I lost.

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But it can’t be helped.

The current me, if I put it in Po○mon term, only has a paper endurance in personality value. It was quite bad when my first strike didn’t get through.

……why do I know about that stuff, you said? I still have a hobby even when I was an Assassin in my previous life, you know.

As expected, my task from now on must be 『Endurance』, I guess.

And also finding out what my magic can do.

……Alright, my current flaws has now become clear.


Ah, but… is this…a failure?

If it’s like this, would there still be a chance like 『You have some promises so you passed』….?


「Alright. I have cleared the request from 『Flying Sword』……hence, you passed.」 (Guildmaster)




「Why did I pass?」 (Saachi)


「Well, the fact that you were recommended by that 『Flying Sword』 was already a definite decision from the very beginning」 (Guildmaster)


Ahh……so it’s like that.

As expected from the former A-class adventurer, Hilda the 『Flying Sword』(Director-sensei).


「Umm, how about Aemia’s exam……?」 (Saachi)


「Hmm? Aah, that girl is in next-……」 (Guildmaster)


「Ggiiiiiiiiiiiii!!」 (???)



What was that strange scream just now?

Let’s have a look at the arena next door with the guildmaster.

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「Haa… Haa……」 (Aemia)


Aemia is standing…. Does it mean that she won?

Ah, there’s a man with charred feet.


「Aemia, magic?」 (Saachi)


Aemia laughed after wiping the sweat on her forehead.


「Magic huh…. I think that’s not it. It’s more or less a skill」 (Aemia)



What kind of skill that can launch a lightning attack?


「It’s a clan skill that’s handed down in my family lineage. It doubles up the electricity that is coiled around my body and release it.」 (Aemia)


Coiled around your body?

What is up with that cheat skill?

Ah, by the way.

Clan skill is….. well, it’s like blo○ limit.

(TL Note: Kekkei genkai, the skills that is handed down from generations to generations. It’s a reference to Naruto)


「You see, It’s exactly like that thing that frequently happen in winter, remember? The 『touching a doorknob and suddenly a zap』 one.」 (Aemia)


……static electricity, huh…

So that’s why Aemia’s hair was standing up.


「My skill is called 《Battery Storage》Battery Charge」 (Aemia)


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Battery Charge, I see…

Hmm, maybe it’s a good idea to scrub a sheet of plastic first before using that.


「How about Saachi?」 (Aemia)


Ah, she said it in Katakana.

……well, it doesn’t matter now.


「……I lost」 (Saachi)


「I see…… hmm? You don’t look that sad, though?」 (Aemia)


「Well…… I lost but I passed」 (Saachi)


「So it’s something like 『You have promises』, right?」 (Aemia)


Aemia’s face turned cheerfully bright.


「…I wonder…」 (Saachi)


「? ……haa……?」 (Aemia)


Aemia then became confused because of my statement.



「Umu. Both of you have passed admirably. You two truly have an outstanding talent to have fought this far……even without using magic at all.」 (Guildmaster)


I think Aemia’s skill is roughly a magic, though……


「But 《Battery Storage》Battery Charge, huh… to think that, I was shown such rare skill.」 (Guildmaster)


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Guildmaster said so while laughing.

But he then changed his expression immediately.


「However……you seem to be struggling to have a full control of it. Your job is to master your skill first」 (Guildmaster)


Ooo… he behaved like a guildmaster for once when he said it directly like that.


「And then…… Saachi. Why didn’t you use magic nor skills?」 (Guildmaster)


……My 《Memory of Previous Life》 is a passive skill so,……it’s not like I didn’t use it.

Rather than that, they wouldn’t believe this kind of skill, right?

Well, should I make it obscure?


「That’s because my skill is a passive skill」 (Saachi)


「I see, so that’s it. If I could guess……is it 《Sensor》?」 (Guildmaster)

(TL Note: Skill name: Presence Perception)


So there’s also a skill like that.

Whatever, let’s go with that.


「Well, I can’t even lay a single hand, though」 (Saachi)


「Makes sense. You see, skills are the adventurers’ lifeline」 (Guildmaster)


…Ehh~… The adventurer’s lifeline is effort and experience, you know.


「But why didn’t both of you use any magic?」 (Guildmaster)


「I don’t have any 《Magic Quality》」 (Aemia)

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Eh? So that’s why.

……I thought everyone has it.


「Hmm…I see… but you had been taught that skill without any trouble, though…?」(Guildmaster)


「There is no one in my family who has 《Magic Quality》. It is already well-known so there’s no meaning to hide it.」 (Aemia)


I see… It’s the recoil for «Battery Storage» Battery Charge, huh…

……the guildmaster still wants to say something. Should I cut the story short?


「I have 《Magic Quality (Weak)》 so I don’t know what I could use yet」 (Saachi)


「W-what!? Weak, you said!?」 (Guildmaster)


Oh, the guildmaster took the bait.


「Hmmm. This is yet another rare skill, huh….. Alright, someone from the guild has an 《Appraisal》 skill.」 (Guildmaster)


Hooray. Now I can understand my magic!




The result of having the guild staff checked me with 《Appraisal》.


This was indeed another rare magic.



「Unfortunately…’s 《Imitation》…」 (Guild Staff)

(TL Note: Skill name : Counterfeit)

……what is up with that?…….

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