Jun You Ji Fou

Chapter 26

Over on the side of the official’s residence, the jailer released the man in the cell after receiving the order. The man immediately led the official guards to a hidden mansion in the city, and while rescuing the detained wife and children, he also unearthed a few other people who were involved in the case and did not escape in time. The people were taken back to prison for interrogation, and it took until the next day before they finally opened their mouths.

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  Immediately, a stack of letters and several iron seals of unknown function were also found from Su Xing’s residence. He checked it against the various correspondences one by one, and they were completely consistent with the facts of the cases explained by those accomplices. In the letter dating back the furthest among the stack of letters, contained words which clearly showed that Su Xing had already declared himself a subject to another party (T/N: he acknowledged someone else besides the emperor, and is a traitor). The signature on the letter had the seal of the King of Huainan, which could not be faked.
  After reading the letter several times, Su Shiyu found that there seemed to be no flaw, but that added to his doubts.
  It was expected that this murder case would be related to the previous incidents, and now that there are even witnesses and physical evidence, it can be said that it is unequivocal; it could be ascertained that King Huainan was leading everything behind the scenes. But if that was the case, then did that mean that his previous suspicions was just over-thinking, and Tan Jing’s words were not false, that all the facts had actually been set before him all clear and properly?
  ”Yu’er.” A familiar voice suddenly sounded out.
  Su Shiyu returned to his senses, hesitated for a moment, but still turned around slowly.
  A dignified woman was standing a few steps away, holding a little girl who was only six or seven years old. She looked straight at Su Shiyu, and then took the little girl, passing through the court filled with official guards searching the yard; and approached him one step at a time.
  Su Shiyu narrowed his eyes, a faint smile on his face, and respectfully called: “Auntie.”
The woman stopped in front of him without saying a word, and then suddenly raised her hand and was about to fiercely land a slap, yet Su Shiyu’s remained still with his eyelids lowered.
  But before she touched Su Shiyu, someone abruptly grasped by the wrist. She glared angrily at the blue-clad man who appeared suddenly. “Let go!”
  Chu Mingyun smiled coldly: “Mrs. Su, you should think clearly about the consequences of insulting an official of the court carrying out the imperial edict.”
The woman’s eyes reddened in that instant and she was so angry her whole body trembled, “You let go of me! Let go!”
  The little girl next to her didn’t know what had happened, but was frightened by this scene. Her little figure hurriedly tried to hold her (mother) back but failed, and so she changed direction and threw herself in front of Su Shiyu as if trying to protect him, softly pleading, “Mother, don’t hit! Don’t hit Gege!”
  Su Shiyu hurriedly bent down to hold her, but the woman suddenly flung off Chu Mingyun’s hand as and pulled her back in a single grab, so Su Shiyu’s arms met empty space.
  ”Gege is good, don’t beat Gege ah mother!” She grabbed the lady’s sleeve cuff in a panic, almost crying.
  Tears welling in the lady’s eyes, she squatted down and hugged her, turning her head to glare at Su Shiyu fiercely, but addressing her words to the daughter in her arms, “Ying’er, have you looked at him clearly? Where do you see anything of him that still resembles your brother (Gege)!”
  Ying’er looked at blankly, “It is, Brother Shiyu (Shiyu Gege)…”
  ”He is not,” the lady gritted her teeth, “He is the enemy who killed your father, heartless and ungrateful1!” She abruptly raised her voice, so sternly that everyone in the courtyard could hear clearly, “Su Shiyu! You’ve disowned your six kin2, is your heart made of stone! You can even kill your own blood-related uncle, then you may as well kill the both of us too! Anyway, our entire family are now condemned criminals. What are you afraid of, do it!”

