Jun You Ji Fou

Chapter 39

Is the Gentleman Feeling Alright? – Chapter 39

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In the cold and quiet of midnight, the dripping of the water clock seemed so distant; each sound coming from over the red-lacquered window lattice, stirring over the lantern’s candle-flame, yet didn’t disrupt the writing of the person seated at the desk.

The warm-lit oil lamps tilted out a sliver of thin shadow, and those gorgeous features seemed a little cold and stern somehow when their owner was reticent. He silently examined the yellowed map spread all over the desk, the candlewick soundlessly dropping.

Within this still there was a sudden ‘kacha (kada)‘ click sound, as the secret door in the study was pulled open. Qin Zhao hastily walked out from within, handing over the letter that was in his sleeve, “Shige, here’s the brief report from the Southern border.”

“En.” Chu Mingyun made a sound in reply, not even lifting his eyes, still sketching and annotating the map, “Put it down for now.”

Qin Zhao glanced at the sky outside, and asked: “It is already past midnight, you’re still not intending to rest?”

“You go rest first.” Chu Mingyun took an accounts book leaflet in hand, and as he wrote he said, “The garrison defenses of the hunting lodge need to be handed over to the Imperial Army tomorrow, (I’ll) need to be busy for a while.”

“Hunting lodge defenses?” Qin Zhao said, baffled, “Isn’t the garrison duty for the third month’s hunt usually handled by the Commander of the Imperial Army?”

“Aren’t the Xiongnu emissaries still staying in the capital while they wait for the answer?” Chu Mingyun put down his brush, filled up the inkwell, “In order not to lose propriety, we are also inviting them along on this Spring Hunt, Mount Qi is not like Chang’an, it’s hard to tell whether the Xiongnu might take the chance to do something, I’m just worried that that Commander would still follow the usual arrangements of the past.”

Qin Zhao nodded.

Since times of antiquity emperors have needed to follow the norms of etiquette, and every year all of them would need to carry out hunts according to the seasons. It is recorded in the ‘Interpretation of Astronomy’ (Shitian) of the Erya; the Spring Hunt is for searching (Sou), the Summer Hunt is for the growth of seedlings (Miao), the Autumn Hunt is for harvesting (Xian), the Winter Hunt is for the imperial inspection (Shou). These four seasons were fixed as such; and they were important events to the country.

The founding ancestors of Daxia placed especial importance on the winter hunts in order to avoid their descendants from falling to a tendency of being extravagant and decadent; and set down rules that cannot be defied. It’s just too bad that a few of the later generations  of emperors didn’t favour martial arts, and Li Yanzhen of current reign had even turned the Spring Hunt into some sort of Spring picnic outing for him and his officials to bring their family members along on, how harmonious and joyous.

“Over on the Xiongnu’s side even child of a few years of age can draw a bow and hunt, yet look at the state of Daxia now, it really doesn’t bear comment. I was originally a little worried that we’d be mocked and looked down on by that prince, but you guess what our ol’ His Majesty the Emperor said?” Chu Mingyun paused, pressed his voice to make it softer as he said, “That’s just as well, so we can let them experience for themselves the prosperity of Daxia that takes elegance in the arts.”

He looked at that new well of ink, and then suddenly lifted his eyes toward Qin Zhao, “Say, do you think Li Yanzhen heard the water swooshing around in his skull when he said this?”

“…..” Qin Zhao had nothing to say in reply to that, and only after a good while could he say insipidly, “Shige……don’t learn to speak like him.”

Chu Mingyun didn’t take it to heart and laughed, then said: “Right,…..”


Chu Mingyun seemed to want to speak but stopped himself, actually seeming a little irresolute, he tightly furrowed his brow, then after a moment his gaze fell back to the map, before he spoke up: “Forget it, it’s nothing.”

The way he was acting now was truly rare, so Qin Zhao stared at him for a long while, before suddenly speaking: “There’s also one piece of news from Su Shiyu’s side.”

“Woh–?” This didn’t make Chu Mingyun lift his head, “What news?”

