Fukamori Mizuki

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In the end, I couldn’t come up with a clever way to approach a girl.

With that being the case, my only choice is to do the same thing I did with Eien-chan when we first met.

A frontal assault.




It would be easy to get in touch with her if there was a girl on my side but this time I decided to act alone.

In truth, I wanted to work Tsugaru Madoka to the bone for this but it’s too dangerous for her so I left her out of this.


…….for some reason, I feel like I’m always working alone when it comes to this kind of problem though.

Normally, shouldn’t the one who needs to work his ass off for a heroine be the protagonist?

Don’t you agree, Juumonji Takeru-san?


Since he didn’t show any signs of getting involved, it seems like our useless protagonist will stay useless this time too.

What an honest reproduction of the original story.


Still, Mishima Haruka’s Gift is pretty dangerous. If possible I really want to borrow the help of Takeru who has [Anti-Gift].


Should I just tell him?

I can always walk up to him and say [Your Gift can nullify the power of other Gifts.]

But if he asks [How did you know?] I would have to expose the ability of my [Dominating Decree]…….

I would be most grateful if he can just realize the power of his own Gift by himself.

I don’t expect it to work out so conveniently like that though…….

Yoru also has [Anti-Gift] but it doesn’t seem like she will be willing to cooperate with me……


I arrived at Mishima Haruka’s class, 1-B.

Since I don’t know anyone in this class, guess I will have to look for her myself huh…….


I take a peek inside the classroom from the corridor.



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That girl looks so amazing!


……..No, I didn’t come here to do that.

The first girl I saw when I peeked inside the classroom had such a striking figure comparable to Sawamura Yama.

I totally don’t want to take a peek at her armpit okay.


Still, this game world.

Even a background character is this cute huh?

So this is the so-called cutie mob.


“Oi, You! What are you doing, sneaking about like that!?”


Someone called out to me from the corridor while I was looking for Mishima Haruka.

The voice sounded familiar so I turned to look.


“A, Ahh, sorry. I’m just looking for someone.”

“Is that so?”

“I don’t know anyone here so I was really troub–…….eh?”

“Hm? What’s wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?

“No, it’s nothing…….”


That surprised me……

The girl who spoke to me was Fukamori Mizuki, the only heroine from the first game that I haven’t met yet.


She has long sparkling blonde hair, a mole above her lips, a prideful expression, and a serious personality. Her noble lady-esque(Ojou-sama) mannerism and how she usually act like an older sister couple with her slender figure made her quite popular among the players.

The popularity ranking of the heroines from the first game goes like this.

Towa > Mizuki > Yoru > Risa > Haruka.

Yes, her popularity was only second to that of Eien-chan.

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The popularity of Yoru as the main heroine of the game is in a delicate position but Towa and Mizuki were simply that well-received.

Yoru’s popularity would only explode after the second game onward.


“Uhh….., I’m looking for someone…..”

“I see? And your name is?”

“Akechi. Akechi Hideyori.”

“Ah! You are that guy”

“You know who I am?”


Fukamori Mizuki nodded.


“Of course. You are good friends with Towa right? I and Towa have been friends since elementary school. We still hang out with each other from time to time.”

“Eh? Ei…….I mean, you went to the same school as Towa!?”


Did the game have such a setting!?

I didn’t know that Towa and Mizuki knew each other in the game…..

At most, I only saw them together on the title screen.


It’s common to put all heroines on the cover but it’s quite surreal to see their in-game relationship.


[Breaking the Chain of Sadness] doesn’t really show the horizontal connections between the heroines.

Even Eien-chan and Risa, who are good friends in this world, only talked to each other a few times in the game.

That’s why players got the impression that the 5 routes are entirely independent of each other.

It’s the reason the game is worth spending your time in.


“I see, so that makes you Towa’s favorite Hideyori-san huh.”

“N, No way……, I wouldn’t say that.”

“You are blushing now, that innocent look is cute you know.”

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“Oh please, don’t tease me……”


The embarrassment from Mizuki’s teasing is killing me.

Even though we are the same age, there have been a lot of players who opted to treat her like an older sister.


“Did you spot my little sister? She’s is in your class. We are both Fukamori since we are twins.”

“Y, Yeah. I kinda get that kind of feeling. You two have the same hair color after all.”


Of course, I noticed.

I haven’t made contact with her yet but I don’t even want to get close to her…….

In Mizuki’s [Moon&Bell] route, the presence of Akechi Hideyori as a villain was pretty thin.

In his place, Mizuki’s twin sister acted as the route’s villainess.

…….Even so, Hideyori and Emi still die in her route.

Why does villain/villainess just appear so naturally in dating sims I wonder……


“Is that so, please get along well with my sister okay.”



A kind older sister who cares about her little sister.

Still, her [Feelings] would never reach her sister.

It’s just like Takeru’s feelings toward his best friend.

They are like parallel lines that never intersect.


“Oh, we went off topic huh. Who are you looking for again?”

“Her name is Mishima-san. Is she inside?”

“Mishima huh, wait a minute. ……….I don’t see her. She probably left I guess.”

“I see. ……..Thank you, Fukamori-san.”


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A step too late huh.

I guess I should try again in the morning or during lunch break then.

Seriously, it’s impressive how the original Hideyori got around to the heroines so fast.


“You don’t have to call me Fukamori-san, it’s like we’re strangers. If you are Towa’s friend then you are my friend too. Just call me Mizuki.”

“Got it, nice to meet you, Mizuki.”

“Umu, it’s nice to meet you too, Hideyori.”


She offered her hand and I grabbed it.


…………Like Takeru and Yoru, I have to be careful to not get killed by her.

It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to call her Gift a cheat ability after all…..


I headed back to my classroom without meeting with Mishima Haruka.

Now I know that she’s the type to head home early.

Well, I should go home too…..


“Ah, Hideyori-san.”


“Let’s go home together.”

“Of course.”


By chance, Miyamura Towa, who’s friends with Fukamori Mizuki, invited me to walk home with her.

I should try asking her about Mizuki.

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