15 Trying to Please

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Girls like that kind of simple and crude love.

As Pei Ying was reading through the article, Song Nanchuan also found out about this matter from Xiao Zhang.

Xiao Zhang was a bit nervous seeing Song Nanchuan sitting quietly at his desk after reading the article. After a long while, he couldn’t help asking, “CEO Song, what should we do about this? Should we make an announcement to clarify your relationship with Ms Pei?”

Song Nanchuan thought for a moment and then said, “No need. If we make an announcement now, won’t it be a contradiction later when we really start dating?”

Xiao Zhang, “…”

Wait, did he know something?

He lowered his head and didn’t say anything else.

Song Nanchuan tapped on his desk a few times with his fingers. Then he ordered, “But I wasn’t the one who helped her get the role of Shi Jing. That point needs to be clarified. Have Universe Pictures put up a post on their official blog that Pei Ying got that role on her own.” Then he paused. He laughed as he read the article on his screen. “Is this writer crazy? I bought 2 billion in shares just to get Pei Ying a walk-on? How interesting.”

Xiao Zhang, “…”

“I’ll take care of it now,” he responded politely before turning to leave the office.

Song Nanchuan looked at the article and then grew worried about Pei Ying. He picked up his phone and went to Pei Ying’s Weibo to see how the netizens were reacting.

I was wondering how a walk-on as Shi Jing made her so famous. She really had a sponsor behind her.

She used to act so high and mighty. In the end, she’s the same trash (smile)

All those people that said her acting was better than our Tao Tao’s, do you see now?!

That’s enough guys! Get your logic straight before you come disgrace yourself! Shi Jing obviously got famous first and then got together with Song Nanchuan! Were all those fans cheering for Shi Jing that night all fake?? Are you kidding me??

You guys are just bullying my Pei Ying because she has fewer fans (goodbye) Whenever anything happens, you guys just run over to hate on her (smile) Just wait until my Pei Ying gets famous. Then I’ll make all of you guys kneel down and sing (smile)

You can’t fake TV ratings, can you? She acted really well and she’s pretty. I became a fan because of Shi Jing. As for her personal life, I couldn’t care less.

Hey, was this navy bought for you by CEO Song? (smile) You’re just there to sleep with him, so why the need for damage control? (picks nose)

Song Nanchuan couldn’t keep reading the other thousand replies.

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Some of those netizens’ words were really malicious. They could talk about something completely unfounded with such conviction. He was a guy, and reading these comments were infuriating. How hurt would Pei Ying be to read these comments attacking her?

Xiao Zhang walked into the office and saw Song Nanchuan sitting at his desk with heavy eyes. Unconsciously, it affected him and he grew nervous.

“CEO Song,” Xiao Zhang carefully called, worried he was bothering Song Nanchuan. “Universe Pictures said they’d immediately make a post.”

Song Nanchuan nodded. “Mm, and get someone to take down this article immediately.”


Xiao Zhang was just about to leave when Song Nanchuan called to him, “Wait.”

“CEO Song, do you have any other orders?” Xiao Zhang stopped in his steps and turned to look at him.

Song Nanchuan’s brows knit together, as if he were troubled by something. Xiao Zhang rarely saw such an expression on him and couldn’t help growing curious at the cause of his troubles.

“What’s a good way to make a girl happy?” Song Nanchuan asked.


Countless questions popped into Xiao Zhang’s head, but he asked his boss calmly, “This… It depends on the girl. But buying them clothes, bags, or shoes is probably a good method.”

Song Nanchuan’s brows were still wrinkled. “Isn’t that a bit too simple and crude?” Of course he was also able to think up a method of this level, but wouldn’t that suggest that he lacked sincerity?

Xiao Zhang replied firmly, “Of course not. Girls like that kind of simple and crude love.”

Song Nanchuan, “…”

He seemed to have discovered something crucial about Xiao Zhang. Song Nanchuan looked at him with interest, “Do you have a girlfriend?”

“Ah, I had a few in college.” Xiao Zhang saw a fire about to burn him and quickly backed off. “CEO Song, are you trying to please Ms Pei?”

Song Nanchuan’s brow jumped, but he didn’t respond.

Xiao Zhang figured that he’d guessed correctly. After thinking about it for a moment, he said, “Actually, picking out clothes, bags, and shoes is something that requires a certain skill. If you pick out something the other person doesn’t like, then you’ll have just gone to all that work without any thanks.”

Song Nanchuan nodded, signaling for Xiao Zhang to continue.

“Doesn’t Ms Pei like playing games? You can send her a diamond!”

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“A diamond?”

“Not a real one, but in the game.”

“Mm,” Song Nanchuan responded. He wouldn’t mind giving her a real diamond either though.

“Playing games can also help one relax, so it’s like killing two birds with one stone.” The more Xiao Zhang explained, the better of an idea this sounded like. “There are a few girls in the secretary office who play that game as well. When I helped Xiao Zheng get fifty pieces, she was so happy, she nearly kissed me.”

Song Nanchuan, “…”

Looks like Xiao Zhang was pretty skilled. Was he just wasting his talent before?

This suggestion…. seemed quite enticing.

He deliberated. Then he said to Xiao Zhang, “Help me send 20 thousand yuan worth of diamonds to Pei Ying.”

Xiao Zhang, “……Yes, sir.”

If he knew it was going to be like this, he should have insisted on buying real clothes.


