Akechi Hideyori does not recommend

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It’s been a few days since and I’ve learned a lot from Touno Tatsuyuki-san. That person was really insane.

I still can’t fully comprehend the things that come out of his mouth but he’s definitely a strong and smart person. Doesn’t change the fact that he’s quite eccentric though.

The man’s insane, really……




It’s so calming at school……

Recently, I’ve been doing nothing but study and train so I didn’t have time to play at all.


“Oi, oi, why are you looking all withered like that Akechi.”

“Oh, Yamamoto +2 huh.”

“Don’t treat us like some extras, dude.”

“Treat us with more care please”


Counting Yamamoto, three of my classmates called out to me.

It might not be on the level of Takeru but I do hang out with these guys.

Meaningless banter between middle school boys is always nice after all.


“Seriously man, Kimura sure was annoying today.”

“She opened her class with a sermon after all. She always seems like she has some kind of calcium deficiency doesn’t she.”

“Well, the submission rate of our class assignment was that bad after all. She’s obviously gotta be pissed about that.”

“Even with my big heart, that sermon was still hurtful though.”


The three started bad-mouthing our Japanese language teacher.

Something like this really reminds me of my previous life.

………that said, why are they complaining to me though?


“In comparison, our Akechi-sensei is amazing.”

“You can literally do anything after all.”

“I’m jealous.”

“Haa…….you just dropped the [sensei] when you talked about a real teacher but you guys are using it on me instead? What’s up with that?”

“I mean, Juumonji called you Akechi-sensei all the time, right.”


Before I knew it, it seemed like I’m stuck with Akechi-sensei as my nickname.

Takeru only called me that because he either wanted to tease or make fun of me alright.

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“You sure have it nice, Akechi. You are exempt from the first-year exam, aren’t you? And you have a Gift too.”

“You’re really the winner in life, man.”


Said Yamamoto as he teasingly jabbed me with his elbow.

Unlike me, the results of the three’s aptitude test came back negative.


“You say that but I don’t even know what my Gift is though……”

For obvious reasons, I can’t tell them that my Gift is the power to [Control others].

Because of that, I just tell everyone that I’m still clueless about my Gift.


“What are you saying, man! It’s the power you received from God right!? There’s no way that it’s just some useless ability.”

“Personally, as long as it’s a Gift, I would be fine even if I get some useless ability though.”


Since I know that the ability to [Make others commit suicide] which is technically useless since you should have no way to utilize it in your daily life did exist, I just can’t say anything on that……..

Besides, there are even some dangerous abilities that need to be handled with caution like the ability of the heroine of the [Compensation for Illness] route………

Knowing all this just can’t make me agree with the statement that Gift Holder = Winner.


“What kind of Gift do you want, Nishiyama?”

“Something like an ability to [Steal anything] might be cool right. I can waltz up to a bank and steal millions after all.”

“Hello, is this Bureau of Gift Control’s hotline, yes, I’d like to report a criminal.”

“Are you stupid, I don’t even have a Gift dude.”


The boys started laughing with [GyaHaHaHa].

These boys really are up to no good.

That said, I did end up catching a guy with [Steal Anything] Gift just a while ago though.

……….that said, why do these guys hang out around me?


“What about you, Yamamoto? What kind of Gift do you want?”

“For me, I want a Gift that can make others [Obey my biddings]. I can make the teachers boost my grades after all.”

“There’s no way that a convenient ability like that exists right! You dream too much Yamamoto!!”

“If I have that kind of power then I’d definitely order our homeroom teacher to fix my quiz score.”



I stayed silent as the boys laughed among themselves.

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I see, as I thought, it’s the kind of impossible Gift that people would only dream of huh.

Still, the way Yamamoto and the others are going to use such a Gift is rather cute, isn’t it?

I’d very much like the original Akechi Hideyori to follow their example.

You(I) are(am) the only one who would use such a Gift only to deceive, hurt, and take others’ lives you know.

……….by the way, why are you guys doing this at my desk?


“See, Akechi! We all have great expectations for your Gift right?”

“In fact, all the guys in our class are watching you, you know?

“I also want a Gift.”

“Yamamoto……, Nishiyama……”

“…….you’re not going to say my name huh……….”


I see, so these guys are yearning for a Gift so much that they are willing to hang out around someone who’s a confirmed Gift Holder like me huh.

Thinking about it that way, I was a little proud to be a Gift Holder.


“Also, Akechi’s popular right?”

“I envy you.”


“Akechi-sensei, please introduce us to some women too.”


Yamamoto and his friends gaze at me with an expectant look.



“But I’m not popular though……”

“You liar. You have a Gift, your grades are good, and your body’s also fit. You’re actually popular among the girls in our class you know.”

