CH 11: Going for the Head

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Xu Zun immediately called Zhang Fei into the room and introduced Liu Zhao to him.

“This commoner Zhang San pays his respects to Lord Liu.”

Zhang Fei hurriedly bowed in respect.

“No need for formalities!”

Liu Zhao waved his hand, and then immediately asked, “I heard that you are planning to help Ayun appeal her case?”

“Yes.” Zhang Fei nodded.

Liu Zhao asked, “I’m curious, how do you plan to help Ayun overturn the case?”

Zhang Fei seemed a little hesitant and glanced at Xu Zun.

Liu Zhao asked, “Can’t you tell me?”

Zhang Fei replied, “Respectfully, in my view, litigation is like a game of strategy. If I expose my witnesses and evidence in advance, it could potentially lead to my defeat.”

“Litigation? A game?”

Liu Zhao laughed heartily, “Your perspective is indeed unique. Alright, I shan’t pry any further.”

Liu Zhao was indifferent to worldly concerns. This time, he had come to notify his good friend about the situation, and he did not have any other purpose, nor did he have any interest in political struggles. After chatting with Xu Zun for a while, he stood up and said his goodbyes.

After he left, Xu Zun called Zhang Fei back into the room and asked him gravely, “Are you really assured of victory?”

Zhang Fei first nodded, then immediately asked, “Benefactor, does this case involve other political matters?”

Xu Zun said, “You don’t need to worry about that.”

But Zhang Fei responded, “If I don’t understand the full context of the situation, I won’t know the stakes involved. I might say the wrong things in the courtroom. This is crucial.”

Xu Zun felt that Zhang Fei’s points were not unreasonable, and the situation was not a secret within the imperial court. There was no need for secrecy, so he explained the reason to Zhang Fei.

It was nearly the same situation as recorded in the history books,.

When first asked to make a decision, Emperor Zhao Xu handed this case to Hanlin Academicians[1] Wang Anshi and Sima Guang for deliberation. At this point, it was a purely legal matter.

The dispute between Sima Guang and Wang Anshi was also a legal dispute.

However, they both perceived the law through the lens of customary traditions.

The reason Sima Guang supported the review by the Court of Judicial Review and the Ministry of Punishments was because he believed that, although according Ayun and Wei Ada were technically not legally married, they were husband and wife according to customary traditions.

A proper wife ought to be subservient to her husband. Ayun, who didn’t understand the law, would be cognizant of customs and therefore would have viewed Wei Ada as her husband before she committed her acts. Hence, her attack on Wei Ada was filled with malice, and her charge should not be reduced.

Wang Anshi and Xu Zun shared the same view. They believed Ayun wasn’t filled with malice, but acted out of desperation, and therefore deserved leniency.

These officials of the Song court were all highly talented. Since they had all served as magistrates and prefects in various places at some point in time, they were also top-tier legal experts.

They began to use various laws and regulations to defend their judgments.

However, the officials had different opinions on this case, and many officials took sides.

And as more and more people took sides, the nature of the dispute shifted.

Since Wang Anshi had just returned to the capital, he was eager to start his reforms. Therefore, he needed to recruit and gather support. He saw this case as an excellent opportunity for him, and he immediately politicized it.

One important move was recalling Xu Zun to take charge of the Court of Judicial Review.

This was indeed a political move.

Of course, Xu Zun didn’t tell Zhang Fei about the political reasons for this case, he only explained the professional opinions of various officials in the imperial court regarding this case.

However, Zhang Fei had a clear understanding of the situation. After pondering for a moment, he asked, “Who will preside over this case?”

Xu Zun replied, “That’s still undecided. But most likely it will be me, especially since His Majesty has  just put me in charge of the Court of Judicial Review.”

Zhang Fei said, “But since it is a retrial of the case, isn’t there a need to choose a different official to preside?”

This was the usual protocol, but Xu Zun had just changed departments, so he had a reason to continue presiding over this case.

Xu Zun curiously asked, “Don’t you want me to preside over the case?”

