Juumonji Takeru and Yamamoto shake hands

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Half of Golden Week has already gone by and I was playing Galge with my heart crying.

The May-blues have already sapped me of my willingness to return to school.

(TLN: lazy mood due to long holidays, in this case, the Golden Week[April 29th-May5th])


Staying home is the best!

Not having to deal with the game’s story is supreme bliss!


And so, I’m concentrating on enjoying the game in front of me.


[[My heart is forever yours, Miroku-sama.]]


The scene where the warrior protagonist returns home welcomed by a gentle and mild-mannered heroine warms my heart.

I’ve played a lot of games so far during my break but this is the first one in which the heroines have a voice line for the protagonist’s name.

At most, a game set in the warring period like this one would only dub famous names like Akechi Mitsuhide and Toyotomi Hideyori.

I prefer the heroines to refer to me by my name rather than as he or that man.


Should I gather up all Hideyori throughout the nation and petition the devs to make a Galge with a protagonist with our name?

Maybe I can use my [Real_Honnouji] name for this too?

That account is dedicated to my StarCha-related activities so I don’t want to use it for something else though…….




As I was pondering so, I received a call from Yamamoto.

Ever since I started high school, I feel like I’ve gotten a lot closer to Yamamoto.

I save the game and answer the phone.


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“Yes, hello? Akechi speaking.”

[[Hey. It’s Yamamoto. Wanna hangout?]]

“Eeh? Nah, sounds troublesome…….”


Looking out the window, the sky was sunny, the perfect weather for going out.

The kind of weather I feel like my skin might burn just by walking outside.


[[Unfortunately, Akechi-sensei. This is an emergency summon.]]

“Hmm, can’t be helped I guess.”


I have no choice but to go if he insists that it’s an emergency.

The word ‘Emergency Meeting’ was written in bold in our [Explode Riajuu] group chat.

It holds the meaning of [It’s a lifetime request so come over even if you have something to do].

Within our group, we’ve decided that we can only call on this Emergency Meeting once a month so if there’s a summon like this, I have no choice but to comply.


“Takeru is coming too?”

[[Yeah, I’m calling Juumonji next. Anyway, meet me in front of the station okay.]]



I switched off the console.

It’s a shame since the heroine I was about to capture was so similar to Eien-chan but I will have to put it off until later.

Ahhh, I want to change my name to Miroku so I can just listen to Natahime calling me [Miroku-sama] forever…….


About 30 minutes later.

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Takeru, Yamamoto, and I gathered in front of the station.


“Thank you for coming, gentlemen of the [Explode Riajuu] group.”

“So, what are we doing today? Did you find a bathhouse with a mixed bath or something?”

“Or did you find a good ad**t video place? Are we going on an exploration?”

“Non, Non, Non. We are going clean today, no dirty biz of any sort. Actually, there’s a place I want us to visit.”


Takeru and I looked at each other because we expected Yamamoto to lead us into the PINK corner of a game store today.

(TLN: You can take a guess, I can’t post any pictures from those PINK corners after all)

Right now I’m clueless as to what Yamamoto wants to show us.


“Nishiyama told me he recently found a place with a cute waitress serving customers in a frilly costume, you see! We’ve got to go see with our eyes right!?”

“Cute waitress in frilly costume? What are we waiting for then!”


Yamamoto and Takeru got excited and started to shake hands.

These guys really do get along huh……..


“Haa……, boring…….”


Still, you are dragging me out to some random cafe where I can enjoy Eien-chan-like heroine at home?

How boring. I’ve already graduated from those kinds of things before I got reincarnated you know.


“You don’t seem that motivated huh, Hideyori.”

“I mean……, a cute waitress is just a waitress right? The waitress with a dimple we met at Starbucks the other day was plenty cute. She definitely has a thing for me too.”

“That Starbucks-neechan, I think I saw her on the train with her boyfriend the other day, you know.”

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“Seriously!? Damn……”


With just one sentence from Takeru, I lost 90 percent of my reason to visit Starbucks.

Like, seriously…….?

She was all smiles when we exchanged numbers the other day too, this is too much of a shock…….

The thought that she was only playing with my pure heart makes me want to cry……..

I just bragged about her to Takeru and Yamamoto last week too…..


Guess I should really reduce my visits to Starbucks then……….

Since she looks so much like Eien-chan, I will heal my wounded heart with Natahime for the time being…….


“But the place we’re going to is amazing you know, I heard StarCha frequents that place too.”

“What are we waiting for then, Yamamoto!”

“A single mention of StarCha is really enough to motivate Akechi huh……… what would you do if she suddenly came out with a boyfriend?”

“Hah? I would write that guy’s name on my D**th Note, obviously?”



Since D**th Note doesn’t actually exist, at most I will just probably erase his feelings for StarCha with my Gift though.


Just like that, the three of us chat while Yamamoto leads the way with the GPS on his phone.

As I followed him, I started wondering why the route to this place StarCha supposedly frequents looked so familiar.


“Hey, Hideyori…….”

“Nah……, it would be too much of a coincidence right……?”

“We’re turning right at the next traffic light. Ah, isn’t that it?”



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The place Yamamoto was pointing at was the coffee shop run by Master, Tanikawa Sakuya’s father……..

A place I probably visited a hundred times over already……

Author Note: Regarding [Explode Riajuu] group.

A group of anti-riajuu dudes (All members are pretty dense and don’t realize that they are riajuu themselves.)

The vulgar raid captain, Yamamoto

The quick-witted protagonist, Takeru

The high-spec leader of the bastards, Akechi-sensei.

At school, there were many who applied to join their group but they were all turned down at the preliminary screening so the members of [Explode Riajuu] group does not increase.

Hideyori wants new member who has great communication skills like Tatsuyuki and Master.

Takeru wants someone who can make Hideyori less popular.

Yamamoto was puzzled why anyone want to join a group called [Explode Riajuu].

The application form must be viewed by and approved by Uematsu Yurika first.

With Yurika’s approval, the application would be completed with the approval of 2 of the 3 founding members.

The competition for getting in is even fiercer than joining [Johny’s] (Not in relations with the real agency) (TLN: A JP male talent agency]

The 3 don’t realize that the [Explode Riajuu] group stands on top of the class hierarchy.


Nishiyama, who?


One of Yamamoto’s friends who first appeared with him.


Incidentally, Takeru made up the stuff about Starbucks-neechan’s boyfriend

Inside his heart, he was burning with flames of rivalry with Starbucks-neechan.

When Starbuck-neechan spilled Hideyori’s coffee, he forgave her mistake and helped her clean up. He even went as far as bowing his head telling the manager that it was his fault. Impressed by his kindness, she has secretly been aiming for him ever since.

However, due to an unfortunate turn of events, Hideyori decreases the frequency of his Starbucks visit…….
(TLN: RIP, Starbucks-neechan)

Next time, Yamamoto’s name will be revealed……?

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