CH 9: Crossing of Fates

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Outside the courthouse, the people remained highly enthusiastic, cheering Zhang Fei on.

Moreover, the number of people who came to watch the trial this time was much larger than the last, including many young scholars and literati. These young people were full of passion, lacked rational thinking, and were more willing to go with their emotions.

On one hand, they thought that the culprit was Fang Datian, while on the other hand, they also had great sympathy for Ayun, a beautiful girl they considered innocent.

Of course, there are always two sides to every story, and there were quite a few people who thought Ayun deserved her punishment. Most of these people were elders, comparatively conservative, and valued decorum and traditions.

However, these people were relatively silent and would not specifically come here to watch the trial, which made Zhang Fei’s influence seem quite substantial.

However, as half a day passed and time ticked away, the prefectural office’s main gate remained closed, which inevitably started whispers among the people.

Was there a problem?

Zhang Fei was also very worried. There was a new official presiding, and now there was a problem, how could he not be worried?

After a while, Liu Hai suddenly came out of the door and summoned Zhang Fei into the courtroom.

But as soon as Zhang Fei went in, the main gate of the government office was closed again.

his left the citizens waiting outside puzzled. Wasn’t this supposed to be a public trial?

Why did they only let Zhang San go in?

Could it be that the officials were going back on their words?

Or were they trying to force Zhang Fei to abandon the lawsuit?

All sorts of speculations sprouted like bamboo shoots after a spring rain.

It seems that throughout history, people love a good conspiracy theory!

“Zhang San pays his respects to the Prefect.”

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Upon entering the hall, he only saw Xu Zun and Xu Yuan, without Cao Yan, the Superintendent. Moreover, Xu and Xu both had serious expressions, which made Zhang Fei even more nervous!

Xu Zun asked, “Zhang San, I ask you, are you determined to appeal on behalf Ayun?”

To this, Zhang Fei nodded firmly, “Yes.”

Xu Zun asked again, “Then would you dare to go to Bianjing to argue her case?”

Zhang Fei was greatly shocked, “To Bianjing?”

Xu Zun asked, “Are you afraid?”

“I’m not afraid, I just…I just don’t understand why suddenly I need to go to Bianjing to argue the case?” Zhang Fei asked with confusion.

Xu Yuan couldn’t help but speak, “This is all thanks to you. If it weren’t for you initially mentioning the ‘exemption from the initial offence’, how would things have escalated to this point?”


Xu Zun glared slightly at Xu Yuan, then turned to the confused Zhang Fei, “Why didn’t you plead for Ayun on the grounds of excessive self-defense, but instead brought up ‘exemption from the initial offence’? Don’t tell me you just thought of it just now.”

Since I am going to Bianjing, I am on the same side as him, and I should not hide anything. After a moment of hesitation, Zhang Fei honestly said, “I don’t dare to deceive the Prefect. I indeed planned to plead for Ayun on the grounds of excessive self-defense from the beginning, but at that time I was just released, and had not fully investigated the facts. It was only speculation, and I didn’t dare draw conclusions rashly.”

Xu Zun said, “In that case, why didn’t you wait until you had clarified things, and then come to me to plead?”


“Speak the truth!” Xu Zun shouted.

Zhang Fei said, “Honestly, I just wanted to test your attitude towards this case. Because I know very well that if I can’t get your support, it would be impossible to succeed.”

The fact was that his understanding of Xu Zun was entirely based on historical knowledge. He had to confirm that Xu Zun was indeed as described in the history books. Otherwise, he could not possibly win the case.

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Of course, during his own interrogation, he had already gained some understanding of Xu Zun’s character, which is why he dared to act as he did previously.

“Additionally..!” Zhang Fei continued, “I also believe that if I want to plead for Ayun, I must first ensure that Wei Ada receives sufficient compensation. No matter what, Wei Ada is the biggest victim and key witness in this case. I need his help.”

“Brat, you really have a meticulous mind!”

On one hand, Xu Zun appreciated Zhang Fei’s attitude, but on the other hand, he felt incredibly frustrated that he had been manipulated by the young brat.

Zhang Fei quickly said, “I apologize.”

Xu Zun also understood his point and did not blame him. He only said, “I won’t hide things from you—things have become somewhat complicated now. The Court of Judicial Review and the Ministry of Punishments insist on upholding the original judgment, but many officials support me. This is why they have transferred me back to the Court of Judicial Review.”

His words were rather cryptic, but the meaning was clear. The Court of Judicial Review had opposed him, yet he was being transferred back to the Court. This suggested that those who supported him hoped he could return to preside over this case and change the Court of Judicial Review’s original judgment.

