3, The Forest, a Huge Undertaking, and the Demon Army (A-side / B-side)

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"Ah, yes. Nice to meet you, I'm the Evil God."


After I said it I immediately wanted to take it back.

An Evil God should sound a bit more vicious.

But what can I say..."I'm gonna eat your guts!" is a little too aggressive feeling, but I feel like it's necessary.

First impressions are vital, and it'd be better to act like a fierce Evil God people can rely on rather than some 'friendly' Evil God.

So I decide to rephrase myself.


"Ahem. Indubitably, it is I, the Evil God."


When I said that, the handsome black-haired man in front of me took to his knee, not caring about dirtying his clothes on the ground, and bowed deeply to me. From two meters away, the pretty boy sized me up, and without batting an eye said,


"Forgive my grievous error in not recognizing you at once. I know naught of any Evil Gods, but allow me to offer my most humble apologies for my slight. I am Drake, son of Lione, the Demon Lord of this newly claimed, but remote land. I am known as the <Dethroned Crown Prince> Drake. It is my honor to make your acquaintance."

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Woah woah, the Demon Lord? I was totally right to do my introduction over.

I can't have the Demon Lord of all people not taking me seriously. Since he's kneeling before me, I suppose I said the right thing.

But in a situation like this, what should I do next?

Maybe a line from one of those old Period Dramas?


"Indeed, now raise your head."

"As you wish."


"...By the way I have a request, where are we?"

"Are you referring to these lands? This place is on the western outskirts of the Demon Lands, a savage place called <The Red Forest of Jonan>, O' exalted one. Does Evil God-sama not rule over this region?"


That handsome Drake guy stared at me curiously.

Is that so?

I don't know about any other Evil Gods, but do they normally appear in places they rule over?

I guess it's like in a sales business where reps oversee certain regions. Evil Gods must do the same.

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"Actually, I just now became an Evil God."

"I see, just now you say. That explains your appearance. The Evil Gods are normally Demons like myself."

"My appearance?"

"Indeed, you are quite...diminutive for an Evil God. This is my first time being in the glorious presence of an Evil God, but according to the legends, all the Evil Gods were quite gigantic."


Man, that sucks.

I even asked the old lady in the great beyond 'Are you sure I don't need to be huge or something?'

Like plain pasta, I got a 'Plain Reincarnation'. It came with language comprehension, but things like 'being a giant' or having 'clothes made of darkness' cost karma and were sold separately.

Being a giant cost about 4,000,000 karma, but I wanted to pay my debt back as quickly as possible so I opted-out. I may have been a little too hasty. Thinking about it now, my debt was already over five-hundred million, a measly little four million added on would have been nothing.

Back in my life as Hirano Bonta, I used to hang out with my Dad who owned a print shop. He had debt numbering in the hundreds of millions of yen and still had an active night life. I guess my money sense only goes this far.


"Truly it is so. I must gather followers to believe in me, and swiftly increase their numbers."

"As you wish, O’ exalted one."



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Although he was an Evil God, he was apparently only a novice one.

Drake understood this after exchanging words with the hornless Evil God.

As he said, he had only just become an Evil God.

(So that's how it is. Perhaps it is fate that 'just now' I began to pray to an Evil God.)


A newly made God.

This was an auspicious omen for Drake.

Without anything to show for it, he was just an Evil God. Drake also desired that. Believing, praying, not clinging to. He could have that kind of relationship with this Evil God.




This Drake guy seems pretty loyal, so I'm a bit relieved.

As an 'Evil God' appearing before a 'Demon Lord', I had wondered what I'd do if a scary guy was my first believer, but this Drake fellow seems like a good guy. We even had a proper conversation.

So this place is supposed to be the Demon Lands that Drake mentioned.

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Since it's out in the sticks, the Demons must’ve lived a pretty rustic life. At least, that's what I infer.

I have no idea how I'm supposed to collect karma, but according to my gamer sense, just gathering followers should be all right for now.

Drake already controls this backwater country, so I should be able to gather followers without hardly lifting a finger. A wonderful plan if I do say so myself.


"I have one more inquiry for you, Drake."

"How may I be of service to you, Evil God-sama?"

"How many soldiers do you have under your command?"


No matter what anyone else says, he is the Demon Lord. He should have at least one or two thousand. Ten thousand would be really nice.

Famous Idol groups have upwards of a hundred thousand fans, so it wouldn't be strange at all if the Demon Lord had that many demons at his command.


"Let me see, right now I think they number about 200."


"Yes. I, Drake, lead the Demon Army, though we are only 200 strong."


I felt something shake and crumble inside of me.

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