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"Yan Zhun, why did you lose half of your blood?" Luo Qingshan asked while looking at the lower-left corner.

    Yan Zhun : "I bumped against a tree."

     Luo Qingshan laughed: "A master like you also can hit a tree then......But baby, how did you know Yan Zhun's name?"

     Pei Ran loaded his M416 with bullets and said: "I heard you yelling it."

     Luo Qingshan opened his inventory while saying: "Okay, your gun probably needs bullets and you may not be used to it. Come on you can pick up the one of the rifles on the ground and use it."

     "No need." Pei Ran learned Yan Zhun's posture and jumped out of the house through the window, "The gun Yan Zhun gave me is full."

     Yan Zhun parked the car under a certain tree, picked up the mineral water next to it, unscrewed it, and took a sip.

     The poisonous circle was very close. Luo Qingshan opened the map and took a look. They had to cross most of the map to enter the safe zone.

     The most annoying thing was that not only the car he had just ridden in but other cars on the road were also punctured.

     "Su Nian, who is so wicked to burst tires?!" Luo Qingshan cursed while running from the poisonous circle, "haven't we killed all the airport team? Did a lone wolf run away?"

     "When you start running from the circle, you don't always remember to blow the tires on the side of the road." Su Nian said.

     Luo Qingshan smiled and checked the top corner only to find that No. 2's icon was still staying in the airport: "Baby, what are you doing? Don't you need to run from the circle?"

     Without getting a response for a long time, Luo Qingshan glanced at his blood volume: "Su Nian, you go in, he may be disconnected, I will go back to help him, there is a car on the road, you will drive to pick us up..."

     Pei Ran talked again saying: "No, I'm back, you can run first."

     Luo Qingshan asked: "Do you have medicine?"

     "Yes." Pei Ran put on a first aid kit.

     Luo Qingshan was relieved now. He glanced at the map: "Yan Zhun, can't you see a four-wheeler on the road?"


     "Then we will all have to go with you, what's the name of the person closest to the circle?"

     "Here." Yan Zhun's motorcycle turned around.

     The closest to him was Su Nian. When the motorcycle drove over, Su Nian stopped to get on the motorcycle but saw that the motorcycle had not slowed down at all and passed by him.

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     Pei Ran watched Yan Zhun's motorcycle fly out of the hill, and it flung its tail beautifully when braking.

     "Come up."

     Pei Ran hurriedly sat up: "Thank you."

     This is the third "thank you" he said to Yan Zhun.

     The motorcycle then drove fast and steady, Pei Ran was bored so he changed to first angle, which looked quite exciting.

     Pei Ran and Yan Zhun got to the safe area safely. Before he put his foot on the foothold, something went wrong on Luo Qingshan's side.

     Seeing that he and Su Nian were about to run into the circle, they were killed by a few shots by the team ambushing the circle. Only Pei Ran and Yanzhun survived in the team.

     "I knew..." Luo Qingshan stroked his hair irritably, "I knew I wouldn't get there... You two will hide, and I will smoke a cigarette for a while."

     Su Nian said, "Don't smoke. After a while, it will smell like a house of smoke again."

     "Our bedroom has the window open."

     "It will still smell."

     "You're pretty elegant, what time do you get here? I'm starving to death."

     "It's half-past eight. By the way, look at WeChat, I just saw a funny video and I shared it with you."

     Pei Ran got disconnected out of the game so he turned down the computer volume.

     When he was connected back again, he got a headshot and his character fell to the ground.

     "Wait for me." Yan Zhun opened the bag.

     Strangely, Luo Qingshan and Su Nian were still chatting in the voice, Yan Zhun's voice was almost suppressed by them, but Pei Ran could hear him.

     Although Pei Ran didn't play well, he was not a noob. He quickly saw the enemy attacking him: "Don't come here, at least two of them are holding me."

     "Hide in the corner." Yan Zhun said again, "Wait for me."

     It's a pity that Pei Ran's angle was not good, and the character's movement speed is particularly slow after falling to the ground. He wanted to hide, but the enemy did not give him a chance. A few shots directly killed him.

     Pei Ran clicked to spectate the game.

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     Yan Zhun was a step late and was standing in front of his box this time.

     "The person across from you can still hit you," Pei Ran reminded him, "There's nothing to take from my box, not even medicine."

     Yan Zhun gave a hum, but the game character opened the box.

     Pei Ran leaned back, he was not too familiar with the game, and couldn't see what accessories or guns Yan Zhun took from him.

     "Su Nian, I'll transfer the money to you, you can take it..." Luo Qingshan laughed shortly before he finished speaking, "Ah no, Yan Zhun, why are you taking my baby's clothes? Are they expensive? If you're tired of your clothes why wear the original clothes of the game?"

     Pei Ran raised his eyebrows, and he saw that the clothes on the character of Yan Zhun turned into the original white t-shirt.

     Yan Zhun changed his position and said concisely: "You've got the point wrong."

     Pei Ran was in a bad mood, and originally planned to close the game, but he didn't press the exit button for a long time looking at the game.

     He thought Yan Zhun would run, after all, he was the only one left in the team, but Yan Zhun didn't. He changed his position and began to confront the opposite person.

