Ahhh, I’m in a pipupepopanic~!

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I found myself at the site of Emu’s parents’ house, in front of the coin parking lot.

I tried to remember what had happened so far in order to clear my mind.

First. Emu and I had tried the Mighty Novel X event together.

Then. The special space was Emu’s old house, and I met him as a child.

Then. At a fork in the novel game, the adult Emu answered. 

And then I heard “Game Over” and I thought the adult Emu disappeared.

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And then, and then, I was the only one who came back from the special space to the original place.

That’s what happened… right?

I looked around to make sure, but Emu was nowhere to be found.

“Emu? Emu! Where are you!? Answer me if you’re here!”

No matter how many times I call out to him, I can’t see him… does that mean the game is over and he has disappeared!? 

No, no. That’s crazy. I can’t imagine how he could have disappeared when we didn’t fight anyone in the special space. Ahhh, I don’t understand what’s going on here!

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At that moment, I felt a presence behind me. When I turned around to see if it was Emu, I saw Kurotopi standing there.

“Kukuku… hahahaha! At last, I was victorious. I’ve defeated that genius gamer M!”

“What do you mean!?”

“Exactly what I said. The best game ever created by me, the game master, Mighty Novel X, has defeated Hojo Emu and made him get a game over!”

“How! You didn’t fight!”

“Poppy, you’re misunderstanding one thing. Mighty Novel X is not a game where battles are the only way to win or lose. Hojo Emu made a wrong choice at a turning point in the story and he got a game over.”

“Then… Emu has really disappeared…?”

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“Yes. And he was imprisoned in the world of Mighty Novel X. Forever.”

“You… give Emu back!”

“You should know by now. What has been the fate of every player who has gotten a game over so far?”

I know. But I don’t want to know.

I can’t believe Emu is gone.

“The only way to save him is to clear Mighty Novel X. Of course, I don’t think any player is capable of doing that.”

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“Why are you doing this? What do you want!?”

“As a game master, I provided the game to the players. That’s all.”

“That’s a lie! You’ve been after Emu since the beginning! That’s why you sent Mighty Novel X to him!”

“It all began with me and Hojo Emu. This is our inevitable destiny. Bwhahahaha!”

Kurotopi disappeared from in front of me with an unpleasant laugh.

“…This is bad… I have to inform everyone!”

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