Chapter 01 – It’s the standard, right…

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……this place..?

Where am I?


Even if it’s standard,……

I also like books, so I understand this situation….

I can also imagine the hero’s reaction at this time.

But when I actually got in the same position……


I can’t laugh.

(TL Note: But we can. Thus, the cycle continues)



*hyuuuuu~*…… (sfx for wind)


If I look closely, rather than an unfamiliar ceiling…

It’s an unfamiliar eaves.






What should I do…….


I can’t see much.

I can’t move my body.

And, when I tried to speak.


(Me) 「A-aauuaa!」


I can’t talk.


No doubt.

I…. am a baby.


Reincarnation is like this, huh…

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I’ve been impressed for a while, but as expected I’m starting to worry about my life.

Reincarnated and then instantly freeze to death is definitely a no for me.


It can’t be helped, I will do the only thing that I can do for now.

Crying out loud.

After I was stuck for nearly an hour, an elderly woman finally noticed me.


I managed to get over the crisis of my life, that is, my demise.

I think this is the first time I’ve been crying so much even compared to my previous life.

Ahh, my throat hurts.




The woman that found me was the people from the house which I was under its eaves from some time ago.

From her, I went through several people and finally I was helped by the orphanage.

The people are not the same as in my previous life.



(Director) 「Okay, everyone! New friends have been added! Please take care of her, okayy?」


(Children) 「「「Yeeess!」」」


The treatment looks better than my previous ones.


(Me) 「Aaauuaa!」


(Girls) 「Kyaa! She’s cuteee!」 「I want to hold her!」 「I want to kiss her!」


Stop it.

Don’t steal people’s first time immediately after their reincarnation.


(Girls) 「Ahh, there’s no di○○~!」 「She’s definitely a girl, right~!」



You can’t strip someone of the same sex as soon as she was born againnn!!


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(Boy) 「Eh? A baby? I want to see her too!」


The opposite sex can’t loooookkkk!!!



And a few years have passed.

The orphanage teachers and older girls were gallantly (they really were gallantly… even to the unnecessary things.. I could go to the bathroom alone!) taking care of me and I was raised safely.

I was able to understand the language when the time flies by.

The outline of this world can now be seen.



In one word, this is an RPG world, a world of swords and magic.

If the children say 「it’s dark~」, the teacher will light the lamp with magic.

There’s a sword on the guards’ waist who sometimes come to look around.

That’s the usual stuff in this world.


When I was thinking 「by any chance.., Status!」 and prayed silently.

The status screen appeared successfully.

Not to mention age and gender. There’s also my level attached properly.

Next is.., 『Strength』, 『Intelligence』 and so on, listing the basic stats.

Uwaahh.., I am somewhat moved.


…that means…

This world,


is dangerous.



Some people carry sword on a daily basis. Naturally, the public order is not that good.

Magic is also practically easy to use. Therefore, an assault would of course be possible.

……Looks like I can’t have a fun and interesting new life.

As far as checking the status, there’s no skill that can be called a cheat.

There are three in the skills’ section.

Memory of previous life

Language comprehension / This world’s language    ← what the heck is this!?

Magic quality (weak)


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……Strict. In my current state, that is.

For now, I could only rely on «Memory of previous life».



Let’s increase my ability from now.

The current me is still 『very young』.

Let’s improve myself as a toddler with the training contents from my previous life’s memory.

With properly thought training …I will have the ideal combat strength.

Let’s specialize a style that considers my own physique and train well during the course of my growth.

I can also be an existence that goes beyond my previous life.

As an assassin, no, as a warrior, I lit up a fire inside my heart.

Okay, let’s do it.


Hmm……Wait a second?


I will….grow up, right..?


Ahh! I see!

That’s it!

If I work hard from now on……


I could perhaps have big boobs.




Alright! Let’s try this too without fail!



First, train my body.

Then, sharpen my senses.

Study magic that I don’t understand very well.

However… because it was judged that my quality is (weak)… I cannot expect that much. Let’s just think at the level of increasing my skills If there’s an auxiliary element.



and more than anything.

Aim for big boobs!


I’m confident if it’s about this.

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I had looked up breast augmentation to the point of disgust in my previous life.

That knowledge can finally be useful!

Hooray! Finally my dream could come true!

I could run around while swaying my big boobs.

And, the bikini that I was longing for….

Yup, bikini….




In this world.

……There’s a bikini, right?



After that, I read some books, watched the guards’ equipment who came from time to time (Limited to women. I don’t need guys).

There were…… none.


(Me) 「Uuu…, dammit…」


(Child A) 「Ah! Using dirty words is bad, you know!」


(Child B) 「That’s right!」


(Child C) 「I’m going to tell Director-sensei!」


(Child D) 「Going to tell sensei!」


…………Hiragana only is annoying!!

(TL Note: Hiragana = Japanese letter, yeah, the dialogue were all in hiraganas.)


(Children) 「「「Going to tell sensei!」」」


(Me) 「Shut upppp!」


*Gongongon!* (sfx for hitting)


(Children) 「「「Waaaaaaaaaaaaahhn~!!」」」 (sfx for crying loudly)


……seriously annoying.

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