Touno Tatsuyuki with no shame

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Master and I started arguing about how the tapestries were not just oversized garbage.

His expression was one of “Thanks but no thanks.”

I also have to admit that they are simply unfashionable.


“Let’s just give it to Sakuya again.”

“Even Sakuya doesn’t need that many you know……Besides, this one looked just like the 3rd one……”

“You remember huh…….”

“She went to Yokohama that time too after all. Aneki probably bought these things without looking at the patterns anyway……..”


Even Sakuya wouldn’t want the exact same design again.

That said, it would be too heartless to dump this one out or sell it off.

The thing just looked too out of place to be a decoration for the coffee shop.

Anyway, this is troubling……


“Why does Aneki keep buying these tapestries every time in the first place?”

“She said that a souvenir should be something that lasts.”

“If it’s a keychain or a strap then I can put it to use but I honestly can’t find a place for tapestries here you know…….”


Troubled, Master and I start staring at each other.

His eyes were saying [You take it, Hideyori-kun].

Seeing that, I shook my head.


“How about you just tell Oba-san that you don’t want any more tapestry then?”

“There’s no way a younger brother can win against his older sister right? She’s clearly trying to harass me with these tapestries, I’m sure of it!”

“The power relation is in the way huh……. Does Oba-san secretly hate you or something?”

“A younger brother is always his older sister’s plaything after all…….”


Master’s face was a mixture of troubledness and resignation.

Rather, I can’t even imagine what a conversation between Master and my aunt would look like……


“Haa……, I would be more than happy if she just bought me some 1,000 yen cookies…….”


When Master let out a sigh, the bell at the entrance rang.

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Master and I turned our gazes toward the door and saw my master, Tatsuyuki-san, enter the shop.


“Yo! Master! Oh, Hideyori is here too huh.”




Tatsuyuki-san took a seat next to mine.

He then immediately spotted the tapestry.


“What’s that?”

“A present for you, Tatsuyuki-san.”

“It’s so lame.”



Tatsuyuki-san’s face is clearly saying [Nope].


“You can give it to your little sister so, please, by all means, take it!”

“She will end up hating me if I give her something like this.”

“It will be fine! You can raise my favorability points just by taking this off my hands you know, Tatsuyuki-san.”

“I don’t mind leaving Hideyori’s favorability point at 3 though…….”



That was a complete failure……


“But you don’t want it to drop to 0 right! You can max out my favorability point you know.”

“If it goes up that fast then that’s just a bug right.”

“Tatsuyuki-san! I love you!”

“Why are you doing this to me……. If you want to go after someone then just aim for Sakuya-chan, Emi-chan, or Takeru instead……..”

“Why did you include Takeru in that list though!?”


After many years of training under Tatsuyuki-san, before I knew it he has become someone I look up to (In terms of strength).

There’s also his easy-going attitude and friendliness that makes me think of him as a fun older brother.


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“Ah, come to think of it, Tatsuyuki-kun! I saw, you know.”

“Eh? What?”


On top of Master’s grin, Tatsuyuki-san also acts a little suspicious.

“I closed up early the other day and went to the department store you see.”

“I’m going home, my sisters are waiting for me, BYE.”


Tatsuyuki-san got up and tried to leave but Master stopped him with [Now, now, I will pour you a cup of coffee so relax.]


“What’s this about?”

“The other day, Tatsuyuki-kun was walking around with a beautiful girl. She didn’t give me the younger sister vibe so she’s probably his girlfriend.”

“What does she look like?”

“She had blonde pigtails and looked like a beautiful young lady. Her figure and height were on the small side though. She looked pretty much like Emi-chan in fact.”

“Tsk….. shut up……. You want me to buy this place and sell it off?”

“I know that you can really do that so stop saying it so seriously like that please.”


Since he clicked his tongue and dished out a threat like that, it was probably for real.

Tatsuyuki-san looked like he just wanted to run away from this conversation.

Even so, Master did not stop his offensive.


“Also, she was rolling her eyes when Tatsuyuki-kun started bragging about his sisters.”

“That’s just the usual right.”

“What of it……..?”


Tatsuyuki-san got back with a defiant look.

It’s kinda cool to see this gap between his usual cool self and this.


“By the way.”


“How often do you do it?”

“Once a week.”

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“No shame huh…..”


It’s not that it’s shameless to do it once a week. It’s his attitude…….


“That doesn’t matter right? Also, what about that thing we talked about?”

“Ahh, she’s going to start today actually.”

“That thing?”


Master gave an immediate reply to Tatsuyuki-san’s question.

It seemed like they plotted something together but I have no idea what that something is.


“Fufuh, even Sakuya doesn’t know about this secret plan you know.”

“Secret plan?”

“Actually, I decided to hire a part-timer.”

“Eh, Ehhhhhhh!?”


Master finally hires a part-timer……?

There’s no way I wouldn’t be surprised by that.


“M, Master can afford to pay a part-timer……?”

“Why are you so surprised!? Of course, I can! I do have other customers besides you guys alright!?”

“Anway, I advised Master that he should hire some young ladies to be his poster girl here. He already has some cute waitress uniforms lying around after all. If it’s a success then the plan is to hire more and more part-timers to work here. It’s kind of a reform plan for this place you see.”


Tatsuyuki-san happily explained.

It seems he has given Master some tips to increase this place’s sales as well.


“If it works out, I plan to turn this place into a maid cafe. Fufu, I’m going to have my little sisters wear a cute maid uniform and serve me.”

“Hey, I’m the owner here but that’s the first time I heard anything about maids though!?”

“Master, let’s get some pandas and penguins while we are at it and turn this place into a Black&White Maid Cafe.”

“Just give up on pandas and penguins already! You’re always thinking too much outside the box, you know!”


Perhaps the reason why Tatsuyuki-san came here today is to check on the new part-timer.

It seems I visited the place right when it was getting interesting huh.

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Now I don’t even care how much of a wreck the game’s storyline has become.


“This place has a lot of returning customers but it’s inadequate in attracting new ones. That’s why I’ve been coming up with ways to attract new customers. I’ve already tried putting advertisements on social media and I even used StarChild’s name(With permission) too. Well, I’m kind of working as Master’s marketing consultant as a side gig right now. Anyway, that tapestry has no place in this shop alright.”

“Hmmm…… I don’t really get it.”

“It’s like a startup business consultant.”


What exactly is Tatsuyuki-san’s job? That question still plagues me.

Just like that, Tatsuyuki-san and I continued to chat while I sip on my already cold coffee.


[[ Master! I’ve finished changing!]]


A woman’s voice came from the back of the store.

That’s probably the part-timer.

When Master said [Come on out.], footsteps can be heard as she walked out from the back.


“I’m starting as a part-timer here today! Please take care of me!”

“Yup, we will be in your care as well, Yoru-san.”

“Yes, sir!”


With a silver pendant dangling from her neck, and the reddish-brown ponytail behind her, there’s no way that I would mistake the bowing woman to be anyone else but my classmate, Yoru Hiru.

You’re the part-timer!?

And since when did she gets acquainted with Master?


Yoru raises her head up and gazes at the counter.

Then, when our eyes met, Yoru’s forehead was drenched in sweat.


“–AKECHI!? W, W, Why are you here!?”

“Not Akechi, I’m a customer here okay? Call me Hideyori-sama instead.”

“Like hell I will, you idiot.”


Dressed in a waitress outfit, Yoru Hiru glared at me with killing intent……..

TLN: A wild Yoru appeared!?

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