13 Idol

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The young hero has such fast hands, he must be single!

After she left Ren Shanshan’s studio, Pei Ying went to the bank to transfer some money to her brother. Then she took a taxi home.

What surprised Pei Ying was that her taxi driver recognized her, even if he only knew her as Shi Jing. But Pei Ying was still really happy. It was, after all, the first time she’d ever been recognized. The feeling was so novel.

When she got home, she turned on her computer and checked her Weibo. Shi Jing’s popularity was still rising. She thought she ought to give a greeting to her new fans and return their enthusiasm.

“Mm…” After she thought for a long time, Pei Ying felt that posting a selfie would be the most meaningful.

Hi everyone, this is Pei Ying, the very #LSRR Shi Jing# Thank you all for following me. I’ll work even harder from now on ^_^


After she posted that, a lot of fans started leaving messages. After reading some of them, her phone sounded, alerting her of a message.

She picked up her phone and saw a new message in the notification bar.

[Xie Han] (photo)

Pei Ying’s eyes jerked. Why was Xie Han contacting her?

She unlocked her phone and opened up her Weixin messenger to see the photo that Xie Han sent her.

[Tao Tao] What I don’t get is that there are even people saying that her acting is better than mine. Ah… Are they judging acting skill by the length of your legs? (smile) If she really had any acting talent, she wouldn’t still be an 18th-tier actress after all these years (smile)

Pei Ying was taken aback. This was obviously a screenshot of a chat log. Although her name didn’t show up in it, but the contents of the message matched up with her own situation.

The ‘her’ that Tao Tao mentioned was probably her.

Pei Ying bit her lip and stared at the message. Although she and Tao Tao were in the same company, their relationship was never the best. And in the entertainment industry, she’d seen her fair share of double-faced characters. She didn’t find it the least bit surprising that Tao Tao would say something like this.

Her phone rang again. Xie Han had sent another message. “Tao Tao said that in her personal chat group.”

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Personal chat? Pei Ying’s eyes moved slightly. Being able to join her chat group meant that she really trusted someone, otherwise she wouldn’t dare say something like this. But now a screenshot of her text was being circulated, which meant that someone who wanted to ruin her had slipped into her group. She was really too careless with her words.

But what was Xie Han’s intention for sending her this image? Did they want Pei Ying to roll up her sleeves and go take care of Tao Tao? Pei Ying laughed. Although she didn’t like how Tao Tao stabbed others in the back, she didn’t much care for how Xie Han was trying to stir up trouble either.

She exited the chat window and pretended she hadn’t seen anything. As for Tao Tao, Pei Ying was sure it wasn’t the first time that she’d spoken badly about someone else in her chat group. Since there was already someone who’d slipped into the group, then Pei Ying would just sit back as part of the audience.

When Tao Tao finally ran into someone with a bigger temper, there’d be a good show to watch.

She scrolled through her Weibo feed a bit and then she opened up the work documents that Chen Sheng gave her.

XY was one of the best-selling magazines in the nation, and well-deservedly too. The fact that Pei Ying got the chance to do a photoshoot for it, even if her face just showed up on a page inside, made her extremely happy. (Note: It looks like the author didn’t give the magazine a name at this posting, so I’ll just call it XY Magazine for now)

Perhaps because of her experience modeling for the online shop, Pei Ying was just as good as the models that were signed to the magazine. Whether it was the shot or the connecting actions, the photographer was full of praise for her.

They finished photographing five sets of clothes with great efficiency. Then a staff member at the magazine walked over with a cup of hot water. “Ms Pei, the photoshoot for the magazine is over, but we were planning to hold a short interview that will be published together with the photos. What do you think?”

Pei Ying nodded and said, “Sure. When are we starting?”

The staff member checked their watch and then looked at her. “You can take a break for twenty minutes. And then we’ll start, okay?”


“Let me take you to the break room.”

“Okay.” Pei Ying followed the staff out of the photo studio. They made a few turns and then arrived at the break room.

“You can rest here first. I’ll let the editor know to come over in twenty minutes.” The staff member had her sit down on the sofa to rest and also left her water on the table.

Pei Ying thanked her and then she turned to leave.

The door to the break room was made of glass so Pei Ying could see the staff member walking away. After awhile, she pulled out her phone.


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Song Nanchuan was originally heading to the elevator, but as he passed the break room, he caught a glimpse of Pei Ying sitting inside. Curiously, he stopped walking and raised his hand to knock on the glass door. Then he pushed open the door and walked inside.

Pei Ying heard a sound and raised her head from her game. When she saw Song Nanchuan walk in, she was completely dumbfounded. “CEO Song? What are you doing here?”

Song Nanchuan walked over to her and laughed. “I heard that Universe Pictures and KaiHuang were going to have some sort of collaboration in the future, so I decided to drop by and learn some things today.”