“Seriously!? Who? Who is it? Who do I have a chance with, TELL ME!?”

“You’re too enthusiastic about this, Akechi……”

“You switched gears too fast, man.”


Obviously, I’m going to be super enthusiastic about this. I’ve never been popular after all. Both in this life and the previous one.

“Well, Mr.Popular-guy. You’ll introduce someone to us right.”

“Can’t be helped then.”

“Eh? You’ll do it?”

“Let me introduce you to someone smart and experienced then, Nishiyama.”

“Woah, really! Someone with experience too? This is going to be crazy!”

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“Yeah. I’m going to introduce you to Kimura. She already has 5 kids so that’s a lot of experiences right.”

“Du~~de, that’s our teacher!”

“Well, she is. You’re not wrong.”

“He got you on that one.”


Even if they told me to introduce them to a girl, the women that I can think of are only our female teachers.

There’s no way around it since I don’t really know any other girl.

This kind of idiotic banter really does make it feel like I’m truly a middle schooler though.


“Actually, Nakata-san’s been on my mind.”

“Ahh, Nakata huh. Her personality seems nice and she’s good-looking too.”

“Well……she does give you a little erotic vibe isn’t she.”

“Your eyes would naturally get attracted to her armpit right.”


Even though Nakata-san is a middle schooler just like us, she’s the same as Risa in that her body proportions are quite nice already.


“I’m aiming for Hanahara myself. She’s small and cute you know.”

“But I think she already has a thing for Kayama right. Her childhood friend.”

“Having a female childhood friend sure is nice isn’t it.”

“Sure is. I wonder where you can find yourself a childhood friend like that……….I can’t help but follow Hanahara’s armpit with my eyes too.”


“What, Yamamoto?”

“I mean,……no, it’s nothing.”


Yamamoto seems to be taken aback by my armpit fetish.

Maybe such a thing is too early for a middle schooler huh.


“What about you? Who are you going after, Yamamoto?”

“I……., I think Sasaki is pretty cute.”

“She seems so tiny but she has a good head on her shoulder isn’t she.”

“Nah, just give up on her. You can say goodbye to your private time if you go after her after all. Seriously.”


The three stare at me.

Nn? What’s wrong I wonder?


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“Himura-san is pretty cute right, Akechi-sensei?”

“Yeah. She’s so cute when she stuffs her cheeks with bread like a small animal. Her armpit’s nice too.”

“I’m considering going after Miyamura-san but what do you think Akechi-sensei?”

“Nah, just give up. She’s an honor student you know? The balance would be too off. Even if you end up going out with her, you two would hold out on each other too much.”

“Personally, I’d aim for Menana-san. What do you think, Akechi-sensei?”

“Menana huh. The way she walks is pretty unique and my eyes would just focus on her armpit because of that.”

“Tanikawa from the other class is unexpectedly cute, isn’t she. What do you think about her, Akechi-sensei?”

“Nah, just give up. Her mouth is terrible and her communication skill sucks. Talking with her would just give you a headache.”

“Tsugaru-san in her class is nice too right? What do you think, Akechi?”

“Nah, just give up. She practically breathes poison after all. If you want to approach her you better get some anti-toxin ready.”

“Akechi-kun, what about Juumonji’s little sister?”

“Nah, just give up. She’s a big brocon after all. She’d go everywhere with her brother. I can totally picture Takeru being there with you on your date.”

“What about Yamashita-san, Akechi?”

“She has a nice impish vibe. My eyes would just automatically lock on to her armpit! ………that said though, why do you guys only ask my opinion?”


It was like the three of them just ganged up on me.


“You’re an open book huh.”


“I like that part about you, Akechi.”


“You’re pretty possessive aren’t you.”

“What do you mean?”

“……….seriously, why are you so insistent on not using my name I wonder.”


“ “ “Haaa……..” “ “ all three of them sighed while staring at my face.

Anyway, what I can say is that I definitely can not recommend Emi, Eien-chan, Risa, Sakuya, or Tsugaru to them.

Author Note: Sudden Mobs encounter.

They are Hideyori’s classmates.

He only met them when he entered middle school.

The three of Yamamoto’s group were from the same elementary school.

The group consisted of both introverts and extroverts and they are moderately popular themselves.

They hit it off with Hideyori and Takeru when they overhead the two chatting about gravure idols in the classroom.

They find Hideyori a funny guy and before they knew it Yamamoto and his friends have already arbitrarily decided that Hideyori is the leader of their group.

They are also on good terms with Takeru.

Aside from the series’ regular characters, Hideyori usually hangs out with them in the classroom.


Also, Yamamoto was secretly aiming for Emi but he gave up when he heard Hideyori’s reply and realized that he cares for her.

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