn’t sleep.

It’s been one month since I got to know everyone.

It’s strange how time flies when you are having fun.

“I heard we are buying swimsuits right.”

“I heard the same.”

“Both of you! GO HOME!”

Juumonji-san, Akechi-san, and Madoka are arguing at the department store.

Still, rather than a fight, it seems more like they are joking around with each other.

“But I know Risa the best. If it’s picking a swimsuit for Risa then I’m the obvious choice!”

“It’s embarrassing so stop that already, Nii-san!”

Embarrassed by her brother’s sister complex, Risa admonished Juumonji-san.

“They can be a little loud but did you get used to them already?”

“Y, Yes! I am.”

Akechi-san was being considerate and talked to me.

I can’t help but think how nice he is when he shows me such kindness.

“Umm…., Akechi-san, are you dating Emi?”


Akechi-san turned his eyes to the ceiling and thinks.

Can I take the fact that he didn’t reply immediately that he’s not dating her?

“I can see why people think that we are dating but Emi and I are just childhood friends.”

“I see, childhood friends.”

“We live next to each other after all. Well, that’s how it is. I’m not dating anyone right now. Rather than me, don’t you think the Juumonjis are more suspicious though?”

“Eh? But they are siblings right?”

“Risa-chan is actually a brocon you know. She loves Takeru so much that she wants to date him.”


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Even though they always bicker like that!?

Risa loves Juumonji-san so much that she wants to date him!? That’s just too interesting!

“Oi, you delinquent over there! Don’t you try hogging my Towa to yourself!”

“Shut up you damn lesbian! You already have two so at least give me this much!”


This is a group where everyone is so different with no sense of unity whatsoever.

But they all get along so well that I don’t want to part ways with them.

I wish I could have met Akechi-san and Emi sooner.




“The money…….”

“It’s fine! Don’t worry about it.”


I felt extremely sorry that Madoka ended up paying for everyone’s swimsuits.

Whether when I tried to hand her the full amount, half amount, or even a thousand yen, she kept refusing to accept my money.

“Then if you are going to go that far then how about you treat us on the day we go to the pool. Like the pool fee, our lunch, and the locker fee, for example.”

“I will do that! Thank you very much!”

“Uuu…….I made you pay but you’re thanking me instead!? Are you an angel?”

“Please don’t start worshiping me……..”

For some reason, we ended up in such a situation.

Every one of the Madoka’s Harem is laughing at our exchange.

I can’t help looking forward to the pool day.









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I was hit on the cheek.

“Towa, it seems you are having too much fun lately aren’t you.”


When my father learned that I went out to buy swimsuits with my friends, he was furious.

“Why do you think we’ve moved all the way here? Didn’t I tell you it was for you to distance yourself from your friends?”

“……you did.”

“Stop caring so much about making friends and just study.”

“I’ve been doing that!”

When I argued back, my cheek was slapped again.

“Your mother told me. You’ve been coming home late these days even though you didn’t join any club at school right?”

“I, I was studying at school…….”

“I didn’t see any trace of your so-called study in your textbook though…….?”


In my father’s hand was one of the textbooks from my bag.

My mother tried to side with me and reason with him.

However, my father hit her as well.

“Right now you don’t need any friends. Something like that you can just find one later.”

“No, I don’t want that! I like the friends I have now!!”

“I don’t want you to know what it feels like to fail an exam like me, Towa! You understand that I only want the best for you right?”

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“……I don’t! Failing the exam was Dad’s fault for being stupid right! I’ve already studied enough!”

“You little-!”

I was hit over and over again.

My father slapped my cheeks so many times that even my mother who was observing the situation in a daze intervened.

“U….., Uuuu……”

“What friends!? Wasting my money on swimsuits!? I forbid you from going to the pool!”

The moment my father grabbed the paper bag with the swimsuits Madoka bought me, my mind turned blank.

But I still shouted at him.




He ripped the swimsuits apart.

The paper bag was also torn……..

The fun I had with my friends today was treated like a piece of garbage…….

“I’m setting a curfew. If you don’t get home by 5 pm on weekdays then you get no food, no bath, and no bed! I’ve got your key here. I won’t even let you into my house! Your mother will monitor you from now on!”


After saying that, my father leaves the room.

After he left, my mother apologized to me.

I was torn away from the friends I made in elementary school, and now I’m forbidden from making friends at all…….







Just what is the point of my life?

Does it belong to my father…….?





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Somebody…, break open this birdcage…..!








When I started to cry, the words of my friends came to my mind.

[[Yes, Towa! Nice to meet you! Feel free to talk to me when you’re troubled, okay!]]

It was the words of the girl who gave me the chance to make more friends.






And now, I am troubled.

I wonder if anything will change if I try talking to Emi…….







She’s unrelated to all this.

But if I consult her, then maybe Akechi-san and the others can help me find a solution.

Thinking so, I decided to consult Emi.

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