Tsugaru Nodoka Butter Up

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I and Nodoka continue our lover pretend.


“I want 5 kids.”


“How many kids do you want, Hideyori? 10?”


“Kyah! Then we’ll at least have to make 10 aren’t we!”



I was on autopilot going along with Nodoka’s over-the-top lover pretend.

She has quite a happy smile on her face though.


“We’ll always be together, Hideyori!”


“Well, since we are lovers now, shall we kiss!?”



Nodoka grabbed my shoulders to fix me into position.

Nn? What is she going to pull now?”

Kissing would be going too far for a lover pretend right?


“Hideyori, you’re my most—…….”


Then, there was the sound of the door opening.

Nodoka froze up and she slowly turned toward the door.

There at the doorstep, Madoka was standing still with a tray of sweets and tea in her hands.


“…….Hey, Nodoka.”

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“A, Aneja!?

“I have to ask…… What exactly are you planning to do to Akechi-kun here…….?”

“A love-love Kiss obviously! Hideyori and I are dating after all! Right, Hideyori!?”



With no plan to stop, Nodoka signals me to [Continue] with her eyes.

Perhaps she’s convinced by my acting skills, Madoka’s mouth started to quiver.


“Very well, let’s do it right away! I want a deep one!”


“I love you, Hideyori.”

“I lo~ve you too~”


With no one stopping her, Nodoka faced me with an enchanting expression.


It’s embarrassing since it’s like I’m looking at a younger version of Madoka. She’s so cute……




Madoka put the tray in her hands to the floor and rushed in to stop Nodoka.

That was probably the loudest she’s been since we first met.

Just like that, she proceeded to tear Nodoka off me and sent her flying.


“……Just a little more and I could have stolen the march on everyone too.”


Nodoka muttered something strange but my brain had already shut down so I couldn’t comprehend what she said.

Rather, I think I would lose if I did comprehend it so I just let it pass.


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“Hey, Akechi-kun…..”


“It’s not true right? You’re not dating Nodoka, aren’t you? If you say anything other than No then I won’t let you off okay?”

“NO, OF COURSE NOT!! It’s all a joke, seriously!”


Experiencing a sense of intimidation that’s different from my fear of the Dark Side Madoka, I hurriedly denied it.

If there’s a world record for the most times a person shakes their head within 5 seconds then I’m sure that I would get it.




It’s a rare sight but it looks like Madoka has snapped.

She only said her sister’s name but the weight her voice carried was simply different.

Feeling the pressure from her sister, Nodoka also ditched her usual cheekiness and apologized.


“A, Ahaha! Just kidding, it’s a joke! W, We just wanted to see how Aneja would react! Right, Hideyori-senpai!?”

“Y, Yeah! C, Calm down, Madoka!”

“You want to see how I would react? Care to explain why?”

“A, Ahaha.”


To stop her from escaping, Madoka put a strong grip on Nodoka.

On her head to be specific.

She then dragged Nodoka to the corner of the room.

I didn’t want to see what comes next so I grab a magazine that was lying nearby.

It looks like a fancy magazine a fashionable girl would buy.


“Hmm, so red is trending this year huh! Wow, that’s fancy!”




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I deliberately try not to listen to what they are saying but I still jumped at Nodoka’s scream.

Is she going to come for me next after she finishes with Nodoka……?

This is among the top 3 moments after I reincarnated that I seriously think I stepped on a death flag.

Should I run before Madoka turns her attention to me……?


Timidly, I sneak a glance at Madoka and Nodoka.


“I’m going to have an important talk with Akechi-kun now. So, here.”

“Ma, Madoka-neechan…….what’s this…….?”

“I’m giving you a thousand yen so just go play outside for a while.”

“Uu……, okay…….”


She stopped using Aneja and used Madoka-neechan instead.

Ahh, I see, she can’t beat her sister after all huh………

She probably made to spill the motive behind the earlier lovers pretend too.


Moreover, Madoka is making her leave even though we didn’t agree to discuss anything particularly important today……..

This is bad, I don’t know what’s bad but this is bad!

My internal alarm is going off like crazy.


“I, I’m leaving then, Aneja……”

“Be quick about it.”


“Don’t come back until Akechi-kun leaves okay.”



She got a thousand yen for free but she doesn’t look happy at all.

After all, what defeated a cheeky brat is a lecture from her sister.

Madoka seems to be satisfied after she dealt with Nodoka too.


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I want to go home…….


I plan to have a light conversation with her about the game and go home but what is this heavy atmosphere……..


She easily dismissed Nodoka with a 1,000 yen bill

I can hear the sound of Nodoka leaving the apartment.

Ahh…..I want to go back home and play some games………


I sneaked a glance at Madoka’s face.

Then, when our eyes met, she beamed at me with a smile.

Ha, Haha……


“Now we’re finally alone, Akechi-kun!”



Just when I braced myself to be yelled at, Madoka said that in a bright tone.

Because of the gap between her earlier actions and this, I was at a loss on how to respond.

Author Note: the 1v1 Boss Battle against Madoka continues.

Nodoka who showed up for the first time in a while is already gone with just 3 chapters.

She was planning to do more……..she didn’t regret what she did at all.

Since she made Madoka angry, she intends to wait for her sister to cool off for a while (lol)

Nodoka usually only uses [Madoka-neechan] when she wants to butter up her sister.

About the deep kiss, she plans to go through with it for real.

She was really planning to steal the march on everyone.

She was serious when she said that she wants at least 5 kids.

3 for Yurika, and 5 for Nodoka……., what are you going to do now, Hideyori?


This is still the preface of the war for Hideyori’s first wife position……


Next, Hideyori’s going to talk about Kurusu-san with Madoka?

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