“Su Shiyu also brought a man back from Huainan.”

The pen stopped in its tracks, instantly blooming a small ink stain on the plain paper, Chu Mingyun slowly lifted his eyes, expressionlessly looking at him, “Go on.”

“That’s all.” Qin Zhao said.

Chu Mingyun looked steadily at Qin Zhao, Qin Zhao looked back at him expressionlessly, and this stretch of silence congealed the atmosphere into stiffness. In the end, Chu Mingyun let out a laugh, tonelessly saying: “Do you believe me when I say, if you go on learning these terrible habits from Du Yue, I won’t spare even you a thrashing?”

Qin Zhao silently moved away his line of sight, saying: “It’s a little general that had been recently hired under the Huainan King’s command, 18 or 19 years old, name’s called Luo Xin. In accordance with Su Shiyu’s instructions, he followed the inspection carriage troupe and returned to the capital along with them.”

“Luo Xin?” Having never of this person before, Chu Mingyun considered the name for a moment, before muttering: “18 or 19 is just the right age for grooming a person, and as of now the court lacks talent that can lead the military, if Su Shiyu intends to recommend him to Li Yanzhen, I’m afraid he is planning on whittling the amount of military authority in my hands.”

Qin Zhao was instantly nervous: “Then what do we do?”

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“What do you mean ‘what do we do?’” Chu Mingyun breezily gave him a sidelong look, a hint of cold smile at the edge of his lips, “What are you worrying for, just grooming him is guaranteed to succeed? You think my level of accomplishment, is something any random Tom, Dick or Harry can also reach?”

“Wo.” Qin Zhao’s heart was then at ease.

Even though he said that, there was a bit of agitation gathered between Chu Mingyun ‘s own brows. He lifted a hand to press between his brows, waving his hand to signal Qin Zhao to leave quickly, and didn’t say any more.

The candle-flame of a lamp on the desk seemed to drag and leap (dance) in its brilliance.

Early the next morning, when the light of dawn was ash-white, the Commander of the Imperial Army saw the Grand Marshall waiting inside the palace hall as soon he entered the Palace. Amidst his great alarm, he quickly hastened to go up and offer his apologies.

He received the map with both hands with fear and awe, after listening to some simple instructions by Chu Mingyun he couldn’t help but carefully measure his expression, and asked in the manner of sounding out his intent: “Today is a rest day, yet Master Chu is up so early, is it for something important?”

“There’s nothing else,” Chu Mingyun lowered his eyes to look at the accounts book in his hand, “Didn’t sleep.”

The commander was awkward, “……Then I’ll escort you out of the Palace.”

He glanced at the Commander, passed the accounts book over, and turned to head out, so the commander respectfully followed behind.

The palace was quiet in the light of dawn, a layer of the spring sun falling on the flying crests and green-glazed tiles of the roofs. Occasionally there would be a palace servant in the middle of sweeping that would bow in greeting to them, and then proceeding to step back and make way for them.

Chu Mingyun suddenly spoke: “Take a general look over it, quickly ask if there’s anything you don’t understand.”

The commander quickly opened up the account book upon hearing that, and after taking a look he couldn’t help his slight surprise, “Master Chu……isn’t there usually no garrison deployed to guard these southern foothills of Mount. Qi?”

“The Southern foothills of Mount. Qi are steeply-sloped, and underneath them flows the Wei river, its water level rises as soon as it hits Spring, the rapids of the river are so fast it’s impossible for someone to cross. It’s a natural obstacle, of course there’s no need for guards there.” Chu Mingyun took the accounts book and glanced at it, walking leisurely in front, “But this year there’s been a shortage of rain, and the weather is also warming up slower than before, so the flow of the river has slowed down a lot. Once there’s no obstruction from the Wei river, any person with some martial skill can pass through the Southern foothills to climb the mountain. And the Southern foothills are also close to the hunting lodge, should there be any……”

His voice grew softer, suddenly halting without completing the sentence. The commander had been listening attentively with his head lowered, and it was only when he gathered his wits did he realise Chu Mingyun had stopped walking.

