Uematsu Yurika’s show of strength

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Today, I started my first-ever part-time job.

After Akechi and Tatsuyuki-san left, I got to try a lot of things. I experienced waiting on an actual customer for the first time and Sakuya was taken by surprise when she came back.


“Hehe. Ohh, this is some good stuff.”


My dull and lifeless room which even I used to think that it looked like a prison cell is now adorned with a bright and colorful tapestry.

The fact that it was Akechi who gave it to me was a little frustrating but the tapestry itself is innocent.


I feel a little happier and my mood is elevated.

My eyes caught the mirror, the silver pendant was glinting in my reflection.


“Ugh…., what am I doing……….I have a mission to do……..”


Seeing the pendant reminds me of that.

I was counted on.

I’ve inherited their [Feelings].

Saving the world, that’s the reason I’m standing here right now.


“I’ve already abandoned everything for this mission.”


My Gift, my happy memories, I threw it all away to come here.

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That’s right, I’m Yoru Hiru.

For the mission that I’ve been entrusted with, I have to push forward.


“To break this chain of sadness……..”


I’ve obtained new information from Akechi today.


[[G, Gift Hunter…….? H, Haa!? You were targeted by the Gift Hunters!?]]

[[One did come after me but that Gift Hunter was Uematsu Yurika you know.]]


Even though she already quit, to think that I have a Gift Hunter living next door to me.

I will not allow the Gift Hunters to exist….

No amount of information on them would be enough.

At the moment, they are still a budding organization.

And it’s my role to nip them in the bud.


Even so, what does Tatsuyuki-san mean when he said that there were no casualties in the HALF DEAD GAME?

It’s supposed to be a Death Game involving 10 people, 9 participants, and 1 organizer.

Claiming 7 victims, the Gift Hunters view HALF DEAD GAME as one of the most abominable Gift-related incidents.

I thought that it hadn’t taken place yet because I was monitoring my classmate, Kumamoto, who was supposed to lose her life in the game.

No, in the first place, how did Akechi get involved in that………?

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He was not among the 10 that were involved in the game right!?

I don’t get it, I don’t get it at all.


And the culprit behind the incident, Tanuma, was supposed to be murdered by the Gift Hunters immediately after the incident was resolved.

It seems I will have to look into Tanuma after this.


“Well….., there’s a lot I have to find out but I guess I should start with Yurika huh…….”


I leaped out of the room and knocked at the door of my neighbor.

Then, perhaps she was relaxing in her room, and Yurika answered the door.


“Oh, Yoru huh? What’s wrong? It’s quite late.”


A beautiful girl in plain clothes with long black hair flowing down her back appeared.

Because of how she acts, it’s just difficult for me to imagine that she had taken part in Gift Hunting.


“I need to talk to you about something, Yurika.”

“……. Come in.”


When I instilled my voice with some seriousness, Yurika caught on and showed me into her room.

Gift Hunter’s room infiltrated.

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With that thing on my mind, my heart was pounding as I stepped inside.


“So, what is it?”


Yurika takes out a cushion for me and I sit on it.

Seeing that, Yurika sits down on her bed.

The atmosphere felt awkward but with Yurika looking at me with [Just say it already] gaze, I squeezed out my voice.


“……let me be direct. You, You were a Gift Hunter right.”

“…….Yes, so?”



Without denying it, Yurika casually replied.

Uematsu Yurika.

At first, I saw her as nothing but Akechi’s stalker but to think that she had been hiding such a secret…….

I may have to steel my heart for this.


“Tell me everything you know about the Gift Hunters.”

“That’s impossible.”


“Don’t glare at me like that.”


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Yurika’s attitude turned cold.

Well, that’s a given huh…..


“If I leak the information about the Gift Hunters, they will purge me. Even if I want to tell you, I can’t…….”

“Please……, Yurika.”

“And honestly, even if I knew something, I would only speak about it to someone I trust. I do like Yoru and everyone but the only one I truly trust is my master.”


Yurika is being stubborn.


“If you really want to know then you will have to prove that you’re stronger than me first.”

“……..I got it.”


If she’s willing to say that much then I have no other choice.

I prepare to fight Yurika.

Telling her that we need to fight somewhere appropriate, I guide Yurika to the ruins where Haruka was practicing the control of her Gift.


Without exchanging words, we stepped into the ruins.

Author Note: Yurika is Yoru’s closest female classmate and Yoru is Yurika’s closest female classmate.
In a sense, it’s a so-called Stalker Alliance (Unofficial name)

In V8C2, Yamamoto’s harassment counterattack drove them away and from that point, their friendship sprouted.

After that in V8C9, Yurika was the one who invited Yoru to Takeru’s place.

She’s the only one who didn’t get caught up in the misunderstanding that [Yoru likes Hideyori].

Yurika knows that Yoru is aiming for Takeru.

Both of them can’t handle dirty jokes.

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