     It wasn't until Yan Zhun knocked down the enemy for the fourth time that the enemy finally decided to retreat strategically. The opposite player just jumped downstairs and was swept to death by Yan Zhun with a shuttle.

     Even a new player like Pei Ran can see that Yan Zhun is strong. If he was not living with Luo Qingshan, he would have suspected that he is a professional player.

     However, the enemy has teammates, and they can always support him when he falls on the ground. It is very difficult to eliminate those people.


     "Forget them Yan Zhun, you can go to the circle, it's gonna be a problem if you keep fighting with them, can you still make it out of the poisonous circle?" Luo Qingshan gave him a trick, "If you enter the good circle and find a good position, there are only a dozen people left."

     As soon as Luo Qingshan's voice fell, Yan Zhun took a right probe and shot the other side again.

     "Don't enter." Yan Zhun said, "just let them die here."

     After a few minutes, a three-line safety zone elimination prompt popped up in the upper right corner.

     The three-person team on the opposite side was done just like that.

     "Awesome," Su Nian was a little excited, "Yan Zhun, you should take medicine soon, do you still have medicine?"

    Yan Zhun stood still and didn't respond to him until he was poisoned to death ten seconds later and the game ended.

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     Pei Ran was a little stunned, it was the first time he watched the game from such an exciting perspective.

     So when he returned to the game lobby, Pei Ran still focused on the exact game characters.

     "Okay, don't fight, I'm a little dizzy after I play." Luo Qingshan stretched out, "Baby, go, go to the video."

     The exact game character suddenly disappeared - he left the team.

     As soon as Pei Ran turned off the game, Luo Qingshan played the video.

     Luo Qingshan is a handsome man. He was not a good student in high school. He didn't stop smoking and drinking. Later, he beat people for Pei Ran, and he did bad things.

     He only learned to behave after being with Pei Ran. To be admitted to a school with Pei Ran, he studied lifelessly. Now that there is no sense of responsibility, he is a going back to his old habits.

     "Baby." Luo Qingshan stood on the balcony, "When will you go to school? I'll pick you up."

     Pei Ran said: "Tomorrow afternoon."

     "In the afternoon?" Luo Qingshan frowned.

     "Is it a problem?."

     "No..." Luo Qingshan hesitated for a long time, "I originally made an appointment with Su Nian to play ball tomorrow afternoon."

     Pei Ran's phone was placed in an awkward position, he glanced at the screen after hearing this.

     "You don't use it to pick me up, and you don't go anywhere with it." (They're talking about the car.)

     "I will push the game for later."

     "No," Pei Ran said, "You can play, I'll get there myself don't worry."

     After hanging up the video, Pei Ran got up and took a shower. After he came out, he lay on the bed and swiped through the posts of his friends.

     [Luo Qingshan: [Picture] The current poverty situation of male college students.】

     The picture was Luo Qingshan's dinner, a box of rice, two boxes of meat, and a green vegetable next to it.

     The moments of Luo Qingshan has just been posted shortly, and the following are all comments by one person.

     [Sn: There are vegetables and meat, what poverty are you talking about? [angry face] ]

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     [Sn: You mean I am helping the poor?  [Laughing and crying faces] ]

     Pei Ran seemed to feel a little bit refreshed, and as expected, another post of one of his friends appeared.

     [Sn: While he looks disgusting, the food is fragrant [picture][emoji]]

     It was a photo of Luo Qingshan immersed in eating.

     Pei Ran looked at it coldly for a few seconds, clicked into the "sn" friend interface, and changed his name to "Su Nian".

     When Pei Ran arrived at school, the sky was completely dark. He stood on the sparsely-populated stadium and called Luo Qingshan. When the other picked up, he was out of breath.

     "Baby... are you here?"

     Pei Ran hummed: "I didn't see you."

     "When Su Nian and I were playing ball, I kicked his foot. I took him to the school infirmary and he is applying medicine." Luo Qingshan said, "Otherwise, you can go to my dormitory and so on right? The bedroom next door is borrowing my computer. The door is open."

     When Pei Ran arrived at the dormitory, the door of the dormitory was slightly closed and not closed tightly.

     Because Luo Qingshan had said beforehand, Pei Ran didn't knock on the door and went straight in.

     The plastic-steel door of the bathroom was pushed open at the same time, and the heat rushed out, followed by an individual.

     Yan Zhun only wrapped a bathrobe loosely on his lower area. He was fit, with a smooth and firm lower abdomen, water droplets were on his body. Hearing the movement, he turned his head subconsciously.

     The two stared at each other for a few seconds.

     Pei Ran immediately lowered his eyes: "Sorry...I just walked in without the knocking on the door."

     Yan Zhun was stunned for a moment, he then nodded and walked to his bedside very naturally, took out a T-shirt, and put it on himself directly.

     After getting dressed, Yan Zhun looked at him again: "Why are you standing there? Come in."

     Pei Ran felt a little hot because of the steam.

     At this time, the air is full of a strong smell, with a little cologne smell, which is a common smell of men's shower gel.

     Suddenly, Pei Ran even had the illusion that the person who is dating him this time was not Luo Qingshan, but Yan Zhun.

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