The commander turned his head to look in bewilderment, but only saw his excellency the Grand Marshall raising his eyes to gaze into the distance; his pair of eyes dark with unknown intent, yet a smile slowly but clearly emerged from the corners of his lips.

“Finally something goes according to my wishes.” He seemed to let out a low sigh, but it was blurred out in the morning wind and couldn’t be heard clearly.

The commander followed his gaze and turned his head to look, seeing a lone person passing below the rose trellis, their figure like that of an upright orchid and jade tree.

“Read it for yourself.” Just as he’d spoken those words, the account book was stuffed into his hands; and the commander watched blankly as Chu Mingyun didn’t even give him a second glance as he made a beeline straight over there.

Each footfall stepping over slate tiles, stepping over the fallen flowers that littered the floor; yet to be swept away.

“Master Su—”

A faint fragrance drifted from the thick layer of scarlet petals were moistened with bright and limpid morning dew.

Su Shiyu stood still amidst this spring scene, and seemed to jolt slightly as he turned around, and smiled once he lifted his eyes, “Master Su, long time no see.”

“Long time no see,” Chu Mingyun stopped a few steps in front of him, stretching his tone as he teased with a smile, “I wonder if Master Su thought of me while he was in Huainan?”

“What does Master Chu think?” Su Shiyu smiled faintly, looking at him.

“I think you did ah.” Chu Mingyun lifted both arms, tilting his head and smiling till his eyes curved into crescents, “Since that’s the case, then how about a hug?”

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As he said so he really made to embrace him, Su Shiyu froze slightly, seeing the bewildered commander of the Imperial Army from the corner of his eye he quickly ducked a step back and raised a hand to block him, and was a bit nonplussed, “Master Chu, this is (we’re) within the Palace.”

Chu Mingyun put down his arms, unbothered, and glanced behind him. That commander jolted as if roused from sleep, and after making his greeting from a distance, he ducked his head and hurriedly left.

Chu Mingyun then leisurely turned back his gaze, and asked: “Just returned?”

“Yes, earlier (I) went to the Xuanshi Hall to present my report to His Majesty.” Su Shiyu walked out shoulder-to-shoulder with him.

“How is it over at Huainan?”

“As of yet it’s still considered stable, but Master Chu has most likely also realised, that things might not be quite so simple. Right now we can only quietly watch how the situation develops, and I will also urge His Majesty to implement the Grace Edict as soon as possible.”

“You really won’t say you missed me once for me to hear?”

Su Shiyu sub-consciously opened his mouth to reply, and then paused as he just realised what the other said, turning his head he was met with glint of humour flowing through Chu Mingyun’s pupils. The corners of his mouth unconsciously turned upward as he retrieved his gaze, yet didn’t reply, “Why has Master Chu come into the palace so early even on a rest day?” Chu Mingyun faintly raised the tip of his brow, “Nothing much really…..”

“Wait up, Your Honour!” A loud yell sounded out suddenly from behind them, accompanied by the especially clear sounds of running.

They turned around to look; a youth had caught up to them in the blink of an eye. He wiped the sweat off his forehead as he took unsteady breaths, and said as soon as he opened his mouth: “You (respectful) really walk fast, I haven’t even had the chance to thank you properly!”

Su Shiyu smiled blandly, “You’ve already said your thanks many times along the way here, and besides, recommending and promoting talent is only what I ought to do. It is also because you have sufficiently capable that you were able to attain His Majesty’s recognition, there was no need to run over to thank me.”

“Don’t say that,” The youth persisted, “If it weren’t for Your Honour, I’m afraid I would never be able to come to Chang’an in this lifetime, of course I ought to thank you properly! Then…… how about I treat you to a meal?”

“No need,” Su Shiyu smiled, “Sometime soon we will be colleagues, and there’ll be plenty of opportunities to meet in person during banquets, there really isn’t a need for you to be so courteous.”


