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Cultivation Laws in this world were rules that embodied the Will of Heaven and carried details of how to cultivate and reach immortality. Although forming a Cultivation Law required certain strength and powers, natural laws existed, such as the ones used by loose cultivators or beasts that learned to cultivate through their own efforts.

However, it was much easier to start with a Cultivation Law created by a senior than to create one from Natural Law. Even Ming Ren wasn't sure he would capable of doing so without some sort of fateful encounter. Whoever first encountered the path of cultivation certainly had either help or a heaven-defying encounter.

In the Bright Sculpture, one of the theories behind humans cultivating was that the first cultivation technique was a gift from a higher being, and other that it was actually a gift from sentient Spirit Beasts.

Martial Arts or Techniques were born through repetition and slow improvement, then fused with True Elements, Rare Energies, and Spirit Energy, transforming into their true forms.

Although a practitioner could adapt himself to a Martial Art, not many were capable of creating arts. The ones that did so were either extremely experienced or talented. Ming Ren could be considered both.

Unless he finds a Supreme grade art or some with innate advantages or benefits, such as mind techniques, the techniques he could create would be heaven-grade at least. As his cultivation soared, more and more options would become available to him in the myriad of mysteries.

Besides, there was also another important reason Ming Ren needed to create and improve arts. His Dragon Light Divine Body was an unusual physique that relied on Knowledge and Experience.

Only by creating Arts and experiencing everything under the heavens, such as formations, mental techniques, and the way of pills, Ming Ren would be able to unlock the true power behind his physique. He didn't know how far the Bright Senior progressed.

Did the Bright Senior reach the full extent of his Physique's Power? If he didn't, just how much more powerful could it be?

Aside from the Bright Clan Arts, Ming Ren knew some of those from the White and Cloud Clans. Putting aside the ones from the Cloud Clan that required Mental Energy, he also didn't practice the White Clan arts.

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He promised Bai Xun and Yun Shufen not to divulge them to anyone else, but they never forbade him from practicing. Ming Ren didn't want to do so, first because he respected his friends, and second because those arts weren't anything special.

Aside from the Mental Techniques, the White Clan's arts were easily surpassed by the ones he could create, at least on the Body Tempering Realm. If the clan's techniques were special in any way there was also the possibility of using them as a base and improving until the original unrecognizable.

All arts had a common origin.

In fact, Ming Ren could also improve the techniques of the Bright Clan were not for the fact they had an innate connection to the True Light Element, making it impossible to change them without it. After all, even if declined, they were still created in the Upper Realms.

He smiled to himself. By entering the Bright Sculpture, because of his curiosity, he somehow became an amazing Art Creator!

With a flick of his wrist, the sword in his hand went back to the Space Ring. In a fight, using a weapon might be more powerful than bare fists, but at the Body Tempering Realm the most important step to a cultivator is to temper the body, and therefore fist and leg techniques were the most suitable for it.

He took an attack instance and struck forward in what seemed to be a simple fist but carried insurmountable experience with it. The fist had no beat, no disturbance, no killing intent. This type of attack completely embodied Ming Ren's favorite style: plain, direct, low-key.

It was the opposite of the flashy style the Bright Arts used.

However, his body was still unaccustomed to it. He repeated the movement over and over. Ming Ren held his arm straight in front of the body, with the palm down and fingers straight. He tightened the entire fist, keeping a straight line with the forearm, becoming a single unit together with the fingers.

Once more punching forward, his internal energy circulated to the arm at maximum speed, quickly reinforcing the point of strike, causing an increased burst of power with seemingly no momentum behind his fist.

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Somehow the fist looked very far, then it was already there. If one didn't know it was impossible it would seem it carried the power of space.

Ming Ren smiled self-satisfied. This was a High-grade Human Realm Fist Technique, almost surpassing the limits of the Body Tempering Realm. Its merits were high Qi Might, high speed, and low spirit consumption. It could easily produce might and speed of the 7th layer at the small success stage and even had low consumption, meaning common cultivators would benefit greatly from this.

