Jun You Ji Fou

Chapter 28

There was much snowfall in the northern country; with the passage of time it was getting closer to New Years’ Eve by the day, such that it snowed even more flagrantly, the flurries of snow covered the ground, then getting picked up by the large winds, slowly swirling into flight. The lanterns within Chang’an capital had long been hung high, the white snow setting up a backdrop for the flame red, the sight of it bringing festive cheer, like it could disperse much of the chill on a person’s body.

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  The duties of the court gradually lightened, and both high and minor officials looked forward to spending a peaceful rest at home during the year-end holiday.
  Weiyang Palace was wrapped plainly in a silver robe1 and outside the palace the winds and snow scraped oppressively, within the palace warmth radiated.
  After Li Yanzhen had heard the report, he suddenly said: “Speaking of which, Beloved Subject Su and Beloved Subject Chu seem to have grown a lot closer recently?”“
  Chu Mingyun raised his brows, laughed lowly and was about to answer when Su Shiyu beat him to it, “This subject and Master Chu have a exchanged a lot of duties in the past few days, and so inevitably we’ve had a little more contact. Also, we’ve both been in court for many years, and our relations have always been harmonious, how can it be called suddenly growing closer.”
  Chu Mingyun completely doesn’t remember that he and Su Shiyu have always gotten along in harmony?
  ”That’s true.” Li Yanzhen nodded, and smiled at Su Shiyu, “The end of the year is fast approaching, and matters have been settled aptly in the Censorate; before the resuming of court in the Beginning month (1st month of the new year according to lunar calendar) do you have free time?”
  ”Yes,” Su Shiyu said, “Although there are sometimes insurrectors and those who mess with the law, but the governance as a whole is still in order, so Your Majesty will have free time.”
  ”We didn’t ask for you to talk about that,” Li Yanzhen waved in dismissal, and looked at him while speaking, “Since you have nothing on, after court on the day of New Year’s eve how about you don’t return to your residence, and just stay in the palace and accompany Us to ring in the new year?”
  Chu Mingyun who had been ignored glanced over the two of them, and with unknown intent the corner of mouth twitched, but he didn’t speak up to disrupt them.
  Su Shiyu clearly froze, and made sure he didn’t hear that mistakenly before replying: “Received Your Majesty’s favor, but begging pardon that this subject is unable to comply.”
  ”Why not?” Asked Li Yanzhen.
  ”At the year’s end Your Majesty should be gathering the imperial harem and sharing a banquet with them, for a subject of the external palace to mingle among you, is truly unheard of.”
  ”Then just don’t invite them, isn’t it fine if it’s only Us and you?”
  Su Shiyu looked at him and said in resignation: “Then that would be even more against the etiquette and ancestral laws, I’m afraid that would invite the denunciation of the public.”
  ”We are still the owner of the imperial throne, who dares to make presumptuous comment? You just say whether or not you accept.”
  ”This subject’s duty is to supervise the officials, how could I model warping of the law?” Su Shiyu got down on one knee, “Your Majesty’s good intentions, this subject will just appreciate it in his heart.”
  ”Beloved Subject Su,” Li Yanzhen said discontentedly, “That year when We were in the Eastern Palace* it wasn’t as if you never kept me company in the palace before, why are you so unwilling to now? Besides, your parents are both deceased now, your uncle was involved in the case, and you can’t visit your relatives anymore; without the family reunion, what’s the point of you returning to your residence alone?”
  Su Shiyu hung his head, and at a corner that wasn’t seen by anyone a glint in his eyes darkened, but he didn’t say anything for a while.
  This moment of silence made Li Yanzhen realise he had said something wrong, but it was just a bit of good intention on his part, and it wasn’t easy for him to retract his earlier words, so he could only look at that figure (Su Shiyu) uneasily.
  It’s just that after a while Su Shiyu stood up again, sighing lightly, and when he raised his eyes again he looked completely unperturbed, “At that time this subject was Your Majesty’s study companion, there was nothing inappropriate about me to attend to you by your side, but now is different from yesteryear,” He paused, “Additionally, since Your Majesty still remembers, (you) should also remember the reason that this Subject was unable to return to the residence that New Year’s eve, and was confined together with you (respectful form) in the Eastern Palace. ” His tone sunk by a few points, “Your Majesty, be cautious in speech and conduct.”
  Li Yanzhen was shocked, and opened his mouth a few times but could not say anything, his gaze fell on Chu Mingyun and then he looked away again, and closed his mouth not speaking a word.
  Chu Mingyun measured their expressions with a bit of amusement, then suddenly made a light cough, and said with a smile: “Actually Your Majesty also doesn’t need to worry about Master Su. His cousin is currently staying at this subject’s residence, if Master Su feels lonely staying at his own residence by himself, then I believe he would also come over. This subject will definitely attentively take care of him on Your Majesty’s behalf.”
  The sense of provocation within these words were really too obvious, Su Shiyu wrinkled his brow looking at him, but didn’t refute him. Li Yanzhen stared straight at Chu Mingyun for a while, and at the end of that he wordlessly turned his head away.

