Miyamura Towa wants to Meet

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“Aneja…….she’s seriously going for Hideyori-senpai isn’t she.”



Aneja gave me a thousand yen and kicked me out…..

Are you planning to get to 2nd base today, Aneja?

You have my support but I think Hideyori-senpai would be very confused you know.


That said, now I have nothing to do.

Well, since she gave me a thousand yen, let’s go play with it.



“Come to think of it, Sei-chan said that Master’s shop been trying something new recently huh….. Let’s go take a look.”



I think he hired a part-timer.

Since Aneja went out of her way to give me free money, let’s go spend it.

Sakuya-senpai might be there too.


With that being the case, I decided to visit Master’s coffee shop.




“Oh, it’s Yoru-pai.” (TLN: Senpai shortened)

“Don’t give someone you’ve just met for the 2nd time a weird nickname!”



I don’t know why but it seems Yoru-pai is Master’s new part-timer.

In our group chat, [Western Army], Yoru-pai has become a hot topic because Towa-senpai suddenly posted [Yoru-chan is aiming for Hideyori-san!]. 

(TLN: Western Army is a reference to those in support of Toyotomi Hideyori against the Tokugawa’s Eastern Army when the succession war broke out after the passing of Toyotomi Hideyoshi)



“Please have a seat, wherever you like.”

“Wherever I like……, that seat looks fun!”




A familiar crowd was hanging out at the counter.

Risa-senpai, Towa-senpai, Yurika-senpai and one other small person with short hair. This is the first time I’ve seen her.

She’s probably Mishima Haruka who recently joined [Western Army].



I walk toward them.



“Hideyori-sa~~~~n! I want to see you!”

“Akechi-k~~~un! It’s so unfair, Nii-san gets to hang out with him twice during Golden Week!!!!!”

“M~~~~~~~ASTE~~~~~~~R! I’m so lonely……..”

“Akechi-san…….why can’t I ever catch you when you’re free……..”




The loser’s aura was pretty thick.



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“My sympathy, Senpais.”

“Nodoka-chan! Hi!”

“Good afternoon, Towa-senpai.”



When I sat down next to Towa-senpai, a strange Senpai sitting next to Yurika-senpai reacted.



I introduced myself with [Hi, I’m Nodoka, Tsugaru Madoka’s little sister] and she introduced herself back as Mishima Haruka.

As I thought, she’s really the newest member of [Western Army].



“Nodoka, I don’t want to deal with these losers anymore. You take care of them.”

“So all of them got lonely because they couldn’t see Scumbag-senpai at all during Golden Week?”

“Yeah. I’m on the winners’ side since I got to see him.”

“Then I’m a winner too.”



Hahah, let’s bask in this sense of superiority.

I do sympathize with the bitterly-smiling Master though.



“May I take your order?”

“The usual please.”

“Stop with that ‘The usual’ thing already! What’s up with customers here and their usual orders!?”

“Calm down, Yoru-san……..Nodoka-chan will have melon soda float right.”



After a follow-up from Master, he proceeded to pour me a mug of melon soda float.



“You met Hideyori-san, Nodoka-chan……?”

“Hideyori-senpai visited my place so I was with him until just a while ago. Aneja gave me a thousand yen and kicked me out so he’s probably alone with Aneja right now.”

“It’s unfair! This is too unfair right!”



Light disappeared from Towa-senpai’s irises.

It’s kinda scary…..



“I get Akechi-kun’s habit, you know. Rather than those he’s close with, he always prioritizes those he promised to meet first. The other day, he hung out with me rather than Nii-san because I called him first. It’s like a first come first served thing.”

“You’re talking about the time I found you at Myacdonald to the other day right? I wanted to see him on the last day of Golden Week but to think that Madoka of all people would snatch him away……..”

“That’s the first time I heard that there’s such a rule!”

“And I always get random encounters with Hideyori. I can stay home all day and he would come over.”

“I heard that Yoru got to see him twice in Golden Week too. Should I start working part-time here too?”

“It’s not like I wanted to see him or anything alright.”



Everyone starts their analysis of The Hideyori-senpai encounter rate.

Their burning fighting spirit was also channeled into their jealousy-filled voice as they talked about Aneja.



“Maste~e! Please tell me how to meet Hideyori-san more often!”

“Whether you like it or not, you’re going to see him tomorrow right…….?”

“I want to go on a date alone with him for a whole day………”

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I mean, why ask him when Master probably doesn’t have many chances to see Hideyori-senpai himself…….



“Everyone is so unfair! The only one in a different class is me you know! I can’t even see Akechi-san if I don’t go out of my way to visit him!”

“If you’re going to say that then isn’t it more unfair for me!? I’m in a different grade at a different school even you know! In a time like this, Senpais should let me have some time alone with him right.”

“I won’t give up my share.”



Following Sakuya-senpai’s immediate denial, Risa-senpai, Towa-senpai, and Yurika-senpai all nodded in agreement.



“I literally have no idea what you guys see in him……..”

“Yoru, you recently got him hooked on your food aren’t you?”

“HAA!? …….HIIE!?”



Sakuya-senpai’s words drew attention to Yoru-pai who has escaped being marked until now.

Feeling the bloodthirst, Yoru-pai let out a small yelp.



“I can cook too! But I don’t have the chance to show him my cooking skills at all……..”

“I also cook for Nii-san so I’m confident too!”

“Cooking is my specialty!”

“I cook for my family too! I will definitely have Akechi-san taste my cooking.”

“I’m going to start cooking instead of Master from now on.”