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Zhang Fei said, “If we are unable to persuade the opposition, I think it will be hard to reach a conclusion even after the trial. We are the weaker party, and dragging the matter out will definitely be detrimental to us. It’s best if we can settle it in one shot. So, if an official who is against us presides over the trial, we can get it over and done with!”

“You’re quite confident.” Xu Zun laughed, then asked, “Who do you think would be the most suitable to preside over the trial?”

Without any hesitation, Zhang Fei answered, “Academician Sima.”

Xu Zun was taken aback and said, “He’s not easy to deal with.”

Zhang Fei responded, “But if we want to win, we must overcome this hurdle. As the saying goes, ‘those involved can’t see as clearly as the bystanders.’ We can’t let him just watch from the sidelines.”

This young man really is brave and strategic! Xu Zun couldn’t help but look at Zhang Fei with newfound respect. After all, this was Bianjing, not Dengzhou. At the same time, he thought it was fair. If a judge who agreed with them presided over the case, the officials in opposition would not be satisfied even after the decision is issued. Xu Zun nodded and said, “Alright! I will do my best to get Academician Sima to preside over this case.”

Just then, the steward of the Xu manor, Uncle Rong, came to the door, “Master, the guest room is ready.”

“I see.”

Xu Zun nodded, then said to Zhang Fei, “You should go back to your room and rest a bit. I have some official matters to handle.”


But Zhang Fei was young after all. What counted as fatigue from a long journey to him was nothing but a paid vacation. He sat in his room for a while, only to feel utterly bored. There were no mobile phones, no computers. So, he decided to go out and take a stroll.

To be honest, he had no interest in strolling around Dengzhou, but Bianjing was a completely different story. The local sights of the capital were very captivating.

Stepping out of the room, he learned from a servant where the back door was and then headed there.

Just as he reached the back door, he saw the door open from the outside. He first heard a muffled voice, “It’s still early, why have you brought me back?”

From the sound of it, it was a woman who was drunk.

Another woman spoke in a hushed voice, “Ah, Lady Qian, lower your voice, the master has returned.”

“You can’t scare me by mentioning father. He’s still in Dengzhou.”

“It’s true, the master really has returned.”

As they were talking, a maid came through the door supporting a beautiful young girl. The girl’s cheeks were flushed, her eyes foggy with drunkenness, leaning on the maid, exuding a sense of charm amidst innocence.


The maid, with great difficulty, helped the young girl over the threshold. She was startled to see a stranger standing by the door and let out a scream.

However, the young girl kept moving forward. Startled by the maid’s scream, she bumped into Zhang Fei.

Zhang Fei subconsciously caught the girl, wondering in his mind, ‘Have I become this attractive?’

Seeing another unfamiliar face, the maid screamed in fright, “Molester! There’s a molester!”

Zhang Fei was stunned!

He thought that they were trying to honeytrap him!

The young girl squinted, looking around, “Molester! Where is the molester?”

After a moment, she suddenly realized that there was a strange face right in front of her and woke up in shock, shouting, “Who are you?”

“I am…”

Just as Zhang Fei was about to explain, the young girl suddenly noticed that she was still being held by him. She was both embarrassed and angry, and started to struggle, “Let go of me, you molester!”

Zhang Fei didn’t let go. Instead, he tightened his grip, holding the young girl even more tightly, “I can’t let go! If I let go, I won’t be able to explain!”

The girl was already dizzy from drinking and was too weak to struggle.

Seeing this, the maid rushed up, pounding her small fists while shouting for help.

Despite the maid’s fists raining upon him, Zhang Fei held on tightly and refused to let go.

“Stop being rude.”

At that moment, a voice of authority sounded.

Turning his head, Zhang Fei saw Xu Zun walking over with a few servants, he quickly said, “Thank goodness you’re here. Look, I didn’t mean to take advantage of your daughter.”

From the reference earlier, this young girl must be Xu Zun’s daughter.

Xu Zun walked over, seeing Zhang Fei tightly holding his daughter, and he was on the verge of killing him. He clenched his teeth and said, “Let go.”

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Zhang Fei replied, “I will let go once I finish my explanation. Please notice that your daughter’s leg is behind her, which fully proves that she fell towards me. I only kindly caught her to prevent her from falling. I didn’t mean to take advantage of her, and I’m definitely not a molester. As for why your daughter fell over, I believe you must have smelled the alcohol.”

