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(Superwoman’s battle with the stalker)

The officer on duty at the police station was the same one as before. He let the bloodied black-clothed man clean up his face and then helped him apply bandages.

“The man who’s been following you is named Ren Qiang. He has a previous record of molesting (or indecent exposure to?) females.” The officer explained to Pei Ying, “According to him, he simply saw you in passing and didn’t know you were a celebrity at first. He just felt you were very pretty and came up with some bad intentions. He was a bit scared off when you reported him before, so he disappeared. Then, when he saw news about you on Weibo, he couldn’t help himself.”

Mr Paparazzi couldn’t take it anymore. “People like this who don’t know how to repent should be heavily punished! Send him to prison!”

The officer glanced at him. “We’ll handle it according to the law. But you did a number on the guy as well, putting such a big hole into his head.”

Hearing this, Mr Paparazzi quickly quipped up in his own defense, “Officer, you didn’t see what was happening! The sky was dark, and Ms Pei was shouting for help and struggling, but the man just wouldn’t let go! It was urgent. I was thinking too deeply about anything and I just ended up raising my camera!”

The officer waved away his explanation and told him to sit down. “Don’t worry, I’m not trying to blame you for anything. I just feel sorry for your camera.”

Paparazzi, “….”

His heart was aching as well. qwq

Seeing the paparazzi’s nearly crying face, the officer chuckled. “Who’d have thought celebrities and paparazzi were such good friends?!”

Mr Paparazzi responded very firmly, “Officer, what you’re saying isn’t right. Although my profession is a paparazzi, I am also an unyielding man! A man was violently attacking a woman in the middle of the night. How could I ignore it?!”

The officer laughed and said, “Mm, of course you should help. Thank you for your courage in the face of justice. If there were more men like yourself, perhaps we would have fewer tragedies in this world.”

Mr Paparazzi proudly raised his head. “Oh, right, my camera still has a lot of photos in it!” As he spoke, he pulled out the memory card from his camera. Though his camera was pretty wrecked, the memory card should still be okay.

The officer said, “Leave the memory card here for evidence.” Then he turned to Pei Ying. “Ms Pei, you must have had quite a scare. Did you get hurt?”

Pei Ying shook her head. “No. I was pretty scared at the time, but I’m alright now.”

“That’s good. There are no problems with the report here. Please sign, and then head home and rest.”

After Pei Ying and the paparazzi both signed their reports, they left the police station together. Mr Paparazzi’s camera was left behind, as evidence, which Pei Ying a bit apologetic about. She told him, “Thank you for today. I’ll buy you a new camera to replace yours.”

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“No need, no need. The manager can put in a reimbursement claim!” Mr Paparazzi said, shaking his head. “But you should be more careful from now on. Who knows how long that guy will be locked up for. Or what if he just gets released?”

Pei Ying responded, “It’s alright. I’m moving soon.”

“Moving?” The paparazzi blinked rapidly. “Have you made up with CEO Song?” A slip of the tongue and he’ll have another headline piece. Good deeds really do get repaid! Oh yeah!

“My manager found me a new apartment compound to live in, since this area isn’t that safe.”

“Oh…” And his big news ran off just like that. Mr Paparazzi was pretty upset.

“Alright then. I’m heading home now. Thank you again.” Pei Ying smiled at him and waved goodbye. Mr Paparazzi watched her walk away and his face slowly turned pink.

Pei Ying was very pretty, and her smile was really enchanting. And that pair of legs…

Ah, it was indeed spring.

Although Mr Paparazzi lost his camera, he still had major news the next morning. When Pei Ying woke up that morning, the trending search was “Pei Ying bravely fights stalker!”

Pei Ying, “….”

She clicked open the article which recounted the previous night’s events. Only, she was written out to be Superwoman, and there was even mention of the writer’s colleague who saved her at the end— Pei Ying suspected he’s the very one who wrote it up.

“With the help of the righteous reporter, Pei Ying has already turned over the black-clothed man to the police station for punishment! Once again, I call for more people to stand up in times of need, just like my colleague!”

There were two photos at the end of the article as well. They looked like they were taken with a phone camera since they weren’t that clear. Pei Ying figured that this paparazzi had left himself another hand to play.

Her Weibo had several thousand comments and @s regarding this already. Some were fans concerned with her safety. Some were other women with comments asking about how to deal with such situations. Pei Ying couldn’t reply to each and every one of them, so she quickly put up a post.

[Pei Ying] (Official)
Thank you all for your concern. It’s true that I was attacked by a stranger last night, but he’s already been handed over to the police. I wasn’t injured, just a bit frightened. I’m fine now ^_^ Once again, thank you to everyone. On another note, several girls have asked how they should act in situations such as this. Actually, I’m not a professional on these matters, so I can only share with you my experience. First, you have to shout as loud as you can for help. Next, I always have an alarm and pepper spray prepared. Girls always have a lot of things in their bags, so remember where you put these things so that you’ll be able to pull them out with a moment’s notice. Of course, the biggest reason that I was uninjured at the end of the night is because of the reporter who helped me. So I’d also like to call for passersby to lend a helping hand in these kinds of situations.

She added a few details regarding the previous night’s incident and her own reaction to the situation, and then she posted it out. The post was quickly reblogged by many netizens as well as other official marketing pages. Pei Ying watched as her follower count rose and rose and rose.

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…So apparently this kind of thing could be used to gain fans too.

This matter spread wider than she’d expected. The paparazzi’s image was written out very loftily as well, which naturally had people questioning whether or not a paparazzi would really save her. Was there really such a coincidence? Anyone could tell that the two made it all up!

