Akechi Hideyori wants to get stronger

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Now then, there are only two years left until the beginning of the game.

After entering middle school, I was given more opportunities to study.

However, the contents of compulsory education here are mostly the same as in my previous life.

The difference I found was only in some of the world’s history.

In my previous life, people were panicking in fear that all their computers will stop working in the year 2,000.

However, in this world, that was the point where humanity started to notice the existence of Gifts and history began to diverge.

In other words, the history before 2000AD in this world was the same as in my previous life.

That’s why everyone knows about Akechi Mitsuhide and the Honnouji incident.


On the other hand, the year 2,000 and later was a completely different story.

The influence of Gift Holders became prominent, the Japanese Emperor System was abolished, the country’s tops actively got involved in politics, and the country became an absolute monarchy.

In addition, the country swiftly created organizations dedicated solely to managing Gift Holders such as the Bureau of Gift Control shortly after the existence of Gifts was recognized. In short, after the moment people know about Gift, the history of this world was practically shaped by it.


Gift Holders became more and more influential.

With one side clearly more powerful than the other, the rift between the Gift Holders and normal human beings continues to widen.

Some elitists even brought up the idea that Gift Holders were the chosen ones.

And in truth, Gifts were indeed a supernatural power that was bestowed upon humanity by a god.


The game’s Akechi Hideyori was one of those who embraced the elitist’s idea and was drowned by it.

However, Akechi Hideyori was not an isolated case.

Year after year, the number of Gift-related crimes keeps getting higher and higher.


At this rate, the Have and Have-not will eventually be in open conflict.

It’s just a matter of time before things erupt.


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The underlying theme of [Breaking the Chain of Sadness] is what kind of world will the existence of Gifts creates.

In other words, the choices that Takeru makes will affect the entire world. Be it positively or negatively.

That’s why he’s a pretty important individual.


“If I stay like this, I will be killed…….”


Take the incident with Irene-somethingsomething-san for one.

I was directly involved in a Gift-related crime.

I had been training my body as much as I could without Emi and Takeru noticing and I was good enough to physically restrain the thief.


But that’s it.


I’m confident that I’d be quite strong in kendo.

In fact, despite how I didn’t really take it that seriously, I was the strongest in my previous life.

But I don’t think I can become strong by training in a school kendo club.


It doesn’t matter whether you win or lose in kendo.

After all, it’s a martial art.

What’s important is the etiquette and manners it entails which can be used to get to know your opponent.


There were a lot of idiots like the captain who misunderstood but there’s a big difference between sport and martial art.

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Martial arts are neither a form of entertainment for you to watch and enjoy nor a tool for making money.

It’s a means for you to face yourself.

That was what I was taught in my previous life.


But right now I have to go against that teaching.

I need to gain more power to fight.

And I can not obtain that kind of power by sticking to such child play.


I need the kind of power that can take someone’s life.

I must aim for the height of someone like Irene-somethingsomething-san.

Otherwise, I won’t be able to survive in the world of [Breaking the Chain of Sadness].


After all, even though ordinary people stand no chance against the power of Akechi Hideyori, this is a world where such a person can easily be killed.


Even if I am younger than the original Akechi Hideyori right now, the current me is probably stronger than him already.

But I need to go beyond that.


“Well, this is one dangerous world after all.”


“You want to get stronger? Like Irene-somethingsomething-san?”


“……..who’s this Irene-somethingsomething-san though?”

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“No idea.”


I was sipping a cup of coffee at Master’s place while telling him that I want to become stronger.


“You at least understand that you won’t get any kind of power-up from drinking my coffee right.”



No matter what I do I just can’t go beyond the standard of normal human beings.

That’s why I must push my limits.


I know someone who has a lot of connections. Want me to consult her?”

“You got to know someone like that by working in a coffee shop…….?”

“It’s exactly because this is a coffee shop, isn’t it. So, do you want me to try?”

“Please do.”


Master takes out his smartphone and starts doing something with it.


“So, what kind of person are we dealing with?”

“She’s known as the [Gyaru-Master]. She’s a Gyaru who travels around a lot so she has a lot of connections.”

“Master, are you messing with me……?”

“Unfortunately, not this time. The only messed-up thing here is her existence actually. Ah, she replied.”

“So fast!”

TLN: Yes, Kitagawa Marin is in fact a Gyaru……..

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Master is operating his phone with one hand.

Perhaps she’s the type that types a lot of messages, Master’s phone doesn’t stop ringing for a while.


“Gyaru-Master, Touno Miko.”


“You might imagine her as some prim and proper shrine maiden since her name is Miko(shrine maiden) but don’t get tricked, she’s an honest-to-god Gyaru. Also, she’s the eldest daughter of the Touno Group.”

“Just what kind of connection did you make……..”


There’s no one in this country that has never heard the name Touno Group.

Scratch that, the corporation was world-famous.


“She said she will introduce us to her younger brother.”


“He’s the one who’s going to train you it seems.”



This is shady AF……

I never expected Master to have that kind of connection in the first place.


“It looks like he will come by the shop next week so come back then okay.”



I’m still pretty doubtful about the whole thing but it looks like I will have to find out next week.

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