Got a little sick so the release was delayed lol.

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This week we have one long extra chapter and two main story chapters.


Extra Chapter: The Twisted Friendship

This is Hideyori and Takeru of the game’s timeline.

It contains the detail of the relationship between the two with nothing to do with the reincarnated timeline.


As I walk down the hallway, 3 fools are walking my way in a row from the other end.

I rolled my eyes at their stupid laugh and just keep on walking quietly.

So damn disgusting…….., while I was repulsed by their idiotic conduct, my shoulder bumped into the long hair guy on their rightmost.


Probably look like this

“Ah, my bad.”


When I tried to walk away without saying anything while wondering how blind these halfwits are, one of them shouted [Oi], and grabbed my shoulder.

“The heck you think you are?”

“You bumped into my friend here right! You apologize too! Are you looking down on us, fool!?”

“It’s not like your guy was so sincere when he apologized right? Rather, it’s you idiots’ fault for taking up so much space in the corridor in the first place.”

“Aah!? That’s your own problem since you don’t have any friends right! You jealous of us or something!”

“Take your hand off him, man! The germs on this loner will get on you.”

I started feeling the urge to kill the long hair guy whose hand is still grabbing my uniform.

I was seriously considering killing them or playing with them using my Gift when……



A guy dashed up to the guy who was grabbing my uniform.

I almost couldn’t resist the urge to tell him not to run in the hallway.

“This guy is a little anti-social! I’m so sorry that he bothered you, senpais!”

“Oi, Tak—…….”

“I will discipline him myself so he won’t be bothering you again, please let him off this time!”

When I tried to say something, he apologized in an even louder voice and interrupted me.

What the hell are you trying to pull here?

I glared at Takeru with that thought in mind.

“Tsk, Fine. This is a pain, I will let you off this time.”

“Thank you very much, senpais!”

“I’m going to steal your girlfriend.”

“You shut up!”

Takeru shouted over my light parting words.

The three idiots glared at me and Takeru before walking away at a fast pace.

“Seriously, that almost turned into a fistfight you know!”

“Fine by me, I don’t feel like losing anyway.”

“I know that you are strong but taking on 3 at once would still be too much for you right.”

“Hah, that should be just right for a handicap.”


I could just make them do anything I want with my Gift anyway.

It looks like he’s going to give me a sermon again.

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Just how nosy can this guy be.

My Gift doesn’t work on him.

That seriously irritated me so I will make sure to kill him someday.

“Tsk…..Damn hypocrite. Don’t think I owe you anything for this alright, idiot!”

“Oi, Hideyori!”


I didn’t want to listen to his sermon so I decided to escape.

After all, Takeru’s sermon is usually so damn long and it’s a waste of time.

In a case like this, the best solution is to just ignore him and run away.

A few days later.

When I walk down the corridor to attend the physical education class with Takeru, I see a male student getting caught up with several idiots like how I was the other day.



When I walk to the side to avoid them, Takeru nonchalantly walks after me.

The guy was already in tears.

My eyes alternate between him and Takeru before I raise my voice.

“You’re not going to help him, Mr.Hypocrite?”

“Ha? Why would I?”

With [The hell are you saying?] face, Takeru said with a frown.

“And I’m not a hypocrite alright. I did what I did back then because it was you. That’s why I’m not a hypocrite at all.”

He said that he’s not a hypocrite twice to emphasize it.

“What? You helped because it was me? Stop looking down on me you brat.”

“Aside from you and Risa, I’m willing to abandon anyone. The people who I want to protect are the ones that are important to me after all. Or what? You want me to help him? Doesn’t that make you a hypocrite yourself?”


“Don’t just push your ideals on me, man.”

Quickening my pace, I walked away from the crying male student and headed to the class.

“I’m going to steal your girlfriend.”

“Too bad for you, I don’t have a girlfriend yet! A shame isn’t it!”

“What, you’re still a vir–……”

“Joking about that is no good you know! Besides, even you should still be a vi–.”


“Eh? You, di, did, did you…….?”


“I LOS~T.”


Takeru held his head and screamed.

This guy seriously has no experience huh……

“Eh? When? Tell me all about it! Why did you not say anything until now!?”

“There’s no way I can just bring it up right……”

Takeru grabbed my gym clothes to support himself.

