When Jiang Chao Ge rushed into the south eastern guest room, Yu Ren Shu and Tian Rong were already inside. Their faces were covered, each foot pressing one of the two strangers to the ground, currently binding them with ropes.

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Jiang Chao Ge stared at Yu Ren Shu with a frown. Yu Ren Shu made a ‘shushing’ motion towards him. After binding them with ropes, he used a cloth to cover their eyes.

“Who are you?! We were sent by the imperial family. You guys are asking to die!”

Tian Rong stomped on him and said coldly: “Shut up, don’t say useless things.”

Yu Ren Shu took out a dagger, pressed the ice cold blade to that person’s face and whispered: “I ask you answer. If you answer, I guarantee no one will know about what happened here today. If you don’t answer, no one will know that you died here.”

That person’s companion was somewhat calmer and asked: “Sir what do you want to ask?”

“Second Prince Kui. How did he disappear? Where did he disappear? What happened before and after he disappeared. Tell me everything you know.”

That person thought for a bit: “Prince Kui disappeared in the central plains near the north. He was sent to catch Prince Shu but on the way heard that some place might have a Divine grade spirit weapon. Thus he temporarily changed course to search for it. After entering a forest, they were attacked by rare beasts. The entourage scattered and many seemed to have died. Yet the ones that returned alive completely lacked information about Prince Kui.”

“Then the emperor sent you two to go find Prince Kui?”

“Of course it’s not just us two. We had some other matters so we took a detour. The emperor has already sent the imperial guards to search for Prince Kui.”

Yu Ren Shu was silent for a moment: “According to what you said, Prince Kui is very likely already dead.”

“Yes, but…..”

Just as that person was about to speak, his companion secretly nudged him. Tian Rong’s sharp eyes caught it and he stepped on his head: “Speak!”

That person swallowed, knowing that he’d blurted out a secret but could only say: “I heard, only heard that not long after Prince Kui disappeared, a strange form that could be seen from hundreds of metres away appeared in the forest.”

“What kind of strange shape?”

“Not sure. The nearby villagers said that the sky was strange. A bright sunny sky suddenly became as dark as night. They didn’t know if it was real or fake. Anyway that forest is haunted by a lot of ferocious rare beasts. No one ever dares to go in and now even more so.”

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Yu Ren Shu and Jiang Chao Ge’s gazes met, somehow feeling that the strange phenomenon was familiar yet was temporarily unable to remember.

Yu Ren Shu glanced meaningfully at Tian Rong. Tian Rong knocked the two unconscious.

Upon returning to Yu Ren Shu’s room, Zhi Xuan shot a glance at him: “This time you’re in big trouble.”

Yu Ren Shu said baffled: “Why?”

“If that second brother of yours didn’t die, there’s a chance he summoned a Divine grade spirit beast.”

Yu Ren Shu was greatly shocked and suddenly remembered the first time Jiang Chao Ge summoned the Qilin’s true form. A strange phenomenon also occurred, the sky changed colour and there was no night or day anymore!

Jiang Chao Ge’s expression also changed. What Zhi Xuan said might really be possible. However how could there be such a coincidence that Yu Ren Kui found a spirit weapon compatible with him that is also a Divine grade one? But upon further thought, such a strange phenomenon of the sky descending wouldn’t just happen randomly. Even Zhi Xuan thought that it was a Divine rare beast awakening. Moreover that wooded mountain was so dangerous. If there was anyone that could survive and find a spirit weapon, it could very possibly be Yu Ren Kui. So Zhi Xuan’s guess wasn’t illogical.

Yu Ren Shu took a deep breath: “That’s only a guess. How could there be such a coincidence?”

Zhi Xuan laughed coldly: “You still can’t see it? For thousands of years, ancient rare beasts have always remained a legend. Yet suddenly within this short time frame, they each awaken one after another and could also find their own spirit weapon users. I think it’s not spirit weapon users searching for spirit weapons at all, but rather they were simultaneously attracted to each other.”

Jiang Chao Ge was silent. Zhi Xuan was right. The State Preceptor said that the seal on ancient rare beasts was already so weak it was uncontrollable. Their awakening was inevitable. But if he and Zhi Xuan, Liu Qing Ming and Ren Wang’s meeting could all be considered a coincidence, then by Xiao Xue and the maiden, the probability of this coincidence was way too high. It seemed almost as if there was something controlling spirit weapon users to find Divine grade spirit weapons that were compatible with them, awakening them from their slumber.

Yu Ren Shu muttered: “Could we be wrong? Not only can spirit weapon users summon spirit weapons, spirit weapons can also summon spirit weapon users?”

