Akechi Hideyori was Entrusted

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I was holding myself up inside my room.

It was when I turned on the TV and picked up my switch controller that—

I heard my aunt’s voice coming from outside the room.

[[Hideyori~, my younger brother calle~d]]


It seems Master is asking for me.

It’s a pain but I put down the controller and get the phone from my aunt.

“Hideyori isn’t home right now.”

[[Not convinced.]]

“Hi, do you need something Master?”

‘Always quick to switch over huh’ Master retorted so and got to the main subject.

[[Actually, I need you to ask you a favor, Hideyori-kun.]]

“Please don’t.”

[[Don’t be like that. It’s a serious request.]]

“Are you going to remarry?”

[[If that’s the case then I would just tell my sister instead of you.]]

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“This seems like a pain though……..”

I complained while waiting for him to state his request.

[[It’s about Sakuya. She caught a cold you see. I want you to look after her for me. It’s Sunday so the hospital is not an option. It’s the day I have the most customers too! So, can I count on you?]]

“Any reward?”

[[You’re asking for money……..? I’ve never charged you for the coffee right, do this for me, come on.]]

“You are guilt-tripping me?”

[[If you want a reward for this then getting to be inside Sakuya’s room is already a reward in itself isn’t it!]]

“Don’t look down on me.”

I really don’t get Master.

Why would I be happy to get inside Sakuya’s room?

[[I’m not looking down on you. Normally, even if a boy piled 100 million yen in front of me I wouldn’t even consider letting him get close to my cute Sakuya you know. That would make being inside Sakuya’s room worth more than 100 million yen isn’t it!]]

“Can I get that in cash instead?”

[[You really are too blunt for your own good…….]]

“In the first place, can she even be called cute? Your daughter I mean.”

[[Her ‘FACE’ is pretty cute right!]]

For her own parent to emphasize the word [Face] alone like that.

It seems he does admit that her personality is not that good huh.

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[[I’m begging you. I’ll even give you some snacks later. You’re free anyway right?]]

“Actually, I was about to start Smash Br–…..”

[[You’re free right.]]

And thus, I have to spend my precious Sunday nursing Sakuya.

“Ara? Are you going out, Hideyori?”

“Master asked me to run an errand for him.”

“Arara, he must be busy then. Have a safe trip okay.”

Being sent off by my aunt, I took the bicycle and headed to Master’s coffee shop.

“I’ve never waited for you to visit before but I’ve practically been glued to the door today you know!”

“Can I go home now?”

“Come on, don’t be like that.”

“The usual please.”

“Why are you relaxing at the counter now!?”

I sat down at the counter and placed my order but unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like I will get any coffee today.

“Sorry, in a time like this it’s tough without my wife around you see. Sakuya also said that she would be happy if Hideyori-kun looks after her too.”

“Objection! Sakuya would never say such a cute thing like that.”

[[Oi, you mongrel, I didn’t call for you you know. Leave.]] I can literally imagine her saying that.

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It seems like I am her first-ever friend but I think she doesn’t like me that much after all.

“She actually did though…….. To be honest, I’d even be happy if you and Sakuya get together.”

“Nothing good will come out when you pair bad boy and girl together you know? Besides, someone in Master’s position would usually say [I WILL NEVER LET YOU LAY YOUR HAND ON MY DAUGHTER!!] right? Why would you be happy if I and Sakuya get together?”

“I’m willing to compromise if I can see the face of my grandson.”

“Did you say compromise?”

“I actually like Hideyori-kun quite a bit you know.”

“I’m not going to marry you okay?”

“I won’t even ask.”

Perhaps it’s because my mental age is actually quite close to Master’s that our relationship turned out like this.

At least for me personally, I see him as a foul mouth big brother.

“You should see Sakuya’s room immediately when you go up to the second floor. Take good care of her okay.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

This is my first time going to the second floor of the coffee shop (which is also Master’s home).

When I took off my shoes and climbed up the stairs, I found several rooms on the second floor but I immediately found a room with a [[Sakuya]] sign hanging at the door.

I knocked and headed inside.

The moment I entered the room, I spotted an oversized ga——-I mean, a tapestry hanging inside and Sakuya who is lying on a bed nearby.

“Uuu……., I’m dying, help me, Master.”


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Sakuya was lying sick in her bed.

I dipped a towel in the tub of iced water on the desk, squeezed it dry, and replaced the one on Sakuya’s forehead with it.


“Demanding aren’t you.”

“Hi, Hideyori……?”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

I answered while moistening the towel with iced water.

“I wanted to see you, Hideyori~~……. I couldn’t ask anyone but you or Master to do thi~s.”

“What’s with you all of a sudden?”

Was Master actually telling the truth when he told me Sakuya wanted me to look after her?

Yeah, he probably exaggerated it.

“Uuuu……, I’m dying, I’m dying~~”

“You’ll be fine. It’s just a cold right?”

“But tons of people died from a cold in the Edo period you know?”

“Just what age do you think you’re living in……….”

She’s a goofball as always but I really can’t make sense of anything that came out of her mouth.

……….still, this gap-moe from seeing Sakuya all weak like this does make her seem a little cuter though.

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