The End of Uematsu Yurika

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“You’ve got a pretty face you know, it’s such a waste……..if you just give up on revenge and work in that kind of shop then you’d get tons of customers you know?”

“You scum…..!”

“Haha, running your mouth after ambushing someone and lost huh, the world is not that convenient you know. Orah!”




While chatting to the woman, I tied her up with a rope and slammed her face on the floor.



“Come on, lift your face up.”



I reach out my hand and lift her chin to force her face up.

She’s looking at me with teary eyes.



“I get where you were coming from, Yurika-chan. It must have been tough huh. First your younger brother, the only family you had, got killed and now you’re out for revenge. Your story sounds like it came straight from a movie you know.”

“…….you’re, ….making fun of me!?”

“Of course, I am. So, you’ve already avenged your brother right? Why did you come after me? That was scary you know, how can I walk the city in peace after this?”

“Your Gift Holder Scum!”

“Haha, you used that Gift of yours to take revenge too right? Wouldn’t that make you the same as me? That’s rich you know. See, when you murder someone, you will get labeled as some kind of scumbag right? You are just like me, the scum of the earth.”



Yurika-chan was so funny that I couldn’t stop laughing.

I heard that Gift Hunting has caught on recently but it’s just too funny when she uses vengeance as her justification to kill.

I just kill people for fun but if you ask me, she’s no different.



“In the first place, what’s so good about family anyway? They are better off dead right?”


“Family is just a hindrance, isn’t it. They’re annoying, useless, and stupid. In the end, they would just drag you down.”

“Wh, What are you saying……? Your family is important to you right…….?”

“You’re being crazy, girl. You should get your head checked.”



It doesn’t make sense to me how Takeru treasures his sister or how that Birdcage girl values her family in the first place.

She was the one who told me she was having trouble with them and I went out of my way to help her you know……..


Come to think of it, that old man from the coffee shop and his daughter were the same huh……..

Just what’s with them?

Thinking about them just made me cringe……

Now I just want to puke.



Takeru said [You’ll understand when you have a sister!] but honestly, that’s just physically impossible for me.

After all, I’m the only one carrying the Akechi blood.

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“I mean when you talk about family it’s got to be that right? The one that would kick you in the face and say that it’s education. See, like this.”


“Haha, this is nostalgic. Ahh, this really is fun you know.”



I aim for Yurika’s cheek and swing my right foot at it like I’d a football. 

With saliva dripping from her mouth, she looks at me with teary eyes as though she’s begging for forgiveness.

Being on the opposite end of what my uncle did to me is surprisingly fun.

I don’t get what’s so good about cigarettes but I kinda get why he got hooked to this.


Besides, compared to my uncle who made me dress up like a girl and do those disgusting things then I’d look like a saint.



“You……!? What did you do to your family……..?”

“I murde~r them.”

“Ha…..? W, Why……?”

“The same reason you killed the guy who murdered your brother, Yurika-chan. They pissed me off. Our motives are exactly the same right. That would make us scumbag buddies don’t you think?”



I don’t hate Yurika-chan for being a scumbag like me though.

It’s fun to talk to her and it’s fun to meet someone who’s so similar.

I want to mess her face up.



“Alrighty, let’s give our scumbag Yurika-chan another order. [Open wide].

“!? …..A, ahh.”

“Oh, that looks nice. Emi, get me that.”



Emi left the room once she heard my order.

On the other hand, Yurika-chan watches Emi walk away in fear.



“Come on, don’t be so scared. I’m not going to pull out your teeth one by one or anything like that, okay.”

“Hideyori-kun, here it is.”




I put a big bucket in front of Yurika-chan.

Even though she can’t see its contents she’s freaking out.



“I love mushrooms you see. I will let Yurika-chan try my favorite ones.”


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Tears filled her eyes as she couldn’t do anything but keep her mouth open.

She looks pitiful so let’s end this quickly.



“They said mushrooms can be eaten raw you know. This one’s big right? Come on, say ahh.”