Pei Ying blinked. “You heard… that there was going to be some sort of collaboration? You don’t sound very qualified as a major shareholder.”

“That’s why I said I came to learn some things.” Song Nanchuan laughed. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m here for a magazine photoshoot.”

Song Nanchuan seemed to suddenly realize, “Ah, so the photoshoot you mentioned was here.”

Pei Ying nodded. “XY Magazine is under the KaiHuang company. We just finished the photoshoot, but they said they wanted to have a short interview after they let me rest a bit.”

Song Nanchuan looked towards the phone in her hand. The game music and scene were still playing. “So you nestled up in here to play games?”

“I’m taking a break.” Pei Ying let out an embarrassed laugh. “And the wi-fi signal here is really good. If not for the wi-fi, I wouldn’t be playing games on my data.”

Song Nanchuan laughed and glanced curiously at her phone screen. “What game are you playing?”

“A dress-up game. You can change the outfits on the character.” After Pei Ying answered, she even happily held up her phone to show him. “Here, look, you can get clothes from here. There’s a three second time limit, and the more cards you get, the more items you get.”

Song Nanchuan listened to her patiently, as if listening to her share about her beloved toy.

“I got twenty cards the last two times I played,” Pei Ying said unhappily with a pout.

Seeing her this way, Song Nanchuan couldn’t help laughing. He pulled her phone over to see and then said, “I’ll help you.”


Before Pei Ying came to her senses, Song Nanchuan asked her, “You just click on this, right?”

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Song Nanchuan gave a slight nod and then moved his finger to the screen. The countdown to the start of the round appeared, 3 2 1… Then his hand started moving quickly.

Pei Ying was amazed, sitting beside him. This, this, this… was like some sort of magic!

In a flash, three seconds was over. All the cards that Song Nanchuan got flipped over. Pei Ying counted them as they appeared, and there were 42 in total.

“Wow, you got forty two cards. My record was thirty three!” Pei Ying looked at him in admiration. “You even got two six-starred outfits!”

Song Nanchuan was simply a lucky star!

After receiving Pei Ying’s undisguised worship and praise, a pleased expression slipped onto Song Nanchuan’s face. “It was my first time playing, so I didn’t do my best.”

Then he pulled the phone back and played once more. With experience this time around, his shadowless hands played like a god.

After Pei Ying counted the cards, a surge of excitement went through her. “Forty seven! The young hero has such fast hands, he must be single!”

Song Nanchuan, “……?”

Pei Ying, “……!”

Pei Ying really wanted to kill herself right now.

Ren Shanshan must have possessed her when she said that last bit! Having an extremely corrupt friend influence you was really too scary!!!

Song Nanchuan slowly came back to his senses. He saw that Pei Ying’s face had turned completely red from embarrassment and couldn’t help laughing. “Mm, indeed, I don’t have a girlfriend.”

Pei Ying, “……”

In the end, she was unable to remain uncontaminated in the mud as the lotus had.


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Another knock came from the door. Pei Ying originally thought that it was one of the staff members from the magazine, but it turned out to be a man she didn’t recognize.

“CEO Song?” The man looked at Song Nanchuan, as if inquiring about something.

Song Nanchuan nodded to him. Then he said to Pei Ying, “This is my assistant, Xiao Zhang. I mentioned him to you before.”

“Oh…” Pei Ying suddenly realized. “Mr Zhang, hello. Thank you the breakfast.”

“Oh, it’s not problem.” Xiao Zhang smiled at Pei Ying. Of course he had to take care of the things his boss told him to do.

Song Nanchuan looked at him and asked, “Is everything taken care of?”

“Yes.” What do you plan to do now?

Song Nanchuan and he had already developed a kind of rapport. Song Nanchuan thought for a moment and then asked Pei Ying, “Since we’ve already bumped into each other, why don’t we have dinner together tonight?”


Pei Ying’s heard started to panic. “I still have some things to finish here.”

“That’s okay, I can wait for you.”

Pei Ying’s heart started to beat faster, but also started to feel a bit sweeter. “Okay.”

While they were talking, Xiao Zhang’s attention was fully focused on Song Nanchuan holding a phone and playing games. Nearly undetectably, his eyebrows twitched. Song Nanchuan liked this game? Wasn’t this game for little girls? He’d definitely seen some of the younger female secretaries playing it before.

As he was considering whether he should download a copy of the game himself, to keep up with the boss’ interests, Song Nanchuan said to him, “I’m having dinner with Pei Ying tonight. Make the arrangements.”

“Understood.” CEO Song’s schedule was already filled up, so he’d have to cancel and reschedule some things. Xiao Zhang backed out of the break room, letting the boss date in peace.

In the break room, Pei Ying was explaining other parts of the game to Song Nanchuan, when the interviewer arrived. Seeing Song Nanchuan sitting beside Pei Ying, her mind went completely blank.

Right now, what she wanted most was to interview them about what kind of relationship they had!

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