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「Auu……」 (???)




…somehow……there’s something wrapping around me……?

Uu~…it’s a good sensation……but somehow, it’s constricting me…….

It hurts! Wha-!? A person’s chest…?

Wait! Someone is restraining me!

Ow! Oww! T-this bastard!




「NKYAAAAAA!!」 (???)




「It hurts! That’s so cruー!!」 (???)


*Dosun*! *Batan*!


「It hurts!!!! Owowowowowow! I give up! I give uppp!」 (???)


「……Fuh」 (Saachi)


I sighed at the scene where Aemia forfeited her tragic foot to me half-cryingly. I still want to take my time on doing it, though….


「I’m sorry for bothering you……」 (Aemia)


「Aemia….. Why did you went all the way to move from your bed to mine?」 (Saachi)


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Aemia hung her head down and became smaller.


「I……I have a habit of sleeping while hugging a pillow and such… Perhaps, I was half awake back then……」 (Aemia)


I see.

There’s no body pillow in this world, for sure……


「But Saachi! This is too painful!」 (Aemia)


Aemia pointed to her tragic foot that had been ankle-locked by me.


「Listen here~……」 (Saachi)


I stripped my innerwear and showed her a bright red handprint on my chest.


「That’s my line!」 (Saachi)


Aemia turned bright red and,


「……I’m sorry.」 (Aemia)





Aemia then started changing her clothes when I had just finished getting ready and was putting on my leather armor.

I took a peek at her when she was changing her underwear.


「……That’s quite big, indeed」 (Saachi)


I unconciously muttered.

Even though we are the same age, why is there so much difference between us even to this far….


「I think Saachi has enough thou-hoha!? Owowowowowowowhh!?!」 (Aemia)


「Look who’s talking! Was that sarcasm, you jerk!?」 (Saachi)


「Aym sohwwiy! Owwhh! Ihh hursrts! Ihh huuurssshht!」 (Aemia)

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I pulled Aemia’s cheeks roughly to vent my anger.


「Get ready quickly…」 (Saachi)


With that said, I opened my status.

The usual 『Agility』 and the recently improved 『Endurance』 have grown well.

Though, The 『Strength』 and 『Sturdiness』, that are supposed to be high for ordinary heavy warriors, have not grown at all.

But in order to maintain my 『Agility』, I need to-hya!


「Hyaunn!」 (Saachi)


「I see, Saachi can let out quite an erotic voice, indeed.」 (Eromia)


W-Wh-What are you doinggg!?


「Don’t suddenly pinch my 『tip』!!!!」 (Saachi)

(TL Note: Kuro Kurori has approved! Changing Aemia to Eromia for this chapter)


I instinctively create a coating around my fist using 《Imitation》.




「Hebu-!」 (Eromia)


I beat her without mercy.


In the end, we were late again.

When I realized the time, the morning class had already finished.



「You two……」 (Guildmaster)


「We’re really sorry for this time…」 (Saachi)


「We were joking around too much this time…」 (Eromia)


「It’s not just t.h.i.s. t.i.m.e. !!!」 (Guildmaster)

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It hurrrrrrrrtttttsss!


「Uuu~… it’s been one thing after another…」 (Eromia)


She also got a fist from the guildmaster.

This was Aemia’s second time in a row if she included my fist. Her snowball-like bump on her head has now increased.

The number of people around us has increased too.

And the cold eyes around guildmaster has also increased as well (lol).

(TL Note: I’m very sorry, I have a mistranslation in previous chapter about the white eyes, I have updated it now.)


「……by the way, wasn’t Aemia supposed to be in the skill class?」 (Guildmaster)


「……Aaah~……」 (Eromia)


「……It can’t be helped. You will take this class for today, will that be alright?」 (Guildmaster)


「……Yes……」 (Eromia)



However, This decision from the guildmaster will cause an even more tragedy.



「What a warrior needs the most is endurance! Hence, it has to be long runs!」 (Guildmaster)


Long run? That will increase my endurance for sure.


「Alright, start!」 (Guildmaster)




Hah, hah, hah, fuuh…


Somehow, the men’s team is falling behind……?

?……All of them are slouching……?

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「Haah, haah, haah!」 (Eromia)


*Sway* *Sway*


「Haah, haah, haah!」 (Eromia)


*Sway* *Sway*




「Aemia, stop running.」 (Saachi)



「W-warriors need stamina, but the basics for sword are also important too!」(Guildmaster)


You are slouching too, huh, guildmaster?


「All of you, practice swinging 100 times!」 (Guildmaster)



She’s going to make the same mistake again if it’s like this……


「Yaah! Yaah!」 (Eromia)


*Sway* *Sway*


「Yaah! Yaah!」 (Eromia)


*Sway* *Sway*


「Aemia, stop it.」 (Saachi)



「Listen! Speaking of warriors, it has to be combat! Therefore, I will train with Aemia first to give an example about combat forms.」 (Guildmaster)


「Oi, perverted bald geezer.」 (Saachi)

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