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  When the two of them walked out of the palace hall it was snowing, and looking into the distance, the horizon was the brilliant white of snow. Su Shiyu suddenly paused in his step, raised his head towards the gray overcast clouds, stood in silence for a while, the chilling wind scraping his throat. He looked at Chu Mingyun who had already walked quite few steps away and suddenly spoke up: “Master Chu.”
  The sound of his voice was blown till its fragmented in the desolate air, Chu Mingyun stopped, turned his body to look at him, “En?”
  Su Shiyu paced nearer to him, the accumulated snow under his feet making small crunching noises under his steps, he stood in front of him, slowly revealing a smile, “After the Sealing of Office on New Year’s Eve, I’ll return to my residence and change to regular clothing before making my way over, I’ll be troubling you.”
  ”Making your way over?” Chu Mingyun said in surprise, “Master Su wants to come to my residence?”
  ”Yes,” Su Shiyu said, the white vapor he breathed out diffusing. He looked towards the dimming sun in the distance, and his tone was gentle, “This winter is indeed a bit too cold.”
  Chu Mingyun was unable to read his meaning, “……In Master Su’s residence……there is not enough lit charcoal?”
  ”(My circumstances) are not as bad as to be that poverty-stricken. ” Su Shiyu laughed faintly, “What, didn’t you say just now you’d receive me attentively, but now you no longer welcome me?”
  ”How could that be,” Chu Mingyun laughed, “I’d look forward to seeing you anytime.”
  The two pairs of tracks in the snow were soon covered without a trace, they walked shoulder-to-shoulder getting closer as they went on, and melted into the whited-out snowscape.
  Actually Li Yanzhen wasn’t wrong, even if he returned to his residence he would be by his lonesome, and always facing the plaques to sit emptily for a night was rather lonely. Besides, this winter……was a bit too cold.
  On the actual day of New Years’ eve the weather was relatively clear, it’s just near dusk it started to snow again suddenly. Clouds gathered in the heavens, snow piled in the courtyards, the cold wind blew so strongly that the windows creaked.
  Qin Zhao shut the windows tightly, turning his face towards the person lazing on the mattress. Chu Mingyun had long changed out of his officials’ robes, and held a hand warmer, half his face buried in a white fox fur. His eyes were closed as if in deep sleep, his eyelashes long, and his brows still.
  The moment Qin Zhao’s footsteps sounded, Chu Mingyun spoke up, but did not open his eyes, “He’s come over?”
  ”It’s still early.” Qin Zhao said, “But since Su Shiyu is coming, aren’t we going to decorate the residence a bit?His gaze swept over the furnishings that were the same as usual, “In the entirety of Chang’an, I’m afraid our place here has the least new year’s atmosphere.”
  ”You find it not festive enough?” Chu Mingyun raised his eyelids slowly, and smiled a barely-there smile, “Then paste some ‘Xi (happiness)’ words on the door and windows, then place some red candles and melon seeds, Su Shiyu and I will sit in the hall, You and Du Yue change into new clothing and make bows at the altar, how about that?” (T/N: I.e. Getting married to Du Yue)
  ”Shige.” Qin Zhao looked at him with a stiff face.
  Even though after that day Qin Zhao and Du Yue had somewhat made up, and looked to be fine on the surface, but whenever they were faced with each other there would be a silent stuffiness. In Qin Zhao’s heart was hidden something so he would naturally not speak, and the more Du Yue looked at him being silent, he would be unexpectedly cooperative and also follow along in keeping silent, and so these days they spoke less to each other.
  Chu Mingyun laughed, and stop picking at his (Qin Zhao’s) wound, sitting up, casually sweeping his scattered hair to his back, “There’s no real reason to decorate. If Su Shiyu is dissatisfied when he comes, I’d be more pleased if he turns and leaves.”
  ”How come he wants to come here?” Qin Zhao asked, “Because Du Yue is here?”
  ”You think Su Shiyu is the same as you? To him, Du Yue isn’t that much of an attraction.” Chu Mingyun gave him a look, and then lowered his eyes to survey the gold filigree handwarmer, “Don’t know what he’s plotting, I thought about it for a long while just now and still couldn’t figure it out. Also, ” he paused, crinkling his brow and saying, “I don’t if it’s my misperception, Su Shiyu’s attitude towards me seems to have improved a lot from previously.”
  Qin Zhao thought a bit, “Perhaps it’s because you have had more contact, he is perceiving you as a friend.”
  ”Ke,” Chu Mingyun laughed coldly, and said not without sarcasm, “You didn’t notice before? The people beside Su Shiyu and close to him are all like Du Yue who don’t bring their brains when they leave the house, he obviously doesn’t like associating deeply with people who are overly calculating. And how I am as a person, I also have some self-awareness.”
  ”Then your intention is?”