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  Su Shiyu said nothing for a long time, sighed very lightly, and turned around and walked into the house.
  The lady got up and wanted to chase him, but the official guards quickly stopped her, she couldn’t fight them off, and after cursing a few times she fell into a kneel, holding her daughter and weeping mournfully.
  Chu Mingyun followed in, watching Su Shiyu’s back and slowly pacing closer to him, and smiled: “You need me to hug you?”
  Su Shiyu glanced sideways at him, “Is Master Chu still half-asleep from a nap?” Chu Mingyun laughed, looked down at the blood stains on the back of his hand, and let a drawn-out sigh: “Why is Master Su burdening himself as such? If you didn’t come over to investigate, and directly let the blame fall on me wouldn’t it be much easier, you’d not only get rid of your rival, you would also be able to preserve your blood relatives, and it wouldn’t have landed you a scolding like this.”
  ”Master Chu’s words are wrong,” Su Shiyu paused his sorting of the letters, with a flat tone but words forceful and eloquent, “So what if they are blood relatives, doing wrong is doing wrong.”
  Chu Mingyun looked at him with amusement, then after a while shook his head and laughed, “You really are a stone.”

  The case was wrapped up, and Chu Mingyun and Su Shiyu returned to Beijing to return to their duties.
  Everyone was happy about this, the officials no longer had to cower in fear all day long. The civil servants of the entire court congratulated them, but their gaze when looking at Su Shiyu couldn’t help but become complicated. Even the idle gossip in the teahouses were filled with tongue clicking and sighs, about how the Grand Secretary was really impartial to the point of being cold-blooded.
  However, Su Shiyu was unmoved by this, handling the case step by step, entering the palace carrying the verdict on the proposed crime, and submitted it to Li Yanzhen for his perusal.
  After reading the memorial, Li Yanzhen looked at him helplessly, “Beloved Subject Su truly executes his public duties without involving private affairs as usual, and really intends to implicate himself.”
  ”This is how it should be.” Su Shiyu said lightly.
  ”Then We would have suffered a loss akin to one’s limb,” (T/N: This refers to losing his trusted aide if Su Shiyu were to be executed for the family crime.) Li Yanzhen put aside the memorial, “Since Su Xing committed suicide to avoid punishment for his crimes, why drag in his relatives. Besides, those who were ignorant of this have no sin. His family’s widow and orphaned daughters, should just be peacefully settled.”
  ”Your Majesty…”
  ”You just stop arguing with Us like last time,” Li Yanzhen waved his hand, “Time has stood witness to Beloved Subject’s loyalty, and Su Xing’s crime is his alone. We will never doubt you.”
  Su Shiyu lowered his eyes and did not answer.
  Li Yanzhen sighed, “Just consider it as repaying the loyalty of your Su family for several generations. So many people have died in the homicide case, the blood in this autumn is already heavy enough, why add to the killing.” Su Shiyu gave a bland smile, and didn’t speak any more, prostrating himself in thanks. He was about to say something, but he inexplicably thought of Su Xing’s words, fell silent for a while, and then suddenly asked, “Does Your Majesty have any questions about this memorial?”
  ”We have always been at ease when Beloved Subject Su handles matters, there is nothing to doubt.”

