Yoru’s POV

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“So this is the town Takeru was born and raised in!”


Weekends, the school is out.

I was excitedly walking around the town

I’m in plain clothes today but the pendant that’s as important as my life is still hanging down on my chest.

With my eyes sparkling, I’m going on an exploration.


“Still, that Akechi Hideyori……he completely made a fool out of me…..! I will definitely unmask his ugly face for the world to see.”


Far from being spoiled by Takeru, right now he hates me so much that he’s looking at me like an enemy…….

Akechi Hideyori is probably very good at hiding his misdeeds or he’s just that good at playing the good guy.

Moreover, he even managed to chase me away using that stupid dirty joke. Such a formidable enemy (It was actually Yamamoto who did it though.)


“Takeru, he was looking so kindly at him. NFufufufufu, even though he directed it at an enemy, that still got me excited a little.”


I think back on Takeru’s expression as he looked at Akechi Hideyori.

Ahh, I can’t wait to talk more with him.


I can’t do anything about Risa since she’s his little sister.

Still, Takeru is getting along strangely well with Towa, Sakuya, Madoka, and Emi.

How irritating.


“He’s pretty dense after all…….”


Seeing the grin on Takeru’s face was so frustrating.

It’s because of Akechi Hideyori that my whole plan went wrong.


“Kuh!? Damn you, Akechi! I’m definitely going to turn you into rust on my combat knife……..!”


At the same time my anger exploded, I also realized the miserable state I am in and I let out a sigh.

A feeling of powerlessness overwhelms me.

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“I know that this is not the time for self-pity but what should I do now…….Haa……., I have barely any money left too………”


My legs slowly carry me through the town.

I noticed there were posters and songs of StarChild being displayed here and there.


“Ahaha! It’s StarCha!”


I’m a big fan of hers so I’m pretty excited to see her posters.

The lyrics of her song, [You are Child☆] always live in my head rent-free.


“Wait, it’s not time to go fangirling now! At this rate, I’m just going to turn into a tourist!”


I have to comprehend my situation.

For the time being, I should deal with my hunger first and decide on my next move.

“Alright, this coffee shop will do.”


I walk toward a 2-story coffee shop that seems like it barely has any customers as though I’m being attracted by it.




A young-looking middle-aged man who appears to be the owner of this shop greeted me the moment I stepped inside.


“Oh? A new face, that would make you a new customer huh. Nice to meet you.”

“N, Nice to meet you too…… My name is Yoru Hiru.”


With a friendly smile, I lowered my head to the man.


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“Hmm, that’s a strange name. Yoru-san? Hiru-san?”

“Please call me Yoru. My first name is Yoru after all.”

“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Yoru-san. Everyone calls me Tanikawa, Manager, or Master here so feel free to pick whichever you like.”


Perhaps he was free, the owner was enjoying a conversation with me.

‘So a cafe is this kind of place huh?’ I thought as I looked through the menu.

Tanikawa huh……., that’s Sakuya’s last name, right?

Maybe she’s his daughter?

While pondering so, I try recalling what happened at school.


“Maste~r, I’d like an espresso.”

“Haha, so you picked Master too huh. Well, one espresso coming right up.”


My inner frustration subsided as I watched Master brewing me a coffee with practiced movements.

Even though there’s no other customer here, I feel like I have just discovered a good but not well-known place that serves delicious coffee.

It’s like I just discovered a secret spot for myself.


“Good afternoon, Master-san!”

“Ah, Seiko-chan, welcome.”


Almost at the same time my coffee was served, a brown-haired girl with freckles on her face walked into the shop.

She’s clearly a regular here.


“Ahaha, the usual please.”


While going [Yes, yes.], Master smiles and starts brewing another cup of coffee.

Even though there are other seats available, the brown-haired girl took the seat next to mine.


“Good afternoon, are you by any chance a regular here?”

“…….no, this is my first time.”


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Master serves his customers with such friendliness and in return, his customers respond in kind. It was a little odd so I was wondering if I had picked a strange place.

However, when I put the espresso mixed with sugar and syrup to my mouth, I felt a shock run through my body.


“D, Delicious! W, What is this coffee!? Its bitterness and sweetness just mixed too well!”

“Ahh, I’m glad. It’s good that it’s to your liking. Here’s yours, Seiko-chan.”

“Thank you.”


Master serves the coffee to the girl.

After that, the girl continues speaking.


“Is Senpai not in today?”

“My daughter is upstairs playing an online Smash Bros with your brother. I’ve only played the first one so I didn’t know they added that many characters to the game though.”

“They sure get along don’t they.”


From my point of view, I can see that Master and the girl get along very well.

Maybe they’ve known each other for a long time?


“Ah, that’s right! May I ask your name!? Are you a high school student?”

“My name…’s Y, Yoru Hiru. I’m a high school student, yes.”

“So you’re my senpai! I’m Hosokawa Seiko! Pleased to meet you!”

“Y, Yeah, pleased to meet you too.”


The girl grabbed my hand and shook it.

Her firm handshake gave me a sense of security.


“Yoru-senpai, who’s your favorite singer?”

“S, StarChild! I love StarChild’s songs!”




Seiko and Master widened their eyes.

And almost immediately after, Seiko tensed up.

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“W~ow! Is that so!? I’m also a big fan of hers! StarCha actually frequents this palace you know.”



As though he finds it funny, Master laughed at Seiko’s words.

When I followed Seiko’s finger, I saw that there was a StarChild’s signature decorating the wall.




However, a thought popped into my mind.

Seiko = StarChild.

If I directly translate her name to English it would result in the idol’s name.
Seeing her fidgeting so much as though we were talking about herself, I was convinced.


“……So Seiko is a fellow StarCha fan huh.”

“Yes, I’m just a fan!”


“What is it?”

“No, it’s nothing…….”


When I looked at Seiko’s eyes, my mind went blank for a moment.


………..Eh? This girl, is she that man’s sister?


“……..It’s really nice to meet you!”


I pretended I didn’t notice that.

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