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6、Clothes, a Lecher, and the Black-haired Goddess (A-side)




Cheap clothes no longer exist.



"These black pants are 3,980 Karma, and with the rest of your purchase...comes to a total of 10,000 karma."


This is the cheapest casual clothing store in the Divine Domain. I don't even know the full value of karma yet.

At first I wanted to buy things like a black robe and other clothes fitting an Evil God, but things got out of hand. It would have been 98,000 Karma. Like I can afford that?!

I was reincarnated to this world with a loan, and had just 500,000 left over. I have the Karma, but if I lose my believers and squander all the karma I have left I'll become a ghost, so I don't want to waste it.

Also, the clerk is like a ghost already. This is probably how he earns Karma.

Speaking of which, I should have asked the lady at the public office how to collect Karma, but it's too late for regrets now.


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For now to get my clothes tailored to my size, I go to the fitting room.

When I pulled back the curtain, I got a faceful of bare skin…


"......Ah, I’m so sorry."


Someone was already there.

You might call it paradise.

There was a gorgeous black haired woman shaking and trembling inside.

Her waist-length hair was as jet black as a crow. There was not one imperfection on her skin. She was slender, but curvy in all the right places. Her waistline in particular was incredibly pleasing.

But it was rude to stare, so I politely closed the curtain. It was a feast for the eyes.

Truly a glorious vision, however…



“Stop right there.”


Those were the immediate words that came from the woman leaving the fitting room, and I promptly sat in the formal Japanese way, Seiza.

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By the way, she was finely clad in a Hakama now.

The clerk and other customers sensed her hostility and watched from a distance.

Before I knew what was happening, I found a sharp object at my neck. There was an alluring Katana or sword-like piece on the end.

To further exacerbate the situation, it was the Sky Piercer.

It was the hard to use and beloved weapon of the greatest warrior of the Three Kingdoms, the almighty Lu Bu. It was hard to use, but from the bloodlust she was giving off, it obviously wasn't just for decoration.

So it's safe to say this woman knew exactly how to use the Sky Piercer. There would be no way to win against such a monstrous opponent.


"You, just who are you?"


The lovely lady even had a beautiful voice.

The dignified voice along with the piercing gaze made the room’s temperature drop.


"Hirano Bonta. I'm a new God."


There was no other way to answer. In truth, I would have loved to drop a line like "When asking for someone's name, shouldn't you give yours first?" just like a protagonist would, but with the Sky Piercer at my throat that would have been way too risky.


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"A new God are you? And yet I see you have quite a lot of Karma by comparison?"

"Eh, Karma? I only have around 400,000 left..."

"Not that. I'm talking about your "Role".  Are you by chance an "Evil God"?"

"Yeah, just barely."

"A new Evil God. No wonder."


Role, that's a new word.

I want to ask her not to use words I'm not familiar with, but I don't want to add fuel to the fire.


"Well, it was probably an accident. As a fellow Evil God I'll ignore this incident today."

"Ah, thanks a lot."

"But there won't be a second time, you hear?"

"Yes......of course."


I see. This beauty is an Evil God too. That explains her attitude.

We met under the worst circumstances.

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But I'll still brag about this to Drake later.


"Oh right, what was your name?"

"Me? Oh, I guess I didn't give you my name yet."


The Hakama-clad Evil God halted her departure and turned around, and with a beautiful smile proclaimed,


"I am the Black Haired Princess, <Kurokamihime>. Upper Senior Fifth Ranked Evil God <Kurokamihime>. Patron deity of <The Northern Overlord>. Pleased to meet you, New God-san."

"The pleasure's all mine, <Kurokamihime>."


Her lingering scent is also sweet.

Somehow I became acquainted with a beauty while clothes shopping.

But, did she just say <The Northern Overlord>?

If I remember right, wasn't that the guy that beat Drake black and blue, that <Northern Overlord>?

If that's right, I'd better go tell Drake.


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