Side Story 1

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I’ve never made a distinction between day and night on these matters.

Pei Ying and Song Nanchuan’s two wedding ceremonies went for roughly half a month before concluding.

Because the two ceremonies were held in different countries, different guests were also present at each. As bridesmaid though, Ren Shanshan followed along from a castle to the seaside.

The media hadn’t been specifically invited to either ceremony, but many photographs from the wedding still ended up leaking out, attracting great envy from the netizens. And since there were two ceremonies, Pei Ying naturally also had two wedding dresses. After the ceremony concluded, she would post a few shots of herself in her wedding gown, which led to another massive dog slaughter ground.

“CEO Song truly loves you (worship) Two wedding gowns and two wedding ceremonies. I don’t care, I want that too qaq”

“Makes me want to get married, but the man next to me won’t propose (pleading) I guess I’ll just stick around and have some dog food…”

“Both dresses are beautiful! My long-legs Pei Pei looks good in anything she wears!”

“So beautiful t^t Gonna use it for my wallpaper t^t”

“I want to get married like this too. What do you think (smile) @boyfriend”

“The last time I saw such a large dog slaughter was on another sadistic couple’s Weibo too (worship) Welcoming my Pei into the dog abuse deluxe package (smile)”

“So, the honeymoon’s next, right? Come on, I’m not scared! Stream it live on Weibo!”

Of course, Pei Ying didn’t stream anything. Aside from eating and having fun during the day, she also had to take care of the energetic Song Nanchuan at night, which meant she hardly had any time to abuse the dogs online.

Song Nanchuan didn’t log into his Weibo at all either, only occasionally sending out some scenic photography on his friends feed, paying particular attention to the location tags.

[Second Brother] Okay, we get it. You’re honeymooning all across the globe. You don’t have to post about every single place. I don’t want to see it (bye)

[Song Nanchuan] Jealous? (cool) You could block me if you really didn’t want to see anything 

[Second Brother] Thanks for the reminder. I’m blocking you now 

[Song Nanchuan] Come on, I know you couldn’t bear to. Such excellent dog food isn’t easy to come by.

[Second Brother] ……Get lost.

[Song Nanchuan] If you’re really that envious, you could go find Pei Ying’s friend, Ren Shanshan (smile) Didn’t you guys get along really well at the wedding? 

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[Second Brother] Get along? With that corrupt old driver?

[Song Nanchuan] You two have already progressed to such a filthy level? (scary)

[Dad] Who’s Ren Shanshan? The bridesmaid?


The chat went silent once more.

However, Brother Two was called into the study for an explanation about the so-called filth.

Pei Ying’s honeymoon lasted for nearly a month before they returned to A City.

It was already May by then. The Academy Awards were held in mid July, and to qualify for this year’s awards, The Performer decided to release on May 5th. That day also happened to be Teacher Xing Xin’s birthday.

Back in April, the production released two posters. At the time, Pei Ying was on her honeymoon, so she could only reblog the images on her Weibo. But now, she was back just in time to attend the film’s opening.

Aside from the crew of the film production, only a select number of media and celebrities, as well as some fans, were invited to the premiere.

Universe put on a particularly grand premiere for the movie. They even set up a red carpet. Pei Ying and Song Nanchuan attended together, and their arrival to the scene attracted a lot of media attention.

This was their first public appearance after their two weddings. Of course the reporters wouldn’t let such an opportunity go to waste. Not only did the camera flashes continue nonstop, even the reporter’s questions left no air to breathe.

Song Nanchuan listened to their rapid fire stream of questions, and then returned a single sentence, “Do you guys ever bite your tongues?”

Reporter, “….”

That’s not at all relevant, CEO Song!

It was the event host who finally took charge and told the media to keep their questions relevant to the film. Sitting at the side, the director’s only thoughts were stuck on how many couples there would be walking down the red carpet, ready to torture the dogs.

He started counting on his fingers. Mo Zhen and his assistant wife. Xing Xin and his editor wife. Song Nanchuan and Pei Ying. Qiao Yichen and Ding Meng…

Ha. This wasn’t a film premiere, but rather a dog slaughterhouse!

As the director lamented, the interviews came to halt for the start of the film screening.

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Song Nanchuan’s seat was next to Pei Ying’s. When the lights to the cinema turned off, he finally realized, “This seems to be the first time we’re watching a movie together.”

Pei Ying responded, “Yeah. Other people’s date itineraries progress from eating to shopping to watching movies. Yours progress from eating to shopping to rolling around in bed sheets.”

Song Nanchuan, “….”

Even if it was dark here, it was also very quiet. Wouldn’t someone overhear her words?

The movie screen lit up, and the two stopped their chattering. The film was 90 minutes long, and the audience seemed immediately engrossed. When Mo Zhen and Pei Ying made their appearances in the first scene, some fans even quietly cheered.

When the film was over, the reporters couldn’t wait to put out a press release, afraid that someone else would steal the limelight. The media and fans alike, were full of praise for the high quality script and superb acting.

Because of the film’s momentum, the ticket sales broke 100 million within a few hours on the day of the film’s release. Pei Ying didn’t have the time to be concerned with the box office, but her Weibo fans were also climbing and would soon hit 10 million.

It seemed only recently that she’d just hit 1 million fans, and now she nearly had 10 million. Pei Ying really felt a bit emotional.

The fans were asking for another reward, and Pei Ying recalled how she’d posted her baby picture before. So this time… She would put up one of Song Nanchuan!