“This is the person you brought back?” Chu Mingyun spoke up to interrupt, asking Su Shiyu

The youth found this odd and let Chu Mingyun’s scrutiny wash over him. “That would be me, what about it?”

Su Shiyu raised his hand a little, signalling him not to speak any further, as he turned to smile at Chu Mingyun, “This is Luo Xin, soon he will be assuming duties in the Ministry of War. He is still of young age, and doesn’t know the rules well, hoping Master Chu will be gracious with him from now on.

“Woh——?” Chu Mingyun let out a laugh, “Master Su has always deferred to the rites of etiquette, this person who doesn’t know the rules, how did such a person catch your eye?”

“The rules can be taught later, but a temperament that is sincerely loyal and brave cannot be produced simply by teachings after all.” Su Shiyu smiled indifferently as he replied. Out of the corner of his eye he unwittingly glimpse Luo Xin staring fixedly at the two of them, and looked over: “ You still have something you want to say?”

“En!” Luo Xin hastily nodded, “Your Honour I still want to ask, since there was no morning court today, does that mean we won’t see other officials?”

“It is indeed the case.”

“Then where can I see General Chu?” Luo Xin chased with another question.

Su Shiyu didn’t get to reply in time before Chu Mingyun spoke up first, expressionlessly looking at him as he said: “What are you looking for him for?”

His attitude was inexplicably confrontational. Luo Xin couldn’t help but feel discomfited, “Not for anything, can’t I just take a look at him?”

“What’s there to look at?” Chu Mingyun said.

“But that’s the grand general who beat the Xiongnu into retreat!” Luo Xin raised his voice, “A few counties and prefectures that had been occupied by the Xiongnu for a whole five years, were all recovered within one year of his appearance, if he isn’t much too look at don’t tell me you’re worth looking at?”

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Chu Mingyun suddenly let out a sneering laugh, his gaze falling to the floor covered in fallen flowers, “Remaining unmoved even as they allowed the Xiongnu to bully and humiliate them for five years, each and every one of the commanders and soldiers were incompetent yet full of themselves. Recovering lost territory was even encumbered by them and wasted a whole year of time, I really don’t understand where it is that is worthy for you all to take pride in, and even repeatedly bring this up.”

Luo Xin immediately felt aggravated, “You talk like it’s so easy, since you’re so competent why didn’t you go fight——”

“Luo Xin.” Su Shiyu interrupted him, “This person is Grand Marshall Chu.”

The words were instantly caught in his throat, and his face immediately reddened, Luo Xin stared at Chu Mingyun as if unable to react, “W-,what?! You……How could he……Really?”

Chu Mingyun shot him a glance.

Su Shiyu met his disbelieving gaze, and snuffed out his hopes as he nodded.

Luo Xin then abruptly turned his face away, not looking at Chu Mingyun, looking at Su Shiyu mouth agape and  tongue-tied for a good while before he finally spat out a sentence with some difficulty, “General Chu?! He……How could he look like this……”

“Why do you say that?” Su Shiyu said, not understanding.

Luo Xin’s brow furrowed into a knot, mumbling to himself with some disappointment, “How could the dignified grand general look like……like, like a little maiden……”


Chu Mingyun instead laughed very lightly upon hearing those words, turning his head to look at him, “Then in your opinion what should I look like; nine-feet high, tall and sturdy, full of masculine power?”

“En!” Luo Xin responded, nodding at once.

“An eloquent speaker, and also with the strength to lift a cauldron?”

“En en!” Luo Xin nodded.

Chu Mingyun looked at this straight-browed and blank-eyed (meaning that he doesn’t have much scheming and is even a bit silly) round-faced youth, and then shifted his gaze away with a complicated expression, too lazy to bother speaking further.

Su Shiyu, who had fallen silent, took in this expression of his, and couldn’t help but lower his eyes as he smiled faintly.

Naturally he was different from ordinary people, what need was there for him to look strong enough to lift a cauldron, and have an oppressive martial bearing.

Not even a thousand jars of wine, or ten thousand books could wash away that air of haughty dominance.

