Night after the field exercise.

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「Hmm…hmm…」 (Saachi)


I’m troubled.

It’s unheard of seeing a redcap during exercises.

There was no problem this time as I was accidentally at the spot that time (I’m boasting!). It would probably be an instant defeat if he/she was a normal adventurer, though.

If it was a woman… the goblins will rape her until they got bored and kill her, or rather, she will be used for breeding if she’s lucky.

Well, that’s going to be the guildmaster’s problem, so it doesn’t matter for me.

What matters the most now is this leather bikini armor.


It’s a drop item from yesterday’s redcap.

Obviously, I want to wear it.

I want to equip it now.

But there are two serious problems.


1. It’s embarrassing.

2. The size is questionable (especially the chest).


For number one…… For some reason, I don’t have any determination to wear it by now.

Aah, Even though I want to wear it! Even though I want to wear it!

The『Shame』 from the bottom of my mind…is a tough one to beat…!

……well, I will do something about it, including the size problem as well.


For the time being, let’s equip it once.

It won’t be a problem as long as there’s no people watching.


「There’s no problem with the area around my waist and hips, but… as I tought, it’s the chest part, huh…」 (Saachi)


It was miserably oversized.


「Weisto? Hippu?」 (Aemia)


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「Waist is the lower b-……GYAAAAAAAAAH!!」 (Saachi)

(TL Note: Saachi first said it in Katakana, then Aemia with hiragana, and finally back to Saachi said “…, lower b-” with a kanji which also literally means waist as well.)


Aemia was standing near me and I was wondering how long she had been there.


「H-how long have you standing here!?」 (Saachi)


「Around 『Hmm…hmm…』」 (Aemia)


「………? ………!! That’s right from the start!」 (Saachi)




「It hurrrrtss!!」 (Aemia)


I let out my outburst of anger with a slipper that has shown up for no reason.



I had quite a hard time soothing Aemia, even though she had already calmed down from that last accident.


「Sorry sorry… but, isn’t this what everyone called as a straight man and funny man comedy duo?」 (Saachi)


「There’s no such thing as that! What in the world is funny man, anyway!? That was rude!」 (Aemia)


「…funny man is someone who is aware that… he’s reacting different from a normal man to what had just been said before…」 (Saachi)


I had intended to say it in a whisper, but……


「……Saaaachiii~……!」 (Aemia)


「Eh……? Wait, what are you doing? Why are you using static charge….? Your hair is also standing up too-……wait, stop with your jok-ABABABABABABABABABA!」(Saachi)



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Please wait for a while.




「Aemia…」 (Saachi)


「I’m sorry, I got a little excited.」 (Aemia)


Why does the story always got derailed when it’s with Aemia?


「…It can’t be helped if we have already got this far. Aemia, I want to wear a bikini armor. What do you think?」 (Saachi)


Aemia tilted her head while making a verbalized pause.


「Exhibitionist?」 (Aemia)


Why in a question form?


「But… it’s a good lightweight equipment for heavy warriors with low 『Agility』, I guess.」 (Aemia)




「It’s fine as long as Aemia knows but, are there any other light equipment for heavy warrior?」 (Saachi)


「Light equipment… leather goods, huh… bikini armors and the likes, I guess…?」 (Aemia)


……Yup. As expected, right?



「Alright! I found a nice principle!」 (Saachi)


「Hm? Principle?」 (Aemia)

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「I’m wearing a bikini armor not because I like it! I HAVE to wear it so that I can put my 『Agility』 to good use!」 (Saachi)


「That’s not a principle but rather your real motive, right?」 (Aemia)


「Because I have a real motive, I need a principle, you know?」 (Saachi)


「So you have admitted that you want to wear bikini armor, right?」 (Aemia)





After many trials and errors on how to wear it.

It finally came down to 『Paddings』.


「The size might probably fit perfectly on me.」 (Aemia)




「S-somehow it’s freezing…」 (Aemia)


「A~ra~, freezing? Do you have a cold, hey, Aemia-san?」 (Saachi)


「Eh? Ah, no no. It’s not as if I’m exposing my skin in a bikini armor…」 (Aemia)


Cold sweat was dripping down on Aemia’s face.

Did I scare her a little bit too much?


「Hauu~, I’m sweaty. If I wear a bikini armor, my body will be ventilated even if I sweat so it will dry out easily, don’t you think?」 (Aemia)


「Yeah, the ventilation is-…」 (Saachi)


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The ventilation is……good?

If the ventilation is good, then…



「?…Saachi? What’s wrong?」 (Aemia)


I was thinking for the time being.



It’s now past midnight.

I’m in the woods where it’s currently a dangerous time to be.

The area is dark. Even I have no idea where my footsteps are.

It’s a situation where even veteran adventurers would normally avoid.

I’m in such a place for some training.

On my right hand, the 『black sword that cannot kill』, Anti-kill.

(TL Note: Yeah, I will stick to this name)

On my left hand, a needle created from 《Imitation》.

And… a bikini armor.


I spent three hours with those gear.



It has turned into the next morning.

The sun starts to ascend, and the darkness around me has disappeared.


And what lies there,

is me who are standing while being dyed entirely with bright red blood,

and hundreds of monster corpses are scattered around.


「……This is it!」 (Saachi)


My ideal figure (strength).

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