One word: professional.

Unfortunately, Xu Zun wasn’t in the mood to hear these things now. He was just a father at this point. Listening to Zhang Fei ramble on, his is eyes bulged, his teeth clenched, and he said, “Let go.”

“Yes, yes! I shall let go!”

Just as Zhang Fei loosened his grip, the girl seemed about to fall. He quickly caught her again, glanced down, and saw that the girl was leaning against him with her eyes closed. He said to Xu Zun in an almost crying tone, “Your daughter seems to have fallen asleep.”

Xu Zun was on the verge of exploding. He roared at the maid, “What are you waiting for? Help her into the house.”

“Yes, master.”

The maid rushed forward, glared fiercely at Zhang Fei, and then helped the girl out of his arms.


Zhang Fei suddenly took a sharp intake of breath.

Xu Zun turned purplish-red as he looked at Zhang Fei’s face. He asked, “What’s wrong with you?”

Zhang Fei stood still, holding his breath, his lips trembling, “I was… I was choked by the smell of alcohol. Ouch…” He let out another painful sound, “The alcohol smells fragrant.”

Xu Zun cast a glance at Zhang Fei’s feet and slightly glared at the maid. The maid quickly helped the girl away. He then asked Zhang Fei, “What are you doing here?”

With tears in his eyes, Zhang Fei said, “I was planning to go out for a walk to see if there was a chance to play the hero and save a beauty. I didn’t expect to complete the task without even leaving. I think I should go back and rest.”

With that, he turned around and limped back into the house.

“What a headache!”

Xu Zun closed his eyes and sighed. He then ordered Uncle Rong beside him, “For the next few days, do not allow that girl to take one step out of her room, otherwise, I will hold you responsible.”

“Yes, sir.”

[1] The Hanlin Academy comprised of an elite group of scholars who were entrusted with the drafting of official documents and the establishment of the official interpretation of the Confucian Classics. Academicians often held other official positions in the court but they were still often referred to by their prestigious Academician title.

Xu Zun immediately called Zhang Fei into the room and introduced Liu Zhao to him.

“This commoner Zhang San pays his respects to Lord Liu.”

Zhang Fei hurriedly bowed in respect.

“No need for formalities!”

Liu Zhao waved his hand, and then immediately asked, “I heard that you are planning to help Ayun appeal her case?”

“Yes.” Zhang Fei nodded.

Liu Zhao asked, “I’m curious, how do you plan to help Ayun overturn the case?”

Zhang Fei seemed a little hesitant and glanced at Xu Zun.

Liu Zhao asked, “Can’t you tell me?”

Zhang Fei replied, “Respectfully, in my view, litigation is like a game of strategy. If I expose my witnesses and evidence in advance, it could potentially lead to my defeat.”

“Litigation? A game?”

Liu Zhao laughed heartily, “Your perspective is indeed unique. Alright, I shan’t pry any further.”

Liu Zhao was indifferent to worldly concerns. This time, he had come to notify his good friend about the situation, and he did not have any other purpose, nor did he have any interest in political struggles. After chatting with Xu Zun for a while, he stood up and said his goodbyes.

After he left, Xu Zun called Zhang Fei back into the room and asked him gravely, “Are you really assured of victory?”

Zhang Fei first nodded, then immediately asked, “Benefactor, does this case involve other political matters?”

Xu Zun said, “You don’t need to worry about that.”

But Zhang Fei responded, “If I don’t understand the full context of the situation, I won’t know the stakes involved. I might say the wrong things in the courtroom. This is crucial.”

Xu Zun felt that Zhang Fei’s points were not unreasonable, and the situation was not a secret within the imperial court. There was no need for secrecy, so he explained the reason to Zhang Fei.

It was nearly the same situation as recorded in the history books,.

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When first asked to make a decision, Emperor Zhao Xu handed this case to Hanlin Academicians[1] Wang Anshi and Sima Guang for deliberation. At this point, it was a purely legal matter.

The dispute between Sima Guang and Wang Anshi was also a legal dispute.

