Uematsu Yurika

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Uematsu is trying to kill me.

‘Like hell I’m going to get killed in a place like this!’ A strong will flared up within me.


I avoided two of the three blades and grabbed the third that was aimed at my heart with my bare hands.




The blade digs into my palms and blood start to come out.

Without minding that, I rushed at Uematsu and pushed her down.



“You’re done, you perverted stalker.”


I thrust the ice blade I grabbed at her neck.

It’s a position where I can slit her throat if she shows even the slightest suspicious move.

“I’m not a perverted stalker, I’m a stalker.”


“I’m not a perverted stalker, I’m a shinobi.”

“Slip of tongue? Your face is getting red, you know?”

“I’m not slip, I’m shinobi.”

“Now you’re pushing it.”


Uematsu’s cheeks turned slightly red.

It seems her earlier mistake was pretty embarrassing.


“……..are you going to take my virginity?”



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I’m straddling her after all……

Maybe because of that her face is getting redder and redder……

Her earlier slip may have played a part too but our current position should be the biggest cause of that.

While keeping the ice blade on her neck, I slide off her body.


“You said you’re a shinobi, where did you come from? A [Ninja mountain], a [Ninja Village]?”

“I’m not some mushroom chocolate. My home is just in front of the station.”


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That was pretty normal.

Why does she even dress like a kunoichi then?

If the reason is just that this is a Galge world then I have no choice but to accept it though……..


“I didn’t expect that Akechi would beat me with martial arts alone after I set up an ambush and even used my Gift. It’s my defeat, I surrender.”

“I might have used some kind of physical strengthening Gift you know?”

“I can feel it on my skin when my opponent activates their Gift. I didn’t get the feeling that you were using that kind of Gift at all.”

“Ah? Is that so? It’s my victory then.”


I threw the ice blade away and it shattered when it hit the asphalt.

Seeing that the ice blade was gone, Uematsu lowered her head to me.


“Please make me your apprentice.”


“Please make me your apprentice.”

“No, no, no, no……, why would I teach anything to a Gift Hunter……”

“I will wash my hands of my revenge. I will stop Gift Hunting and become Akechi’s……no, I will become Master’s apprentice.” (TLN: She’s calling him “Shishou”)

“You think I will just conveniently accept that!?”


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I can’t tell at all if she’s serious or she’s faking it because of how expressionless she is……

Rather, having a background character that didn’t even have a scene in the story turn out to be a kunoichi is just too much content right……



Come to think of it, in the 2nd episode of [Breaking the Chain of Sadness] anime when Risa said [[I heard the naked body of Uematsu-san from our class was found today………]], they did show a ninja-like silhouette in the background huh……

I remember there was a comment on the internet saying [Why’s there a ninja?] but to think that she’s an actual ninja huh……..


“Come on, I’m just some gamer, not a shinobi okay? You should just go home.”

“I’m not a shinobi, I’m a gamer.”

“Why are you changing your title now!? You can’t just imitate me alright!?”


“Y, You!!?”


Uematsu desperately hugged me.

What is with this fake ninja………..


“A shinobi is destined to serve under the strong. And that’s you, my master, Akechi Hideyori-sama!”

“Go – Home.”

“Maste~r! I’m begging you, please make me your apprenti~ce!”


Uematsu won’t get off my back.

There’s no way I can walk home while dragging a woman behind me.


“Also, there’s a benefit of me being your apprentice.”


“I can give Master a shoulder massage once a week.”



Since this shinobi decided to start citing the benefit of having her as an apprentice I stopped and listened.


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“And once a day, I can wash your back in the bath.”

“I live with my family so please don’t.”

“If you accept now I will even throw in the right to take my vir-……..”

“Just go home!”

“Please wai~t, Maste~~r!”



Uematsu Yurika is groveling at my feet.

She’s seriously troublesome……..should I just kill her here…….?


“Then let’s play rock-paper-scissors. If I win 3 times then you will make me your apprentice and if Master wins 10 times in a row I will give up for today. Let’s decide things with this!”

“Is that thing popular right now? I feel like I’m always on the disadvantaged side though.”

“I told you, I will give up for today if Master can win 10 times in a row. That said, I think I will visit you again tomorrow with even more respect.”

“You’re completely acting like a stalker now.”

“I’m not a stalker, I’m your apprentice.”

“No, you’re not……….”


Can’t be helped, I just have to win 10 times in a row.


“Here I come, Master! Rock-paper-scissors!”


Following her very enthusiastic start, I threw out scissors.


“Tomorrow I will definitely make you take me as your apprentice!”

“Good by~~e”


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She only used paper so I finished the match with a 10-win streak.


“Also, don’t talk about Gift Hunting at school alright? It will just make people unnecessarily anxious.”

“Understood. I swear on it. Well then, see you later! Master.”

“She actually used a disappearing act huh…….”


Still………, it’s just the first day but I got entangled with strange guys already huh…….


Ennoia, Yoru, Uematsu……

All troublesome encounters.


But I can’t believe that Uematsu was supposed to die today.

She’s probably heading straight home after this……

When I think about it now though……


“According to the original story’s development, I was the one who killed Uematsu huh…….”


I don’t think Akechi Hideyori would show mercy to a Gift Hunter who aimed for his life.


Was it really the right call to let Uematsu Yurika live……..?

I can’t help but ponder that question.

There might be a time when I start thinking [I should have killed Uematsu back then]…………

But no matter what, I just can’t find the answer to that question within myself.


Still, while Takeru was playing around and enjoying his normal daily life, Hideyori’s life was targeted by Gift Hunters huh. Looks like my existence is nothing but a nuisance to this world.

Fate itself is trying to kill me.


Even so, I did just overwhelm a Gift Hunter without relying on my Gift.

Realizing that the efforts I put into my training have borne fruit, I clenched my fist.

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