CH 14: I am the Audacious Zhang San

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Too darn audacious.

It couldn’t even be described as youthful recklessness.

Truly, the audacious Zhang San!

As a commoner, how dare you come to the Court of Penal Review and make outrageous statements? Is it because we’ve kept our torture implements out of sight?

Xu Zun was so anxious that his hair was almost turning white.

Kid, I can only support you insofar as justice is on your side. How can I support such audacity?

But there was a kind smile in Sima Guang’s eyes. This was just a young man after all, almost child-like. He asked Zhang Fei, “What did you just say?”

Zhang Fei immediately straightened his back and said with a proud face, “I take no shame in bringing complaints to make a profit. In fact, I take pride in it. I shall come here to file more complaints in the future, to earn even more money.”

His words were resounding and powerful, but in the eyes of everyone else, they thought that this guy must definitely be crazy.

Even if you wish to make money, this was not something to be said out loud. As things stood, who would dare to stand on your side?

Wang Anshi felt exhausted. He bowed his head and sighed, like a death row prisoner waiting for the guillotine to fall.

It’s over!

All over!

But Sima Guang was confident. He frowned and said, “I would like to hear why you are proud of it. If your words are said without reasonable justification, I shall punish you for contempt of court.”

Zhang Fei bowed and asked, “May I ask Your Honor, what would be the outcome for an unruly commoner like me in the Han Dynasty?”

Sima Guang replied, “I’m afraid you would have already become a slave.”

Zhang Fei then asked, “What if I were born in the Tang Dynasty?”

Sima Guang said, “If it were the Tang Dynasty, you probably wouldn’t be able to stand here.”

The Tang Dynasty had not yet established this kind of litigation system where one person could represent another. Those who appeared in court were the aggrieved themselves, not their legal representative.

“Exactly, Your Honor,” Zhang Fei said. “Only in our great Song empire, would I be safely speaking here. Why? It’s because the emperors of our Song Dynasty have always ruled the country with benevolence. They care for the people and value human life. Hence the establishment of the Bureau of Prison and Punishments, to prevent injustices from occurring. And hence the establishment of an elaborate litigation system, to protect the poor and uneducated, to provide them with a voice to help them express their grievances in court. And so a pen-in-cap like me can make a living in our great Song Dynasty. Of course this is something I am proud of!”

Wang Anshi, who was at his last breath just now, suddenly raised his head and looked at Zhang Fei excitedly, silently applauding him in his heart.

What an intriguing perspective.

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The big shots on both sides couldn’t help but take a new look at Zhang Fei!

So, this really is a tough character!

Emperor Zhao Xu, who was outside the side door, couldn’t help but laugh when he heard this. “Truly, you can’t judge a book by its cover. Hehe!”

His tone was filled with a smidgen of satisfaction.

The enlightened ruler, Emperor Taizong of Tang, was indeed wise and benevolent. But it seems that the Tang dynasty was still inferior to the Song dynasty.

In fact, his role model was once Emperor Taizong of Tang. But Wang Anshi had told him not to idolize Emperor Taizong of Tang, but to learn from Emperors Yao and Shun instead.[1] Zhang Fei’s words indirectly corroborated Wang Anshi’s advice.

Sima Guang was momentarily stunned, not knowing how to retort. He certainly couldn’t say that the emperors of the Song Dynasty were not benevolent. More importantly, he actually somewhat agreed with Zhang Fei’s words. He could only smile and say, “What a quick-witted speaker you are!”

“I merely speak from the heart. And in fact, there are facts that prove this.”

Zhang Fei said: “Take this case of Ayun. Although the evidence against her is strong, His Majesty is still willing to hold court on the matter, giving Ayun a chance. If this is not benevolence, then what is?”

Brilliant! Brilliant!

Wang Anshi was suddenly filled with confidence again, looking at Zhang Fei with admiration.

Xu Zun smiled to himself. It seems that Zhang San had gone easy with me before!

