Jun You Ji Fou

Chapter 15

From Lin’an comes the news when Chu Mingyun is in the main courtyard airing books. Scrolls are spread like laundry; ancient pictures cover the grounds as the sunlight stretches across the courtyard and a warm breeze stirs the air. 

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He’s holding a book about war tactics over his forehead, a rare stunned-looking expression on his face, curious as to whether he heard it wrongly. “Just now, you said…… where is Chen Xuanwen’s grandson at this moment?”

Qin Zhao looks at Chu Mingyun across several yards of scrolls. He repeats expressionlessly, “In the Red Sleeves Beckon in the capital.”

“Heh, how interesting.” Chu Mingyun smiles. “Did someone bring him here from a thousand li to sell him into a brothel?”

Qin Zhao doesn’t know how to answer him.

He leisurely tosses the book onto the ground, his light footsteps stir a small gust of air ruffling the book corners, in the blink of an eye, he appears beside Qin Zhao. “So be it. I will take a look. Wait in the manor for news of my return.”

“Yes,” Qin Zhao says as he looks at the ground so filled with books that it left no space for anyone to stand. “Shige, these books……”

“All yours.” Chu Mingyun waves his hand, not even turning back.

Qin Zhao: “……Oh.”


In the Red Sleeves Beckon, the scent of flowers and wine fills the air, welcoming delighted guests to exchange cups. The smiles of beautiful women follow one after the last as melodious voices sing in sweet tunes in the hall down below, floating clearly through wooden planks into all the rooms upstairs, except for this one.

Su Shiyu withdraws his studying gaze. He turns to smile at the maidservant holding a teacup. “Many thanks.”

“No need to be so polite, Young Master.” Blushing, the maidservant steps aside.

“You’ve waited for long.” Jingshu hangs the side of the curtains on the silver hook and turns her head to look at the youth holding her hand behind her. “It’s all right. Come out.”

The youth slowly walks in front of Su Shiyu. He appears prim and pure, except for a little paleness as he looks at Su Shiyu with worry.

Su Shiyu scrutinizes him closely then softens his voice as he asks, “You are Chen Siheng?”

The youth nods his head.

Su Shiyu lightly smiles and continues to say gently, “You must have seen me before when you were little. Do you remember?”

Chen Siheng hesitantly glances atSu Shiyu, then shakes his head.

Su Shiyu ponders over it for a long while. He turns his gaze to Jingshu, who is standing at the side. “Ah, I’ve forgotten to thank you. If not for your rescue, I fear he would have perished in the fire.”

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“I only happened to pass by. I didn’t break a sweat” Jingshu says.

“Only, there is something I do not understand.” Su Shiyu says, “As an ordinary woman, how did you rescue him from the fire?”

Jingshu shakes her head. “How could I have that capability? He rushed out on his own and fainted in front of my carriage. Such a young age. I found him pitiful , so I brought him home. Now, since someone came to fetch him, I can be reassured.”

“I see.” Su Shiyu nods his head. He looks at Chen Siheng, who has revealed the tip of his head to him. After a moment of thought, he speaks gently: “I am a colleague of your grandfather’s. My family and him share a good relationship, so I’ve been looking for you for a very long time.”

Chen Siheng says nothing.

Su Shiyu continues with extreme patience: “I came to help. No need to be afraid.”

Seeing how this man speaks in such a soft manner, Chen Siheng’s tense body relaxes unconsciously.

Acknowledging this, Su Shiyu slowly asks, “How much do you remember from that day?”

Chen Siheng slowly raises his head and looks at Jingshu, before turning to Su Shiyu once more. With vacant eyes, he seems like he’s still caught in the nightmare of that night. He parts his lips, speaking with incredible difficulty: “I……I couldn’t remember. It’s too chaotic…… Everywhere was fire……”

Just as Su Shiyu opens his mouth to offer guidance, Chen Siheng stutters, “I only heard……Father speaking to, he calls the other……”

“Calls the other who?” Su Shiyu looks at him.

“Call…… Calls him,” Chen Siheng pauses a few times. He looks like he’s in pain, vaguely saying, “Calls him…..”

“Ay, ay, ay Young Master! This maiden of ours doesn’t take guests!” All of a sudden the loud and sharp voice of a woman startles Chen Siheng, abruptly cutting his voice  off. 