Zhang Fei understood clearly that the one supporting him was none other than Wang Anshi, and the one against him was Sima Guang.

The reason why this case became a historically significant case was not because of how complex the case itself was—it was actually a simple case. How it was judged was not the matter. The reason for its significance was that it unexpectedly became the prelude to Wang Anshi’s reforms and ignited the political struggles of the Northern Song Dynasty.

This case evolved from a judicial struggle to a political one.

Although Zhang Fei didn’t expect Xu Zun to be called back to the capital so quickly, he was prepared for this because he was informed in advance. He had envisioned that Xu Zun be the one who would make the arguments while he provided advice from behind the scenes. After all, his status was too lowly. Clearly, this was somewhat different from what he had imagined. After a moment of hesitation, he said, “I am not afraid to argue the case. I am just afraid of being treated unfairly. After all, I am just a commoner.”

Xu Zun nodded slightly, “That’s fine then. Go back and prepare. You will go to the capital with me in a few days.”

Suddenly, Zhang Fei said, “But before leaving, I want to see one person.”

Xu Zun thought for a moment, then nodded his head.

He did not ask who that person was, because there was no need.


Even though Xu Zun had continued arguing in Ayun’s defense, Ayun was still an offender of a capital crime, a death row inmate. She wasn’t locked up in an ordinary jail, but alone in a small stone hut, her hands and feet bound by shackles.

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When the heavy prison door opened, a strong beam of light shot into the room, and Ayun instinctively shielded her eyes with her hand, vaguely seeing a slender silhouette projecting into the room.

After a moment, she gradually adapted, and the silhouette became clear: it was a handsome young man.

“Don’t you recognize me?” The young man smiled at her.

Ayun shook her head awkwardly.

The young man crouched down and said, “Do you remember, a few months ago, you saved a drowning person from the river.”

“Ah!” Ayun immediately exclaimed, “It’s you.”

The visitor was indeed Zhang Fei.

Zhang Fei smiled and nodded, “Yes, it’s me.”

After hurriedly rescuing Zhang Fei at the time, Ayun left. Plus, Zhang Fei was wearing a strange outfit, so she didn’t recognize him for a moment.

Ayun asked with concern, “Were you also locked up? I’ve already explained to them that I don’t know you and this has nothing to do with you.”

Towards the end, her voice was tinged with a bit of self-blame.

Zhang Fei laughed and said, “Don’t worry, my misunderstanding has been cleared up. I’m already free. I came here to repay the favor of you saving my life.”

Ayun breathed a sigh of relief, then shook her head and said, “To tell you the truth, I was also muddled at the time and don’t know why I saved you. You don’t need to repay me anything.”

Seeing her as thin as a skeleton with pale cheeks, with only those big eyes still clear and bright, movingly beautiful, Zhang Fei sighed and said, “Maybe you just did it inadvertently, but for me, its significance is even greater than saving my life.”

Ayun was stunned, “Greater than saving your life?”


Zhang Fei nodded. The reason he was persistent in pleading for Ayun was because he believed that in his previous life, it was his mother who gave him life, but in this life, it was Ayun who gave him a second chance.

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This sentiment could not be clearly explained. He only knew one thing: he had to save Ayun.

Ayun shook her head, “I don’t understand.”

Zhang Fei smiled, “You just need to know that I will definitely save you.”

Ayun shook her head vigorously, “How is that possible? I did indeed intend to commit a serious crime. You can’t possibly save me. You should leave quickly to avoid getting involved again.”

Zhang Fei smiled and said, “Actually, I’m very curious. As a weak woman, where did you get the strength to drag a man like me to shore?”

Ayun thought seriously, then shook her head, “I don’t know.”

Zhang Fei said, “That strength will also help me save you.”

Ayun’s eyelids dropped as she said, “We’re different. You’re innocent, but I’m truly guilty.”

Zhang Fei said, “But you have also received the punishment you deserve.”

As he spoke, he looked up at the damp stone wall, then said, “So rest assured, I will definitely save you, just as you saved me before.”

Having said this, he paused slightly, then said, “However, I have a question to verify with you.”

Ayun said, “What question?”

Zhang Fei said, “As far as I know, your uncle has always wanted to get your family’s land. This shouldn’t be the first time they’ve tried to force you to marry, right?”

Ayun was stunned for a moment and asked, “Why are you asking this?”

Zhang Fei said, “Nevermind that for now, you need to think carefully. Have they tried to marry you off before?”

Ayun thought for a moment and nodded, “Several times.”

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