This forced Sima Guang to discuss the case itself, rather than focusing on Zhang Fei

Sima Guang did not expect to resolve the case just by focusing on Zhang Fei’s identity. He just wanted to take him down a notch and disrupt his tempo. But in any event, he would definitely give a conclusion to the case. After all, he believed that Zhang Fei was no match for him. He immediately questioned, “If you already know that the evidence in this case is strong, why do you appeal?”

Zhang Fei replied, “Because I believe that the senior officials of the imperial government lack understanding of this case. In fact, Ayun did not have the intention to murder. Her actions constituted self-defense.”

Sima Guang snorted, “Without evidence, you’re just making empty assertions. Do you have any evidence?”


Zhang Fei said, “The victim, Wei Ada, can provide evidence.”

The victim, testify for the perpetrator?

Are you serious?

This was truly a most bizarre event!

The officials on both sides looked at Xu Zun with puzzled eyes.

Sima Guang thought to himself, if you dare to provide false evidence, then you are really falling into a trap. So he said: “Summon the witness, Wei Ada.”

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“Summon Wei Ada,” echoed the court bailiffs.

Two court bailiffs brought Wei Ada to the stand.

As soon as he appeared, many people in the court felt a little sympathy for Ayun.


This man was too ugly!

Many people shook their heads.

Wei Ada was really pitiful. For him, this occasion was a kind of unspeakable torment. He had never imagined that he would one day appear before the Court of Penal Review, surrounded by high ranking officials.

Upon reaching the stand, he was already trembling.

Seeing Wei Ada so nervous, Sima Guang was bolstered in his belief that Wei Ada was going to provide false evidence. So he said: “Wei Ada, as the victim of this case, you wish to be a witness for your assailant. I find this hard to understand. Has anyone forced you to do this?”


Zhang Fei jumped up, raised both hands, and shouted loudly again, “I object!”

Everyone present was shocked.

Have some manners, won’t you? This isn’t the marketplace. This is no place for your unruly shouting.

Sima Guang was also somewhat annoyed. Was Zhang Fei treating the courtroom like his own living room? He shouted, “What are you objecting to?”

Zhang Fei said agitatedly, “Your Honor’s question is obviously a hint to the witness to provide testimony unfavorable to us. Given the disparity in position between Your Honor and the witness, this can even be said to be a threat. How can the trial continue under these conditions? I demand a change of judge.”

Change of judge?

Are you serious?

Everyone was staring in disbelief. Even Wang Anshi was shocked by Zhang Fei’s audacity. This was insane!

In trials of this day and age, litigators were actually largely irrelevant. It was the presiding official who held absolute control.

Moreover, the one presiding over the case was Sima Guang!

A big shot in the imperial government!


As expected, Sima Guang banged the gavel, and shouted angrily, “You dare disrupt proceedings with your unruly behavior?! Do you really think that I will not punish you?”

Zhang Fei was not only unafraid, but instead smirked coldly and said, “Disrupt proceedings? Hmph, what a trumped-up accusation! I am merely arguing based on reason, where’s the wrong in that? Your Honor’s question was clearly intended to induce the witness to accuse me of witness tampering. It was really too outrageous.”

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Who was being outrageous? Sima Guang was truly at his limits. He thought that he had already been very tolerant towards Zhang Fei. He immediately reprimanded, “This is absolutely absurd. You shall not meddle in how I choose to try this case! I refuse to believe I cannot manage a troublemaker like you. Bailiffs, come!”

Even those who supported Zhang Fei were silent for a while, including Xu Zun.

This was definitely contempt of court.

Are you not going overboard?!

Just as Xu Zun was hesitating, two bailiffs immediately came forward.

Just as Sima Guang was about to order bailiffs to give Zhang Fei a beating, Zhang Fei laughed heartily and said, “That’s the way! Why didn’t His Majesty give you lot a beating back then.”

As soon as these words were uttered, even Emperor Zhao Xu outside the door was somewhat stunned. How did he get involved?

This trial was becoming more and more bizarre indeed.

Speaking of the emperor, Sima Guang dared not be careless. He asked, “What did you say?”

