Kurusu Yumi Disappears

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“So, what have you been up to, Kurusu-san?”

“Hmm……., it’s kinda difficult to say.”

“How so?”


Our earlier merry conversation came to a halt and it’s a little awkward now.

I wonder what Kurusu-san finds so hard to talk about?


“You might think I’m crazy if I say it.”

“It’s okay, I’m listening.”


I already know that Kurusu-san is a little odd ever since the first time I met her after all.


“I’ve been reincarnated inside a game’s world too.”

“Hee, so we are in a similar situation aren’t we.”

“But you see, I couldn’t make myself think about anything other than Toyotomi-kun at all.”



I thought that our feelings were mutual but hearing her say it clearly like this still made me happy.


“I’ve always loved you, Toyotomi-kun.”

“Kurusu-san…….I love you too.”

“Ehehe. I’m so happy….., I met a guy whose personality resembled you so much that it’s so frustrating to be around him……my chest just started hurting whenever I’m with him you see….”

“Hmm…..Since we are in two different worlds, I can’t interfere with Kurusu-san’s love life huh……”


That’s it huh….

Even if Kurusu-san will always love me, what can I do when we are in two different worlds?


“Can I vent a little?”



It would be pretty painful to hear Kurusu-san complain and talk about her love life though……

How long am I going to drag my feelings for Kurusu-san with me I wonder……


“That guy……, he’s like, super dense you know.”

“Haa? Seriously?”

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Tatsuyuki-san told me that I’m as sharp as a cutter so I won’t be able to understand a guy that dense though……..


“He has his Childhood Friend, his Best Friend’s sister, the girl from a coffee shop, his own Oshi, my little sister, his own little sister, Stalker-A, and Stalker-B all going after him but he didn’t notice their feelings at all you know!? He’s just impossible right, Toyotomi-kun!?”

“That guy’s clearly the enemy of all women.”

“RIGHT!? And even though I told him not to get involved with me, he still crept his way in you know!? He’s such a pain, isn’t he, Toyotomi-kun!?”

“That cheeky bastard.”


To think that this Galge protagonist-like guy is going after Kurusu-san. It’s so irritating.

I hate myself for the fact that I can’t do anything to help Kurusu-san even though she’s in trouble.


“Right! He’s the enemy of all women! Such a cheeky man! He needs a taste of 100,000 volts thunderbolt and Iron tail!”

“Those are Pi**chu’s moves right.”


I sympathize with her but……
If she keeps talking like that, people are going to think of her weird, right?

She’s still so cute though!


“What about you, Toyotomi-kun? What kind of life has it been for you?”

“…….A villainous character who doesn’t know when he might get killed.”

“Eh? Poor you…….”


I’m seriously scared that I might get killed someday.


“And also……I met a girl who’s very similar to Kurusu-san too.”




Kurusu-san’s eyes turned sad.


“Toyotomi-kun, are you dating someone?”

“It’s not like that but……the air around her, her behavior, her personality, she’s just so similar to you, Kurusu-san…….she really is a pain…..”

“Haa!? Not just a copycat but a thieving cat too!? Let me have a word with her, Toyotomi-kun!”

“Well, she’s pretty foul-mouthed so I don’t think Kurusu-san can beat her though.”


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Kurusu-san looked like she almost coughed up blood.


“Look, you’re sick so don’t push yourself okay.”

“S, Sorry, Toyotomi-kun. I like how kind you are.”

“Yup, I like you too, Kurusu-san.”


It’s fun to talk with Kurusu-san after a long time.

Honestly, talking to her might be a better stress relief than singing death metal by myself.


“So? That foul-mouthed thieving cat, what kind of person is she?”

“The kind that calls me a scumbag with no hesitation.”

“Haa!? She called Toyotomi-kun a scumbag…..? Unforgivable! That woman! I will never forgive her!”

“You don’t have to shadow boxing while saying that you know.”


She’s already quite eccentric in the head but her behaviors are no less crazy.

She’s supposed to be dead but look how energetic she is.


“There’s also her little sister. Both of them just call me a scumbag whenever they see me.”

“The self-centered type huh? I hate that type of woman the most.”

“Is that so?”

“But! It’s cruel of you to think that kind of woman is similar to me, Toyotomi-kun!”

“S, Sorry…..”


It’s become my bad habit to constantly compare Madoka and Kurusu-san…….

I wonder why Madoka reminds me so much of her….



“What’s wrong, Toyotomi-kun?”

“I think my dream is about to end soon.”

“It’s true…….”


The classroom where Kurusu-san and I were in slowly started to fade away there were noises in my head.

It looks like I’m about to wake up from my sleep.


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“It’s sad to say goodbye to you, Kurusu-san……”

“Toyotomi-kun….., see you again……..”


Tears flowed down from Kurusu-san’s reddened eyes.

Dreams are simply delusions.

A conveniently constructed image of Kurusu-san.

And yet……, it is still so hard to say goodbye to her……

I want to keep flirting with Kurusu-san like this forever.


“Toyotomi-kun…….. Give me one last kiss…..”

“Sorry. It’s time……”


Dreams always end right before the thing you want to see the most.

Kurusu-san’s figure already started to disappear and my body began to fade away as well.

I’m going back to the world of [Breaking the Chain of Sadness]……



“Akechi-kun….., I’m so sorry……I put you in danger…….”


I came to visit Akechi-kun who had collapsed and had been sleeping for more than a day already.

Since he didn’t wake up on Monday morning, Akechi-kun must have been hit pretty hard by [Energy Drain].

That’s why I decided to come to visit him after school.


It caused a big fuss for his aunt and Emi who was visiting his house when he came home yesterday and immediately collapsed……

Juumonji-kun and Towa also insisted on visiting him but I have to be here myself because it was me who pushed him to do something about [Energy Drain] in the first place.


That’s why we played rock-paper-scissors to decide who wanted to visit him. I won and came here on behalf of everyone.

It would trouble Akechi-kun if they all visited him at the same time after all.


“I’m sorry, Akechi-kun……”


I hold Akechi-kun’s hand and apologize.

I’m sorry for always giving you a hard time.

I actually do not hate you, you know?


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I heard Akechi-kun’s moan.

He’s alive!

He’s going to wake up.


The thought made me feel extremely reassured.


I’m glad……

I was worried that Akechi-kun might not wake up ever again……





Akechi-kun who was about to wake up from his sleep muttered the name that I thought I would never hear again and my time stopped.

Kurusu……, did he say that…….?


“Kurusu-san….., don’t, leave me……..”


This time, his voice was clear.

Akechi-kun, who’s still sleeping in pain, clearly said my name from my previous life.


No way……, Toyotomi-kun…..?”

So all the feelings I had that Akechi-kun is familiar to Toyotomi-kun were real…….


“I found you……. I finally found you, Toyotomi-kun…….”


I swore that I’d find you, and I did!

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