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  Su Shiyu raised his head and looked at Li Yanzhen’s delicate face, “Then does your Majesty have any thoughts on the king of Huainan?”
  Li Yanzhen thought for a moment in embarrassment, but shook her head, “Regarding political affairs, I still have to continue troubling you, Beloved Subject. These things are truly hard for Us to decide.” He flipped through the memorial again and couldn’t help wondering, “Why do you not mention anything about King Huainan on here?”
  The color in Su Shiyu’s eyes slightly darkened, as he stood up, pulled out another memorial from his sleeve and passed it over as per usual, “the minister was about when it comes to the matter.”
  ”The founding emperor (Taizu) bestowed many nobility titles while building the Xia empire, in order to protect the royal family and stabilise the borders, to maintain the peace of the new dynasty. But now a hundred years have passed, and circumstances have changed with the time that has passed. With the king of Huainan as head, the power of the nobility is expanding. Occupying lands over a thousand miles, living in lordly decadence, ganging up to resist imperial orders, they have already formed a threat. It is imperative to whittle .”
  Li Yanzhen looked at the memorial in his hand, “The Grace Edict?”
  ”Exactly, order the titled princes (vassal kings) to divide their grace (meaning their military might and fiefdom) among their children, the eldest son inherits the title of prince, and the rest of the children get a divided part of the land as members of the gentry. The fiefdoms belong to the same county, and fall under the jurisdiction of their respective counties. It is ‘giving grace’ only in name, but in actuality is weakening the vassals’ political power.”
  ”However, there are provisions in the ancestral precepts that state future generations of descendants (including the emperor since he is Taizu’s descendant) shall not make any changes to the ancestral system…” Li Yanzhen hesitated.
“This subject naturally understands, so this is not wanting to get rid of the vassal kings completely, but to divide their political power, and reduce the threat they pose as much as possible.”
  ”But that is still making changes, and is damaging to their interests, will it really not spark a rebellion?”
  Su Shiyu hung his head and said: “That’s why this subject didn’t make public the connection between this murder case and the king of Huainan.”
  ”…….What beloved subject has said, We don’t understand.”
  ”This string of murder cases might be a heavy loss to the court, but that doesn’t mean it can’t also become an opportunity, it just depends how you use it. At this time if we directly implicate the king of Huainan and announce his crimes to the public, then to the dominant nobility, it might have meagre effectiveness, and only alert the snake in the grass. We’ve just entered the season of winter, it’s inconvenient to travel by horse or carriage, and the court is currently laden with duties, this puts us at a disadvantage. Moreover the Su Xing case has just been concluded, the other party may unfortunately be put on guard. So why not wait for the year to end, and then the king of Huainan might let down his guard, and then this subject can represent the emperor as the Grand Secretary to monitor and hunt the nobles. (When I go) to the fiefdoms as an ambassador, the nobility are obliged to welcome (me) at the border. At that time we can take the opportunity to arrest the king of Huainan, and bring him back to Chang’an to announce his crimes, and then Your Majesty can use that as an excuse to whittle down the political power of other nobility.”
  Li Yanzhen deliberated for a moment, then looked at Su Shiyu again, “Then we’ll proceed as Beloved Subject suggests.”
  The discussion was finished, so Su Shiyu made his greeting and left. When he stepped out of the Imperial study, he lifted his eyes and noticed someone walking this way, with a prettily-powdered face, and light, swaying steps. Based on this impression it was likely the currently-favored First-Rank Concubine Jiang who entered the palace during the recent Imperial Selection (where they pick girls for the harem). They exchanged greetings, and (Su Shiyu) left.
  But at Su Shiyu’s back, Jiang Yuan paused in her steps, turned her eyes to look at his back silhouette, with an expression obscuring unknown intent, until a palace maid lightly called out in reminder, which she then let out a soft laugh, turned and entered the Imperial Study.
  As soon as Su Shiyu stepped into the mansion, a blue-clad figure rushed up.

