11 Famous

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Gold will always shine. Hahaha.

Their store promotion lasted for two days. Pei Ying spent three days at the studio to help with packaging and shipping before Ren Shanshan let her go home.

She was extremely tired, but the rise in sales barely comforted her.

After she returned home from the studio, Pei Ying lazed around for two days before getting back to life.

She was particularly excited because her walk-on for Light Shines on Raiment of Rainbows (LSRR) was finally airing that day!

She’d participated in another production that aired on Star TV before, but it didn’t have as impressive ratings as LSRR. The production was even willing to spend money to get the topics about LSRR on the trending searches.

The TV drama aired at 7:35pm on the dot, so Pei Ying sat down in front of the TV early and watched the news before it.

She was a bit worried that the drama broadcast would suddenly get canceled or delayed for some reason or another. After all, it was something that she’d encountered before.

But after the commercial ended, the drama started airing. Pei Ying let out a breath, her attention focused on the episode.

“What are you doing? How can you let Shi Jing wear this?” Shi Jing’s manager on the TV screen threw the champagne colored skirt at Shen Liuguang, eyebrows furrowed in anger.

A few of the girls in the dressing room laughed to themselves. Shen Liuguang lowered her head and looked at the skirt in her hands, her eyes red. “I don’t know what happened. When I checked it previously, it was fine…”

Shi Jing sat in front of the dressing table silently and glanced at the girls through the mirror. Her manager was still agitated with Shen Liuguang. She stood up and looked down at the skirt that Shen Liuguang had prepared. “There’s still 30 minutes before the start of the runway walk. If you can resolve the problem in that time, I’ll still wear your skirt onto the stage.”

These words were like light shining down from the heavens, reviving Shen Liuguang in an instant. “Don’t worry. I’ll go fix the skirt now. I’ll definitely let you walk onto the stage!”

Shi Jing nodded, nearly imperceptably. “That would be the best outcome.”

“Oh…” Pei Ying was sitting behind the table, pen in hand. She made a note in her book, “The emotion here isn’t quite right…”

As she watched her performance on the screen, she recorded all the things she found unsatisfactory into her notebook.

This notebook was born the first time that she acted in a TV drama. Up to this day, it was nearly half filled. Every once in awhile, when she wasn’t busy, she would flip through the book, going over and correcting herself to better her acting skills.

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After the runway walk finished, Pei Ying basically had no more scenes. But when she saw the runway scene on the screen, she was a bit shocked.

The person walking down that stage was her, but it wasn’t her. Every movement of her arm, every step she took, even her eyes burned intensely. She looked like she’d been born to walk down that runway.

She was nearly captivated by herself.

Pei Ying couldn’t held laughing. After the episode finished, she turned off the TV.


When she woke up the next day, she decided to check up on her Weibo.

With the popularity of LSRR, there would definitely be a discussion about the latest two episodes out. There might even be a few words about her.

She was dumbfounded when she logged onto her Weibo. More than 90k new fans and 1000 new messages… She hadn’t even gotten this much attention when she was cursed at before!

She hesitated a bit with the mouse pointer. After preparing herself mentally, she finally opened the comments.

Shi Jing’s gorgeous ah! I watched her runway scene more than thirty times!

Her legs are so long. So long. So long qaq Have to praise three times qaq

I want Shi Jing to ‘like’ this comment (doge)

Fucking hell, LSRR’s been getting worse and worse! I was going to quit watching! Who’d have thought they’d make such a big move?! Queen Shi Jing is beautiful!!!

Satisfied with the leg work (sexy)

The beauty’s acting isn’t bad. I thought you were a professional model~

All these rivals popped up in an instant qaq Pei Pei, I’m an old fan!

Director, add some more Shi Jing scenes. More legs!! Your show’s new top ratings were because of her!

Pei Ying was taken aback. Last night’s broadcast hit a new top (viewership) rating? She clicked onto LSRR’s official page, and the first post was the ratings chart.

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Last night’s ratings… were actually better than the premiere!

“Wow.” Pei Ying sighed. Was it really because of her?

Her phone rang. When she saw it was Chen Sheng calling, she immediately picked up. “GM Chen, hello.”

“Xiao Pei ah, have you checked your Weibo? Last night’s episode of LSRR was very well received.” Chen Sheng’s voice carried a hint of laughter. “I saw you gained a lot of new fans, and you’re trending on the search sites. Congratulations.”

“Thank you, GM Chen.” Pei Ying was still rather unaccustomed to being praised by Chen Sheng in this manner.

“I have another piece of good news for you. I received two notices, one from a fashion magazine and another from a high heel advertisement. They both want you.”