Somehow, I feel sorry for him……..

“When was the last time you did it!?”

“Last week.”

“…… And you nonchalantly came to school after that?”

“I just walked to school with you and Emi like usual 3 hours after I left her though.”

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“……eh? You didn’t do it with Sasaki?”

“That’s your question?”

I casually replied in a normal tone like I was asking him for today’s weather.

On the other hand, Takeru was staring at me in shock so it was a little awkward for me.

“As someone who’s already done it, give me some advice.”

“Don’t put on your clothes as soon as you’re done. They will hate you.”

“Eh? What do you mean?”


A question mark floated on Takeru’s head.

Rather, maybe I should give him some fake advice so that it would end as a disaster for him huh.

“Ha, it seems this is too early for you.”

“But I will have a girlfriend someday right!”

“And when is that someday? I’m going to steal her.”

“Even if Hideyori stole my girlfriend, I will win her back with my charm! Haha, I won’t lose.”

“Go to hell.”

This guy is so pathetic and useless.

It’s like he’s my antithesis.

It’s a shame that we will never be able to understand each other.

“Your mouth’s still rotten as always………no wonder why you can’t make any friends aside from me.”

“I don’t need friends. People will always betray each other. If I’m going to be betrayed then I’d rather be alone. I don’t need you either.”

“Now you are acting like a coward, Hideyori. Whenever you get entangled with some weird guys, I will always help you. Even if you tell me a hundred times that you don’t need me, I will help you 101 times.”


Why is this guy so good at irritating me?

Saying it like that would only make me want your help right……..

Emotions that I can never express started to circulate in my mind.

“I will never help you. Even if you get yourself in trouble, I will just laugh at you instead.”

“Fine by me. But even if Hideyori abandons me a hundred times, I will still help you a hundred times more.”

“How one-sided. Like hell I will accept your help.”

I hate Takeru.

Even when I tried to make it clear how much I hate him and pushed him away, his annoying face would still nonchalantly show up at my side.

I hate him so much that I want to kill him.

“Like~~, OMG, I can’t stand how much of a child he is. Hideyori-kun is younger but you’re way, way, way more of a grown-up than him.”
(TLN: Kindly insert valley girl accent please)

“Hahaha, you are being too mean to him Yuna. Well, that long hair idiot was pretty much an elementary schooler though.”


I stole the girlfriend of the long hair senpai that bumped into me the other day and right now we are casually wandering around the hotel district.

She’s pretty much covered in her perfume and makeup so she’s not exactly my type but at least her boobs were huge.


This maybe?

With both her arms wrapping around my right arm, she’s laughing as we aimlessly walk around.

“I love how strong you are, Hideyori.”

“Want to do it again today?”

“We can!?”

It’s a holiday so I’ve been indulging in my debauchery.

I’ve already made a guy handle all my homework so I’m totally free right now.

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“Ah, look at that Hideyori.”


“That guy, he’s trying to protect a girl but he’s only gotten himself beat up instead. So friggin lame.”


Turning my eyes to where Yuna is pointing, I certainly spotted a man being punched by a burly guy and a girl standing behind him.

The girl seems like she is screaming something so I tried getting closer.

“Kyahaha, that guy can’t even fight back isn’t he.”

“………Takeru……? Risa-chan?”

“What, Hideyori? You know that lame guy?”

“Ha? The hell are you saying?”


“That guy’s lame? …….I’ve never seen a guy cooler than him.”

My mind went white.

Pure white.

Even though we didn’t make any plans together this holiday, he still managed to show up and irritated the sh*t out of me.

I shook my arm off Yuna and headed toward Takeru.

She was saying something but it didn’t register in my ears.

“Apologize, to Risa.”


I get closer to Takeru and the man.

From behind, Risa-chan screamed [Akechi-kun!?]

“[You are the one that needs to fu*k off you damn gorilla].”


“[Jump in front of a car and die].”

The baldy gorilla-like burly man who was hitting Takeru was compelled to follow my [Dominating Decree] and ran away from me and Takeru.

Both Takeru and Risa looked at me in surprise.


“Haha, look at you. That guy probably said something to Risa-chan and you just snapped right? Pathetic. Can you really protect me when you can’t even fight off that guy?”

“……I can.”


He was beaten and his face is covered in mud.

