Mishima Haruka Invites

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Seiko went back after that.

She was still concerned about my uncle but she didn’t say anything more because she sensed that I don’t want to talk about him.


I feel that I’m betraying her trust since I decided not to tell her about [Dominating Decree] when she’s already told me about her [Character Creation].

To keep so many secrets from my sister, what kind of brother am I?

I’m not worthy of Seiko’s trust…….


In truth, I want to let it all out and relieve myself of this guilt.

But in the end, I’m just too scared that everyone would end up leaving me if they know so I kept my mouth shut……


“Akechi-san? Are you okay……?”

“Ah, I’m fine…. I was just thinking about my conversation with my sister yesterday……”



Today as well, I’m teaching Mishima to control [Energy Drain].


“Yeah, I have a little sister who lives away from me.”

“Hmm…. I have a little brother but he lives with me though.”

“Well, there are some complicated circumstances that cause us to live separately. Since Mishima can live with your brother, I’m kinda jealous of you, you know.”

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I think his name was Kazuma right?

I only have a vague recollection of him since he was mostly a novel-exclusive character.

Nekosuke left too strong an impression after all.

I still remember how people made a joke calling it the actual tragic heroine.


“Is, Is, Is that so.”


Mishima looked slightly embarrassed when I said that I’m jealous of her.

There’s a part of me that wants to enjoy seeing this girlish gesture forever.

It’s not related to Eien-chan though (TLN: Reminder, Eien = Forever)

While taking a small amount of energy from the plants and insects, Mishima replied. It seems Mishima has already gotten accustomed enough to her training to widen the area of effect of her [Energy Drain] to the point where she can do it even while holding a conversation.


“I’m sure that [Energy Drain] is still giving you troubles but did you manage to make friends?”

“…..not at all. Ah, …….is it okay if I call Akechi-san my friend though?”

“I’m fine if Mishima is alright with someone like me but…..”

“Yes! Thank you very much! Let’s start by being friends!”


I was worried if she would be fine being friends with a scumbag character like me though.

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That said, unlike Sakuya who has problems communicating with other people, Mishima should already have quite a few friends up until middle school according to her setting right.


“Ah! That’s right! I did join the literature club! Why don’t Akechi-san join it as well!?”

“Literature club?”


Everyone I know, including myself, doesn’t belong to any club and since we were never big on club activities in the first place, the existence of clubs almost slipped away from my mind.

Literature club. It’s a part of Mishima Haruka’s backstory but it was not mentioned even once in the game huh.


“What do you do at the Literature Club though?”

“We do all kinds of literary things.”

“You’re not wrong but………”


I still have no idea what that club is for.


“What club are you in, Akechi-san?”

“The Go-Home Club.”

“What do you do in the Go-Home Club?”

“We go home.”

“See. you can’t explain it either right.”

“Aren’t you persuasive!?”

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Certainly, the soccer club is for soccer, the baseball club is for baseball, and the art club just does art stuff.

It was that simple.


“If you have a chance, please feel free to visit the Literature Club with your friends.”

“Visiting a club does sound exciting(TLN: Doki Doki) huh.”

“Yes, it’s Dok* Do*i Literature Club!”

“Hou… you touched that kind of thing too huh…..”

“Eh? What do you mean?”

“Ha!? You didn’t get it!? You just said Doi Dok Literature Club right!?”


I couldn’t see a single taint on Mishima’s heart at all……

But, visiting the Literature Club with friends huh…..


If Risa brings Yoru and Towa brings Mitsuki then the club would have all the heroines from the first game in the same place……

We would have the gathering of Takeru’s beautiful waifus……

I so wanna see that. The only time you get to see all 5 heroines next to each other is on the title screen after all.


Still, since Mishima doesn’t know either Risa or Towa that would be impossible huh……

I’m not even sure if she talked with Mitsuki who belongs to the same class as her yet.


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The first time I saw the 5 heroines, I couldn’t even see a connection between them after all……

The image I had was that each of them is entirely independent of the other.

That said, if we hadn’t interfered, Eien-chan wouldn’t even get to know Risa huh……


“After I can completely control [Energy Drain] I want to enjoy the Literature Club with you, Akechi-san! You can bring your friends too. If that’s alright with you……..”

“S, Sure….. Yeah, joining the Literature club might be a good idea……”

“It is! I want to be with you more, Akechi-san!”

“Th, Thanks……..”


If she keeps giving me straight balls like that I will start getting conceited again……

That said, I feel like Madoka will tell me something like [Don’t get ahead of yourself] again…..

For Takeru, he will probably be like [Yeah, take me with you]………..


I mean, since Takeru and Mishima still have no point of contact, should I go ahead and create one for them?

Hmm……., it seems like my thought process has turned into that of a best friend character huh?


“Akechi-san, I think I’ve already widened my Gift’s area of effect quite a bit. Can you take a look?”

“Right, got it.”


After receiving the Gift Glasses from Mishima, I immediately put them on.

The dull black lump of [Energy Drain] has become thinner and it doesn’t give as much poisonous feeling as before.

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