“Really?” For Pei Ying, this news was even more exciting than gaining those fans on Weibo.

They even specified that they wanted her. That had never happened before!

“Yes, really,” Chen Sheng responded. Pei Ying was hot news right now and she wasn’t an A-list star. They’d get a hot celebrity and wouldn’t have to pay as much, so of course they’d try to sign her quickly. Otherwise, as Pei Ying got more famous, her price would increase as well.

Pei Ying’s thoughts weren’t as elaborate as Chen Sheng’s. She was simply happy to have work. “Thank you, GM Chen!”

“Why thank me? It’s due to your own good work. I watched last night’s episodes today, and they really were good. I told you before, gold will always shine. Hahaha.”

“Hahaha,” Pei Ying laughed along, but silently, she thought about how GM Chen didn’t use to say any such thing.

“Come over to the office later. I’ll go over the details with you.”

“Okay, I’ll head out immediately.”

After Pei Ying hung up the phone, her lips couldn’t help raising up. Her premonitions before were right. Her luck had finally come!

She quickly got ready, and then she grabbed a carton of milk and a slice of bread as she ran down the stairs.


When she got into the taxi, she pulled her phone out again and started scrolling through her Weibo.

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There were several hundred more comments and a few thousand new tags. (Note: tag, like when you @name someone) Pei Ying checked her tag notices and found that a marketing page had posted about her.

The album on Weibo was full of stills from last night’s drama episodes. Nine squares. The text posted with it was simple and concise as well.

No money for this post. I just want to share with everyone.  Pei Ying #LSRR Shi Jing#

It was the first time that Pei Ying was posted onto a marketing Weibo page. Naturally she was a bit nervous. And then she realized that this marketing page had followed her.

Were they really a fan?

She exited her Weibo and went to check out her friend feed.

Compared to her Wiebo, her friend feed was a lot more calm. A few close friends had messaged her congratulations, so she responded to each of them.

Her phone vibrated and she received a message from Yu Kaize.

Pei Ying stared at it a moment. She’d added him a long time ago, but their texts stopped the day that he’d sent her the photos. She’d almost forgotten about this person.

[Yu Kaize] Beautiful, you’re famous. (big smile)

[Pei Ying] It’s still early. (shy)

[Yu Kaize] No need to be modest, you’re trending on Weibo. (big smile) Congratulations.

[Pei Ying] Thanks ^_^

[Yu Kaize] Your looks and acting are both pretty good. If there’s a drama missing a female lead here, I’ll let you know. Hope to work together with you again.

Pei Ying bit her lip, wondering about how she ought to reply to Yu Kaize.

Yu Kaize was Universe Pictures’ prince. He surely had many resources and if he recommended her, it would save her a lot of effort. But she and Yu Kaize were just acquaintances. Even if he extended a branch, she didn’t dare accept it so readily.

[Pei Ying] Thanks for your kind intentions. If there’s a suitable opportunity, I’ll work hard for it. ^_^

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After a long while, this was the best compromising response she could make.

[Yu Kaizei] Great. I’ve got to go film.

[Pei Ying] Okay, bye.

She returned to the Weixin menu and looked at the chat on top.

What was Song Nanchuan doing now? Did he know she was a hot topic on Weibo right now? Mm… Although he was a major shareholder in Universe Pictures, he didn’t seem to be the type to concern himself over these things in the entertainment circle.

But she was really happy now. She wanted to share that with him. She opened her message window with Song Nanchuan, wondering what the best way would be to tell him. In a way that would sound natural.

As she was thinking, she suddenly had an idea.

“CEO Song, I’ve got new work. One’s an advertisement too. I’ll soon have money to take you out for a meal. Hahaha.”

Two birds with one stone. For the first time ever, Pei Ying felt quite witty.

After she finished discussing with GM Chen at the office, she bought a whole bunch of food and headed over to Ren Shanshan’s studio. Today was a good day, and so they should celebrate!

Ren Shanshan had already seen on Weibo, but before she had the chance to give Pei Ying a call to congratulate her, she’d already walked into the studio with food.

“Aiyo, you’ve hit the jackpot?” Ren Shanshan raised her eyebrow to look at her and started pulling out the food from the bag.

Pei Ying laughed. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you. I got a new job, an advertisement and a magazine shoot. I just signed the contract!”

“Not bad. Even an advertisement!” Ren Shanshan glanced at her happily. “I saw that you gained more than 200k fans as well. The momentum’s quite good. You might really get famous!”

“I know!”

“Don’t forget to link to our shop when you get famous!”


Pei Ying was about to ridicule her when the phone in her bag started to ring. When she picked up the phone, she heard, “Xiujuan ah, it’s Mom.”

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