Jun You Ji Fou

Chapter 35

There was a tea stand near the city gates of Chang’an that was extraordinarily bustling with activity. … most of them would stop for a moment to rest their feet and drink tea, and then talk idly about the major powers of the five lakes and four seas1.

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  A tall and thin young swordsman found a spot and sat down, casually placing his sword on the table, and calling for the boss to serve tea. The people beside him were all discussing something, their tone rife with discontent and ire. Each of them were agitated. The swordsman was suspicious, and carried his teacup over to listen in.

  ”Truly, each year is worse than the next! Think about the century since the beginning of Daxia’s rule, since when have we needed to put up with this sort of irritation?!”

  ”That’s right! With such a large country as ours, why do we still need to be so courteous/ compensate that kind of small country so much? Isn’t it just one woman who died, and even then, it wasn’t us who killed [her], why should it be us who pays?!”

  ”Didn’t [she] die at the border, [they] said it was a Han person [that did it], but who knows if it was their own people who killed [her] and want to use this set-up to extort us?”

  ”So what if it’s a set-up? What can we do? In my opinion the current court is only left with a bunch of soft-bones2, if this happened back then, compensate their mother, we could just conquer them and be done with it!”

  From the surroundings came a round of echoed concurrence, but someone raised their voice to interrupt: “You make it sound simple, but what conquer3, once we start a war how would those nobility be able to live their days well. Definitely, if it can be settled with compensation then they’d just pay, in any case it’s paid with our hard-earned money4.

  Once the sound of those words landed, there came another round of clamour from the people.

  The swordsman was completely baffled by what he heard5, and pulled over a middle-aged man by his side to ask, “Big brother, what are they saying here?”

  The middle-aged man turned to look at him, “Little brother still doesn’t know? A few days ago the princess of Loulan died for no rhyme or reason so our country paid a heavy rite to them, it was over a hundred boxes! And it just left the city gates.” He gestured with his chin towards somewhere in the distance, and his words took on a melancholy air6, “I heard it’s ten thousand liang of gold and silver vessels, and three thousand bolts of silk and satin ah!”

  The swordsman nodded, but didn’t pick up the conversation. The middle-aged man still continued as if talking to himself: “These ol’ esteemed officials really have been living the good life for too long, it only took one word for them to send out [the compensation]. Grand Secretary ah Grand Secretary, who knew [he] would also become like this one day, if General Su Jue were still alive he’d still probably be angered to death.”

  The swordsman didn’t understand: “You speak of Su Shiyu, Master Su? Hasn’t he always received wide acclaim for being talented and virtuous?”

  ”It’s him alright.” The middle-aged man said, “But unfortunately what you said is already in the past. The compensation gifts I just spoke of, it was him who allowed it to be sent out!” He sighed deeply again, “Actually thinking about it, since when is there any virtuous talent, all the crows under the sky are equally black, isn’t the court just filled with people vying for money and their own self-interests. A few days ago I heard people saying he conspired with Master Chu to kill Su Xing. I hadn’t believed it then, and quarreled with that person for a whole afternoon, thinking about it now ah……” He laughed coldly, shaking his head, and didn’t continue.

  The swordsman gave the disgruntled bunch of people a complicated look, and sighed as well.

  The gaze of the middle-aged man moved from the sword on the table to the swordsman, and suddenly he said: “Yi, little brother, looking at your get-up, are you a wandering chevalier7?”

  The swordsman hurriedly said, “You’re too polite, how could I be called a wandering chevalier, I’m just someone who runs in the Jianghu.”

  ”Aiy, you’re being humble,” The middle-aged man laughed, patting his shoulder, “Nowadays ah, the high officials and nobility don’t care about whether we live or die. If anything happens from now on, the ones we’ll be relying on are you!’

  The swordsman nodded and didn’t pick up the conversation. He cast a glance at his sword, looking pensive.

  It was nightfall, and a dark shadow passed in a sudden blur outside the study.

  Su Shiyu’s expression remained at ease, still lifting up his sleeve to slowly grind the pine-smoke ink. The room’s door suddenly opened wide, the night breeze dimming the candle-flame buoyantly. A path of frost-glare8 broke through the gloom of the night, bringing with it a gale that hit one’s face head-on.