In a hurry, Risa-chan runs up to her brother.

“Akechi-kun, thank you very much for saving my brother!”

“I didn’t save anyone. I just came over to laugh at his sorry ass. Also, you look awful. Looking at your beaten-up face would just sour my mood so I’m going home.”

“Hideyori……, thanks.”

“I didn’t help you.”

“Haha, you did though……”

“Don’t you dare grin at me like that.”

I turn my back on Takeru and Risa-chan.

Although I’ve already seen their faces so many times, I don’t want to look at them right now.

Since I’d already finished making fun of them, I went back to Yuna.

“H, H, Hideyori? That guy just got hit by a car.”

“An evildoer will eventually receive their divine punishment right.”

Was I talking about the dead gorilla?

Or was I talking about myself?

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I don’t know.

I turned my eyes to the sky as I kept on walking while listening to the sound of an ambulance siren approaching.

What kind of ending is waiting for me I wonder?

When the time comes, I wonder what kind of face he will make.

——the face of a saddened Takeru came to my mind but I immediately laughed it off and erased it from my head……..

TLN: Here’s the Author’s note so I will summarize it.

Hideyori’s feelings toward Takeru in the game were quite complicated.

Because of the abuse he suffered at his uncle’s hands, he’s extremely suspicious of other human beings and only trusts those he’s used his Gift on.

Since Takeru can not be affected by his Gift, he’s become the object of fear inside Hideyori.

At the same time, he also holds various feelings toward him such as jealousy, longing, and awe.

However, despite the fact that he did not use his Gift on him, Takeru called himself his best friend and would be the first one to offer his hand whenever he was going through a hard time. That’s why deep inside, Hideyori truly trusts Takeru.

The more he comes to like Takeru, the more his hatred grows.

The more his hatred grows, the more he comes to like Takeru.

Such was the contradiction inside him.

While Takeru is the guy Hideyori hates the most in this world, Hideyori is the guy Takeru likes the most. (Even when compared to Risa and the heroines, his love toward Hideyori is still the strongest.)

That was the complex feeling Akechi Hideyori has toward Takeru in the original storyline.

In addition, Takeru called himself Hideyori his best friend until the end.

Even in the routes that he himself murdered Hideyori like in Risa’s route, Takeru did not stop calling himself Hideyori’s best friend.

The void Hideyori left with his death could never be filled by the heroines, his children, or his family……

Although both of them call each other their best friend, they never manage to reconcile and Hideyori would always meet his end in every route of [Breaking the Chain of Sadness].

He would not have to be so lonely if Takeru didn’t have his [Anti-Gift].

However, without [Anti-Gift], Hideyori wouldn’t have taken interest in him in the first place.

In a sense, since their first meeting, it was already destined that the two of them would be met with a bad end.

Q: Why does Takeru like Hideyori so much?

A: It was like love at first sight for Takeru. After all, Hideyori looks like Takeru’s ideal image of a man.

His mean look was like an arrow to his heart.

Even in the novel timeline, Takeru just can’t find himself saying anything strongly toward Hideyori because of that.

This is what the original timeline and the novel timeline have in common.

Q: Why was Hideyori so hated by the players? Wouldn’t the players like the anti-hero trope instead?

A: He was not popular as an anti-hero.

The reason was that the game did not describe what was going on in his mind at all.

In other words, the players simply can not sympathize with him.

Another reason is that although he always does some scummy things behind everyone’s back, he would always call himself the protagonist’s best friend whenever it suits him. That was why the players were so irritated.

Q: Does Hideyori always say [I’m going to steal your girlfriend]?

A: Yes, it’s his habit.

I just thought it up for this extra chapter but it surprisingly captures what the original Hideyori is like very well.

He’s probably the only guy who can pull such a catchphrase off.

After all, the image of Hideyori in the players’ eyes is that of the NTR dude.
Fit for a guy who NTR people with his [Dominating Decree].

Q: Can the original Hideyori and Takeru ever be saved?

A: No.

To put it even more bluntly, being killed by Takeru might have been a salvation for Hideyori. (Depending on the route, it is possible that someone else will murder him instead of Takeru.)

TLN: Phew, that was a long one……

Also, to be specific, what Hideyori said in this chapter here is, [I will NTR your girlfriend.] Do with that information what you will………..

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