Tsugaru Madoka’s Anti-Cheat

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With the Gift Aptitude test over and done with, Tsugaru and I agreed to hold our usual meeting.



“It doesn’t seem like it’s going to let up soon huh.”



Away from the others who were excitedly discussing their aptitude test results, I and Tsugaru gaze at the rain outside the corridor’s window.

We can’t use the riverbank like we usually do so we need to find an alternative meeting place this time.


“This is the kind of development where you take me to your place right, Akechi-kun.”

“Nah, impossible. Emi’s place is right next to mine. She will barge in on us.”

“Eh? You two are dating?”

“No way! She always just waltzes in when I’m not looking!”

“That’s practically a girlfriend’s behavior you know………”


If Emi hears that she would surely deny it with all she has.

Takeru is right here after all.

I’m obviously gonna get cast aside for her quest for love.


There was no Emi’s route in the game. It’s a phantom route so to say.

As a fan of the game, I’d love to see how Takeru’s going to capture her.

……well, the original Emi was pretty much a background character so she usually didn’t leave that much of an impression though. From a player’s point of view, she’s just a victim character whose only role is to die to move the plot forward so even if she has a route, most people wouldn’t care enough to play it.

The trilogy was pretty big and there were a lot of non-capturable characters that the players wanted their story to be explored in their own route.

Among all those characters, Emi was simply a minor antagonist from the first game so most players didn’t really care much for her.

Her presence was so thin that some players who just finished their playthrough of the entire trilogy would say [Who’s Sasaki Emi again?].

If I was told to list 5 times that Sasaki Emi played an active role in the story, even as big of a fan of the game as I am, I wouldn’t be able to do it.

She simply didn’t have that much screen time.


If I recall, I think there were even some who petitioned for a Tsugaru Madoka route.

Some degenerate fans even wanted to see a story where she gets all love-love with a man. (TLN: the game’s Madoka was perceived as a lesbian character)

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Still, she was a merrymaking character who had nothing to do with the serious part of the story.

Comparing her to the other charming non-capturable characters, a Tsugaru Madoka route simply lacks the punch as a story.


“This is where you let me intrude at your house you know.”

“No way, why would I let a scumbag piece of trash into my place.”

“Scumbag piece of trash?”


Honestly, that was hurtful.

Eien-chan also said something about scumbag the other day. What’s up with that?


“Ah, how about we go to a karaoke?”

“…..I don’t want to.”


“It will pollute my memories.”

“Now you just sound selfish……”


I don’t want to pollute my memory with Kurusu-san either so I let it pass.


“There’s Sakuya at Master’s shop…..even other coffee places would have some customers. That narrows our options down to my and your places.”




Tsugaru stuck out her fist at me.


“If I win three times we go to my place. If Akechi-kun wins ten times in a row we go to mine.”

“What’s up with my victory condition? Also, in a row?”

“Sorry. I really don’t want a scumbag in my house.”

“Fine. If I get 10 consecutive wins then we’ll go to your place.”


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That would be easy enough with my Gift.

Now I finally get to use the perk of being reborn as Akechi Hideyori.


“No Gift allowed by the way.”

“No way, this is too cruel…….!”

“Using it would be cheating right.”


The perk of being Akechi Hideyori became literal garbage in an instant.


“But if you erase my memory, I wouldn’t know if you used it or not………Ah, let’s make it like this. You’re going to play against Juumonji-kun instead. The earlier victory conditions stay.”



It’s now impossible for me to get my wins with [Dominating Decree] since she’s utilizing a meta-strategy called [Anti-Gift].

Well, it’s the right correct way to use [Anti-Gift] here I guess.


We called Takeru from the classroom and we started the match. If Takeru gets 3 wins, it’s Tsugaru’s victory and if I get 10 wins in a row, I win.


“Wait, can’t you just play yourself, Tsugaru?”

“Due to a religious reason, I can’t play rock-paper-scissors. That’s why I got you as my stand-in, Juumonji-kun.”



Aren’t you the least bit curious as to what kind of religion forbids its followers from playing such a kid game?

You’re too innocent, Takeru.


“Let’s do this, Hideyori.”

“Rock-paper, -SCISSORS!”


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Since we are doing this I’m going to seriously aim for 10 consecutive wins.

Thus, I went with scissors for the first game while guessing what Takeru is going to do next.


Under the rain, Tsugaru and I shared an umbrella as we headed toward a fairly large condominium.

Yup, you guessed it.


“WHEEEEEEEE, it’s Madoka-chan’s condo!”

“Why is this happening!?”


Takeru suffered 10 straight defeats at my hand.

I know for a fact that he always goes with paper.

How’s that for a childhood friend.

Incidentally, among my 10 victories, he went with paper 7 times.


“Your family is loaded right. This is going to be fun!”

“Argh, this is getting annoying.”


When we reached the door, Tsugaru headed inside and I followed behind her.

Woah, this is one nice condo.

The walls seemed sturdy and they looked new too.


“Wow, that’s one strange tapestry to hang on your front door.”

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“I’m begging you, please stop scrutinizing each and every detail of my place, Mr.Scumbag!”

“Stop calling me Scumbag like it’s my real name will you!”


Scumbag this scumbag that!

I beg you world, be gentler toward this Hideyori!


When we were getting loud, rattling footsteps came from the corridor inside, and soon someone arrived at the entrance.


“Welcome back, Aneja!” (TLN: Term of endearment for an older sister, pronounce: A-Ne-Ja.)

“I’m back, Nodoka.”


Someone who seems to be Tsugaru’s younger sister came to welcome her.


Even Tsugaru Madoka’s younger sister who was only mentioned in background information is here!

I mean, this is really amazing!

Tsugaru’s little sister is now, of course, staring at me.


Your friend, Aneja?”

“Nah, you got it wrong. This is Mr.Sc—…..just Scumbag.”

“If you’re going to correct yourself then do it all the way, come on!”


She even introduced me to her sister as Scumbag…..


“Nice to meet you! Scumbag-senpai.”

“Aren’t you going to question it!?”


Calling me Scumbag with a smile like that……..

For me who’s already leaning toward the M side (Masochist), I think I’m about to awaken to a new fetish.

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