Pei Ying had never in her life thought that she’d be invited to join KaiHuang.

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KaiHuang was currently the largest entertainment company in the industry. There were a lot of famous stars under them, and of course, there was Emperor Mo too. Mo Zhen’s manager was Tang Qiang, who was extremely well-known in the industry. More than a few celebrities would love to be managed by him, but he hadn’t taken anyone under his wing in a long time.

Pei Ying considered for a moment. Then she asked him, “Mr Tang, you’d like me to sign with KaiHuang? I heard that you don’t manage new people anymore.”

Tang Qiang responded, “That’s true, but everything has exceptions. If you would like to join KaiHuang, then I would be more than willing to sign you.”

“Mmh… I signed a five year contract with Scenic Studios, and I still have two years left.”

“You don’t have to worry about that. Since we’re inviting you, we will, of course, pay the penalty fees for breaking the contract.”

Pei Ying smiled slightly, remaining silent, as if thinking about something.

Beside her, Song Nanchuan looked at Tang Qiang. He asked, “Director Tang, isn’t this considered poaching? Does GM Chen know about this?”

Tang Qiang replied, “CEO Song, you don’t have to put it in such unpleasant terms. I’m simply paving a better path for Ms Pei.” As he spoke, he turned back to Pei Ying. “In terms of both company size and artists’ experience, Scenic is far, far behind KaiHuang. Without a doubt, you will be able to grow so much more at our company. You were with Scenic for three years, but Chen Sheng never valued you. We’re not the same. KaiHuang has been without a film empress, and I think that you are the most suitable candidate.”

KaiHuang was established many years ago. They now had an emperor and empress in the music industry, and they had an emperor in the film industry. But they were lacking a film empress, and that’s always been a regret of Tang Qiang’s. If he could sign Pei Ying to their company, he had the confidence to build her into a star as big as Mo Zhen.

Tang Qiang’s words were really quite enticing to Pei Ying. KaiHuang had always been missing a film empress. This was well known by everyone, and the company was even subject to jokes by rival companies for that reason. If she were to join their company, she was sure that Tang Qiang would invest his efforts into her. But she still had two years left on her contract with Scenic. The breach of contract aside, jumping over to a new company like this felt rather unethical.

She thought it over once more, and then she expressed her thoughts to Tang Qiang. “Director Tang, GM Chen brought me into this business. And while I didn’t do well in the beginning, he can’t be blamed for treating me unfairly. Fate just wasn’t favorable to me. When I was at my lowest, he didn’t completely abandon me either. It doesn’t really seem right for me to kick him aside now that I’ve gained a bit of fame, does it?”

“I can appreciate Ms Pei’s sentiment, but I still think that you should consider yourself a bit more. The resources you’ll have under Chen Sheng definitely won’t be a match for what I can do for you.”

Pei Ying laughed. “I heard that when Mo Zhen first debuted, Director Tang, you were also just starting out in this business. Your resources at the time were also very limited, and others tried to steal away your talent. But Mo Zhen and you have come this far together and have grown a lot. I’m very envious of the relationship between you two.”

Tang Qiang lowered his head and chuckled. “Alright, if Mo Zhen had been poached by someone else back then, I’d have been very hurt. But now that it’s my turn to steal others away, I’d still like for you to reconsider. If KaiHuang and Scenic were auditioning for the same role, who would have the better chances?”

Song Nanchuan had been listening quietly from the side, but he couldn’t help laughing here. With a smile, he said to Tang Qiang, “Director Tang, don’t forget that I’m here. I’m a major investor at Universe, and I can help raise her up. Money isn’t a question.”

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Tang Qiang, “….”

Right. He forgot that there was a big CEO standing behind Pei Ying.

Pei Ying glanced at Song Nanchuan, then she said to Tang Qiang, “I’m very grateful for Director Tang’s invitation and approval, but I still have two years left on my contract with Scenic Studios. If you’re still interested in two years, perhaps we can discuss this again?”

Tang Qiang muttered to himself, and then said, “Alright. I look forward to the chance to work with you in the future.”

Even as he said that, he knew that Pei Ying would become very famous before that two years was up. By that time, it wouldn’t really matter who her manager was.

After Tang Qiang left, Song Nanchuan held out a glass of red wine and raised his eyebrows at Pei Ying. “Your relationship with Chen Sheng is pretty good then, huh?”

Pei Ying was taken aback. She looked at him and smiled. “You aren’t possibly jealous of GM Chen, are you?”

“Hmph. Chen Sheng should be deeply grateful for your sentimentality.”

When Chen Sheng found out that Pei Ying had rejected KaiHuang’s offer to remain at Scenic, he was indeed nearly moved to tears.


As November passed, the end-of-year atmosphere grew thicker. After filming concluded for The Performer, Pei Ying received a job for an advertisement, but she spent most of her time with Song Nanchuan, which he was of course very satisfied with.

With the arrival of Christmas, Song Nanchuan suddenly suggested to Pei Ying to eat lobster in New York.

Pei Ying, “….”

She decided that she really didn’t understand rich people’s mentalities. When they were bored, they go to Paris to watch doves or to New York to eat lobster.

But Song Nanchuan continued with conviction, “Remember when I went on a business trip to New York, and I sent you a photo of that lobster?”

Pei Ying nodded. She pulled out her phone and looked for the photo. “I remember. I saved the picture to my photo album. I still have it. See, it’s here.”