  Su Shiyu indifferently kept his eyelids drooped and didn’t move, quietly pressing the sleeve-dagger in his palm.

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  Yet he still couldn’t make his move.

  Abruptly, that figure froze woodenly; the silence and that body was penetrated with a sharp blade and a bright ring. The point of the sword peeking through their chest, fresh blood spattering wildly.

  Su Shiyu stepped back to dodge, and in the field of his vision he could see the dark-red colour of blood dripped into that inkwell, a contrast of red and black. He raised his eyes, and the shadowed figure fell sideways to the ground, revealing the man returning a sword to its sheath behind him. The longsword drew a beam of light, the other party backed against the full glow of the moon. He was familiar with those brows and eyes (that face).

  ”Why have you come?” Su Shiyu was slightly astonished.

  Chu Mingyun didn’t reply, walking up to lower his head and study the tall and skinny swordsman laying on the ground. He clicked his tongue and sighed with feeling: “Master Su, the compensation rites have just been sent out of Chang’an, and already there’s someone who has come to take your rotten-official’s9 life?”

  Su Shiyu gave him a helpless look, and Chu Mingyun raised his eyes, happening to chance on his gaze, “You’re so gutsy, an assassin has already reached right in front of your eyes and you don’t even know to duck away?”

  ”Was planning to make a move, but then you beat me to it.” Su Shiyu kept the documents stained completely with blood to the side, smiling: “I’ve troubled Master Chu to act on my behalf, this counts as me owing you a favour.”

  Chu Mingyun sat by the tableside, crossing his arms on the desk and leaning in close, stretching out the intonation of his words as he laughed airily, “Owe me a favour? You want to dismiss me with just these words–“

  The ending syllable and that movement of leaning closer were both halted by a jade pendant pressed against his forehead, it felt fine and smooth to the touch. Su Shiyu looked at that face so close within reach, and shifted to place the jade pendant in his hand, “Then this should be enough in any case.”

  Dazzling light in vibrant colours rippled over its surface10, and it was warm to the touch. Chu Mingyun still remembered that this jade pendant was the one Su Shiyu took out for him to use as stakes back then in Yongle Casino, “What are you giving me this for?”

  ”Returning you the favour, you just keep it.” Su Shiyu paused, and added, “In the future if you ever come to the residence you no longer need to act like the assassins. If you bring the jade pendant with you, you can come find me anytime, and there won’t be any one to stop you.”

  Chu Mingyun stroked over the carved patterns on the white jade, “Including when you’re bathing?”

  ”……” Su Shiyu said, “What do you think?”

  Chu Mingyun let out a laugh, and kept the jade pendant, “But this time I do have serious matters I’m seeking you for.”

  Su Shiyu smiled lightly, and served him tea, “I know, you can speak frankly.”

  ”You kept the matter about Ji Heng secret instead of making it public,” Chu Mingyun looked at him, “Is it the King of Huainan who directed this behind the scenes again?”

  Su Shiyu nodded, “It is written that way in his confession, Ji Heng also handed over a token of proof, it does appear to be that way.”

  ”Appears to be?” Chu Mingyun laughed, “Master Su has also sensed that something’s off?”

  Su Shiyu returned his gaze, “You know something?”

  ”Do you still remember the incident at the Rite of Offering Sacrifice11,” Chu Mingyun said, ” I sent someone to investigate Jiang Yuan’s birthplace, you can probably already guess right?”


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  ”Correct,” Chu Mingyun’s smile was brimming over with humor, “There aren’t that many coincidences in this world, if back then His Majesty the emperor had chosen to pursue the investigation, then Jiang Yuan’s origins would definitely have been checked, and I’m afraid it would only lead to the King of Huainan again.”

  Su Shiyu’s eyes darkened and didn’t speak, sinking deep into thought.

  ”Che,” Chu Mingyun stretched out a hand to lift his chin upward in a displeased manner, “Look at me.”

  Su Shiyu’s figure went slightly stiff, his state of mind thereupon cast into disarray. He pulled away his hand, steadied his mind and looked over at him, “What?”

  ”I haven’t finished speaking so why are you ignoring me again.” Chu Mingyun said, his brows furrowed.

