Hosokawa Seiko Delivers the Final Blow

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Despite the fact that I almost got to the start of the game, there’s still something I can not be happy about.

And that is the fact that this world seems like it absolutely wants me dead.



“Y, Yes!”


Risa suddenly called out to me and interrupted my train of thought.


“You didn’t tell me that everyone would be here!”

“S, Sorry….. I didn’t expect that everyone would contact me at the same time………”

“I’m the one who invited you out first though.”

“True, I promised to go with Emi first but……..I thought that if we all go together then we should be able to find something Takeru would be happy to receive, you see. I always gave him some casual gifts every year but this year I want to give him something that would make him smile from the bottom of his heart.”


I expressed my true feelings to Risa who was in a bad mood.

Earlier, Emi told me that I can’t convey my [Feeling] with something I order online.

So, if there’s a way I can guarantee that my [Feeling] can be properly conveyed then even if it’s a pain, I still want to do it.


“Haa……., if it’s for Nii-san then I can’t say anything more.”


“Can’t be helped,” Risa said in a resigned voice.

We share the same desire to make her brother happy after all.


“Then, for the time being………, Emi has to stay away from Hideyori-san.”

“Ehhhhhh!? W, Why!?”

“I mean, Emi-san was cheating!”

“You’re the one who’s most comfortable doing that right! No touching Hideyori.”


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Emi got ganged up on by Eien-chan, Risa, and Sakuya.

Hearing [No touching Hideyori] straight from Sakuya’s mouth made my heart ache.


“Hideyori-senpai too, you can’t touch a woman’s body so easily okay!”

“……yes, ma’am.”


I got a roundabout warning of [You’ll be hated so don’t casually touch a woman] from Nodoka.

I’m only here to buy Takeru a birthday present but why does my heart have to suffer so much today…….


“As expected of Onii-chan, you’re so popular!”




That sarcastic comment coupled with a smile from Seiko delivered the final blow…….

I really have no allies…….

Takeru, who’s usually the kindest one, is not with me today.


Can I really survive this…..?

Will I be able to live to see tomorrow………?

Oba-san, I’m so sorry if I have to die today…….


“You really are an idiot, you know……”



For some reason, the kind gaze from Madoka, the Aneja, felt so strange……

Rather, she’s even sympathetically patting my shoulder.

I might fall for her at this rate………

For lunch, we’re going to a western-style restaurant.

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Emi called them and made a reservation for eight but the restaurant didn’t have 8-person seats so she was told that we had to split into two groups of four.


“Then setting Hideyori-senpai aside, let’s decide our seats with rock-paper-scissors!” Nodoka proposed with a smile and everyone nodded along.




“Rock Paper Scissors!”

“One more time!”

“One more time!”


Leaving me out, everyone started playing rock-paper-scissors……….

…….isn’t their hate for me too blatantly clear?

You guys don’t like sharing the table with me that much……?

I thought that I get along well with them but they are playing rock-paper-scissors so seriously just to not sit with me? I think I will start distrusting women if this keeps up……..


After that, we headed to the restaurant.


“I’m right next to Hideyori-san! VEEEE!”

“Ha, Haha……”

“It’s not perfect but I’m on his opposite side. This will have to do.”

“I, I will be in your care, Onii-chan.”


Eien-chan was unusually excited.

Sakuya looks like she’s putting up with it.

Seiko’s being awkward.


The three share the table with me, the scumbag villainous best friend.

I smile wryly at the three who barely have any point of contact with each other.


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Meanwhile, Emi, Risa, Madoka, and Nodoka’s table seem so peaceful…….


“That said, Emi and Hideyori-san are not dating each other right?”

“We’re not, yeah. I’m still free in the first place.”

“Hideyori is coming to my house. I’ll be waiting.”

“What are you talking about?”


I don’t have any errands to run at the coffee shop right now though…….

Why is everyone burning with fighting spirit today I wonder……


“A school life without Onii-chan will be lonely! I didn’t even get to do anything yet!”

“Seiko….., you’re saying that for me……?”

“Yes! I still want us siblings to be with each other!”

“I want you to pay more attention to me too, Hideyori-san!”

“You have to be kind to me too, Hideyori.”

“I, I got it…….., s, sorry…….”


Recently, my schedule often overlaps and there are times when I couldn’t make time for them.

This is especially true when the spring break started since the girls began calling and messaging me a lot.


I didn’t even have time to enjoy Smash Bros and Galges.

My master, Tatsuyuki-san snorted at me and said [It’s great that they are so energetic right] but he looked like he was enjoying my suffering when he said that.


“It’s about time I get a boyfriend too! It would be nice if I can have a strong and kind boyfriend who can help me with my family circumstances.”


Eien-chan wrapped her arms around my left arm and said so.


“Hideyori-san, did you put something on today? I like this scent.”

“Th, Thanks.”

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The scent of Eien-chan’s shampoo got stronger as she got closer to me.


At this rate, I’m going to misunderstand that you’re trying to seduce me you know…….


“I want a boyfriend who can tell the difference between my and Master’s coffee. Also, having a boyfriend who can talk in sync with Master and me is nice too.”


Sakuya grabbed my right hand that was on the table.


“Hideyori’s hand feels so nice and cool.”



Wh, why did my heart start racing because of Sakuya?

Eien-chan’s scent is tickling my heart too.



What is this!?

Are they practicing what they plan to do with Takeru on me!?


Still, my heart is pounding because what they said was so specific.

If Emi sees this she will go [Niya Niya] again!


“Onii-chan is so popular……..”



Seiko said in an exasperated tone.

Since I showed her nothing but this pathetic side of me, I feel like she’s hating me now.

TLN: The attack intensifies…….

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