Club Activities Observation

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I didn’t expect Mishima to become friends with not only Mitsuki and Emi but Yoru as well……

She’s been saying [Every day is so much fun!] with a bright smile on her face.


It’s amazing how many expressions she has and how she never showed them to me while we were alone with each other. It’s like she became a different person in front of her new friends……


What’s more, all of Mishima’s friends are heroines. It’s as if the game characters just gravitate toward each other.


Honestly, it’s a little worrying since I don’t know when they might form an Anti-Akechi Hideyori Alliance.

Putting that aside, what I’m worried about right now is this single sheet of paper.


“Club registration form huh…….”


Mishima invited me to enter the Literature club.

If I have to be blunt, I don’t really have fond memories of being in a club.

Just the word club alone already made my shoulder start aching.


What should I do I wonder…….?

Maybe I should invite some friends and go observe their activity first?


“Oh, Hideyori? What’ve you got there?”



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Takeru immediately spotted the form in my hands.

I don’t have anything to hide so I just handed it to him.


“Hmm, you’re joining a club? Which one?”

“It’s not that I decided to join one though. I just got invited to the Literature club.”

“I see.”


When Takeru was intently scanning the content of the registration form, Risa came up and asked [Nii-san, what’s wrong?]

After that, Emi, Yurika, Sakuya, (I will omit the rest so etc………) started gathering around my seat.

I’m a little nervous since they just nonchalantly form a group around me.

……rather, this is just strange isn’t it…….


“Akechi-kun, you’re joining the literature club?”

“Y, Yeah…… It’s not like I have anything to do so I thought it might be fun………”


When I replied so, Madoka, Sakuya, and Eien-chan all went [I see.]


“If Hideyori-kun is going to join then I’m joining too.”



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Emi’s words act like the starting signal.

“If Emi-san is joining then me too.”

“If Hideyori and Risa are joining then I’m going with you!”

“Rather, if it’s like this then everyone will end up going anyway right? I can predict it already.”

“Then let us accompany Master to the Literature club, everyone.”

“I think their club room is downstairs right.”


Risa, Takeru, Sakuya, Yurika, and Eien-chan all seem to be enthusiastic about this.


“Well, let’s go! Akechi-kun!”

Madoka grins and pulls my hand.

I still can’t get used to this kind and gentle Madoka though…….

Like seriously, what happened to her…….?


“This is actually my first time joining a club.”

“Me too.”

“Since we are all going, I don’t think it will feel much like a club though.”

“I’m looking forward to it!”


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Eien-chan, Sakuya, Emi, and Yurika seem to be looking forward to their first school club.

It feels like a miracle since we are all going to join the same club despite our different hobbies.


“Uu, now I’m kinda nervous.”

“Risa, at times like this, try writing something on your palm and swallow it.” (TLN: It’s kinda common-ish ritual for Japanese to rid oneself of nervousness.)

“Thanks, Sakuya-san. So that’s how people calm down. Should I use a pen for this? What about the ink, should I use an oil-based or water-based one?”


Their conversation can be so colorful.


In any case, the 8 of us headed toward the literature club’s room.

Perhaps it’s pretty unusual for this many people to walk around after school, I can feel people staring at us.

About three minutes after we left our classroom, I knocked on the door of the Literature club’s room and I heard a [Ye~s?] voice from the inside.


After the door slit open, a woman greeted us from the inside.


“Ah! Akechi-san, hello!”

“Hi, Mishima.”


The short-haired girl smiled when she saw me but a [?] floated on her head when she notices the group of people behind me.


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“Uhh…..? They are?”

“Ahh, they’re my friends. Mishima told me to invite my friends over too right? It seems a lot of my friends want to check out the Literature club too.”

“Eh? This many!?”

Mishima let out a surprised voice.

Judging from her reaction, I may have brought too many people than she expected.

I thought that I would bring like 5 friends with me at most too so I’m surprised as well.


“Y, You have a lot of friends…….”


Mishima’s voice turned nervous.

Then, I hear the voice of another woman from inside the clubroom.


[[Mishima Haruka? What’s wron~g?]]

“U, Uhh, it seems we have a lot of visitors today.”

[[I see, I see. Let them in.]]

“Y, Yes! Akechi-san, everyone, this way please.”


Guided by Mishima at the front, we stepped inside the clubroom.

TLN: Kuhahaha

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