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Of course, it goes without saying that only Spirit Beasts and their descendants have a Spirit Beast Soul. Even so, it was a rare occasion for a half-breed human cultivator to be born with a beast soul, so much that they would be treated as rare talents.

A half-breed's Beast Soul wasn't completely beast nor human, and therefore it could enjoy benefits from both worlds, including techniques that belong only to the Monster Race.

To be born with a beast soul, moreover, an [Ancient Spirit Beast Soul], would be a blessing of ten lifetimes.

What were Ancient Beasts? Powerful existences with pure and old bloodlines, capable of shaking the heavens. Each one of their lineages was capable of wielding great power. In a sense, they were the origin of all current beasts. While one could call them "Spirit Beasts" it would also be correct to call them [Monster Race], since it was a broader term that meant not even Spirit Beasts but all kinds of non-human existences.

However, there was an important point that made Ming Ren frown. He quietly searched his memories and knowledge, "That's impossible. There has never been, even in the Upper Realms, a human cultivator with an [Inborn Ancient Spirit Beast Soul]. Two such cases happened, but always in clans with Monster Blood. So, half-breeds."

"Indeed. I am surprised you know. You must have found quite the artifact," the veiled figure said.

"But there's no mistake. You have an inborn beast soul! That is an unmistakable truth. There's not a single drop of monster blood in both of your bloodlines, and yet you have a beast soul. Besides…" The figure scanned Ming Ren again, "... Your soul is very unique. It is not completely human, nor completely beast. There's also something else in there, something, not even I can understand."


Not only a Beast Soul, not human, but something else entirely?

Ming Ren felt faint. Is this because of the Bright Scripture as well?

He shook his head, thinking, 'No. That would be impossible. While it greatly strengthened my soul, it was only because of what I experienced and learned. It didn't change it at all. To modify someone's soul.. it would be beyond the scripture."

"Senior, you said two bloodlines in my body?" Ming Ren asked.

He already knew the Bright Clan bloodline laid dormant in his body. Inside the scripture, he experienced the arts of the clan and also its formidable power. However, with time and after they were expelled from their ancestral grounds, the bloodline power waned and it almost disappeared.

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Aside from some other heaven-defying means, to awaken the bloodline of the Bright Clan he needed to recover their ancestral grounds. But what about the other bloodline?

"Indeed. They are quite powerful ones, but both human ancestry. They lie dormant, yet it is but a simple task for me to inspect them,' one of the creature's eyes behind the veiled grew and became bloody red. Ming Ren felt naked in front of that power.

Some of the blood in his clothes became liquid again and flew to the creature. "Interesting! Interesting! Never did I think that I would find the Bright Clan's bloodline here!"

Ming Ren: "Senior knows my clan?"

"How could I not? back in my master's era, it was one of the dominant powers. There wasn't a single person that did not hear of the Bright Clan," since it felt quite close to the youth, that figure didn't realize he talked too much.

Ming Ren: "Perhaps… does Senior know more of what happened to it?"

Although he experienced a lot in the scripture, the details of what happened were still a mystery to him. Which powers attacked? Why?

"No. Back then I was still too weak. The Upper Realms are so vast, how would I know what happened to every clan? All I heard is that they were wiped out. Who would think they'd be here in this small world." The figure suddenly felt nostalgic.

Ming Ren sighed, but he wasn't completely disappointed. He was still so small and weak, couldn't even find his clan members and parents, how could he think of the Upper Realms?

"As for that bloodline, even I can't understand it in this dormant form. The other bloodline, it's quite special, but it is not an Upper Realm heritage."

Ming Ren suddenly thought of something. His mother was from the Jade Clan of the River Province. The other bloodline would probably be from the Jade Clan.

"This bloodline is very pure, without an attribute. It probably originated long ago from a human with the [Clear Body Physique]!" The veiled figure said.

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'Clear Body Physique!' Ming Ren also knew of it. A physique without a dominant attribute, compatible with everything under the heavens. No matter what it came into contact with it would never cause a rejection.

Mixing bloodlines?

Mixing several True Elements and Rare Energies?

Mixing poison and medicine?

As long as one had the Clear Body Physique, everything was possible. While the bloodline wasn't as powerful as the original physique, it still carried some of its power to varying degrees.

The figure laughed, "Hahahahaha… you truly are blessed by the heavens, my friend. As long as you can awaken both of your bloodlines you will stand at the summit of this world, and maybe even the Upper Realms. With your unique soul, I can only say the heavens should fear you!"

Ming Ren sensed a deep sadness from him as he mentioned the heavens. He sounded envious.

The figure noticed it gave away too much of his thoughts and regained its composure, "Indeed, the Ancient Spirit Beast Soul is powerful. I don't even know which Ancient Beast that soul came from, but I feel as if it was my own kin. I have been here alone for too long, it seems even I long for company."