On the same day that the box office hit one billion ticket sales, Pei Ying’s Weibo also hit 10 million fans.

The fan requests were unprecedentedly high. Pei Ying smiled naughtily as she went to find the photo that Song Nanchuan’s mother gave her. She took a snapshot of it on her phone and posted it to Weibo.

[Pei Ying] (Official)
Thank you to everyone for your support for The Performer. The ticket sales passed one billion today, and my fan count passed ten million. I’d like to gift you guys a childhood photo of Song Nanchuan. (shy) If I have a daughter in the future, I hope she’ll be as cute. (cute)

Because Song Nanchuan didn’t have a Weibo, he wasn’t immediately notified of this situation. In fact, he didn’t find out until Xiao Zhang made his daily report, by which time, the headline “Song Nanchuan’s Super Cute Childhood Photo” was already trending.

“My goodness!! Is that CEO Song?! Oh god, he’s so cute!!!!”

“My god, CEO Song could be male or female! Pei Pei, you’ve profited (laughing to tears)” (t/n: “profited” or “been deceived,” I’m not sure; I think it can read both ways?)

“It’s like you’ve turned from a daughter-in-law to a mother-in-law qaq It’s that beauty mark under his left eye that finally convinced me that it’s CEO Song and not you…”

“After seeing CEO Song’s photo, I went in search of my own childhood photos… (pleading) Oh, I’m a girl (laugh)”

“CEO Song’s dress and pigtails are so cute! (squeal) Must have been a boy to be this cute!”

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“…I suddenly recalled when Master Meng posted a photo of the great Qiao’s middle school math exam. And, well… Mmh, I’ll go find the link for you  (link) ← Bravely open it.”

“Hahahaha… I have a feeling Pei Pei’s gonna be in trouble tonight. Hahahahaha… CEO Song, just go for it!”

“Let me just light some (candles) in memory of Pei Pei. Also, CEO Song, can you live stream it? (*/w\*)”

“I like this present! Hahahahaha! Pei Pei, if you’re digging your own grave, you should finish even if you end up in tears!”


Song Nanchuan was originally very angry, but with all the good ideas from the netizens… Mmh, he liked this now too.

After reading the comments, an ominous feeling overcame Pei Ying, especially because she’d been watching from the sidelines when the Qiao Yichen and Ding Meng thing happened.

…Why hadn’t she learned from others’ mistakes? Why did she have to seek her own death?

She wanted to delete her Weibo post, but everyone had already seen it and made such a ruckus. If she deleted it, she would have a guilty conscience. But if she didn’t, what if Song Nanchuan really got some ideas from these commenters?

While she was hesitating, Song Nanchuan left work early and arrived home.


Pei Ying’s heart thumped. She quickly turned off the computer and turned to Song Nanchuan. “Chuan Chuan, you’re home so early?”

Song Nanchuan was taking off his coat jacket as he smiled at her. “Yeah.”

His smile put Pei Ying into a cold sweat. She shrunk back slightly, planning to head downstairs first. “Oh, I tried making some cookies earlier. Do you want to eat some?”

“There’s no rush.” Song Nanchuan undid his tie. “I heard from Xiao Zhang that Weibo was very lively today.”

Pei Ying, “….”

Xiao Zhang was really the expert snitch, wasn’t he?!

As Song Nanchuan approached her, Pei Ying had already backed up to the wall. She reached out her hand to his shoulder and frowned. “Don’t think of messing around in the middle of the day.”

“I’ve never made a distinction between day and night on these matters.”

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Pei Ying, “….”

She felt Song Nanchuan’s burning body close in. Pei Ying pitifully said, “Chuan Chuan, I was wrong.”

“Did you ever think you were wrong as you posted my photo?” Song Nanchuan asked as he leaned in to lick her lips. “But, no matter. Didn’t you say that you also wanted a daughter that cute? Don’t just imagine it. We have to make one for it to happen.”

Pei Ying, “….”

After getting married, Chuan Chuan had become even more wanton. Hehe.

Pei Ying was wearing was wearing a summer dress, so Song Nanchuan’s hand easily made its way under the skirt to sweep along her leg.

His gently touch felt itchy on Pei Ying’s skin, and when he reached the soft spot, she couldn’t help moaning.

The sound was like an aphrodisiac to Song Nanchuan. His eyes sunk and he pressed against her with a kiss.

Perhaps he was intentionally punishing her that day, but Song Nanchuan was exceptionally rough and he even skipped over the safety precautions. “Don’t you want a daughter? This is the only way you’ll get one.”

“….” Pei Ying looked at him with moist eyes as she cried out, “Chuan Chuan, don’t joke around about kids! We haven’t even made preparations yet.”

“What preparations are there to make?”

Song Nanchuan lowered his head to kiss her. Pei Ying seemed to crumble at his kiss, as she stuttered on, “Don’t you… have to… prepare…”

After kissing her awhile, he finally had mercy and pulled out the small box under the pillows.

The two of them were exhausted by the time the sky darkened. Song Nanchuan called for their food to be delivered, and when he returned to the room, Pei Ying was already sitting in front of the computer.

He walked over and asked curiously, “What are you doing?” She wasn’t planning on exposing something about him again, was she? Seems like his reprimanding wasn’t good enough, hehe.

Pei Ying stared at the computer screen, and worriedly said, “Deleting my post.”

Song Nanchuan was taken aback. He embraced her from behind and said, “Actually, you could post a few more if you wanted.”

Pei Ying, “….”

In your dreams!

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