Zhang Fei raised his head and said, “Did I say something wrong? As far as I know, when His Majesty made his determination of this case, it was rejected by you all. Yet His Majesty did not impose any punishment on you. Now, when I make reasonable arguments, Your Honor chooses to use physical punishment to make me yield. It seems that Your Honor truly has double standards!”

Wang Anshi was immediately invigorated, mentally giving Zhang Fei a thumbs up. Good fellow! What a great scolding! Truly a talent!

After hearing this, Emperor Zhao Xu outside the door showed a slight change in his expression, watching the trial with increased interest.

Sima Guang frowned deeply, and said, “When we rejected His Majesty’s judgment, it was because there were improprieties in the judgment. As his ministers, we should correct His Majesty’s mistakes. In fact, it’s our duty to do so.”

“Is that so?” Zhang Fei spread his hands, smiling, “Yet when I point out Your Honor’s improprieties, I am a troublemaker. How fair and just!”

Sima Guang huffed angrily, “Don’t be insolent. Then let me ask you, what was improper about the question I had asked?”

“Not a single word of it was proper.”

Zhang Fei said, “First of all, which law stipulates that the victim cannot testify for the perpetrator? Can’t the victim wish to pursue a just verdict? Perhaps the victim feels that the case has been dragging on for too long, causing him to feel unease and therefore motivating him to come testify?

Secondly, on what basis does Your Honor speculate that someone has coerced the witness into providing testimony? Without any evidence, Your Honor’s question clearly induces the witness to falsely accuse someone of coercing him into giving testimony.

Isn’t a presiding judge supposed to be fair and impartial? Your Honor’s attitude in this case has already deviated from the most basic principle of a presiding judge.

However, I know that Your Honor is not a professional judge, so I can forgive your mistake. But if this happens again, I shall definitely appeal to His Majesty.”

There was a dead silence in the court.

Everyone wondered if they were hearing things.

“Pfft! Hahaha!”

Wang Anshi was the first to break the silence, chuckling.

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It was just too refreshing!

Seeing Sima Guang being gobsmacked was truly thrilling.


Sima Guang was a tough nut himself. He banged the gavel and shouted, “Order!”

He glared at Wang Anshi fiercely, out of the corner of his eye.

Wang Anshi behaved, immediately shutting his mouth, but his eyes were full of provocation. Beat him, then! Go ahead and beat him!

But Sima Guang really didn’t dare to.

If he ordered Zhang Fei be beaten, there would be trouble!

Sima Guang was so angry that he felt like his lungs were about to explode. At this moment, he didn’t want to smash pots, he wanted to smash people.[2] After a moment, he suddenly ordered the bailiffs to step back, and then said to Zhang Fei, “Alright! I admit that the question I asked earlier was inappropriate. You may ask the witness your questions.”


Sima Guang backed down?

Many conservatives were shocked.

Even a county magistrate would have beaten this unruly troublemaker, let alone an Academician of the Hanlin Academy.

This conduct was definitely contempt of court and disrespecting one’s superiors.

According to the thinking of this era, the words of one’s elders and superiors should not be freely questioned.

But neither could they stand up to assist Sima Guang. The other party was just a commoner and already at a disadvantage. If they were to gang up on him, it would look too unsightly.

Emperor Zhao Xu outside the door asked the official next to him, “What is this man’s background?”

The official understood and answered, “It seems he is the son of a merchant.”

“The son of a merchant?”

Emperor Zhao Xu was very surprised. He chuckled and said, “He must have eaten the gall of a bear and the heart of a leopard to be so daring. Haha!”

Meanwhile, Zhang Fei bowed towards Sima Guang with a slight smile at the corner of his mouth. “Yes, Your Honor, I shall proceed with my questions.”

[1] Emperors Yao and Shun are two revered Emperors from the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors period, a mythological ancient past that even predates the Xia dynasty.

[2] This is a reference to a famous story of Sima Guang in his childhood, where he smashed a large water pot which a playmate had fallen into, thus saving the child and earning Sima Guang praise for his quick thinking and calm decision making in a time of crisis. 

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