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  ”Cousin you’re finally back! I tell you, don’t be sad ah, you……aiy why are you looking at me like that?”
  Su Shiyu turned his head to confirm that he hadn’t entered the wrong place, then looked at Du Yue, “Why have you suddenly come?”
  ”The thing with Uncle Su Xing……I also heard about it.” Du Yue said firmly, “But you don’t worry, I definitely don’t blame you, that’s Uncle’s own fault, Cousin you also had no choice.”
  Su Shiyu laughed lightly, and went into the mansion with him, “A few years have passed, and A’Yue has become a lot more sensible.”
  ”I’ve clearly always been very sensible.” Du Yue felt his heart blossom from the praise, then paused, and remembered what he came here for, and quickly changed to a serious tone, “Cousin, how come you don’t look unhappy?”
  ”There’s nothing to be happy or unhappy about, once things have passed then that’s that.” Su Shiyu smiled and glanced at him, “Could it be, you came wanting to see me cry?”
  Du Yue thought about how Su Shiyu would look while crying, and realised he wasn’t able to imagine it, “Cousin now that you say that I kind of want to see it……”
  Su Shiyu gave him a look, Du Yue quickly corrected himself, “Ah not that, aren’t I just worrying about you, so I just told Qin Zhao and that one surnamed Chu, that I’ve come to stay for a few days and keep you company here.”
  Su Shiyu was slightly surprised, “Qin Zhao agreed?”
  Du Yue’s face suddenly no longer had enthusiasm, “He didn’t ah, don’t know what’s up with him, wouldn’t agree even if he lives or dies.”
  ”And then?”
  ”And then…….and then I quarreled with him bei,” (T/N: this is one of those informal speech sounds)
Du Yue shook his head, “Actually it’s not considered quarreling, he didn’t even speak up, just damn stubborn. So I just directly ran over here, I didn’t even take the clothes I packed Cousin you have spares here right, Su Bai’s is fine too.” (T/N: Yes he said that in one breath)
  Su Shiyu looked at his flighty gaze, laughing helplessly, and didn’t continue questioning him.
  Du Yue also stopped talking in silence, hung his head for a long while and sighed heavily.
  He just didn’t understand why Qin Zhao would have such a big reaction to something this naturally logical, but now after calming down he realised he had also been a bit too much, but if he ran back now that also wouldn’t be right ah, then, then let’s wait a few days before finding an opportunity to apologize, after all what he said at very end was honestly excessive….

——“Qin Zhao, what’s the matter with you ah?! Even my mother doesn’t watch over me like this, I can go wherever the hell I like, is that something you can control?”

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Chu Mingyun hailed down maidservant in passing, and while looking at Qin Zhao who stood unmoving in the hall, asked: “How long has he been standing there?”
  The maidservant replied respectfully: “Ever since Medicine master Du left he has not moved, it has likely been four hours already.”
  Chu Mingyun nodded, and walked over, looking for a while at Qin Zhao who stood wordlessly with his eyes lowered, and said after thinking for a bit: “Shidi, if you don’t eat dinner I’m not waiting for you.”
  Qin Zhao looked at him expressionlessly, and didn’t say anything.
  Chu Mingyun laughed with incomprehensible intent, and tilted his head to give him a measuring look, “Ice-block face, what are you standing here for, are you waiting for Du Yue to run back?”
  Qin Zhao tightened the seam of his lips, clenching his fists.
  ”Ke,” Chu Mingyun let out a low mocking laugh, and the smile on his face was hidden away, saying in a cold voice, “You said you wouldn’t force him, then why aren’t you able to let him go? As long as he doesn’t understand how you feel, then this definitely won’t be the last time.”
  Qin Zhao’s eyes darkened, and said hoarsely, “Shi…..”
  Chu Mingyun turned and walked away, “I’m hungry.”
  Qin Zhao again looked outside the empty gate where there wasn’t a single person, before finally stepping to follow Chu Mingyun.


This author has something to say:
The Grace Edict is based off the laws passed during Hanwu Emperor’s time. The purpose is to weaken the power of the titled princes (different surname kings) and nobility, and stipulate that after the death of the princes, the eldest son will inherit the throne, and the other children will divide part of the land of the kingdom into the princes and princes, each falling under jurisdiction of the respective counties.
Coincidentally, when confirming my information, I found that the background of the Han Dynasty promulgation was related to the rebellion of the king of Huainan during Emperor Wen, and it was the Grand Secretary who later ruled the case of king of Huainan. Perhaps the Grand Secretary and the king of Huainan had a bit of conflict . Reference to Liu Bang’s arrest of Han Xin, who was king at the time, at the border.
Finally, can you guess whether this king of Huainan is the big boss→_→

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