However, they both perceived the law through the lens of customary traditions.

The reason Sima Guang supported the review by the Court of Judicial Review and the Ministry of Punishments was because he believed that, although according Ayun and Wei Ada were technically not legally married, they were husband and wife according to customary traditions.

A proper wife ought to be subservient to her husband. Ayun, who didn’t understand the law, would be cognizant of customs and therefore would have viewed Wei Ada as her husband before she committed her acts. Hence, her attack on Wei Ada was filled with malice, and her charge should not be reduced.

Wang Anshi and Xu Zun shared the same view. They believed Ayun wasn’t filled with malice, but acted out of desperation, and therefore deserved leniency.

These officials of the Song court were all highly talented. Since they had all served as magistrates and prefects in various places at some point in time, they were also top-tier legal experts.

They began to use various laws and regulations to defend their judgments.

However, the officials had different opinions on this case, and many officials took sides.

And as more and more people took sides, the nature of the dispute shifted.

Since Wang Anshi had just returned to the capital, he was eager to start his reforms. Therefore, he needed to recruit and gather support. He saw this case as an excellent opportunity for him, and he immediately politicized it.

One important move was recalling Xu Zun to take charge of the Court of Judicial Review.

This was indeed a political move.

Of course, Xu Zun didn’t tell Zhang Fei about the political reasons for this case, he only explained the professional opinions of various officials in the imperial court regarding this case.

However, Zhang Fei had a clear understanding of the situation. After pondering for a moment, he asked, “Who will preside over this case?”

Xu Zun replied, “That’s still undecided. But most likely it will be me, especially since His Majesty has  just put me in charge of the Court of Judicial Review.”

Zhang Fei said, “But since it is a retrial of the case, isn’t there a need to choose a different official to preside?”

This was the usual protocol, but Xu Zun had just changed departments, so he had a reason to continue presiding over this case.

Xu Zun curiously asked, “Don’t you want me to preside over the case?”

Zhang Fei said, “If we are unable to persuade the opposition, I think it will be hard to reach a conclusion even after the trial. We are the weaker party, and dragging the matter out will definitely be detrimental to us. It’s best if we can settle it in one shot. So, if an official who is against us presides over the trial, we can get it over and done with!”

“You’re quite confident.” Xu Zun laughed, then asked, “Who do you think would be the most suitable to preside over the trial?”

Without any hesitation, Zhang Fei answered, “Academician Sima.”

Xu Zun was taken aback and said, “He’s not easy to deal with.”

Zhang Fei responded, “But if we want to win, we must overcome this hurdle. As the saying goes, ‘those involved can’t see as clearly as the bystanders.’ We can’t let him just watch from the sidelines.”

This young man really is brave and strategical! Xu Zun couldn’t help but look at Zhang Fei with newfound respect. After all, this was Bianjing, not Dengzhou. At the same time, he thought it was fair. If a judge who agreed with them presided over the case, then the officials in opposition would not be satisfied even after the decision is issued. Xu Zun nodded and said, “Alright! I will do my best to get Academician Sima to preside over this case.”

Just then, the housekeeper, Uncle Rong, came to the door, “Master, the guest room is ready.”

“I see.”

Xu Zun nodded, then said to Zhang Fei, “You should go back to your room and rest a bit. I have some official matters to handle.”


But Zhang Fei was young after all. What counted as fatigue from a long journey to him was nothing but a paid vacation. He sat in his room for a while, only to feel utterly bored. There were no mobile phones, no computers. So, he decided to go out and take a stroll.

To be honest, he had no interest in strolling around Dengzhou, but Bianjing was a completely different story. The local sights of the capital were very captivating.

Stepping out of the room, he learned from a servant where the back door was and then headed there.

Just as he reached the back door, he saw the door open from the outside. He first heard a muffled voice, “It’s still early, why have you brought me back?”

From the sound of it, it was a woman who was drunk.

Another woman spoke in a hushed voice, “Ah, Lady Qian, lower your voice, the master has returned.”

“You can’t scare me by mentioning father. He’s still in Dengzhou.”

“It’s true, the master really has returned.”