Pei Ying was currently sitting in front of her computer, reading through the comments on her Weibo. After the article came out that morning, her Weibo became a disaster area. She looked at all the comments cursing her out and wondered how many of those people had been exclaiming their love for her just a few days ago.

The entertainment industry was just too cold-blooded. Liking and hating were two of the simplest things.

This wave of hate was more intense than the last one. Firstly, there were more people overall. Secondly, people had hated on her role last time, but this time, they were outright hating her.

But the one redeeming factor was that, at least this time, there were more people speaking up for her as well.

While she was caught up in a trance, her phone started ringing with messages. Pei Ying picked up her phone to look. Song Nanchuan sent her four consecutive messages.

They were all weird strings of characters and numbers.

Pei Ying looked at them in confusion and responded to him with a confused expression.

[Chuan Chuan] They’re diamond exchange codes.

[Pei Ying] (⊙v⊙) For the game that I play?

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[Chuan Chuan] Yes. Xiao Zhang said that you could redeem the diamonds with those codes.

Pei Ying blinked a few times. What was going on here? Why was he suddenly sending her diamonds? Did he know that the game was having promotions these few days?

She pasted in one of the codes to her game and received more than fifty thousand diamonds.

Pei Ying, “…”

The price for diamonds to RMB was about ten to one, which meant that if she had fifty thousand diamonds, that was five thousand yuan…

For how long she’d been playing, she’d never payed that much money before!

And there were still three more exchange codes!

She didn’t dare to redeem them. These codes were definitely one-off uses, so when she redeemed them, they were gone. She quickly opened returned to her Weixin app and texted Song Nanchuan, “That’s a lot of diamonds!!! That’s super expensive!!”

[Chuan Chuan] Xiao Zhang bought them.

Pei Ying, “…”

She didn’t believe that Xiao Zhang would send her fifty thousand diamonds for no reason!

[Pei Ying] It’s too expensive, I can’t accept it t^t

[Chuan Chuan] But it’s already been bought, and the game doesn’t give refunds. If you don’t want it, what am I supposed to do with it?

[Pei Ying] ……_(:3」∠)_

[Pei Ying] They’re not all for fifty thousand diamonds, are they?

[Chuan Chuan] Xiao Zhang said that there were more than 200 thousand in total.

Pei Ying, “……”

She finally realized what it meant to be an RMB player.

[Chuan Chuan] You don’t like it?

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Song Nanchuan furrowed his brows. If this didn’t make Pei Ying feel better, he was going to consider taking away Xiao Zhang’s bonus this month.

[Pei Ying] That’s not it. Of course I’m happy with so many diamonds t^t It’s just kind of startling with so many t^t This many diamonds is enough for me to use for several years t^t

Song Nanchuan looked at Pei Ying’s message and couldn’t help give a low chuckle. He exited his Weixin messenger and dialed her number.

Pei Ying quickly answered the phone. When he heard her voice, Song Nanchuan couldn’t help laughing. “Do you feel better now?”

“Oh… You mean about the article?” Pei Ying asked.

“Mm, I saw the article too. I already notified Universe Pictures, and they should be making an official statement on their blog soon. As for the people online, you shouldn’t worry about what they’re saying.”

Pei Ying slightly bit her lip and smiled. “Actually, I originally didn’t care about what those people had to say, and there’s really no need to clarify anything. After all, what they’re after isn’t the truth. They just want an excuse to let out their emotions.”

Song Nanchuan replied, “Although you say that, there are some things that should still be made clear. The reason that Shi Jing became so popular was completely due to your efforts. I don’t want to take away that credit from you.”

Pei Ying chuckled. “Thank you for doing so much, but next time, if you want to make me happy, you don’t have to spend so much money. This way, I don’t even dare to get mad.”

Those words amused Song Nanchuan. “I like spending money on you.”

“……” Pei Ying’s face suddenly turned red at Song Nanchuan’s words. She really wasn’t cut out to be his opponent!


“Oh yeah. Although you’re in the midst of these troubles, tomorrow’s your birthday. Will you still do me the honor of having dinner with me?” He’d already invited her for this meal three times. If he failed this time as well, he was seriously going to make those tabloids go bankrupt.

Unexpectedly, Pei Ying replied very cheerfully. “I’m fine. When should we meet?” Her birthday only came once a year. She didn’t want to ruin her mood because of something like this. And this would be her first birthday after meeting Song Nanchuan.

Song Nanchuan replied, “Tomorrow at 6. I’ll come pick you up.”


After she hung up, she redeemed all her diamonds. Immediately, she was rewarded with the highest charge achievement and she received a bonus clothing set.

She’d seen others wearing this outfit in the game before. Although she was envious of them, she couldn’t bear to spend so much money on a game. Now she was one of those super players too! She could just spend diamonds to pick out clothes as she liked!

As Pei Ying was picking out clothes in high spirits, Universe Pictures had already posted an official notice on their Weibo.

Universe Pictures (Verified)

[Official Statement] The actress for the role of Shi Jing was recommended to the production by Scenic Studios. After approval from the production, Ms Pei Ying was chosen for the role. A role or actor becoming famous overnight after a broadcast is not due to deliberate marketing. The director and production expressed that Pei Ying’s appearance and ability were both solid, so while the outcome may have been unexpected, it was also within reason. Finally, a note from the editor. There are some people who can’t eat grapes, so they call them sour. Just because you can’t, doesn’t mean no one else can. Would CEO Song invest 2 billion on Universe Pictures to get someone a walk-on role? Do you think everyone is as retarded as you are! Thanks, everyone ^_^

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