Among all Fist Techniques without an innate True Element or special characteristics, it could be called Supreme.

Another factor to consider is, although it was very fearsome, the technique itself required lower comprehension than normal exactly because it had no extra features.

"Good! I will call this Ming Ren Fist Style First Movement - Clear Sky Fist!" If the Bright Fist was gaudy, this fist was as clear as the sky!

Ming Ren Once again took an offensive stance and struck forward with his palm. Its movement was not exceptionally fast, but it seemed like the whole sky would collapse at the enemy if it hit.

His internal energy once again circulated to the palm, completely concentrating on it, as if the entirety of his might was concentrated at that point. It even shook the ground.

After reaching Perfection again and creating another Supreme technique with High Qi might, middle speed, and medium spirit consumption, Ming Ren was satisfied.

Its power was even greater than the fist.

"This one will be Ming Ren Palm Style First Movement - Collapsing Sky!"

After thinking for a while, Ming Ren stepped lightly on the ground and seemed to disappear. He wanted to create a burst speed technique like the Bright Step but without the innate element. After correcting many mistakes, he finally reached his expectations.

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"Ming Ren Style Movement Art - Flash Step!"

But he also needed another movement technique that didn't focus on instantaneous speed but on sprinting. He didn't reach his expectations this time because of the constrained space, but after many tried was rather pleased with the resulting speed. It had no wasted movements but allowed the practitioner to only use Spirit Energy the moment his feet hit the ground, lowering consumption and fatigue.

"Ming Ren Style Movement Art - Sky Steps!"

Taking an offensive stance once again, Ming Ren kicked high with extreme speed and a lot of weight behind it. He practiced it over and over, mixing Spirit Energy until he found the perfect point to reinforce. It carried great speed with good destructive power.

"Ming Ren Style Leg Technique - Flash Kick!"

With a flick of his wrist, the unranked peak sword once again appeared outside. He held it tightly and from above to bellow with a clear and precise movement. Soon his body started to move as if he was dancing.

Common strikes were already covered by the Bright Sword Art, so Ming Ren wanted to do something different, fusing both Sword Mastery and Dance. He weaved side to side, high and low, cutting and slashing until he completely got the feeling.

Suddenly, Ming Ren slashed in several circular motions as he stepped around dancing, a beautiful and power sight. Spirit Energy was evenly distributed in inside his body, reaching once again the limits of the Body Tempering Realm! It even strode half-step into the Spirit Realm!

"Ming Ren Style Sword Art - Dance Of The Clear Sword!"

The entire ground around Ming Ren had several clear cuts, but dust was barely seen. Ming Ren's swordsmanship already reached an unimaginable realm but was severely limited by his cultivation base.

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With this, even though he was only at the peak of the fifth layer of the Body Tempering Realm, he would be able to put up a fight and improve his chances of escaping from many situations.

Ming Ren sat and sighed relieved. He was thinking that creating arts was a lot of fun and much less time consuming than he originally thought!

How many cultivators would kill him or spurt out blood if they knew what he was thinking?

Brother, we spent so much time practicing those techniques, you only spent a few days on them!

A few days to create a top-tier human realm technique? More than one, at that? Even if you had so much knowledge, isn't your talent a bit too heaven-defying?

Brother, you're too much!

...Wait, a few days?

Ming Ren's stomach suddenly howled. He hadn't eaten anything ever since he woke up at the Cloud Clan. Although his body was that of a cultivator, he still hadn't stridden into the true path and even spent a lot of energy practicing those arts. It has been several days without a meal, how can he be fine?

'Dammit, you fool, are you even human?! Knowledge is NOT food!' Ming Ren couldn't help but remember that the reason he stayed that long inside the Bright Scripture was his curiosity in the first place.

He got up and left the cave after verifying with his Spirit Sense that no one was near.

It was time to test his battle prowess, hunt…

.... and eat!

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