  He couldn’t help but laugh lightly, “Forgive my impropriety, please continue, Master Chu.”

  Chu Mingyun took up the teacup, “So isn’t this very strange? The other side’s tactics are getting more and more sloppy, and the evidence are becoming increasingly obvious.”

  ”After we found the King of Huainan’s (link in) Su Xing’s case, you made no moves, and not long after Jiang Yuan whose birthplace is Huainan framed me, His Majesty didn’t look into it. And now, the Princess of Loulan has been killed, the evidence points straight to the King of Huainan, forcing you to pursue this line of investigation.”

  Su Shiyu froze, and understood in a flash, as Chu Mingyun presented his conclusion, ‘He seems to be incessantly urging you to go kill him, the more inactive you are the more anxious he is.”

  Su Shiyu’s brows knit tightly, “But the king’s seal is like the imperial jade seal, it can’t be fabricated.”

  ”I didn’t say that those evidence were faked, that’s why I only find it strange.” Chu Mingyun looked at him, “In a few more days Master Su has to be dispatched to the Imperial Hunt, are you still intending to go?”

  Su Shiyu met his gaze and nodded, “Since we’ve ascertained that this is definitely linked to the King of Huainan, then naturally I have to go.”

  ”I know Master Su has long since had the intent to whittle down the vassal’s power, but don’t tell me this is even worth risking your life for?”

  Su Shiyu smiled blandly, “Why wouldn’t it be?”

  ”Up to you.” Chu Mingyun moved away his gaze and drank the tea.

  Su Shiyu also no longer pursued this topic. The wick of the lantern let out a light hiss as the flame’s shadow bobbed. He looked at the corpse gone cold on the ground, let out a sigh and suddenly spoke up: “Although that compensatory rite can spare us a war, but I’m afraid that the King of Loulan will no longer let Loulan have even the slightest dealing with our Daxia for as long as he reigns. I only hope they don’t become allies with the Huns…”

  Chu Mingyun put down the teacup and let out a laugh, “Loulan is a necessary checkpoint on the road back from the Eastern territories, you guess if they’ll still let those Han merchant troupes pass by?”

  It went without saying. Su Shiyu asked: “Does Master Chu have a solution?”

  ”I just thought of it.” Chu Mingyun smiled and said, “”All we need to do is just change the general guarding the Western frontier to Zhou Yi.”

  ”And what do you intend to do after changing it to him?”

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  ”No need to do anything after, Master Su also doesn’t need to hold the notion that you need to find suitable replacement (for him) after finding a solution.” Chu Mingyun said, “Zhou Yi has followed me the longest, back in those years of battling back the Huns he was my deputy general. If he’s in charge of the Western frontier, it’ll definitely be able to intimidate the Huns and Loulan somewhat.”

  Calm as unrippled water11, Su Shiyu said: “This matter is not a trivial one, let’s report it to His Majesty to re-discuss in further detail later.”

  ”As long as Master Su gives his assent now, I imagine there won’t be any problems over on His Majesty’s side either,” Chu Mingyun smiled so deeply his eyes and brows curved, “En?“

  Su Shiyu looked at him silently for a good while. The night breeze blew past the corridor, and outside the window was dotted light from rising fireflies.

  Chu Mingyun’s words were not untrue. In the court apart from his few trusted subordinates, there was no one else who could shoulder heavy responsibilities.

  Su Shiyu sighed lightly, “Since Master Chu has spoken as such, I have no reason not to agree.”

  Chu Mingyun then laughed, “Master Su really is a reasonable person after all.” Pausing, he seemed to think of something suddenly, “Right, What exactly was lost during that [incident] in Tianlu Pavillion?”

  ”Several volumes of registries with no apparent pattern whatsoever, can’t guess at the [perpetrator’s] motives.” Su Shiyu recalled and said, “Some test questions from the imperial examination a few years ago, an imperial edict to construct a canal, some memorials sent from the border, a registry of the vassal kings, and also…”

  ”A registry of the vassal kings?” Chu Mingyun interrupted.

  Su Shiyu nodded, “I remember on it was written the fiefdoms of the various marquises and vassal kings, their family registries, their system of rites and assigned beast sigils12, the gift lists from their official audiences (with the Emperor), those sort of things.”

