The Birdcage Girl Doubts

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TLN: Oh yes, it’s the game’s Towa’s POV by the way………

“Your worth is not determined by how much you study!”


I told Juumonji-san about the past that I sealed away.

How my father was killed by my mother right in front of me.

How my mother hung herself.

How my hatred of the life where I was only allowed to study led to that.


The reason why I decided that I should never allow myself to stop studying.

On a hot day, I would continue to study without even sparing time to wipe my sweat.

On a cold day, I wouldn’t waste time putting on thicker clothes and keep on studying in the shivering cold.


But Juumonji-san looked me in the eyes and denied that way of life.

He told me that life is not just about studying.


“I will definitely save you, Miyamura!”

“Juumonji-san……, thank you.”


Recently, I felt my heart getting warmer.

It was like my frozen time was being thawed by his flame.

Why me?

That question has been plaguing my mind.

When my father was killed and my mother committed suicide, why did the worthless me survive? Indeed, I had my problems with my parents but I wish that they are still alive.


Juumonji-san is a very kind person.

Maybe he’s my destined person?

Now I’m getting conceited again.


But he’s definitely my first love.


“You seem to be quite happy lately huh.”

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The voice belongs to Akechi-san, a boy from my class, as well as Juumonji-san’s best friend.

However, the air around him is darker than it usually is when I saw him in class. His atmosphere was so different that I thought I might have mistaken him for a different person.

“[I will definitely save you, Miyamura!] he said…….Kukuku………”

Was he listening in on us?

What’s so funny about that I wonder?

Besides, for him to snicker at his own best friend’s seriousness like that, isn’t this too strange…….?


“What’s so funny about it!? Please don’t laugh at Juumonji-san!”

“Nah, what I’m laughing at is not Takeru, it’s you.”

“Eh…….? Me……..?”

“I mean, you’re kinda pitiful, you know, letting yourself think that Takeru was the [First] guy who said he would [Save] you……. I can’t help but laugh since it’s actually the second time you see.”


“Oh well, be happy with Takeru okay. Even if you never find out the truth, it’s your own freedom to seek a happy end for yourself after all.”


Akechi-san said as much and patted my shoulder before leaving.




Such an unpleasant man…….

Why does Juumonji-san think of him as his best friend I wonder?

It’s also irritating that he got to call Juumonji-san by his first name before me.


“What’s up with that scumbag……..”


The word was so rude that I never imagined it would come out of my own mouth.

However, deep inside my heart, there’s this hatred and resentment I have toward him that even such a rude word was not enough to suppress.



The next day, I asked Juumonji-san about Akechi-san.

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“His mouth is what it is but he’s actually a good person you know. Well, he does hang around some dodgy people but he’s a pretty cool and funny guy.”

“Is that so…….?”

“He’s my best friend after all.”


Takeru-san is practically singing him praises.

But I think that there’s a big difference between the Akechi-san that Takeru-san sees, and the Akechi-san that I see.

I also went to consult with the girl who is close to Juumonji-san about Akechi-san.



“Yes. Yor-san is on good terms with Juumonji-san right.”

“Well, it’s been a while since I know Takeru after all.”

“Yes, that’s exactly why I want to hear how you think of Akechi-san.”


My classmate, Yor-san, stared at me with her red eyes and started to ponder.

She then let out a sigh and started talking.


“………to be honest, the only time I have zero trust in Takeru is when it comes to Akechi. Your guts are probably correct on this one.”


“I can not place my trust in that man. You can operate on the basis that you’re dealing with a scumbag when it comes to that guy.”

Yor-san said with a serious look.

Moreover, said scumbag has set his eyes on me.

I can’t express it well but it’s like my whole body is repulsed by him.

Unable to bear it, I immediately rushed to Takeru-san.


“………he’s the worst kind of garbage, the scumbag Gift holder.”

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“You’re scared of Hideyori?”

I was scared so I came directly to the Juumonji house to talk to Takeru-san.

I also told him about what Yor-san said.


“Yor said that much huh………”


“But, rather than Yor, I want to trust in Hideyori.”


“Still, if Miyamura thinks that he can’t be trusted then I will believe you.”


The big hands of Juumonji-san that are holding me felt very reassuring.

I have been saved by those hands.


“I love you……, Juumonji-san.”


“It’s……..too early isn’t it……’s only been a few days since we managed to hold a proper conversation after all…….maybe I’m just an easy woman………..”

“Me too………”


Juumonji-san’s face was bright red.

Inside, the hopeful feelings I suppressed started to burst.


“I like you, Miyamura.”


Clearly and surely, Juumonji-san replied.

And we kissed.

Just like that, in his bed, our bodies started to intertwine.





We didn’t do ‘it’ but I already felt satisfied that our bodies touched.

Takeru-san is a wonderful and beloved person. His sister, Risa-chan and Yor-chan, he’s loved by many people.

It made me doubt if it was okay for me to be chosen by such a person.

If I become his girlfriend tomorrow, what kind of life I will lead afterward I wonder?

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With such hopeful thoughts in mind, I hugged him until I fell asleep.


“no……NO. AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!? No…..!?NoNoNoNoNoNo…….not me! That wasn’t me……NOOOOOOOO!?”

“W, What’s wrong Towa!?”


In the middle of the night, I started screaming.

I was so loud that I woke Risa who’s living in the same house.
“What’s wrong, what happened, Towa!?”

“I, I killed him…….”

“W, Who…..?”

“I was the one who killed………dad?”


Unfamiliar memories started to flow into my brain one after another.

[[I mean, you’re kinda pitiful, you know, letting yourself think that Takeru was the [First] guy who said he would [Save] you……. I can’t help but laugh since it’s actually the second time you see.]]


Now I understand the meaning of Akechi-san’s words.


[[Emi and I will definitely save you Miyamura-san.]]

After all, it was the exact same thing that the scumbag said to me…….

Author Note: I actually had a lot of hesitations on what a love scene between Takeru and Towa should be.

Also, introducing a new character [Yor].

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