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He scolds people just as handsomely as three years ago.

After she finished filming the high heel advertisement, Pei Ying’s next project was recording a new song.

Chen Sheng sought out a song for her called ‘Blooming.’ The lyricist and composer were both famous in the music industry. The song had a very j-pop feel to it, but the arranger went with a piano accompaniment, so it sounded very graceful and relaxing.

The lyrics to the song were also very beautiful, using the imagery of a blooming flower to represent a person’s maturation.

If there was anything to pick at with the song, it would be that it was very difficult to sing.

…Why did she have to go up against a final boss like Qiao Yichen with such a difficult task??

Pei Ying was listless by the time she finished learning the song. Her singing didn’t even seem satisfactory to herself, let alone Qiao Yichen.

But her appointment at the recording studio wasn’t going to wait for her. Once again, she stood outside the doors to the recording studio and felt… If he’ll scold her, let it be! She could handle it!

She knocked on the closed door and someone quickly opened it for her. When the person saw her, his eyes glistened. With a smile, he greeted, “Ms Pei, hello. I’m the audio engineer.”

Pei Ying courteously nodded to him. “Hello.”

The audio engineer turned and politely invited her inside. “Boss Qiao’s already arrived.”

As she heard these words, Pei Ying’s eyes landed on a tall figure.

Qiao Yichen was wearing a black suit, and he seemed exactly the same as he did three years ago.

Mm… Except for the fact that he’d gotten married.

Last year, news suddenly came out that Qiao Yichen had secretly gotten married to singer Ding Meng. Pei Ying was shocked. She’d been witness to the couple’s tyrannical exchanges on Weibo.

But since Qiao Yichen had gotten married, his temper should have gotten a little better… Right?

“Mr Qiao, hello.”

She smiled at him and gave a short greeting. Qiao Yichen simply nodded and asked, “Did you learn the song yet?”

“I’ve learned it…”

“Then head into the recording room.”

“Okay…” Pei Ying braced herself and headed into the room.

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The piano intro sounded and at the right beat, Pei Ying started singing, “In the season where everything withers, you and I have become insincere…”

“Stop.” The first time that Qiao Yichen stopped her, he said, “Is your voice so dried out because all the nutrients went into your legs?”

Pei Ying, “…”

In his head, the audio engineer spat in contempt at Qiao Yichen. His expression was so indifferent, but he’d secretly taken note of her legs?

“Do it again,” Qiao Yichen commanded. The intro sounded played once more. This time, Pei Ying seemed to have adjusted her voice properly. But before she could take a second breath, she was stopped at the same spot.

Hearing Qiao Yichen’s “Stop,” caused her heart to tremble.

Standing outside, Qiao Yichen watched her with his arms crossed. “What have you been doing for three years? I only agreed to work on this because Chen Sheng said you’d improved a lot from back then.”

Pei Ying was a bit embarrassed by what he’d said. In truth, she’d really improved a lot from three years ago. It’s just that Qiao Yichen was too repressive and very easily put pressure onto the singer. She bit her lip, a bit concerned. “You still remember three years ago?”

“Of course. Your performance three years ago left a very lasting memory that I don’t think I’ll ever forget.”

Pei Ying, “…”

Who was the one who left an impression that the other would never forget?!

After spending all the time they’d reserved at the recording studio, Pei Ying’s performance still hadn’t received Qiao Yichen’s acknowledgement. She realized bitterly that even though The Great Producer Qiao had gotten married, his temper hadn’t changed a single bit.


Song Nanchuan finished a bit early at work, so he headed to GuangChen Studio to wait for her. When he saw Pei Ying leave the recording studio listlessly, he frowned. “What’s wrong?”

Pei Ying raised her eyes and looked at him, but still didn’t speak. Qiao Yichen followed her out and said, “If your performance is going to continue like this tomorrow, you don’t have to show up.”

Pei Ying, “…”

They’d already finished for the day, but he still had to stab a knife into her.