"Senior, why don't you leave?" That formation was not keeping it here but merely hiding its presence. Going outside would be as easy as blinking an eye.

"I cannot leave…. Now that I think of it, If I didn't have that fit of rage you wouldn't be here. I suddenly remembered some unpleasant matters a few decades ago and leashed out, damaging the formation from the inside. It even brought a few Spirit Beasts in. I suppose the same happened to you."

The veiled figure just finished speaking when it noticed something strange. The only time when the formation opened was at the moment he damaged it. Even if it was damaged, nothing else came afterward. How did they come in?

Does this mean the formation is reaching the limit?

'That damn brat, I have called for him for several years now, could it be he won't come and fix it? Hmm? wait, its a longshot, but…' its eyes focused on Ming Ren, giving him a not so sweet sensation, "Could it be that you somehow opened the formation outside?"

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This youth was too mysterious.

"Oh! yes, I did open it, but only for a second. Senior, please rest assured, no one else will come in. Although the formation is indeed damaged it should last a few more decades without trouble. As long as senior fixes it in that time everything will be fine,' Ming Ren thought the figure was worried about more unsolicited visitors.

Now the hundred-eyed veiled figured wanted to faint. You opened it, but only for a second? You even know how long it will last? Is fixing it that simple?! When did formations become so simple? Are the youths of this era so formidable? Even though I once rampaged in the Upper Realms I wouldn't brag about being able to fix a formation of this rank.

"You… can fix it?" He asked but didn't believe he was asking that to a cultivator of the Fifth Layer of the Body Tempering Realm.

Ming Ren shook his head, "As I am now it would be impossible."

The figure sighed in relief. Huh? as he was now?

"But as long as I lead, senior should be able to fix it without much trouble!" Ming Ren completed.

The veiled figured staggered. He knew a certain cultivator that would die if he heard something like that.

The figure became quiet for a while, seemingly pondering about something. Maybe… this youth…

Its eyes shone with determination and he decided to gamble on him.

"I also came from the Upper Realms, but my master was born here." The figure pointed with its eyes around the entire place, "You see this abundant Spirit Energy? This is a phenomenon that appeared after my master reached sentience."

"My master was a common oak tree in the past. After a fateful encounter, it became aware of the world and could absorb the Qi of Heaven and Earth. From that small step, he reached the peak and went to the Upper Realms. At first, when I met him, he was small and weak, couldn't be said to be talented," a faint smile appeared in his veiled face as it reminisced in the past.

"But he kept going, cultivating against everything. Somehow, he surpassed me. Our Clan became very large, my master known as [Sacred Warrior Tree] of the Sacred Tree Clan. Of course, by that point, he already reached human form and married several times, haha."

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"But alas, the heavens feared him, and he was struck down by heavenly tribulation while trying to reach another height! If he succeeded, that Era would definitely be his!" Ming Ren felt a mix of hatred and fear.

"Without his strength, how could our clan still stand proud? We were attacked, our allies deserted us. Back then, while we sought the apex, master irritated many powerful influences. One particularly strong one vowed to enslave his descendants forever."

Suddenly the air around got heavier and heavier, killing intent spiking.

"We fought back! I killed and killed, but they were too many. In the end, our whole clan was enslaved. Master's daughters and wives… taken. His talented sons chopped into firewood. I barely escaped with my life and spent the next thousand years enacting vengeance. I killed so many! My heart became tainted with hatred," the veiled figure sighed.

"They finally banded together and hunted me, so I could only retreat in defeat to this place. The moment I leave this formation there's a good chance they will find my trail again. Although many years passed, they would never forget me. Not after the ones I killed."

Ming Ren could feel its sadness and regret. If only he was stronger! His master's progeny and home! Were they still slaves? That once flourishing and strong clan, reduced to playthings and servants? Would they be doomed forever?

The youth wanted to say that they were similar, but even being true, the Divine Tree Clan's fate was worse than the Bright Clan.

'Before, I couldn't have hope to save them and avenge my master. But now…' He wanted to gamble on this youth. Such heaven-defying monster talent will certainly be able to tear apart the heavens and dominate an era.

It doesn't matter if it took ten, one hundred or a thousand years.

Even ten thousands or a million years more, he was willing to wait.

Having decided, as a token of faith, before it could ask anything it would show the youth its true form. However, showing it to him directly would be impossible lest he was harmed.

With a flash, a creature appeared in Ming Ren's mind…

Each one if his eyes carried immense power, capable of destroying one's soul.

A pure white giant stallion with one-hundred eyes and colossal sharp-looking wings. Its hoofs looked transparent, like glass, and feathers covered its whole body. Its tail flew as if it was wind itself and mane seemed made of living hair.

A Mythical Spirit Beast, realm unknown, Hundred-Eyed Colossal Pegasus!

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