Tian Rong said: “Spirit weapons summoning spirit weapon users….. at the very least I can’t do it. Ancient rare beasts might able to do it.” He looked towards Zhi Xuan.

Zhi Xuan shook his head: “I don’t know. Before Jiang Chao Ge summoned me, I was always in a slumber.”

Jiang Chao Ge wiped his face: “This issue isn’t something we can understand by thinking it through. However, I don’t think the successive bonding of three Divine spirit weapons and spirit weapon users is just a coincidence. So Zhi Xuan is right. There must be some attractive force that exists between a Divine spirit weapon and their compatible spirit weapon user. Although I don’t know what this attraction actually is….” He glanced at Zhi Xuan suddenly feeling like it was fate. He sighed, “I could have very possibly come to this world just for him.”

Zhi Xuan’s bright eyes flickere, staring at him unblinkingly, a strange emotion contained within those deep eyes.

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Yu Ren Shu glared at him: “Don’t make it sound as if it was a match made in heaven. You are human, he’s a beast.”

Zhi Xuan said unsatisfied: “You don’t get to shoot your mouth off about what we are.” He looked at Jiang Chao Ge and said curiously: “It’s not impossible for him to also be a beast.”

Jiang Chao Ge remembered how Zhi Xuan had given him a terrible fright not long ago by mentioning ‘mate’ and hurrriedly said: “I’m a genuine human. I will live, become old, get sick and die, returning to the cycle of reincarnation. Anyway I won’t ever be a beast in this lifetime. Whether or not I was one before has nothing to do with me right?”

Zhi Xuan humphed, looking extremely unsatisfied.

Yu Ren Shu said: “Its almost dawn, let’s go.”

Jiang Chao Ge grabbed his arm, eyes blazing like torches: “Where to?”

Yu Ren Shu stopped smiling: “To the west of course. I attacked those two people only because I couldn’t contain my curiosity. That’s my second brother after all. But I won’t change destination just because of some conjectures. Even if he formed a contract with a Divine spirit weapon, it has nothing to do with me.”

Jiang Chao Ge let out a breath: “That’s good then. Shu, we’re all relying on your protection on this journey. We can’t leave you.”

Yu Ren Shu seemed somewhat surprised. His eyes swept across Jiang Chao Ge’s handsome face and smiled: “From the moment you encouraged me and I agree to flee, I’d already made up my mind to to fulfil the final wishes of the State Preceptor. Therefore relax, I’m not going to leave you.”

Jiang Chao Ge gave his shoulder a hard squeeze: “Good!”

Zhi Xuan was somewhat jealous, looking at the two sympathising with each other and grabbed Jiang Chao Ge’s arm: “Let’s go and pack.”

After the two left, Tian Rong leaned on the bedpost, staring and Yu Ren Shu with slightly narrowed eyes. His gaze flickered. It was unclear what he was thinking.

Yu Ren Shu glanced at him: “What are you looking at me for?”

“Jiang Chao Ge’s your type?”

Yu Ren Shu froze a bit and immediately broke into laughter: “I like delicate woman over men. Besides…… in short he is not my type.”

Tian Rong raised his eyebrow: “Really?”

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“Of course.” Yu Ren Shu softly stroked his soft, silk like silver hair: “If I Yu Ren Shu really loved someone why would I need to be secretive? I would certainly be bold.”

Tian Rong walked over, lifting a strand of silver silk and playing with it between his fingers. His ferocious eyes emitted a dangerous light. He whispered: “Then its fine. Otherwise I’m afraid Zhi Xuan will eat you one day.”

Yu Ren Shu grabbed his hand and smiled: “Scaring me? I Yu Ren Shu have never been afraid of anything in this lifetime.”

“If you don’t steal what belongs to Zhi Xuan, then there naturally isn’t anything to be scared of.” Tian Rong suddenly pulled Yu Ren Shu’s hair, forcing that incomparably handsome face closer to his own. He narrowed those dangerous beast eyes and whispered: “Don’t say I didn’t warn you. You are my spirit weapon user. Don’t throw your life away for some senseless matter.” He emphasised the word ‘my’.

Yu Ren Shu was somewhat annoyed. He resisted the urge to get angry and only glared ferociously at Tian Rong: “I really don’t know what touched your nerve today. It’s good that you still remember that I’m your spirit weapon user. Then you also remember, if I Yu Ren Shu were to die it would be at the right time. It definitely won’t be as ‘senseless’ as you think.”

There were suppressed flames of anger within Tian Rong’s pupils. The hand clutching Yu Ren Shu’s hair unconsciously tightened. But it ultimately relaxed, allowing that silver thread of silk to slip out of his fingers. He retreated back a step: “Pack up your things. Let’s hurry on the journey.”

