Chapter 36

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If I can’t spend my money on you, what’s the point of making so much money?

They headed back inside after swimming, and Song Nanchuan pestered Pei Ying until 5 o’clock.

She took a shower, and after changing her clothes, she said, “I’m really hungry. I want to eat some Luosifen.”

Song Nanchuan was sitting by the window. When he heard what she said, his brows knit together. “I’ll have the restaurant deliver some food.”

“No, I want to eat Luosifen.”

“It’s only 5 o’clock now. If you eat that, you’ll get hungry later at night,” Song Nanchuan said very realistically.

Pei Ying thought it over for a moment and nodded. “That’s true. Then go ahead and call the restaurant.”

Before Song Nanchuan could even feel happy, Pei Ying added, “After I eat my Luosifen, I’ll have an actual meal.”

“….” Song Nanchuan looked at her without a word. “Aren’t you afraid of getting fat if you eat that much? Haven’t you seen all the comments on Weibo cursing you to get fat?”

Pei Ying scoffed without any concern. She pulled her hair out from inside her clothes. “All their curses will bounce off me and the people cursing me will feel the effects of their own curse soon enough.”

Song Nanchuan, “….”

“You’re saying all this stuff just to stop me from eating Luosifen, aren’t you?” Pei Ying turned to look at him as she wrinkled her nose. “You’re all better after this afternoon, aren’t you? I’m going to eat my Luosifen now.”

…How were those two things in any way connected? Song Nanchuan watched as she headed downstairs and quickly put on his robe to follow her. Pei Ying walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. She looked inside and said, “Hey, where’s my bag of Luosifen? I remember there was still a bag of it when I left.”

She’d been so distressed about it too.

Song Nanchuan walked over to her side and propped his left arm onto the refrigerator. “Your memory must be faulty.”

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“How could it be.” Pei Ying frowned as she looked at Song Nanchuan. “Did you throw it away?!”

“….” Song Nanchuan thought about it for a moment and then nodded. “Mm.”

In any case, he wasn’t going to admit that he ate it.

“How could you throw it away?! It wasn’t even expired yet! It was just sitting quietly on its own inside the refrigerator, and you couldn’t just tolerate it?!”

“…I kept feeling like it would make everything else smell. Mm.”

Pei Ying, “….”

Seeing her unhappy expression, Song Nanchuan closed the refrigerator door and said, “I’ll have Xiao Zhang buy a box for you tomorrow, okay?”

Pei Ying paused to think. “Okay. I’m going to eat each and every bag right in front of you.”

Song Nanchuan, “….”

Such animosity.

Because the Luosifen had unfortunately “died in battle,” Pei Ying could only wait for Song Nanchuan to have dinner delivered from the restaurant. When he walked into the living room to make the call, Pei Ying’s phone rang. She picked it up and saw it was her mother calling.

She frowned slightly. Pei Ying walked off to the side to pick up her phone. “Mom, what’s the matter?”

“Oh, Xiujuan, your brother will be finishing the semester soon, won’t he? I’m worried that he won’t have enough living expenses. Think about how hard he must be studying at the end of the semester. Shouldn’t he at least be able to eat well?”

“Mm, I got it. I’ll send him some money later.”

“That’s good.” Pei Ying’s mother was quiet a moment, and then she asked, “I heard that you and that CEO Song had a falling out before. You’ve made up now, haven’t you?”

Pei Ying’s brows twitched as she held back her temper. “Mm.”

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“That’s good. Get along well with him. Don’t throw your temper at him so often. People with money will always be more strong-willed. You should be more patient and accommodating.”

Hearing this, Pei Ying finally felt her patience breaking. “Mom, it’s only natural to be more accommodating when you’re in a relationship, but I shouldn’t be the only one to compromise. And it depends on the situation too.”

“What kind of temper are you throwing around with a CEO? You’re already very lucky that he likes you. Surely, CEO Song isn’t lacking in suitors.”

“Okay, even though family status and income may be linked, I can earn my own money. Although it won’t be as much as he makes, I wouldn’t go asking him to buy me things either. I can buy the things I want by myself. If I can’t afford something now, I can save up for it later. If it’s something I’ll never be able to afford in my lifetime, then I can just not buy it. I don’t think that I have to bow down to him.”

“See, you even know that you don’t make as much money as he does. Do you have to be so stubborn about this kind of thing? Act a little cute and you can get anything you want. Do you have to work so hard to earn it on your own?”

“Do you think that kind of relationship will last long? Only when people are on equal footing do their feelings last for a long time.”

“Enough. I don’t want to fight with you about this. I just want you two to stay together happily. However you want to deal with things is up to you.”

Pei Ying knew that they still had their eyes on Song Nanchuan’s money, so she reminded her mother, “Mom, I told you before. I’ll be sure to uphold my family obligations, but you can stop thinking about his money already.”

“What are you saying? When you two get married, won’t he give any kind of betrothal gift?”

Pei Ying laughed. “Where’s my dowry then?”

When the other end of the phone went silent, Pei Ying laughed again. “Alright then. I’ll send Xiuran some living expenses soon.”