“How is it? Was it your first time taking it raw? Woah, your drool is dripping.”

“Uee….., Ughegh…….”

“Oi, Oi, you’re going to dirty my room with your saliva, Yurika-chan. It’s Emi who has to clean this up later you know.”



Without looking inside the bucket, I stick my hand in and pull out another mushroom.



“Next is this white one. Its bitter taste is very well-liked by connoisseurs you know! See its white ooze? Here, let me feed it to you!”


“You can’t spit it out okay. Come on, swallow it, there’s still a lot left. I went out of my way to give you my favorite mushrooms for your last meal you know? Man, how kind of me to be so generous to the woman who tried to take my life. Right, Emi?”

“…….yes, Hideyori-kun is very kind.”



Emi looked out the window as though she had no interest in what’s going on inside the room.

Emi always takes her distance like this when I’m with another woman.



“See, this one is especially big, right? It’s a little hot so your mouth might get burned. Come on, open your mouth!”




That’s 10+ mushrooms jammed into her mouth already.

I stuff one last mushroom into her mouth.

Her face is a mess as it’s stained with saliva, tears, snots, and some unknown liquid.



“How was it? Delicious?”

“…….it was, …….slimy.”

“I was asking you how it tastes though? [It was delicious wasn’t it?].”

“It,…….it was delicious.”

“Hmm, good girl. Well, that’s the end of your last supper.”



I intentionally clapped my hands so Yurika-chan would hear it.



“Alright, let’s give Yurika-chan her salvation then! I’m going to send you straight to your brother okay.”

“No….., I’m…..s…..sorry…..please…..forgive me………”

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“Don’t be like that, you just tried to kill me, you know. I could have died right? This is your fate now.”



I cut the rope and freed Yurika-chan with the knife I always carry around.



“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

“DeDeDe, DEN, [Get naked, jump into the river and die. Die and show your ugly dead body to the whole world].”

“…..No, No! NOOO!!”



She screams but her legs won’t stop moving.

Step by step, she’s walking to her death.



“Ahh, if you only have [Anti-Gift]……..oh, she left the house already huh…….”



Before I knew it, Uematsu Yurika had already left my house.



“Well, whatever.”



Left alone with Emi, I whispered to myself……….

The memory of thrusting mushrooms down my classmate’s throat almost felt like a lie now.







“I heard the naked body of Uematsu-san from our class was found today………”

“For real!? It’s scary having a dead classmate the day after the class roster was decided isn’t it………”

“I heard her clothes were found nearby too. Do you think it was a suicide……?”

“We are the same age but I can’t help wondering what she must have gone through………poor her.”



Risa-chan and Takeru are chatting while looking at the flowers that were placed on Yurika-chan’s desk.



“Hideyori, you should reel in your delinquency too okay.”

“Argh, shaddap. There’s no way I would just drop dead right.”

“I’m worried about you okay? You have plenty of weird acquaintances after all.”

“Oh, thank you for that, my friend.”


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Well, I’m the assailant though.



“If some strange people came up to you then both Nii-san and Akechi-kun have to run away okay.”

“Nah, if an enemy appears in front of me and Hideyori we can just beat them together right.”

“So you do get it! As expected of my best friend! We really are two of a kind, my m~an.”



Only a few hours later, I was back to my usual daily life.






“What was that……”



When I woke up in the morning, I got so restless from the dream I had.

It was the truth of the death of the background character named Uematsu that had never been published before.

In the first place, the only time when the name Uematsu was brought up was that one time Risa mentioned her.


Even Hideyori who killed her only met her for the first time that day.


To think that Hideyori’s mushroom connoisseur setting would be utilized in that way.

I don’t think I can stomach mushrooms for a while.



“Haa….., why do I have to suffer like this after I reincarnated into my favorite game I wonder…….”



It’s the worst prologue of my high school life.



“………will I really be able to survive today?”



With all the encounters I had, I already felt anxious……







I mean, they’re exploiting the 17+ rating too much right?

What the hell am I dealing with?

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