“Please don’t. Wait a while. I will go ask the maiden, aish, don’t you—”

The door, engraved with flower patterns, is pushed open. The curtains are lifted by a sandalwood fan. A pair of unusually beautiful eyes reveal themselves; upon seeing Su Shiyu sitting inside, Chu Mingyun’s lips curl into a smile. “I was saying, why are they going out of their way to stop me.? Seems there’s an honoured guest.”

The madam helplessly follows behind him. She fearfully looks at the woman standing in front of her. Jingshu meets her gaze and smiles. “Since this Young Master is here, let us not make them unhappy. You may take your leave.”

As if receiving a great amnesty, the madam leaves immediately. Jingshu hesitates, smiling as she asks Chu Mingyun, “Is there any reason this Young Master is looking for me?”

Chu Mingyun sends her a smiling glance. He doesn’t answer her, but walks towards Su Shiyu instead. “I’ve said earlier that you and I share Fate. Won’t you believe me now?”

Su Shiyu furrows his brows. “Why are you here?”

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This truly is a small world.

According to the law, members of court shouldn’t appear in places of entertainment. Presently, two of the most important officials of the present dynasty have gathered here. Either this brothel will become famous or be shut down.

“Since you are here, then naturally I—” Chu Mingyun places his arm on Su Shiyu’s shoulder, leaning in close. He bit the corner of his lips into a smile. “Came here to catch an adultery red-handed.”

Su Shiyu uncomfortably rises to his feet and takes a few steps back with a slight smile. “You joke.”

Chu Mingyun’s hand misses Su Shiyu’s shoulder.. He slowly adjusts his sleeve, gaze falling upon the unnerved youth. “This little critter is Chen Siheng?”

When he speaks, his eyes meet Su Shiyu’s once more. He recalls the news reported by the person escorting Chen Xuanwen earlier and gives a smile, then comes to a conclusion in his heart.

Jingshu also smiles and says, “It seems like this Young Master also came here searching for someone. Since both of you know each other, then please take a seat and have some tea.”

As both of them take their seat, Su Shiyu consoles Chen Siheng. “It’s alright; keep talking about what you wanted to say just now. Who did your father call the other person?”

“I……” Chen Siheng parts his mouth. Jingshu presses a hand onto his shoulder. He jerks suddenly, then looks bewilderedly at the two men before his eyes, no longer able to speak.

“Why, are you still afraid?” Jingshu leans down to give him a gentle hug and softly says, “These two Young Masters are here to help you. They would never harm you. There’s no need to be afraid.”

Chen Siheng grabs her sleeve, clenching his teeth, and no longer says anything.

Jingshu helplessly sighs. She looks at them and says, “There’s something about the Young Master that you don’t know. His condition since that day isn’t good, so it’s easy for him to be afraid. I fear he was just frightened.”

Chu Mingyun gives her a half-smile. “So, it’s my fault for coming at the wrong time?”

“How can it be put like that?” Jingshu smiles. “Could I please take him behind to have some peace? After he’s restored, both of you Young Masters could come and ask again?”

Su Shiyu smiles and says, “Might as well. It seems we will have to trouble you.”

“Forgive us, both Young Masters.” Jingshu bows and pulls Chen Siheng into the inner room, their figures separated by green curtains.

Su Shiyu drinks a mouthful of tea. His gaze falling upon Chu Mingyun, he says,  “Couldn’t have thought that you’d be so concerned about the matters of Chen Xuanwen that you’d come to this place in person.”

“The same to you.” Chu Mingyun says leisurely, “I too hadn’t thought that you would be here, yet you still look like you’re here for state affairs. How admirable.”

“It’s state affairs to begin with. What’s wrong with me behaving like this?”

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Chu Mingyun cants his head to the side to look at him. He squints his eyes. “This isn’t some proper place. Of course it’s strange for you to act like that.”

“Pray tell what high opinions do you have? Enlighten me,” Su Shiyu says.

Chu Mingyun curls the corner of his lips, lowering his voice until it is suspiciously soft. He glares at him and says, “You want to know? Then let us find an empty room, I’ll teach you.”

Su Shiyu pauses and doesn’t react for a while. Only when he catches sight of the maidservant’s blush from the corner of his eye, does he understand what Chu Mingyun said. After a long moment of silence, Su Shiyu only says, “Chen Xuanwen is just a retired scholar and has passed away. Why are you so concerned about his affairs?”