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  ”Let the residence be strictly guarded, keep a close eye on the people who Su Shiyu bring with him.”
  They dallied in the inner room for another while, estimating when it was getting close to the time, then stood up to go to the main hall.
  It was spacious and airy in the hall, four benches were placed apart in rows of two, and to the side stood a small brazier, the charcoal fire brightly lit, and the entire hall was infused with warmth. The cold wind gathered up and blew traces of snow inward, which melted into little water droplets in the red corridor.
  Du Yue squatted in a corner, back facing him and tinkering with who knows what.
  ”What are you doing?” Chu Mingyun said.
  Du Yue turned his head back, letting out a light ‘hmph’, eyes filled with smugness, “I’m not telling you.”
  Chu Mingyun squinted at the pile of fireworks he (Du Yue) was trying to block at his front, “You’re too short, can’t block it completely.”
  Du Yue shot up to his feet,”You…..”
  Qin Zhao looked at him whilst standing behind Chu Mingyun, his dark eyes serene. His heart jumped, quickly moving away his line of sight, remembering how Qin Zhao might still be angry. If he also provoked Chu Mingyun at this time it was uncertain if he’d protect his self(Du Yue), so he could only murmur with recognition of the situation at hand, “Laozi is still young, after a few more years I’ll definitely be taller than you.”
  Chu Mingyun listened sincerely, then ignored him.
  The sound of footfalls started up behind him, a blue-clothed maidservant hurried over to report, Chu Mingyun inattentively made a sound in reply, and turned around. The moment he looked up, he froze slightly.
  Plum blossoms bloomed fiercely in courtyard, and a person’s figure emerged from the snowstorm. Hair as black as ink, Su Shiyu steadily stepped over the accumulated snow towards them by his lonesome. He held up a black bamboo-boned umbrella, the breeze filling his sleeves, as if in that moment that he approached the cold fragrance of winter plums bloomed silently, the adrift snow draping over his shoulders, like a tasteful and elegant free-hand (xieyi) painting.
  ”My cousin really is so damn good-looking ah!” Du Yue strutted up to him and sighed.
  Chu Mingyun swept his gaze over him, his fingertips twitched slightly, resisting the urge to punch him in front of Su Shiyu and Qin Zhao.
  Su Shiyu had already walked into the corridor, and paused briefly in the motion of closing his umbrella, looking at Du Yue, “A’Yue, speak properly.”
“Cousin! You look really good!” Du Yue came up to him with a smile amongst his brows and eyes.
  Su Shiyu laughed lightly, and turned again to Chu Mingyun bowing his head slightly: “Master Chu, I’ve made you wait.”
  ”Still okay.” Chu Mingyun looked to the outside, “Master Su, you actually came here alone?”
  ”It was originally my own intent to come, what would I bring others for?” Su Shiyu laughed while looking at him.
  Chu Mingyun lifted his brows lightly, and laughed. “I was just asking.”
  They followed Su Shiyu to sit at the table. The dishes and tea were served one by one, wafting off an inviting steam. Chu Mingyun soundlessly left the table, turning to a dark corner outside the corridor, asking: “How is it?”
  The shadow guard said: “Master, the inside of the residence and the surroundings have already been completely checked, there’s no suspicious persons.”
  ”……” Chu Mingyun looked towards Su Shiyu who was currently talking to Du Yue in the receiving hall (T/N: think living room) with some befuddlement, scrunching his brows (frowning) slightly: “…….He actually really came alone.”

