Miyamura Towa’s Advices

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“I see! So Master-san wants more customers to visit your shop right!”


With her eyes sparkling, Eien-chan enthusiastically gets on board.

“Let’s se~e.” she said as she looked around the shop.


“As I thought, these days it has to be an Animal Cafe, Master-san.”

“Hou, that sounds interesting. Even Hideyori-kun and Sakuya couldn’t come up with that.”

“Hey, your father is badmouthing us, you know.”

“I’m ashamed with such a father.”

“That’s rich coming from you two alright! Compared to Hideyori-kun and Sakuya, my mouth’s still much better, okay!?”

“Ahaha….., let’s all get along…….”


Even with Eien-chan here, we are still bickering as usual…….


“Cat cafes and Dog cafes are popular with young girls these days you know.”

“Alright, let’s go with that.”

“That’s not something you get to decide okay, Hideyori-kun? You’re probably aiming for the young girls anyway right?”

“I’m a young girl too. Ehem.”

“That’s not something you should brag about you know, Sakuya……”


Master and Eien-chan didn’t let up on the retorts.


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“But if Master’s parents were the ones who set up this shop, as Oba-san’s son, I should have some say in this right?”

“He does.”

“Even Sakuya doesn’t have the right to decide here okay? The decision is mine alone.”


Sakuya was crying “No way! No way!” but Master didn’t budge.


“But……..there’s already a Cat cafe in front of the station though………”

“Then how about doing a Dog cafe, Master-san?”

“I’m not good with dogs, you see. They bark a lot.”

“I love dogs. Let’s do a Dog cafe.”



It seems Master is absolutely against Dog cafe.

Since it looks like he really can’t handle dogs, it would be unreasonable to push for it.


“Fufufu, Master-san. I know a good animal that will surely be very popular, you know?”

“What? Is that true, Miyamura-san?”

“Yes. I’m sure people will flood this place if you market it.”


It seems Eien-chan has something that she absolutely wants to suggest.

Still, even though he actively swats down my and Sakuya’s suggestions, isn’t he too enthusiastic to hear Eien-chan’s opinion?

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“And that animal is………A PANDA! Let’s do a Panda cafe! This is the age of Panda, Master-san!”

“That’s impossible. This place is not a zoo, okay.”

“Ehhh!? But pandas are cute, you know!?”

“In the first place, is it even legal for an individual to own a panda?”


…………Eien-chan being spontaneous is so cute.

So Eien-chan likes pandas huh!

Even her preference is cute!


“…….Hideyori’s face is getting irritating.”


This is good to know. Maybe I can set up a date for Takeru so he can go see the pandas with Eien-chan huh?


“Hideyori! I still want to run a coffee shop with you though.”

“…….I mean, that’s impossible right.”

“Hideyori-san, what kind of animal do you like!?”


“Let’s do a Penguin cafe! Master-san!”

“Yes, Penguin Cafe! Master! Hideyori and I are going to do a Penguin cafe together!”



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And thus the topic of how to liven up Master’s coffee shop concluded with no decision being made.

Well, I expected it to end up like this from the start.

Still, I think that Master who could say [But I’m glad I get to hear your opinions] at the end despite how much we fooled around is truly a saint.

I will never say that out loud though.

”Hideyori-san, let’s go see pandas and penguins together next time!”

“Let’s go! That sounds like fun, Eien-chan.”

“Me too, let’s tour some famous coffee shops together, Hideyori.”

“Sure! I’m looking forward to that, Sakuya.”

“………eh? So in the end all that only amounted to more date plans for Hideyori-kun!?”


Eien-chan and Sakuya invited me out.

They probably have been studying a lot for the exam so as someone who was exempted from it, this should be a way for me to help Eien-chan and Sakuya to relieve their stress.


And while we were chatting……


“Hello! I’m here, Hideyori-kun!”

“Hiya! Good afternoon everyone.”

“Good afternoon! StarChild is really going to be here right!? I’m looking forward to meeting her!”

“I only came because I was free though.”

“I’m looking forward to meeting StarCha too! Hello!”


Emi, Takerus, Risa, Madoka, and Nodoka. My usual group of friends has gathered at the shop.


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“For some reason, I have a feeling that this place will be filled with Hideyori’s acquaintances as our regular customers, Master……”

“What a coincidence, Sakuya. I was thinking the same thing.”

“There’s no way right!? Also, don’t you have any pride as the Master here!?”


I denied Sakuya and Master’s scary prophetic words.

This is strange.

At first, it was only me since I came here for my coffee but I never expected it to become a place where so many of my acquaintances would gather like this…….


“Hey, afternoon. Master, Hideyori………wait, you called this many!?”

“Ah, Tatsuyuki-san. Come to think of it, I did invite a lot of people huh.”

“Normie huh…….” (TLN: the exact word he used here is Riajuu)


Tatsuyuki-san gives me a wry smile.

“This is my master/instructor Tatsuyuki-san. He does a lot of things.”

Aside from myself, Sakuya, and Master, no one here knows Tatsyuyuki-san so I introduced him.

And after we were done with the introduction, Tatsuyuki-san secretly called out to me.


“You have a lot of girl friends huh, Hideyori? Make sure to pick one okay.”

“It’s okay. I don’t plan to date anyone among them after all.”

“Somehow that sounds amazing in its own way huh…….”


Since everyone here is aiming for Takeru, there’s nothing I can do about it anyway.

Even if I try to show off, it would just come out as lame after all.

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