Hearing Qiao Yichen’s words, Song Nanchuan turned to look at him. He’d heard of Qiao Yichen before. He was responsible for cultivating this generation’s new music empress, Ding Meng.

Along with his musical talent, he was also known for his ability to scold singers to tears.

When he thought of this, Song Nanchuan took Pei Ying’s shoulders and shot a smile at Qiao Yichen. Then he said to Pei Ying, “Don’t go then. We’re not singing. Come home and I’ll support you.”

Qiao Yichen gave him a sideways glance and sneered. “I hope you can keep your word. You’d be saving the music world some trouble.”

Pei Ying, “…”

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Even when she was down, another knife came.

After he spoke, Qiao Yichen walked away without turning back. Song Nanchuan didn’t care about him anymore. He just lowered his head to comfort Pei Ying. “Don’t take his words to heart. I heard that he even scolds his wife like this.”

Pei Ying indistinctly nodded. “He scolds people just as handsomely as three years ago.”

“Song Nanchuan, “…”

“Enough of that. Forget about him.” Song Nanchuan pulled Pei Ying out. “What should we have for dinner? Eating something good will liven your spirits.”

Pei Ying felt that this was reasonable. A bit expectantly, she looked at him and said, “I want to go to the aquarium. Can we?”



After he followed Pei Ying to a large seafood shop, Song Nanchuan finally understood what she’d meant by “aquarium.”

He chuckled. Pei Ying ordered a bunch of seafood and then the two of them sat down at a table to wait for their food.

“You’ve never been to this kind of place before, right?” Pei Ying sat across from him. “Shanshan and I come here all the time to eat. Although the place doesn’t look like much, the seafood is delicious!”

Song Nanchuan nodded. “As long as you like it.”

“Haha,” Pei Ying laughed. She pulled out her phone, wanting to take advantage of the waiting time to play her game a bit, but then she found that she couldn’t connect to the shop’s Wi-Fi.

“What’s wrong?” Song Nanchuan couldn’t help asking when he saw her brows furrow at her phone.

“Oh, I can’t connect to the wireless.” Was she going to have to use her mobile data to play?

Song Nanchuan pulled out his phone and told her, “Connect to my network.”

Pei Ying looked at him suspiciously, “How do I do that?”

“If I turn on a hotspot, you can connect.” Song Nanchuan fiddled with his phone a moment and then said, “Okay.”

Pei Ying found him on her wireless networks and blinked. “I’m going to play games. It’ll use a lot of data.”

Song Nanchuan couldn’t help laughing. “I have a lot of data. The phone company gave me a whole bunch, enough to use through my next life.”

Pei Ying, “…”

He must have been exaggerating.

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But since he said that, she relaxed and connected to his network. “The game you sent me all those diamonds in has been having a lot of promotions recently. I don’t usually have the time to play, so I’ve been buying a lot of things with the diamonds. I even bought the diamond set that I couldn’t bear to buy before. Several thousand diamonds gone at once…” She sighed. “At this rate, I’ll use up all 200 thousand diamonds in no time. It’s almost criminal how much things cost!”

“When you’re out, I’ll just send you some more.”

“No way! You’ll lose your family fortune like that!”

Song Nanchuan laughed again and reached out to pinch her cheek. “It’s not that easy for my family fortune to be lost.”

Just as they were speaking, their food arrived. Pei Ying swallowed several scallops and then started peeling shrimp. “All the seafood at this shop is caught the day of, so it’s especially fresh.”

As she spoke, she gave the shrimp she’d just peeled to Song Nanchuan. He froze for a moment, and then his lips curved up.

“Hurry and try it!” Pei Ying watched expectantly. As Song Nanchuan ate, he raised his brow. “It really is pretty good.”

“Yeah.” Pei Ying smiled happily, and then she peeled a few more shrimp for him.

Song Nanchuan smiled and moved the shrimp back to her bowl. “You should eat some more. I can peel them myself.”