As they were talking, a maid came through the door supporting a beautiful young girl. The girl’s cheeks were flushed, her eyes foggy with drunkenness, leaning on the maid, exuding a sense of charm amidst innocence.

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The maid, with great difficulty, helped the young girl over the threshold. She was startled to see a stranger standing by the door and let out a scream.

However, the young girl kept moving forward. Startled by the maid’s scream, she bumped into Zhang Fei.

Zhang Fei subconsciously caught the girl, wondering in his mind, ‘Have I become this attractive?’

Seeing another unfamiliar face, the maid screamed in fright, “Molester! There’s a molester!”

Zhang Fei was stunned!

He thought that they were trying to honeytrap him!

The young girl squinted, looking around, “Molester! Where is the molester?”

After a moment, she suddenly realized that there was a strange face right in front of her and woke up in shock, shouting, “Who are you?”

“I am…”

Just as Zhang Fei was about to explain, the young girl suddenly noticed that she was still being held by him. She was both embarrassed and angry, and started to struggle, “Let go of me, you molester!”

Zhang Fei didn’t let go. Instead, he tightened his grip, holding the young girl even more tightly, “I can’t let go! If I let go, I won’t be able to explain!”

The girl was already dizzy from drinking and was too weak to struggle.

Seeing this, the maid rushed up, pounding her small fists while shouting for help.

Despite the maid’s fists raining upon him, Zhang Fei held on tightly and refused to let go.

“Stop being rude.”

At that moment, a voice of authority sounded.

Turning his head, Zhang Fei saw Xu Zun walking over with a few servants, he quickly said, “Thank goodness you’re here. Look, I didn’t mean to take advantage of your daughter.”

From the reference earlier, this young girl must be Xu Zun’s daughter.

Xu Zun walked over, seeing Zhang Fei tightly holding his daughter, and he was on the verge of killing him. He clenched his teeth and said, “Let go.”

Zhang Fei replied, “I will let go once I finish my explanation. Please notice that your daughter’s leg is behind her, which fully proves that she fell towards me. I only kindly caught her to prevent her from falling. I didn’t mean to take advantage of her, and I’m definitely not a molester. As for why your daughter fell over, I believe you must have smelled the alcohol.”

One word: professional.

Unfortunately, Xu Zun wasn’t in the mood to hear these things now. He was just a father at this point. Listening to Zhang Fei ramble on, his is eyes bulged, his teeth clenched, and he said, “Let go.”

“Yes, yes! I shall let go!”

Just as Zhang Fei loosened his grip, the girl seemed about to fall. He quickly caught her again, glanced down, and saw that the girl was leaning against him with her eyes closed. He said to Xu Zun in an almost crying tone, “Your daughter seems to have fallen asleep.”

Xu Zun was on the verge of exploding. He roared at the maid, “What are you waiting for? Help her into the house.”

“Yes, master.”

The maid rushed forward, glared fiercely at Zhang Fei, and then helped the girl out of his arms.


Zhang Fei suddenly took a sharp intake of breath.

Xu Zun turned purplish-red as he looked at Zhang Fei’s face. He asked, “What’s wrong with you?”

Zhang Fei stood still, holding his breath, his lips trembling, “I was… I was choked by the smell of alcohol. Ouch…” He let out another painful sound, “The alcohol smells fragrant.”

Xu Zun cast a glance at Zhang Fei’s feet and slightly glared at the maid. The maid quickly helped the girl away. He then asked Zhang Fei, “What are you doing here?”

With tears in his eyes, Zhang Fei said, “I was planning to go out for a walk to see if there was a chance to play the hero and save a beauty. I didn’t expect to complete the task without even leaving. I think I should go back and rest.”

With that, he turned around and limped back into the house.

“What a headache!”

Xu Zun closed his eyes and sighed. He then ordered Uncle Rong beside him, “For the next few days, do not allow that girl to take one step out of her room, otherwise, I will hold you responsible.”

“Yes, sir.”

[1] The Hanlin Academy comprised of an elite group of scholars who were entrusted with the draft of official documents. Academicians often held other official positions in the court but they were still referred to by their prestigious Academician title.

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