He was just right like this.

In a full suit of red clothes, like a flame on horseback; a figure entered Chang’an directly, passing through the bustling market streets and turned into the alley, abruptly halting outside the gate of the High Minister of the Ministry of Justice Lu Shi’s mansion.

A girl in the prime of her youth alighted from the horse, throwing the reins to a servant that came to usher her in, and as she walked into the residence, she opened her mouth to call out, “Daad, I’m back!”

Lu Shi came out of his courtyard briskly, and as soon as he spotted her he assessed her for head to toe, and only after seeing her healthy and hale he finally settled down enough to ask, “Qinghe, I allowed you to travel around to your heart’s content out there, and you really didn’t intend to return anymore?”

“Who says? Aren’t I back now?” Lu Qinghe said.

“If I hadn’t sent a letter over ordering you to come back, would you have come back of your own accord?” Lu Shi said.

Lu Qinghe quickly avoided this topic, affectionately hugging Lu Shi’s arm, “Dad, I’ve even just come back from the snow-covered mountains, have you seen a snow-covered mountain before? That place really is ––“

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“Let’s not speak of this,” Lu Shi interrupted her, “You know what purpose I had in calling you back.”

Lu Qinghe didn’t bat an eyelid as she shook her head, “Don’t know.”

“If you don’t know then I’ll tell you once again,” Lu Shi said cut straight to the chase, “Getting you to return, is for the sake of finding you a good husband and marrying, so that you can settle down as soon as possible.”


“Don’t you try this ruse with me,” Lu Shi remained unmoved as he pulled his arm free, his face turning stern as he said severely, “You want to be a wandering chevalier, you want to travel the various scenic spots all over, sure, I’ll let you do as you wish in this regard, but the matter of marriage can’t be taken lightly. You’re not young anymore, so stop thinking of trying to push a bargain with me!”

Lu Qinghe pursed her lips silently.

Seeing this, Lu Shi’s tone stiffened several measures more, “During the Spring Hunt in a few days’ time, the nobility and imperial relatives as well as the major officials will all be attending. You just follow me there, and take a close look at those young talents, pick out one you like, and after we return Dad will go set up an engagement for you.”

Lu Qinghe covered her face as she said faintly, “This daughter understands.”

T/N: Luo Xin, never meet your heroes. Aiy, I’m sorry it’s late again. This just happened to be a hard chapter to translate.

1.折子 – I can’t really think of a good word to replace this, but it’s basically an accordion-style folded booklet, often with a hard cover on either side. This word is used during some time periods to refer to memorials, but when they’re not addressed to the Emperor they’re not called as such, so. [Return]

2.布防 – basically, the layout of stationed guards on duty to defend an area. [Return]

3. 《尔雅·释天》I had a bit of a time translating this because this is from the eighth chapter of a Zhou dynasty text and I’m not that cultured. All four of the words ‘xian’, ‘shou’ etc. are different words for ‘hunt’, but in different contexts. Miao, in Spring, is when the hunters take stock of the numbers of wildstock in the forest, and they may hunt what animal is not having their breeding season in Spring. In Summer and Autumn, the focus is on raising crops, so any wild animals that enter the vicinity of farms can be killed in case they trample the seedlings or disturb the harvest. Shou, the winter hunt is during the imperial touring inspection (that SSY just went on, on behalf of the emperor). [Return]

4. Basically, Li Yanzhen is saying that Daxia is so wealthy it can afford to be cultured and not focus on martial prowess or hunting. [Return]

5. Saying a person has water in their skull is another way of calling them stupid. [Return]

6. 乱七八糟 – in great disorder; used to describe “teachings” that have no logic to them. [Return]

7. 顺心 – literally, ‘follows my heart’. Describes something that makes a person happy or satisfied. [Return]

8. Used to describe outstanding gentlemen with bright prospects. [Return]

9. 残红- Literary term for fallen flowers, literally ‘Remnant red’ [Return]

10. 铁齿铜牙 – literally ‘iron molars and copper teeth’. [Return]

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