“If it’s something simple then I can do it too.”



To think that Yoru-pai, who appeared to have the lowest chance with Hideyori-senpai, got to his stomach first……

What a shocking revelation.



“Ah! That’s right, Yoru-chan! I hopped on Yahoo! Answers like you told me! It’s unexpectedly fun to give people advice isn’t it!”

“It’s fun right! The feeling of being connected to the world is nice isn’t it!”



Towa-senpai shifted the topic from cooking to Yahoo! Answer.

Come to think of it, Yahoo! Answer has become popular among the members of [Western Army] because of Yoru-pai’s recommendation.

It seems they didn’t tell each other their handles but almost everyone is using it.

Hearing people out and giving them simple advice, young people these days seem to be addicted to that.



“I think it’s wonderful that my opinion can be useful to someone out there.”

“I also tried it for the first time today. Giving my answers anonymously is so fun.”

“You might have already answered some of my posts, Uematsu-san.”

“HaHaHa! There’s no way right. There were tons of new Questions on that site every day after all.”

“That’s true.”



Haruka-senpai and Yurika-senpai seem to be completely addicted.



“It’s just Emi, Madoka, Seiko, and Risa who haven’t started yet you know. Try it, Risa.”

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“I’m bad with creating a username though……”

“You’re saying the same thing as Emi…….you just go with whatever clicked you know.”

“Hmm, whatever clicked huh……..”

“If it’s too difficult then you can try using a part of your real name too.”



Towa-senpai is pushing Risa-senpai to create an account.

By the way, even before Yoru-pai recommended it on our group chat, I was already active under the username [TsugaruKaikyo_En] 

Incidentally, on Yahoo! Answer, [TsugaruKaikyo_En] is famous for love consultations and even hailed as [Yahoo! Answer’s Goddess of Love].

After that, we had a blast talking about Yahoo! Answer and Hideyori-senpai for about 2 hours.







“Alright! I will be calling an emergency meeting for all members of [Western Army] after Golden week is over.”



With it almost time to disband, Towa announced so in place of Emi-senpai, the leader of the group.



“I can’t make it……..”

“We need Nodoka-chan and Seiko-chan’s input so please at least participate through the group chat!”

“Since it’s already come to this, Yoru-san should join [Western Army] as well. Yurika-san, please send her an invitation.”

“Of course. And sent.”

“Why, why do I have to–…..!?”



Following Risa-senpai’s instruction, Yurika-senpai sent an invitation to Yoru-pai.

Yoru-pai’s account then immediately god added to the group

After all, the emergency meeting is being treated as a [Once in a lifetime request that you need to attend even if you have something else to do].

Within the group, it’s a rule that an emergency meeting summon can only be issued once a month.

It seems that they took the idea from Hideyori-sen[ai’s [Explode Riajuu] group.

In the first place, what’s up with a once-in-a-lifetime request being available once a month?



“We need some countermeasures in place before Madoka steals a march on us. Hideyori-san told me that she has been acting gentler toward him lately.”

“It’s strange though, she doesn’t look any different to us but Akechi-kun alone seems to think that she’s acting weird.”

“She’s clearly making a move on Master.”



Aneja will probably have a hard time after this…….

Right now, I’m worried about Hideyori-senpai’s first time.

But I don’t think that Aneja has that kind of courage.

I’m 80-90 percent sure that he’s still a virgin and I believe that he won’t lose it any time soon.



“……..being loved too much is a sin huh~”



The only calm person here was Master……..



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“Come to think of it, where’s Emi-senpai? When you hang out like this, I thought that she would always be with you though?”

“I heard she screamed so much she lost her voice a few days ago so she doesn’t want to go out.”

“What was she doing…….?”

“She was okay when she went to karaoke together with Risa and I on the first day of Golden Week too. Maybe she pushed herself?”



It seems Emi-senpai suffers in her own way as well.


Author note: Towa-chan of this timeline doesn’t look like the type that would back down even if Hideyori gets married to another girl doesn’t she…….

Incidentally, in Risa’s route, she did choose to suffer heartbreak alone while pushing Takeru to go to Risa.

That’s V5C39

Rather, this Towa-chan probably won’t do the same thing.

She probably needs others to give her the push herself.


[Western Army Group] name came from the group leader, Emi.

It was based on the battle of Sekigahara.

Simply put, it’s a group for Hideyori’s harem members.

If you aim for Hideyori it is a rule that you must become its member.

When a woman does not meet the standards where she can be entrusted with Hideyori, his manager, Takeru would move in to sabotage her.

With Takeru as their first line of defense, they can go on the offensive with peace of mind.

[Western Army]’s members.


Sasaki Emi, Juumonji Risa, Tsugaru Madoka, Tanikawa Sakuya, Miyamura Towa, Tsugaru Nodoka, Hosokawa Seiko, Uematsu Yurika.

Additional members.

Mishima Haruka, Yoru Hiru.

It’s a group of heroines who want to take down Hideyori fair and square.

The Literature Club has its own separate RINE group.




Towa, Risa, and Haruka didn’t appear in V9 at all so I made up for it this way.

Why only the 3 heroines…..?

I used the Yahoo! Answer to kind of give everyone some screen time.

Q. Eh? What about StarChild/Seiko in V9?

Ennoia took the form of StarCha so………



Next time.

Is your life peaceful?

Are you happy?

How low will it last?



If your life comes to an end right now……

Would you have any regrets?



The Holidays Serial Bomber


TLN: It’s not started yet…….?

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