Akechi Hideyori is Stingy

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After a while, Yoru was done with the cooking and the food was served.

It’s only been a few days since she started this part-time job but perhaps Yoru is also a weirdo, she fits right in with Master and Sakuya.


“Pizza toast, and Neapolitan, please enjoy.”

“Thank you.”

“Thanks, Yoru. Yup, looks delicious.”


The food was served in front of Yamamoto and Takeru.

I’m sure Takeru would enjoy it since he liked the Neapolitan in the game as well.






Then, Yoru served the fried rice.

What’s with her attitude, does she hate me that much……?


Well, I will enjoy this fried rice while watching the main heroine and the protagonist flirting then.


“I love your face when you retort and get angry, Hideyori.”

“My what face now…..?”


On the other side of the counter, Sakuya said something strange as she stood next to Master.


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“She said it. I like when you get angry too, Akechi. You have such a kickable ass after all.”

“That kickable ass part is not necessary alright………”


She immediately jumped in after Sakuya…….

Why is this world always so mean to me………


When I was about to have the first bite of my fried rice, I felt a gentle tap on my back.

Takeru is gently smiling at me.

He’s such a great friend, I think I’m going to get spoiled by his kindness at this rate.


“You really are loved.”

“What, how did you come to that conclusion!?”


Takeru’s eyes can’t be relied on at all.

I know that Sakuya is the prankster kind of girl so she is doing this to bait out my reaction but Yoru is definitely doing this out of spite.


“The browning is just right. This is good.”

“So that’s what you’re particular about huh.”


Mr.Yamamoto Daigo over there seems to be satisfied with the food.

Until just the other day, they were serving frozen food but after Yoru started her part-time work here, even the bread was cooked by hand so it’s no wonder that the food here can charm new customers.


“This tastes different from the Neapolitan Risa made. It’s just to my liking! So good.”

“R, Right, Takeru! It’s exactly how you like it right!?”


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Yoru turned red at Takeru’s praise.

Still, did it feel like this?”

I feel like their flirting was way beyond this level in the game though……..


In the game, Takeru praised Yoru so much that the players couldn’t bear to watch after all.


Well, it was only just the two of them in the game with no other customers so it was no wonder they could flirt however much they wanted. With Master and us around, they probably can’t go that far huh?

All players do think that the Takeru and Yoru pairing is rather nice as the main route after all.


“Ah, this is super delicious!”


While I was watching Takeru and Yoru flirting, I took a bite of the fried rice and her cooking was as delicious as ever.

Yoru has a problem in terms of personality but the food she cooked committed no crime.


“This feeling from the first bite! I can immediately tell that it tastes different than the one at restaurants and the normal stuff at home. It tastes amazing.”

“Oh, you think so?”

“This spiciness is nice too.”

“I personally add plenty of black pepper after all.”

“Yeah, I really love the tingling on my tongue.”

“ Kera Kera Kera well, eat up.”


Yoru laughs in a good mood.

It would be nice if she’s always like this.

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“Eh? If it’s this delicious then you should just put it on the menu you know.”

“That’s not something a part-timer like me can decide right? I have to consult Master first.”

“Master! Add fried rice and pork miso soup to the menu will ya!”

“This is a coffee shop alright!? It’s literally a cafe okay? In the first place, who in their right mind would drink coffee with miso soup? Proposal denied.”

“Tsk……you don’t plan to accept it in the first place…….”

“That’s because Hideyori-kun’s proposal is unreasonable right? If it’s a proper one like Tatsuyuki-kun’s then I will consider it you know.”


My plan to turn Master’s coffee shop into a set-meal restaurant failed.

Well, there’s no helping it I guess.


“If you like it that much then I can make it for you whenever you like.”

“Really!? Than~ks.”


It would be a waste if I can’t taste something like this again.

Something delicious ought to be enjoyed multiple times after all.


“So Yoru’s unexpectedly nice huh?”



Takeru muttered.

I mean you and her are the official main couple of the game you know.

Even in the anime version, the one that got adapted was Yoru’s ending after all.


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“Well, of course, she is.”


Hearing my reply, Takeru smiles.


“If you are happy then that’s nice too.”


I see that Takeru appreciates Yoru now but what does my happiness have anything to do with that?

It seems like we’re on different wavelengths but it’s probably pointless to talk about love with this dense protagonist so I just let it go.


“Akechi, that fried rice seems delicious huh.”

“I’m not giving it to you okay.”

“Tsk, stingy much?”


I shot down Yamamoto who tried to have a taste and take my time to enjoy my fried rice.

Still, if I don’t hurry up and find the remaining Takeru’s heroines, I won’t be able to come up with the countermeasures for the future…….


On the last day of Golden Week, I scheduled a strategy meeting with Madoka.

I will have to bring up Takeru then too……

Madoka huh……

I tried to put it out of my mind but I probably need to think of how to deal with the current gentle Madoka huh………


It seems the life where I can just calmly sip coffee in this cozy coffee shop without worrying about a thing is still impossible for me.

TLN: Phew, that’s it for now

Next stop, Ennoia…..

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