Yu Ren Shu glanced at him, then turned around to tidy his own things.

While travelling all day, Jiang Chao Ge was always thinking about the possibility that Yu Ren Kui might’ve formed a contract with a Divine grade spirit weapon. If it really happened, then their unfavourable situation would become extremely dangerous. It could be said that from the day they fled from the imperial capital, their situation had been getting progressively worse, making innumerable enemies, potential ambushes in every direction. Thinking that Second Prince who eyed both Yu Ren Shu and the throne like a tiger eyeing its prey, could have obtained a Divine grade spirit weapon, he suddenly felt like he had too many debts to even worry about and wanted to sink into despair.

He knew that even though Yu Ren Shu appeared nonchalant about it on the surface, he was definitely extremely burdened internally. After all, if Yu Ren Kui really had a Divine grade spirit weapon, then usurping the throne would be as easy as turning his palm. At that time, when Yu Ren Kui arrived with an ancient rare beast, the whole country would be in disorder. The hell they feared most could really be coming closer.

Only right now they couldn’t prove that theory or find Yu Ren Kui. They could only proceed without a plan and hope the situation doesn’t develop in a worse direction.

They thought for a whole day, Zhi Xuan seemed to have stared at him for a whole day. That was truly an unblinking gaze, full of intense scrutiny and attention. Jiang Chao felt the hairs on his entire body stand up.

While eating and resting, Jiang Chao Ge really couldn’t bear it anymore: “Can you see flowers on my face or something?”

Zhi Xuan stroked his chin and glanced sideways at him: “You could really be my mate, but you also aren’t a Qilin. Why?”

Jiang Chao Ge sighed: “No. What is your mate? Aren’t you the only Qilin in this world? How do you have a mate? Yin Chuan is tricking you.”

“I also don’t know what my mate is. Yin Chuan said, not everyone can meet them. If you meet them, there will be a reaction in that area.” He thought for a moment, “My mate is my wife. Someone… or some beast I have to protect with my life, fulfil all their wants, give them the best things, guard them their whole life….” He spoke up to this point and suddenly glared at Jiang Chao Ge, “If you are really my mate, wouldn’t I have to die with you after a few decades?”

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Jiang Chao Ge hurriedly interrupted him: “That’s why you’re wrong. I’m not your mate at all. Your mate should be a beast as strong and as long living as you. Have you see men and beast coexist for long? I’m not even the same species as you.” A sheen of cold sweat appeared in his brow. Although Zhi Xuan’s words of ‘fulfilling all his wishes, giving him the best things’ were somewhat tempting, he struggled with his morality. He ultimately decided he couldn’t just sell himself off like this.

Zhi Xuan curled his lip: “True, how could lowly humans be my mate.”

Jiang Chao Ge nodded fiercely: “See? I’m only your servant.”

Zhi Xuan looked at the vast starry sky and said quietly: “Then does my mate actually exist? I’ve waited for thousands of years…. Yin Chuan said that even till death, some people would never meet the mate that would give their life and suffer hardship gladly for them. Will I never meet them even if I die? No, I should be considered dead already, yet at the same time can never die again.”

Jiang Chao Ge looked at the profound loneliness contained in those golden pupils and suddenly felt moved. If Zhi Xuan was human and spent thousands of years in solitude to wait for his other half, then what a romantic person he would be. But Zhi Xuan was a beast, and practically couldn’t be judged by human standards.

Zhi Xuan toppled over, nestling his head on Jiang Chao Ge’s leg, long arms wrapping around his waist: “If you are my mate, you don’t need to be my servant.”

Jiang Chao Ge laughed hollowly: “I’m willing to be your servant forever.”

Zhi Xuan raised his head to look at him: “You really aren’t?”

Jiang Chao Ge swallowed: “I…..”

Zhi Xuan suddenly lifted his hand to block his mouth: “Wait till we meet Yin Chuan, I want to ask him. He knows everything. He would definitely know if you are my mate. If he says you are, then you definitely are.”

Jiang Chao Ge found it hard to defend himself. He once again felt as if Yin Chuan was some godly stick, making these ancient rare beasts run around him.

Zhi Xuan suddenly lifted his lips in a smile: “If you are my mate, will you give me a little Qilin?”

Jiang Chao Ge almost coughed up blood and said through gritted teeth: “I’m male, I can’t….. pah! I’m just not you’re mate!”

Zhi Xuan hugged his waist tightly, closed his eyes and whispered: “It wouldn’t be bad if it was you.”

Jiang Chao Ge heart beat slightly and for a moment didn’t know how to reply. Perhaps remaining silent at this time was for the best, because Zhi Xuan was becoming increasingly dependant on him, making him feel at a loss of what to do.

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