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  Su Shiyu suddenly turned his head to look over here as if he felt something, and just met Chu Mingyun’s gaze. Two pairs of eyes connecting their gaze, he didn’t react in time, yet Su Shiyu gave a bland smile, and turned his head to move his gaze away.
  A crisp chilling wind holding the fragrance of plum blossoms drifted into the corridor, he was silent for a moment, then lowered his voice and instructed, “Got it, you can all be dismissed.”
  After they had finished dinner, the maidservants kept away the dinnerware (chopsticks and bowls), serving up the the warmed wine and kumquats, then all dismissed themselves, leaving the four of them to ring in the New Year.
  The large main hall instantly felt rather spacious, and Du Yue cradled his cup and inched his way to sit by Su Shiyu’s side, making a ‘hehe’ laugh, “Cousin I’ll keep you company ah!”
  Chu Mingyun rolled his eyes to the side, Qin Zhao lowered his eyes expressionlessly, completely unwilling to look over at that side. He (Chu Mingyun) laughed a low sound, and also shifted his seat near Su Shiyu, “Naturally he’ll be accompanied by me, how would it be your turn?”
  The three other people on the scene looked at him in a bit of astonishment, whereas Chu Mingyun unhurriedly poured a cup of wine of Su Shiyu, slanting his gaze towards Qin Zhao, “What are you sitting so far away for?”
  Qin Zhao readily took the hint, but deliberated for a moment, then followed and sat over there. The four of them sat gathered so closely around the brazier, making the main hall even emptier, Su Shiyu took shallow sips of wine, his gaze sweeping over Du Yue awkwardly sneaking looks at Qin Zhao’s expression, and he smiled wordlessly.
  Du Yue stealthily reclaimed his gaze, sighed to himself subtly, then his attention fell on the cup, instantly exclaiming with dissatisfaction: “How come only mine is tea?”
  Chu Mingyun said leisurely: “If you drink a lot of wine you won’t grow, you’re still small.”
  Du Yue pointed at him while shaking, “F*ck……” Su Shiyu gave him a look and stiffly corrected himself, “…….After laboring for so long, it’s the New Year and you’re still suppressing me.” (T/N: Word joke here, 操 is slang for f*ck but 操劳 means laboring hahaha)
  Su Shiyu took back his gaze and laughed: “Haven’t you always fallen after one cup, it’s also fine to drink tea.”
  ”How meaningless that would be ah,” Du Yue’s face scrunched, “Also cousin how many years has it been already, I’m not the same anymore now, it’s been a long time since one cup would put me under, if don’t believe me I’ll try and drink one to show you?”
  Su Shiyu smiled, “I’ll just believe you.”
  Du Yue choked up, shifting to face Chu Mingyun’s grinning look, and instantly felt discomfort. He finished his tea, and then quickly reached out to grab the winepot to pour out a full cup, tilting back to chug it, his motions completed in that momentum, then met Qin Zhao’s line of sight smugly, flashing his empty cup, “I told you it’ll be fine.”
  Qin Zhao saw that his face was completely red, but his eyes were still clear, and didn’t know what to say for a moment. Du Yue then cheerfully filled another cup to the brim, looking at Chu Mingyun and Su Shiyu while drinking it in one gulp, “I told you……” his voice paused, hand unconsciously losing its strength, and when his head tilted he fell on Qin Zhao who was next to him.
  Qin Zhao hurriedly held him with one arm, and grabbed the cup with one hand to put it back on the table.
  Chu Mingyun casually put his hand on Su Shiyu’s shoulder, tsking in lament: “Master Su, this cousin of yours truly didn’t lie, who knows how many years it’s been and yet he can still only tolerate a mouthful of wine.”
  Su Shiyu didn’t pick up that conversation, silently pulling off his (Chu Mingyun’s) hand.
  Qin Zhao lowered his head to look at Du Yue who was dizzily laying in his arms, and after a moment’s hesitation carefully carried him (T/N: it’s the princess carry position), “I’ll send him back to the house.” and didn’t wait for the other two to reply, directly rising to leave.
  There was the faint bitter smell of medicinal herbs in the medicine hut, and the shadows from the lanterns were still. Qin Zhao leaned over to place Du Yue on the mattress, Du Yue suddenly gripped his lapel, dazedly mumbling while trying to open his eyes, “I can still……can still drink…….”
  “En.” Qin Zhao rescued his lapel, “Sleep.”
  ”Huh?” Du Yue suddenly opened his eyes, looking at him in a stupor, “Qin Zhao? You’re finally not ignoring me.”
  ”I didn’t,” Qin Zhao said, and after thinking added, “How could I ignore you.”