After she hung up and turned around, she realized that Song Nanchuan was leaning against the sofa, watching her. He raised his eyebrows and smiled. “Who was on the phone?”

“Oh. My mom.” Pei Ying held her phone inside her hands, as if she’d been caught doing something wrong. She was obviously a bit uneasy. “She asked me to send some living expenses to my younger brother, since it’s the end of the semester.”

“Oh…” Song Nanchuan raised his brow meaningfully. “I thought I heard something about a dowry.”

“…How can you eavesdrop on other people’s conversations?!” Pei Ying flew into a rage from humiliation. Song Nanchuan smiled and went to appease the fiery Pei Ying. With a light chuckle, he asked, “Is Auntie in a hurry to marry you off to me?”

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Pei Ying’s lip twitched. More like, she’s in a hurry to get her hands on your money.

Seeing Pei Ying not respond, Song Nanchuan pulled her over to sit down on the sofa. He asked her, “Did you fight with your mom again?”

Pei Ying’s mouth flattened to a narrow line as she responded, “Recently, every time she calls, we argue.” She turned to Song Nanchuan. “Don’t buy me anything in the future.”


“When people give you things, you end up having to cater to them.”

Song Nanchuan couldn’t help chuckling. “Do you really think so?”

“That’s what my mom thinks. Since your income crushes mine, I should just listen to whatever you say.” At this point, she paused and then seriously asked Song Nanchuan, “Do you think that’s true as well?”

Song Nanchuan rubbed her head and responded, “In the past, that was more or less what I thought. But after our fight, I seriously thought about this question. I think that what you said is right. When two people are in a relationship, they should respect each other, and not just act according to what one person wants. As for the question of spending money, if a man doesn’t spend his money on his wife, who is he supposed to spend it on?”

Pei Ying snorted, not expressing any objections to the word “wife.” Song Nanchuan looked at her and his eyes turned gentle and clear as water. “You have to understand something. Spending money on you isn’t to satisfy you, but to satisfy myself. If I can’t spend my money on you, what’s the point of making so much money?”

…Well, that did seem to make a lot of sense.

Pei Ying was completely won over by him.

“Meow~” Blackie suddenly slipped out from who knew where and gracefully jumped onto the sofa. Pei Ying hugged it and started teasing it. Song Nanchuan only glanced at that eyesore of a cat. It didn’t come out in the mornings or at night, but it had to come out right at this moment. The atmosphere was so good. Who knows if after he embraced Pei Ying, they might have gone another round.

Pei Ying held the cat and then picked up her drama script to memorize her lines. Song Nanchuan just sat at the side and read the news on his tablet.


Half an hour later, the meal that Song Nanchuan ordered was delivered. Pei Ying put down Blackie and sat down across from Song Nanchuan.

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Song Nanchuan placed her chopsticks onto her bowl. He looked at her and asked, “You’re finally putting down your script?”

Pei Ying was taken aback. Then she laughed. “Are you actually jealous of a drama script?”

“Shouldn’t I be? How many nights have you picked your scripts over me?”

Pei Ying laughed even more happily. Song Nanchuan waited until she was done before asking, “How much longer are you filming for?”

Pei Ying said, “Filming’s going pretty smoothly, so we’ll probably finish ahead of schedule. Filming will probably end the middle of next month.”

“Mm. When you’re done, we’ll go have some fun.”


Song Nanchuan had already started preparing for a vacation. Just as he’d told Pei Ying previously, a yacht and seaside trip were included on the agenda. In order for her to enjoy herself on the beach, he didn’t let Pei Ying stop her swimming lessons. Every time she had a day off from filming, he would always pull her to the pool.

After several practice sessions, Pei Ying was no longer afraid of the water. But she also hadn’t exactly learned how to swim either. She was of the kind where, after two or three meters, she would start to sink.

Filming for Pei Ying and the crew continued on busily but without any trouble. As Season of Love aired, her popularity soared. More and more people started paying attention to her and to her performance, and most of the audience and media seemed to approve of her.

With the arrival of July, the crew was closer to their dream of completing filming. At this time, Song Nanchuan received news from Xiao Zhang that the script for the film Performer had been completed.

He made some calculations. Pei Ying’s drama would finish filming by the middle of the month. At the month’s end, Performer would hold its press conference, and then they would begin choosing the female lead.

Perfect. There was a nice two week buffer for him to take Pei Ying on a trip.

In the middle of August, Season of Love had their final shoot. That day, the crew held a grand closing ceremony. A lot of media was present and the crew had a lot of sumptuous food prepared. All of the actors were also each given a bouquet of flowers.

Pei Ying posted photos of the feast and flowers to Weibo.

[Pei Ying] (Official)
Season of Love finished filming today. There are so many feelings welling up inside of me. This was the first time that I played the female lead, so this role holds great significance to me. I learned a lot of things working with the crew these past few months. All the actors and the crew were amazing. Of course, all of you guys who watch us on TV each and every week are also amazing. Thank you, for everyone’s support. The drama is currently halfway through its broadcast, so please keep supporting us~ Lastly, I have to give major thanks to the entire cast and crew for letting me eat so many delicious things (cute). If there’s another drama like this in the future, remember to come find me (cute).

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