Miyamura Towa’s Invitation

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Lunch break.

I left the classroom and walked down the hallway to get to the library.

It was then.

“A, A, Akechi-san!”


When I turned to look at the familiar voice, a woman with straight semi-long lilac hair was standing behind me.

“Mi, Miyamura-san!? W, What’s wrong?”

“U, Uhh….. are……, are you free this Saturday!?”

“This Saturday? Ahh, I didn’t join any club so I think I’m free on weekend.”

“……..! C, Can you show me around the city…….? I’m still new here so except for the area around the train station I’m completely clueless……..if, if it’s fine with you that is.”

“S, Sure! Yeah. I’m looking forward to it.”

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No friggin way…….!?

E, E, Ei, Eien-chan just invited me out.

Is it really okay for me to go……?

No, wait.

In the original work, I think there was a flashback where Eien-chan, who didn’t have any friends, has some favorability toward Hideyori because he was the one who first spoke to her at school.

In the end, her romantic feelings were directed toward Takeru instead though. Even when I take my self-esteem into account, her favorability toward me should only be around 1 to 10 (Out of 1,000) after all.

“Thank you very much, Akechi-san! I’m, I’m looking forward to it.”

Said Eien-chan with a bright smile.

It felt like my tainted heart was purified.

As expected of Eien-chan who’s kind to everyone.

She’s truly an angel for showing such kindness to a scumbag like me.

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Just like that, we chatted a little more and agreed on the time and the meeting place for our Saturday outing.

She’s the kind of woman that would make virgins get the wrong idea!

She’s so perfect!

Moreover, with the contrast of how broken she became in the game, her smile seems even more precious to me.

“I’m sorry for suddenly stopping you. Excuse me.”

Eien-chan lowered her head and walked away.

I don’t mind if we chat the entire lunch break but perhaps because she actually dislikes me or because of how shallow our relationship is, we parted ways only after 3 minutes.

Still, I get to hang out with Eien-chan huh.

This makes me think of the time I went to the karaoke with Kurusu-san.


Eh, Eh?

In other words, I can call it a date right?

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I thought that going on a date is just an urban legend.

“WOOOOOO, this is happening right!? IT’S HAPPENING RIGHT!”

Eien-chan might not think of it as a date but it is to me.

Let’s call it a date by all means.

On cloud nine, I kept heading toward the library.

At the start of [Breaking the Chain of Sadness], Eien-chan was at rock bottom.

Happiness and Misfortune.

The contrast in her expression should be included among the best things in the history of Galge.


“Yo, Hi, Miyamura! We’re in the same class again huh! I will be in your care.”

“………who are you?”

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“Juumonji Takeru. We shared the same class in middle school, remember?”

“……….I can’t recall. I’m sorry, you’re getting in the way of my study.”

“I always find you studying something, do you like studying that much?”

“I have to. I’m worthless if I don’t. I have to study, studystudystudystudystudystudystudystudystudystudystudy. So please, go. You’re in the way.”


She blamed her parents’ death on herself. They died because I didn’t study hard enough, she thought. Eien-chan’s eyes looked like that of a dead fish when she was obsessed with studying.

It was so painful seeing her move her pencil while muttering studystudystudy to herself.

In my past life, with my shoulder broken and I wasn’t able to continue kendo, I sympathize with her character a lot because of my injury that made me unable to continue kendo.

Moreover, that scumbag Hideyori erased all her memories of her friends and those she’s been involved with, making her feel like she’s all alone. Although her birdcage was broken, the loneliness turned Eien-chan into a broken girl who had nothing to lean on but her study.

The game really loved showing their heroines ridden with despair.

This is entirely the fault of the developer AKA [SkyBlue]’s main producer and scenario writer.

The hateful Sakura Matsuri(TLN: the actual author of this novel).

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