It’s been a long time since Chu Mingyun sees someone change the subject so stiffly.

Chu Mingyun looks away in disinterest and answers, “I’m a recipient of Chen Xuanwen’s kindness. Since I was unable to protect him, naturally I would try to protect his grandson.”

His response surprises Su Shiyu, but before he could ask anything else, Jingshu returns with Chen Siheng.

“Little critter, have you thought it through?” Chu Mingyun asks.

Chen Siheng lowers his eyes. “I……I remember.”

“Father…… he called…… that other person, His Highness.” Every word is choked out.

Su Shiyu withdraws his gaze and is silent for a long time.

Chu Mingyun and Su Shiyu ask a few more questions and Chen Siheng answers them with an unclear mind. It seems like everything was indeed in chaos when it happened. He is young and doesn’t know much. They can’t get anymore information out of Chen Siheng so they stand up to leave. Chun Minyun stares at Chen Siheng who stands there unmoving and raises a brow: “You are not following along? Are you having a good time here?”

Chen Siheng takes a few steps back and stands behind Jingshu. Jingshu looks at him in surprise and gently convinces him to step back out. Yet, he stubbornly refuses to move. He looks pale, yet there’s a rare determination in his gaze.

Su Shiyu lightly smiles and says, “He trusts you a lot. Since he refuses to leave, we won’t force him.” He glances at Jingshu. “It seems like we’ll have to trouble you for a few more days.”

Jingshu recovers from her surprise, then immediately smiles. “The Young Master is too polite. Since this is the case…… I will watch over him in your stead.”

Chu Mingyun gives both of them a look that speaks volumes, before snorting coldy and leaving for the outside.

“Your Excellency Chu,” After leaving the Red Sleeves Beckon, Su Shiyu calls after him from behind. “There is a teahouse in front. Does His Excellency Chu have the time to come to tea with me?”

Chu Mingyun takes his time turning around and walks towards him slowly. “Didn’t we just drink?”


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“Heh.” Chu Mingyun smiles. “Let’s go.”

They enter the teahouse and choose a quiet place to sit. Chu Mingyun supports his jaw with a hand as he pushes the teacup a bit further away. He goes straight to the point. “There are no outsiders here. Speak what you want to say, since I don’t think I am in the mood to drink anyways.”

Su Shiyu slightly smiles and quickly replies, “Does His Excellency Chu believe what he says?”

“Chen Siheng is real, but the words he says might not be the truth.”

“It seems like we’re of like mind. Additionally, something about Maiden Jingshu seems to be amiss. Suddenly, I thought of something. If it’s possible, I wish to ally with Your Excellency Chu once more as we did in the underground prison.”

“Oh—?” Chu Mingyun looks at him. “You knew something was amiss with that woman, yet you still dare to let Chen Siheng remain there?”

“Judging by his stubbornness, would Your Excellency Chu forcibly take him away otherwise?” Su Shiyu says, “This is, after all,  the capital. Maiden Jingshu knows that we are keeping an eye on them. She wouldn’t do anything to him, so there is no need to worry.”

Chu Mingyun smiles at him indifferently and says, “What do you want me to do?”

Su Shiyu’s fingers slowly brush against the side of the teacup. “Your Excellency Chu understands in his heart that someone intends to sow trouble in the capital. Even if you and I aren’t on the best of terms, at the very least we could be allies against an outside enemy?”

“I treat you with such deep passion, why couldn’t we consider being on good terms? How it wounds my heart.” Chu Mingyun sighs.

“His Excellency Chu.” Su Shiyu looks at him.


Su Shiyu withdraws his gaze, no longer beating around the bush. “The governor has been keeping an eye on an underground gambling den. It’s incredibly hidden, so no secrets have been uprooted yet. However, these few days, while looking for Chen Siheng, I realized that the Red Sleeves Beckon has dealings with that gambling den.”

Chu Mingyun ponders over it and his smile deepens, “Passing messages and gathering information in a brothel; exchanging money and collecting wealth in a gambling den. If this is indeed the same person manipulating everything from behind, then this plan isn’t bad at all.”

Su Shiyu nods. “Is His Excellency Chu interested in taking a look at it with me?”

Chu Mingyun gives a low little laugh. “Naturally.”

Author’s Notes:
I feel happy every time I see comments or the number of bookmarks increase, knowing that all of you like my story. It’s too good.

Thank you =v=

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