“It’s okay. I eat seafood a lot, so I’ve gotten really good at peeling shrimp. I’m very fast.”

Still, Song Nanchuan smiled and returned her shrimp. “Actually, I’m pretty good at peeling seafood myself. Why don’t I give it a try?”

As he spoke, he picked up a crab leg and started twisting it. Then he pulled out an entirely intact piece of crab meat.


Pei Ying gave a sigh of admiration and Song Nanchuan raised his brow, pleased. He brought the crab meat over. “For you.”

“Thank you~”

A young man sitting at the table across from them blinked his eyes, unable to watch any longer. It’s just eating a bit of seafood. Do you really have to put on such a display of affection?! Seriously no sense of civility at all!

“Ah ah ah, Pei Ying and Song Nanchuan!” A girl who’d just entered the shop saw Pei Ying’s table and couldn’t help crying out excitedly.

Pei Ying was startled by the sudden noise. Song Nanchuan glanced over to the door and frowned slightly.

After the girl’s cry, a lot of people seemed to be recognizing Pei Ying. Song Nanchuan asked the owner to pack up their food to go, and then he grabbed Pei Ying and rushed out.

Sitting in the car, Pei Ying finally started to come to her senses. “People recognize me now?”

Song Nanchuan laughed lightly. “Well, we’ve made the headlines a few times now already.”

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“Does that mean I can’t come to this place to eat anymore?”

Song Nanchuan rubbed her head. “As you get more famous, of course you won’t have the same kind of freedoms you used to.”

Although Pei Ying had wished for many years to become famous, hearing Song Nanchuan say this, she couldn’t help feeling down.

Song Nanchuan comforted her, “Silly girl. In the future, you can just have someone deliver the food to you. How can you be afraid of starving when you have money?”

Pei Ying, “…”

She felt that the president’s words were quite insightful!


The driver sent them back to Song Nanchuan’s mansion, and then the two of them warmed up the food and resumed eating. Perhaps because she was happy from eating, Pei Ying suddenly said, “Chuan Chuan, let me sing you a song! Then you can tell me whether it’s as bad as Qiao Yichen says!”

Song Nanchuan nodded, his eyes carrying a hint of a smile. “Okay.”

Pei Ying took a deep breath and then started to sing. “In the season where everything withers, you and I have become insincere…”

After she finished singing the entirety of ‘Blooming,’ Song Nanchuan praised, “You sang really well.”

Pei Ying asked, “Do you really think that? Or is it because I’m your girlfriend that you’re saying I sing well?”

Song Nanchuan stood up and pulled her into his arms. He lowered his head and kissed her on the forehead. “Trust me. You sang really well.”

Song Nanchuan’s words weren’t just to flatter her. Pei Ying’s tone was really quite good and her voice was very recognizable. Her singing just lacked a certain maturity. But in front of Qiao Yichen, all her faults would be magnified.

Pei Ying raised her eyes to look at Song Nanchuan, right in front of her. Quietly, she said, “I sounded better when I was practicing than when I was in the recording studio. When I saw Qiao Yichen, I just got nervous.” Then she encouraged herself, “Tomorrow, I’ll definitely sing better!”

Song Nanchuan’s brows twitched. “You still have to go tomorrow?”

“Of course.” Pei Ying nodded. “Actually, I quite like Qiao Yichen. My ringtone, ‘Girl in the Sea’ was performed by him.”

Song Nanchuan’s lips curved as he looked silently at her.

Unaware, Pei Ying continued, “I really like this song a lot. In the past, I’d had the thought that if someone proposed to me while playing this song on the violin, I would definitely say yes!”

With a slight bit of force, Song Nanchuan grabbed her and picked her up. Pei Ying exclaimed in surprise, “What are you doing?”

“There are some things I want to talk to you about.”

“Can’t we talk down here?”

“No.” Song Nanchuan lowered his head and raised his lips into a smile. “I like talking in bed.”

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