  Beast sigils.

  The light in Chu Mingyun’s eyes focused slightly, and the corners of his mouth hooked upward.

  The decorative motif on that bronze seal.

  The other side really thought this out more thoroughly than him, in order to avoid being exposed, they struck first to steal the registry of the vassal kings and then there’d be no way to check.

  Chu Mingyun stood up and smoothed out his sleeves, “Alright, I’ve finished saying all that needs to be said, so I’ll be going back for now.”

  Su Shiyu made a sound of response, and stood up as well to send him off. Chu Mingyun had only walked two steps out before he turned back again, “Almost forgot.”

  ”What is it?”

  Chu Mingyun tossed a paper bag to him, “Ruo.” (T/N: It’s like a, ‘here you go’ sound)

  ”What is this?” Su Shiyu caught it and looked it over.

  ”The pine nut brittle I said I’d split with you last time ah.” Chu Mingyun casually raised his hand, and turned to walk away, “No need to send me.”

  In the blink of eye his figure vanished from sight. Su Shiyu lowered his eyes to look at the paper bag in his hand, and slowly the corners of lips curved into a smile. It could not be put clearly into words what sort of feeling this was.

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  The guard watching over the door of the Su residence leaned against the wall drowsily, when he was abruptly startled awake by the sound of footfalls his ears suddenly caught. Turning his head back to see the approaching person, he did not have time to react before he was again shocked by the jade pendant the other person took out, “You……(respectful)”

  The guard opened his mouth but was tongue-tied, took a glance at the dim lantern light from the distant study, and moved his gaze with difficulty to Chu Mingyun before him. He opened the residence door in a flustered manner, and could not help glancing at that jade pendant again, then bent his body forward, extremely deferential: “You (respectful)…..please take care13.”

  Chu Mingyun cast a sidelong glance at the jade pendant in his hand, and frowned in incomprehension.

T/N: Oh…it’s me again…so updates will be more regular from now as promised. Maybe not daily but at least once every 3 days? This chapter took a whole week because it’s written so well that it defies translation…also I’m trying to improve readability of the translation so I will be replacing/ inserting some words not in the original text [like this] so that the grammatical flow is not impeded (as opposed to a direct translation, because sentences in chinese omit words not considered vital for understanding the sentence).

1.五湖四海 – idiomatic expression basically meaning ‘all over the world’.

2.软骨头 – it’s the equivalent of calling someone spineless / lily-livered.

3. The previous ‘conquer’ was translated from ‘打下来’ to which the person replies, ‘打什么打‘ so I wanted to make it obvious it was a direct response to those words.

4.血汗钱 – literally, ‘blood-sweat money’

5. 一头雾水 – literally, a head filled with mist and water. Common expression meaning one is completely confused.

6.添了气郁 – I’m guessing at what this phrase means, because otherwise this says that his meridians were blocked which I don’t think is what the author is referring to.

7.游侠 – martial artists wandering the jianghu who take on the odd security guard detail or mercenary work. It somewhat means ‘wandering hero’, but is the equivalent of ‘knight errant’.

8.一道寒芒 – this refers to light / glare that makes something look cold/ feel cold. It’s a somewhat unique expression to chinese culture I guess.

9.狗官 – literally, ‘dog official’. Many chinese insults compare the object of your scorn to a dog or a pig, but more commonly the former.

10. 流光溢彩 – idiom that means something sparkles with brilliant iridescence, and that the refracted light resembles liquid in its movement.

11. 波澜不惊. An idiom from Pan Zhongyan’s《岳阳楼记》.

12. 纹兽 – So the vassal kings all have this beast (may be mythical or a real animal) assigned to them that henceforth is representative of them. Like how the eagles represented the Prussian kings in German history I guess. It would be embroidered on all their official outfits and engraved on their seals and used as the motif for all the things relevant to their rule. This is pretty important because it also represents their rank at times. No one but the emperor was allowed to have a dragon pattern on their clothing, for example.

13. 您慢走 – literally, “you walk slowly”. It was used as an expression of concern for respected guests, like ‘walk as slowly as you need to, I won’t rush you away’.

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