Pei Ying didn’t want to acknowledge such comments. In any case, people who that thought would still think that way no matter what she did. With all this uproar though, of course Song Nanchuan also found out about everything.


When he saw the photo in the article, he frowned deeply and called for Xiao Zhang to come to his office.

“CEO Song, what can I do for you?” Xiao Zhang walked up to Song Nanchuan, feeling rather ill at ease. The atmosphere in the office was extremely tense and he didn’t dare show any expression.

“Have you seen this article?” He turned his computer screen for Xiao Zhang to see. Xiao Zhang quickly glanced at it and nodded. “I saw it just before I came in.”

“Go to the police station and see what you can find. And while you’re at it, find out about this man who attacked Pei Ying. I don’t want for him to ever appear in front of her again.”


Song Nanchuan was silent for a moment before saying, “Get two bodyguards to follow Pei Ying, but don’t let her find out.”

“Okay, I’ll take care of it.”

When Chen Sheng found out about the attack on her, he moved with extreme speed to get her a new apartment. It was in the same area as Tao Tao’s. One bedroom, one living room, but it was pretty spacious and the decor was nice. Of course, the rent was more expensive than her old apartment.

The next day, Pei Ying called Ren Shanshan and the two workers at her studio to help her move. The weather wasn’t extremely warm yet, but moving large boxes, Pei Ying still sweat quite a bit.

As she struggled with moving her boxes into Ren Shanshan’s car, she thought to herself that she really ought to have hired a moving company.

Not far away, there was a very low profile car parked under the shade of the trees. Song Nanchuan sat in the backseat and watched Pei Ying across the street.

“Xiao Zhang, go find two people to help Pei Ying move her things.”

“Ah? Okay.” Xiao Zhang made a call to the two bodyguards he’d found for Pei Ying and told them to help her move her things. And so, while Pei Ying was carrying a cardboard box, two large men suddenly appeared and took her belongings out of her hands, moving them to the car.

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Pei Ying, “….”

She was startled momentarily, and then finally said, “Th-thank you. Who are you?”

“We work for community services. We saw you moving, so we decided to come over to help out,” one of the bodyguards responded seriously.

Pei Ying, “….”

Dude, no matter how I look at you, you don’t look like a community service staff member.

While she was thinking about this situation, Ren Shanshan carried down a box from her apartment. As before, the bodyguards took the box from her and moved it to the car.

Ren Shanshan, “???”

She looked at Pei Ying with an inquisitive expression. Pei Ying said, “Oh, they said they work with community services and they’re here to help.”

“…Who’d have thought your community service staff was so friendly.”


Other things aside, having two strong guys help with the moving made the process much faster. After the two “community service staff” finished their task, they left quietly.

Xiao Zhang saw Pei Ying getting into Ren Shanshan’s car and probed Song Nanchuan, “CEO Song, you’re not going to greet Ms Pei?”

Song Nanchuan was quiet for a long while. “No. I just wanted to see her.”

The article about the stalker on Weibo had really given him a fright. If he didn’t see Pei Ying, he would have remained uneasy. But he was also worried that if they met, they would start fighting as before. It was best to just watch her from afar.

Only after Pei Ying and company left did Song Nanchuan tell his driver, “Let’s go.”

His car drove off in the opposite direction. He still had a meeting with an important guest that afternoon.


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Pei Ying’s moving troupe was exhausted from their morning of work. To thank them, Pei Ying bought lots of meat and vegetables and treated everyone to hotpot.

“Ah, your new apartment is a lot bigger than your last one,” Ren Shanshan commented while looking around and also cooking the meat.

Pei Ying said, “Of course. The new rent is double the old one.”

“But you make a lot more money now than you did before. You used to just get advertisements and magazines, but now you’re a female lead. Your hard times are over and the good ones are just getting started! When she gets famous, won’t our shop get famous too?!”

The people around the table raised their drinks. Pei Ying and Ren Shanshan toasted. Smiling, she said, “Is that what it means to ride on someone else’s success?”

“…To put it crudely. Come on then, cheers!”

After she gulped down her cup of juice, Pei Ying handed over the magazine, that she’d previously received, to Ren Shanshan. “It’s hitting stores tomorrow. Make sure to get a copy for support.”

The magazine was opened to Pei Ying’s page. Ren Shanshan raised her brows. “Not bad. I’m thinking I need to have a renegotiate pricing with our photographer.” She put the magazine aside and then looked at the DSLR camera that Pei Ying had bought. “Wow, did you hit the jackpot? You’re even picking up photography?”

Pei Ying squinted at her and put down her drink. “Oh, it’s for the paparazzi guy. He smashed his up when he hit the stalker.”

“Pfft. If the camera was broken, what about the guy who got hit by the camera?”

Pei Ying shrugged. “Since he was doing bad things, he should have prepared himself to get beat up.”

“Makes sense.” Ren Shanshan picked up her glass and toasted with Pei Ying once more.

After their meal, Pei Ying headed to Mr Paparazzi’s workplace to give him the camera. When they were putting in their statements at the police department, she’d taken note of his name and place of work.

When Mr Paparazzi received the camera, he nearly cried tears of joy. Although he’d told her there was no need to reimburse him, Pei Ying still bought him a new camera. She’d also left a card with it.

“Thank you for standing up for justice. Hopefully, it will inspire others ^-^ Pei Ying.”

Ying, ying, ying (tears of joy). Goddess Pei is too kind! The supreme Goddess Pei!


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