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  He vaguely remembered that that year it was also this sort of winter.
   After serial years of drought the whole family fled, and he had only slept a night in the Cangwu mountains (County in Wuzhou, Guangxi) along the way, and woke up to find that he had been abandoned. He understood, his elder brother could provide labour, his young brother was still being swaddled, so only he should be abandoned, he understood all of this.
  At that time the snow weighted heavily on the mountain, the cold forests were covered with frost, his face was frostbitten to the point that the medicine saints would be at a loss to treat him, and he would never be able to form any sort of slight facial expression from then on.
  He was both cold and hungry, but for no reason he still struggled to live on, so when he met Shige in the valley he lunged forward fiercely, and as a result naturally he was flipped in one movement to the ground and stepped on. Chu Mingyun always had a gloomy expression in his youth, and only after staring straight at him for a bit did he step off, “……So it’s a person.”
  He struggled to get up but had no strength, and when he raised his eyes he saw a child rushing up to chase behind Chu Mingyun, “Surnamed Chu, if you don’t wait for me again I’ll lodge complaint with your Shifu!“
  Chu Mingyun was silent, “Up to you.”
  After that the child caught sight of him, his eyes brightened and he clumsily pulled him up, “You also came up the mountain to seek discipleship? Am I going to have a Shidi very soon ah?” The question in the latter half was directed at Chu Mingyun, but the other looked on coldly and didn’t speak.
  As for him in the midst of the long, cold winter, he had finally contacted some warmth.
  He never expected that a person all robed in blue could also be warm like the sun.
  His thoughts returning to the present, Qin Zhao lowered his voice and repeated, “……How could I ignore you.”
  But he forgot Du Yue was drunk, and completely didn’t hear wha t he said, only fixed on pulling his sleeve and incoherently mumbling. Qin Zhao leaned in to hear it clearly, and froze slightly.
  Du Yue’s voice was extremely light and soft, but said very earnestly: “……Sorry, Qin Zhao, sorry, I……I shouldn’t have scolded you like that, but before that you kept ignoring me. I know I’m wrong, Qin Zhao, I don’t dare to apologise to you, Qin Zhao, don’t be angry anymore……don’t be angry with me anymore……”
  His volume gradually softened, opening his eyes a sliver before shutting them again, going into sleep completely.
  The tip of his heart felt sour, and his throat felt choked up, Qin Zhao looked at him in silence, and after a long, long time, hesitatingly held his hand, and finally opened his mouth to whisper hoarsely: “Can you, not always look at him. I……”
  I like you.

The author has something to say:
In the story the year has passed so I scattered some sugar and we’ll continue playing mind games again!

(T/N: This marks the start of Chu Mingyun digging a pit for himself. Yes, I think the emperor has a small crush on Shiyu that he is not conscious of. I was going to say stay tuned for LSWW extras but something bad happened so I can’t make any promises for the present moment. I just decided to finish translating this chapter to take my mind off things.)

1.银装素裹- a phrase describing an outdoors snowscape as simple and cleanly beautiful. Comes from the book《中国行: 记史沫特莱》.

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