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Song Nanchuan smiled at her. “At the time, I decided that I had to take you along to eat a lobster as delicious as that. Now we have the chance. I’ve already asked Xiao Zhang to reserve the plane tickets. Pack your things, and we can spend Christmas in New York.”

Pei Ying, “….”

She really had to work hard to adjust to a rich person’s lifestyle.

In life, there were always those few occasions where you’d say go, and you’d just go. And so, the next day, Pei Ying stepped onto the New York pavement. She spent the day at the hotel, adjusting to the time difference. And at night, Song Nanchuan brought her along to the restaurant that he often visited.

New York was really a melting pot of a city. Since they celebrated Christmas there as well, the streets were bustling with holiday spirit. This was Pei Ying’s first trip to New York, so while everyone else was simply going about their routine, she looked around curiously at all the common, everyday things.

When they arrived at the hotel, the head chef personally took Song Nanchuan’s order. Seeing Pei Ying along with him, the chef’s face revealed a knowing expression. “Ah, this beautiful lady must be Song’s sweetheart. Because you weren’t with him when he came last time, Song didn’t have an appetite at all.”

He spoke in English, putting a blank expression onto Pei Ying’s face. Although Song Nanchuan had helped her learn some English lines for her movie, that didn’t change the fact that her English skills were absolutely rotten.

She shot a pleading look over to Song Nanchuan. He looked up from the menu and glanced at her. “The best exercise for your language skills are to practice with a native speaker.”

“…But, I can’t even understand what he’s saying. All I understood was beautiful lady.” (t/n: I’ll be using italics in this chapter for anything that was written in English in the original text.)

Song Nanchuan, “….”

She sure could pick out the important parts.

He chuckled and said to her, “Mmh, that’s right. He was praising your beauty.”

“Then, should I just thank him?”

“Mmh. Remember the pronunciation method I taught you before.”

“Okay.” Pei Ying took a break, mustered up her courage, and said to the head chef, “Thank you.”

The head chef turned and laughed, and Song Nanchuan cleared his throat. In fluent English, he ordered their food. And after the head chef left, Pei Ying looked at Song Nanchuan adoringly. “Chuan Chuan, you’re so sexy when you speak in English.”

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“Really?” Song Nanchuan thought about this for a moment, and then he said, “Then, should I use English during our nighttime activities from now on?”

“…No need, thanks.”

“We can try it out tonight.” Song Nanchuan looked at her a bit expectantly.

Pei Ying, “….”

Oh yeah, you wish!


When the lobster arrived though, Pei Ying couldn’t help taking a few photos first and posting them to Weibo.

[Pei Ying] (Official)
Mr Song suddenly said we should go to New York for some lobster and celebrate Christmas. (suppressed laughter)

After posting, she exited her app to enjoy the delicious food. But on Weibo, the netizens were in a commotion.

“…I suddenly want to go to France to listen to the opera!”

“Pei Pei, you’ve changed. You didn’t used to make public shows of affection like this. (pleading) I miss when you only knew about eating meat, when you were simple and unpretentious.”

“Mr Song is so overbearing (laughing to tears) My Pei has married well, thank goodness (laughing to tears)”

“CEO Song loves you just the way you are. So envious (pitiful)”

“I give this show of affection 82 points. I’ll give the other 18 points in the form of 666. gj” (t/n: I don’t get this one… gj means “good job,” I’m pretty sure. And I know that usually 666 would have some relation to the devil, but apparently it’s also internet slang for being really good at something?)

“So, Pei Pei, are you showing off your relationship or your wealth? (scolds angrily) A poor, boyfriend-less single dog kicks over your fancy dog food (scolds angrily)”

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“Pei Pei Pei Pei, I’m going to rush you about marriage again (cute) When are you and Mr Song getting married? (cute) Don’t make Mr Song wait too long~”

“Looks like good things are near. There’ll be happy news in less than three months. (doge) I’m just going to leave this prediction here (doge)”

“Pei Pei, Merry Christmas~ Have lots ♂ of ♂ fun with CEO Song in New York~”

And CEO Song was indeed having lots of fun. To practice English, he suggested trading out ‘baobei’ for baby. (t/n: baobei means “baby”)

Pei Ying, “….”

Her face was covered in black lines.

“Come here.” Song Nanchaun waved to her as he leaned over, resting against the headboard. Pei Ying remained firmly in place. Song Nanchuan raised his left brow. Then he reached over and pulled her over to him. “I’ll stick to Chinese then. Your English is really too poor.”

Pei Ying, “….”

She angrily turned her head, avoiding his kiss. Song Nanchuan grabbed onto her chin with his right hand and turned her head back. “What’s wrong?”

He kissed her gently on the lips. Pei Ying frowned and looked at him. “I’m going to ignore you.”

Song Nanchuan laughed and bent towards her lips. “Then, let’s not talk. We’ll use our bodies to communicate.”

Pei Ying, “….”

She didn’t want to communicate with him, in any manner!

But, of course, in the end, Song Nanchuan ended up having a pleasant exchange with her.

After Christmas, Song Nanchuan returned home with Pei Ying. On that point, Pei Ying at least believed that he’d only wanted to go to New York to eat lobster.

New Year’s arrived not too long after that, and once December was over, the lunar new year wasn’t far off.

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